When there is light, surely there is also darkness as light cannot be considered light if it cannot cast away darkness

In this realm where humans live a dangerous life filled with nothing but darkness due to the overpowering strength of the magic beasts, one city stood strong and proudly. This city is the light of the humans in this realm as it was the only place that has the slightest chance of winning against the might of the magic beasts

However, such a city viewed as the light of the world also has its own darkness. Darkness so deep that no one would think that it actually exists

In an underground facility, something is happening that not many people knew about. Even those that have some information might only know that something bad and cruel is happening in this place

This underground facility is an important facility of the city but they don't have as many people as other important facilities

While the other facilities operate in the light, this one works in the dark. Its existence and what was happening inside are not something that should be known to the city's citizens

Mages wearing either their robes or lab coats roamed around this facility where cries, roars, and pain were constant noise. Not a single second of the day appeared that none of such noise would not appear

In an area of this underground facility, a cage with wheels could be seen being pushed by two people at the back of it

This cage contained not magic beasts that one would expect but inside were actually humans, most of which are from the tribes that the City of Hope absorbs

These humans have their hands and feet tied with magical chains that cause them to be unable to use even an ounce of magic. They are almost no different than a normal human with the chains that prevent them from using any magic

"W-where are you taking us?!"

"What is this place?!"

"Let me go! Let me go! My father is the tribe's chief!"

The chained humans tried to resist. They shouted profanities while attempting to remove the chains binding them but all were for nothing

The people pushing their cage didn't even react in the slightest. These people are already used to this type of thing. Clearly, this is not the first time that they did something like this

No matter how much they are cursed or how many times the chained people beg to be let go of, it was as if they don't hear anything at all. Their faces were completely emotionless

Even the people they passed by didn't react. At most, they would shake their heads in pity

After some time, the cage was parked at the side of a counter and one of the two that pushes it speaks with the staff there

"They are new martyrs. Let them choose" the man said and the staff nodded her head as she asked a rather cruel question to the people inside the cage

"You have many choices to choose from, all of which would definitely benefit the city. You could either be used for experimentation to improve our knowledge, you could be turned into a human battery with us regularly taking your mana to use for the greater good, or we could also modify your bodies to make you stronger than ever though you would have a rather deformed body and many times you would also lose your mind in the process"

The staff spoke as if she was merely letting them choose what dish they want to eat and after speaking, she flashed a list towards the 'martyrs' so that they could choose what fate they would have. The three choices that the staff spoke were merely the tip of the iceberg, there are many more choices to choose from. However, each choice is far from being good and is rather cruel

"What?! What the hell are you talking about!"

"Let us go!"

"Damn, you bitch!"

The martyrs reacted in a way that the staff expected and she merely nodded her head. "Since none of you want to choose, we will randomly assign your fate"

With that said, the staff waved her magic wand and the options on the screen flashed with light before only one of the options remained

"Hmm, bring them to Area #23, their mana would be used to power magic canons" the staff said and the two nodded their heads

Just like before, they resume pushing the cage as they went to Area #23. Magic cannons are used by the city to defend themselves against the magic beasts but to be used, they naturally required mana

The mana could be replenished using two ways. The first one is using mana stones and the second one is by using the mana of a mage or mages

The fate of the people inside this cage is now sealed. They would spend their lives as human batteries. Their mana would be suck to power magic cannons and then they would rest to replenish their mana. When they have mana again, their mana would once again be sucked to power yet even more magic cannons. This process would repeat until the day that they die

As they are people that don't have any future anymore as they consumed resources that would increase their power but cut off their potential, this is the way for them to be of help to the city


"Lord Guardian, are you here to visit the Tree of Hope?" An old man wearing a white lab coat spoke to the Supreme Authority of the city

This underground facility is hidden from the city people due to the dark things happening inside but even inside this facility, there are also areas that are hidden and restricted

This room was the most restricted of all and only people that have the Guardian's permission could enter it

Truth be told, this room doesn't have much aside from a single tree that is perhaps the most important possession of the City of Hope's Guardian

He was also the one that coined the tree's name as the Tree of Hope. As for what this tree was, only a select number of people knew about it

The Guardian that he himself is already old nodded his head while his eyes were locked on a budding fruit that even after years and years of effort still does not show any sign of ripening

"Why is there still almost no progress? I have been providing the Tree of Hope with nutrients for hundreds of years. I, no, humanity in this realm is in great need of its fruit!" The Guardian said with a foul mood

He is already old and after living for around a thousand years, he doesn't have much time to live. The City of Hope is founded with him as the center and with him gone, the City would also be surely annihilated

He is in dire need of someone that could succeed him, an heir to be specific but even amongst the countless geniuses of the city, there is still no one that reached his standards. No one is strong enough to be his match and successor

"A-apologies Lord Guardian. W-we are providing the Tree of Hope as usual but based on its fruit's progress, w-we still need a l-lot of time" the scientist said with a shaky voice

The tree's lack of progress has always been something that soured the Guardian's mood. One must tread on thin ice whenever that happens

"Time? I and humanity itself don't have much time. Expedite its progress, use more martyrs!" The Guardian ordered and the scientist trembled

"L-Lord Guardian, w-we are already sacrificing a lot of people to the tree. I-if we use more, the city might enter a state of chaos! Please reconsider!" The scientist pleads

This Tree is peculiar. It does not need sunlight or water to survive. The only thing it needed was human sacrifices, without the sacrifices the tree would wither and it definitely wouldn't bear its fruit

The human sacrifices are people that don't have any future anymore or criminals. However, even these people have a limit, and not all of them could be killed

Some of such people still have to return alive to appease the masses. The city might be militaristic due to their circumstances but people still don't want to lose their rights. As such, there is a limit to people they could use as a sacrifice especially since the city not only has the Tree of Hope that is in need of 'martyrs'

"I will take care of the backlash. This city would be destroyed nonetheless when I die. At the very least, by the collective sacrifices of our people, we still have a chance of survival" the Guardian insisted

Who would have thought that the Guardian that everyone looked up to actually has such a dark side?

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