"H-how dare you to attack us i-inside the City! Are you not afraid of the e-enforcers?!" One of the discriminators said angrily as he raised his head to glare at Usury that has regained her professional bearing again

"The Guardian's order is absolute. No one must discriminate against tribal people" Usury said with a cold tone, completely disregarding their words

As for the enforcers that are responsible for keeping the peace and safety of the citizens inside the city, would they even arrest her while she was acting according to the Guardian's orders?

While it was not only the Guardian that has a high authority in the city, he is still the most influential

If it was only the Elders, the City of Hope wouldn't be built and while the Elders have authority, the Guardian is still the most loved and supported person

"Now go if you don't want me to call the enforcers to arrest you" Usury continues as she raised her hand as if she would hit them again if they don't scram right this instance

In fear, these people immediately run away while harboring hatred in their hearts

Now that the pests are gone, Usury turned to look at the tribesmen again

"I apologize for the delay. Before you enter and rest in your rooms, I have to remind you of a few things. Inside every room, there would be a pouch with a hundred low-grade mana stones to divide amongst yourselves. That is the currency of the City of Hope"

"There are also some nutrition liquids that could satiate your hunger. Tomorrow, I will explain how things work in the city and tour you around, especially the marketplace where you can buy food and other necessities"

"Also, tomorrow, an instructor will be assigned to teach you the basics of magic cultivation and at the very least, everyone should attend the class for a whole month"

"Since we don't have a lot of time as we are constantly facing threats from magic beasts, after a month, you have to start contributing to the city. It is mandatory for every tribe to send people on the frontlines, the number of people needed depends on the tribe's population"

"To those that will remain here to learn more especially the younger generation, they could continue attending the instructor's class for another two months for a total of three months. After that, all of you are free to choose your own path available to be pursued in the City of Hope"

"Because you are the first generation of your tribes to join our city, every single one of you is required to choose a path that would directly contribute to the city, especially entering the military. But the sons and daughters you will have while staying here wouldn't be required to do so. They would be free to become a normal civilian if they want to though that is not encouraged"

Everyone listened at least on the outside but some of them are already too displeased to care about Usury's words. But with the warning from Mage Porton, the tribesmen that don't intend to listen at least don't show it on their faces

"So basically, the old is to pave the path for the next generation? The older generation would be sacrificed for the brighter future of the next one. This might be cruel to the older generation but it is not a bad decision"

"Since these people grew up in a tribal society where knowledge, resources, and instructors are lacking, the potential of everyone is already mostly wasted. Even if they wholeheartedly pursue the path of magic, because they missed the crucial time for cultivation, they might not reach a high rank"

"However, it would be different for the younger generation. They would have access to the things their parents don't have when they are young which hopefully is enough for them to become strong mages"

Rezen understood the thought process behind this decision of the City management and he along with the others entered the dormitory to choose their own rooms

Since tribal people are close to each other and are more open, they do not think that there is a need to separate the dorm rooms between male and female

They openly stayed together whether they are a man or a woman. Many of them even chose the same room as the people they have sexual relations with

As for Rezen, the roommates he gained were none other than Treen that is a bit dependent on him as he knew the things that the representative told Treen along with Stone Head and Jenna as the only woman

These three are the people that Rezen is the closest with amongst the people of the Waterside Tribe

The space of the room was smaller than even Rezen expected. Aside from two bunk beds, there was only one table and one chair

There wasn't much space to move and it is also an inconvenient place to cultivate especially if your roommates don't have tact and are noisy

"Oh, is this the pouch that she said earlier?" Jenna muttered as she approached the only table inside the room to check the pouch's content

Inside the pouch were blue-colored stones of solidified mana. It was the currency of the City of Hope and is used in many things

"Ah! I have seen something like this before. Isn't this what we use to trade for salt from the merchants of the big tribes?" She continued as she placed one of the mana stones on her finger

"We should split the mana stones evenly, twenty-five for each of us and we must be mindful of our expenses. These mana stones could be used to exchange for food but they could also exchange for other things"

"We don't know how we can earn more of these mana stones and if we run out of them, we might starve to death. The others must also be warned"

Rezen is aware of the importance of wealth. While there's some difference between the mana stones of the earth realm and the savage beast realm because of the differing laws, mana stones are still nana stones. They are important strategic resources

Whether it be the magic shuttle or the flying ship, all of them are powered with mana stones

Rezen even previously owned billions of mana stones that were burned for him to reach this realm safely. For him, a hundred mana stones aren't much, especially since it would be divided among four people

"Wow Rezen, you're really great. You are adapting to the situation easily. Until now, I still feel like I am dreaming. I didn't expect that there was a place like this in the world" Stone Head said with a sigh and the others nodded their heads. The past few days have been overwhelming for them

"I'm just trying to do my best to survive with everyone" Rezen replied modestly

He even successfully adjusted after entering an entirely different realm, this much should at least be expected from him

"Anyway, we should rest for today. We still have a long day ahead of us"

With that, everyone chose the bed that they will sleep on and Rezen chose one of the bottom beds


At the very center of the city, a bloody red magic tower stood strong and proudly. This was the strongest and most special magic tower inside the city and it is owned none other than by the Guardian of humanity

Inside one of the rooms of this tower, the Guardian can be seen standing in front of a window while staring at the city

A thousand years ago, this place is similar to the Drakery Forest that is filled with trees or the large open plain of the giants

Who would have expected that after a thousand years, from a place that is the epitome of nature, it would turn into a man-made city?

"Does the tribal people settled in the city yet?" The Guardian asked even though no one could be seen inside the room other than him

However, even then, a voice still rang inside. "Yes, Master"

"That's good" the Guardian nodded his head and for a moment, silence reigned inside the room before the voice from the unknown and unseeable person rang again

"Master, why did you choose to recruit the tribal people even to the point of bribing Elder Dark Shadow to collude with you" the voice said

In the meeting with the Elders, it was Elder Dark Shadow that suggested this but in truth, he was merely colluding with the Guardian

If the Guardian were to suggest that personally, he would receive stronger resistance as the Elders would think that he was being too kind again. As such, he decided to bribe an Elder to suggest it to him

He lived for a thousand years. If he stayed ignorant and stupid even after such a long time then he should just kill himself

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