Few tribesmen wished to remain in the city and they are often those that wished to achieve great things. They want to use the resources of the city to make themselves stronger and reach the peak of the world

They are not willing to stay at the bottom after seeing what the people higher than them could do and they are the likes of Rezen and Flamaz from the Fire Force Tribe

Stone Head that returned to being a normal person wants to be stronger not for the sake of being stronger but to ensure his tribe's well-being

After the tour in the Market, the tribesmen returned to their dormitory building but it was still not the time for rest

Standing outside of their dormitory building, people that are familiar to Rezen and the others could be seen

They are none other than Wermon and Philome. They still look the same as before as Philome politely smiled at the tribesmen while Wermon nodded his head at them

"Oh, they are already here. Everyone, you might already be familiar with them but they are Mage Wermon Til and Mage Philome Eckart. They are 6th cycle and 5th cycle mages respectively, they will help teach you the basics to deepen your foundations" Usury said as she introduced the two mages to the tribesmen

The highest ranking mage amongst the tribesmen was only a mage 5th cycle. As the big tribes in Drakery Forest have high-ranking Junior Mages, there should be mages at the 7th, 8th, or even 9th cycle among them

However, while the small tribes have some survivors, the big tribes almost have none and the high-ranking ones perished

As such, only a 5th-cycle mage became the strongest among these people. It was not only the Drakery Forest that has tribes but after seeing that the situation was the same as in other places, the mages decided to withdraw and let the stronger mages investigate what happened

As a result, there are only around 300 tribesmen that joined the city and they could all fit in a single dormitory since the dormitory given to them is designed to accommodate as many people as possible

"They will accompany you to another place where all of you would learn more about magic from them" Usury continued and as if on cue, magic shuttles appeared and parked in front of their dormitory

As the tribesmen are already numbed, they could only obediently obey as they boarded the magic shuttles to go to who knows where


The place where the tribesmen were brought is perhaps the only thing that was given more effort and resources

While their accommodation was an old building where a single room is to be shared by four people, the learning and training area was passable

The magic shuttle brought them to a part of the city that is clearly more prosperous than the area that they lived in and they were guided inside a building

This building is owned by the City, it is a public facility that everyone could rent

The parade of the three hundred tribal people caught everyone's attention and many snorted at them before continuing what they were doing

The training facility was a large building that are divided into either a single room or a large room

The single rooms are private rooms where the mage could practice their magic and these rooms are more expensive

As for the large rooms, mages also train their magic here but they have to share the space with other people making it harder for the mages to concentrate

The inside of the building was the same as the outside, it was mostly white with some earth tones here and there

The ceiling was quite high and the walls are smooth. The facility has a lot of traffic and many people could be seen entering or exiting it

"Let's wait here" Philome said to the tribesmen as Wermon approached a booth and he talked with the staff for some time

When Wermon returned, he turned to the tribesmen and said "Fall in line, she will give you membership cards"

The tribesmen doesn't know what a membership card is but they slowly became accustomed to obeying silently. Of course, that is mostly on the outside, many of them are scheming how to escape this place when no one was looking at them

The tribesmen obeyed and they fell in line and the staff at the booth asked them for their names and a drop of blood

The staff wrote their name on a green card and had the card absorb the drop of blood, binding it to a single person

Although there are around three hundred tribal people, as the process is not that complicated, it didn't take long before everyone received their card

Rezen looked at his own card and aside from his name, it doesn't contain anything else aside from the fact that he could sense his own aura from it

"Your membership cards are also your pass to use the training facility, don't lose them. Each card will let you use this training center for three months. After that three months, you have to pay with your own money if you want to continue training here" Philome explained to them

"So this is like a gym membership card?" Rezen mused while staring at his green card

Since attack magic couldn't be used inside the city, most people will have to rely on the training centers to test their magic. There is the choice of doing it outside but there's always a threat that one would be attacked by the magic beasts

After getting their card, Wermon and Philome guided the tribesmen to one of the large rooms

The room was large and is enough to accommodate 300 people. Of course, if they are training magic, this space was actually quite small and is not ideal

"This is the room where we will have our classes. For now, nothing is here since all of you need to learn the basics first to make your foundation sturdy"

"After the theories are taught, we will move on to their practical application and you'll have targets to practice on"

Wermon didn't beat around the bush as he immediately started teaching the tribesmen

He was quiet most of the time but when it comes to official and important matters, he is quite talkative. He will explain everything as concisely as possible

"The very basics of magic is mana. No matter how knowledgeable a mage is, they wouldn't be able to use magic without the aid of mana"

"To slowly accumulate mana, we mages meditate. We use our soul power to attract and control the free mana in our surroundings and absorb them into our elixir field"

"The more mana we have, the more magic we could use. However, every person has a limit on how much mana they could have at a time, and that limit differs from one person to another"

"To accumulate more mana, we have to break our limits. Apprentice Mages from level 1 to level 6 don't have a problem as they can accumulate mana until they reach the peak of their rank with little to no problem"

"However, starting from the Junior Rank, things are different. Every single cycle of the Junior Rank, we have to break through our limitations and expand our elixir field"

Wermon was busy explaining the basics but clearly, not all tribesmen were listening to him attentively

Most of them don't like this place and are planning to escape, why should they listen to him?

Wermon is not so insensitive to not notice the tribesmen's inattentiveness and his gaze grew cold

"In this city where the threats from magic beasts ran rampant every day, we don't have time to babysit disobedient people. We have to make everyone stronger as fast as possible while teaching them discipline and the most effective way to do that would be..."

Wermon raised his hand and clicked his fingers together. The sound of his fingers strangely was not that loud but all tribesmen could hear it

"Not good!" Rezen thought, he had a bad feeling about this and he was not wrong

Above the tribesmen, a single bolt of lightning appeared and it struck all three hundred tribesmen

That bolt spreads like chain lightning and everyone screamed in pain. They were not injured but how can it not be painful to be attacked like that?

"Only pain could make people obedient in the fastest way possible. Every time I see that anyone of you is not paying attention, this will happen to everyone" Wermon said and Philome smiled at the tribesmen bitterly

She recalled her time when she was still just training to become a military mage. This is the same way that the instructors teach

Even if there is only one person at fault, everyone would be punished. As a result, everyone has to be mindful of their actions if they don't want to become the target of everyone's anger

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