"I could say the same to you" Rezen replied. If he didn't gain his Unsullied Body then at this point in time, Porenz might still be superior to him. He was lucky to have gained such a fortuitous encounter unexpectedly

Upon hearing that, the battle maniac simply shook her head. The performance and growth that Rezen showed is surely far higher than hers. But even then, she is still a battle maniac and she still wants to continue this battle

Now that her sword was blocked by Rezen, she moved her wand and pointed it at her opponent. Instantly, sharp winds appeared on Rezen's feet, attempting to cut his body into pieces

That didn't happen though as another layer of barrier appeared around Rezen that simply blocked these sharp winds

With a chuckle, Porenz jumped away as she sensed magical fluctuations nearby. As soon as she did that, one magic after another was sent into Rezen's direction

lightsΝοvεl ƈοm They were the magic of his fellow classmates and these magical attacks shattered his barrier. He just gained his Unsullied Body and while he can dominate his classmates, he is still not someone who can ignore numbers yet

However, the shattering of his barrier was no big deal. It was something that he could easily conjure again but it seemed like his classmates didn't want to give him that chance

The Body Mages approached him after the attacks of the Spirit Mages. They were also holding their own weapons, most of which were swords, sabers, blades, etc.

They engaged him in close combat but how can they compete with Rezen not only in terms of physique but also skills?

Even before obtaining the Unsullied Body, Rezen's physique was already bolstered by his spirit plants!

He didn't even use a weapon but mana gathered in his hands. He dodged one of the sword strikes narrowly before giving that Body Mage a punch in the guts

With no surprise, an expression of pain flashed on that mage's face as he was sent flying away

As soon as that happened, Rezen lowered his head to dodge another attack which was a spear attack this time. After that, he spat out a ball of sunlight from his mouth that sent another mage flying

However, things didn't end there as Rezen stretched his hands to his side, blocking two Body Mages that slashed their daggers at him

With his hands covered by his mana, Rezen was not injured in the slightest and he even had the energy to release streams of fire that burned his classmates. It was fortunate that this was not a battle to death. If not, these classmates of his would simply die

As soon as Rezen finished dealing with some of the Body Mages, mirrors suddenly condensed all around him. There were mirrors on his front, back, side, above, and below

"[Mirror World!]"

This spell was still the spell that Quard used when he and Rezen fought before. Of course, now that his current realm and also his magical knowledge have improved, this spell was already stronger than before

The mirrors didn't waste any time, they immediately released rays of light and there was simply no space to dodge but there was no point in doing so

Just as Rezen was about to destroy these mirrors using his raw power, he suddenly noticed something and he cast the [Borg] spell

"[Enhanced Sword!]"

It was not only the Spirit Mages that attacked and improved enough to cast magic spells. The Body Mages are not left behind

Facing the attacks of Porenz and also the Body and Spirit Mages classmates of his, Rezen was still as fearless as before. He let these attacks land on him as he turned into multiple crows after that

"[Crow Illusion Substitution!]"

The speed at which Rezen casts magic spells is faster than anyone from his class and he came out unscathed from the barrage of those attacks when he once again was suddenly surrounded by mirrors

"[Mirror World: Light Assassins!]"

This time, the mirrors don't just send rays of light. From these mirrors, quick-moving figures suddenly emerged as they attacked Rezen

It seems like Quard also comprehended a new magic spell and it was even an extension of his normal [Mirror World]

"It seems like I also have to be serious" Rezen muttered to himself as he once again showcased his fast spell casting speed

He made another simple barrier around him to buy him just a little bit of time to cast his magic spell

"[Heat Wave!]"

A yellowish magic circle formed on Rezen's feet and as soon as the magic circle released its power, the surrounding temperature rose

The shadow assassins from the mirrors melted and the mirrors themselves were destroyed. Even those that were near Rezen were either injured or were forced to retreat as the heat wave was simply unbearable to them

"The burden this time is still in the acceptable range" Rezen thought

He previously used [Borg] followed by the [Crow Illusion Substitution], and now the third spell which was this [Heat Wave]. Three magic spells in succession was undoubtedly a huge burden to normal mages and it might even be impossible for them to cast them in succession

Fortunately, although Rezen also felt a burden, they were still within his acceptable range. Aside from the headache, he wasn't pushed too much yet

Deciding that checking his current combat power using his classmates is enough, Rezen defeats them one by one. Even people like Porenz and Theon were defeated by him and only Quard remained them

As he was not completely dumb, Quard understood Rezen's intention and he gritted his teeth. His magic artifact hovered in front of him as he gritted his teeth

"You think I'll let you?!" He said angrily as he activated the built-in spell of his magic artifact and from an average size mirror, it suddenly became a huge mirror at least as tall as a human

"[Mirror Torment!]"

As soon as Quard activated the spell of his artifact, his face paled. Clearly, using such power puts a great burden on him

From this large mirror, tens of long arms made entirely of light emerged, trying to drag Rezen inside the mirror

"What a rich guy" Rezen commented while shaking his head. While he has access to various spirits plants, magic artifacts are different

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