My hi-tech Library

Chapter 108: Product launch (8)

In the United States on the other side of the world, it is exactly nine o'clock in the morning, and in 30 minutes, the stock market will open.

During the period before the market opens, many traders pay attention to news, global news networks, collect all kinds of news that are helpful for trading, or conduct dark market transactions.

"I buy it! Biochip, a new chip track!"

"Oh NO! This is impossible!"

"Fake, this is definitely fake news!"

"God! What happened in this world! How could such a thing happen?"


Inside the exchange, many traders exclaimed and screamed at almost the same time.

The big country on the other side of the world is the second largest economy in the world. Its industrial scale and economic influence are increasing day by day. Therefore, news from China is also the focus of many traders.

The product launch of Xingyao Technology has now become the focus of attention of netizens across the country, and a lot of news related to it has been sent to the hot search in an instant.

"Xingyao Technology released a new product-full industrial design software, and strategically deployed a national industrial design exchange platform."

"Xingyao Technology Press Conference Polymerization-Nano 3D Printer, Nano-level Precision, High Production Efficiency!"

"Xingyao Technology has released the intelligent mechanical dog, which can become a family intelligent housekeeper, guide dog, rescue dog, ..."

"Xingyao Technology has announced a new type of biochip, which has huge potential and can completely solve the problem of 'lack of cores' in my country!"

"Xingyao Technology's biochip products are released, and biochips are more suitable for the development of artificial intelligence!"


News reports related to Xingyao Technology appear overwhelmingly in various news media in China. In another country on the earth, traders can easily find out these news with a little search.

Industrial software, new 3D printers, artificial intelligence, biochips, new chip tracks, and several high-tech products were announced in succession throughout the conference, as if announcing the prelude to a technological revolution.

The field of semiconductor chips is the core industry with the highest value, the fastest development and the most far-reaching influence in human society.

Following computers, the Internet, and smartphones, the world's industrial technology revolution has ushered in a new climax—the Internet of Things. The field of the Internet of Things is extremely complex, and it is impossible to use a single chip to cover the Internet of Things, which is composed of expanding applications and markets, covering Security chips, mobile payment chips, communication radio frequency chips, identification chips, etc., and the demand for IoT chips in these fields is huge.

In addition to applications in other fields such as medical treatment, automobiles, industry, etc., which affect all fields of human activities, the global electronic chip industry has a scale of tens of trillions, which is of great importance.

Whether the emergence of biochips is the prelude to a technological revolution, or just another small category of chip innovation, the conclusion is still uncertain, and the influence of biochips has not really exploded.

However, all of this falls in the eyes of financial investors. The emergence of biochips will profoundly affect the future of the entire chip semiconductor industry, heralding the beginning of a financial turmoil.

Panic began to spread, a huge amount of funds surged in the dark market, and murderous intentions appeared.

The launch of Shining Star Technology is still going on.

"In 1971, INTEL introduced the world's first microprocessor, the 4004, which contains 2300 transistors, with very limited functions and a very slow speed. However, it was an epoch-making product at that time. . . . Today, With the advancement of science and technology, chip wafers have entered the process of less than 10 nanometers, and the density of logic transistors can reach more than 100 million transistors per square millimeter..." Tang Shaohong ignored the audience's reaction and continued to talk. Explain the development of semiconductor chips.

"Since 1995, the chip manufacturing process has developed from 0.5μm, 0.35μm, 0.25μm, 0.18μm, 0.15μm, 0.13μm to 90nm, 65nm, 45nm, 32nm, 22nm, 16nm, 14nm, until now 10nm, chip The continuous development of the process technology and the continuous improvement of the integration level, ... "

"However, traditional electronic chips have finally reached a dead end, Moore's theorem has failed, silicon-based chip manufacturing has encountered a bottleneck in physics, and as the size of transistors continues to shrink, we have encountered physical barriers at the atomic level. , The transistor structure of the regular structure has been unsustainable, and the equipment and materials required for in-depth research and development are beyond our imagination."

"Since the birth of chips, innovation in the chip field has never stopped, and competition among manufacturers has never stopped, although chip giants such as Samsung and Intel have invested in FD-SOI (fully depleted silicon-on-insulator) in recent years. In the research of technology, silicon photonics technology, 3D stacking technology, etc., in order to break through the manufacturing limit of FinFET, ... However, every breakthrough in these technologies will cost a huge price."

"However, the physical properties of silicon limit the development space of chips, and the future of chips will inevitably develop in other directions, such as: graphene chips, optical chips, biological chips, ..."

"I am very fortunate that the company has made breakthroughs in the field of biochips."

The huge exhibition hall was silent, and Tang Shaohong continued to introduce it. When she said this, she gave a "crash", and the audience was boiling again.

"Breakthrough? What kind of progress?"

"Is this true? Can biochips completely replace silicon-based chips?"

"What are the specific parameters of your company's biochips?"

"Has the biochip been mass-produced?

"What manufacturing process does the biochip use?"


"Click, click...!" The camera shutter sounded frantically like a torrential rain.

The reporters under the booth seemed to be beaten with blood, and they were all excited. At this time, they had already prepared the headline of this news in their minds: "The era of biochips is coming, and the era of silicon-based chips is about to end!"

"The silicon-based chip industry is now like a twilight old man. His footsteps are no longer fast, and he may fall down at any time. The biochip is different. It is a newborn baby, and it has an infinite future!" Tang Shaohong Looking at the audience with a smile, he said loudly.

After a pause, Tang Shaohong then announced: "Next, I will introduce the design framework of the biochip-Micro M series and its detailed parameters."

Hearing this, the audience in the auditorium quieted down, silently watching Tang Shaohong on the stage and listening to her product introduction.

Tang Shaohong smiled slightly, looked at the big screen behind him, and explained: "Micro M series biochips use biological materials cultivated under special conditions to combine production at the nanometer level. Through gene guidance and rejection technology, the It has all the advantages of biological chips, such as low energy consumption, high speed, stability, and multi-dimensional computing space that electronic chips do not have, using a point-dimensional architecture.”

"The micro-M series biochip in my hand is 16.6 mm high and 72 mm long at the bottom. It has a small three-dimensional pyramid shape. Each 0.1cm-level molecular chip has 130 million 'atomic columns', and each 'atomic column' 'Equivalent to a 'transistor', different from the crystal of an electronic chip, the 'atomic mass column' of the biological washing plate is a three-dimensional type, with a multi-point dimensional structure... This structure will greatly shorten the length of the interconnection line, making the Data transmission is faster, with less interference and more accurate alignment.”

"..., a single atomic bit logic gate control, and a two atomic bit controlled NOT gate, can be combined with any ordinary logic gate control, so as to realize the operation combination,..., it is from this three-dimensional point dimension The architecture, it can support multi-dimensional operations, perfectly fit the intelligent AI algorithm,..."

"In terms of operating power, it performs very well. Under normal working conditions, the power does not exceed 1W,..."


In the center of the booth, Tang Shaohong turned sideways, looking at the big screen with constantly changing content, and introduced the detailed parameters of the biochip to the audience and the audience watching the live broadcast.

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