As a person that is previously part of a developed society and also a person that read fantasy novels, Rezen has some theories in his mind but if any of them was correct then that is something that he could not say to anyone. It was better to keep his silence and act as if he doesn't know anything

Rezen took some time to ensure that Treen wouldn't say anything to anyone as they waited for the flying ship to land

They returned to the deck of the ship to observe the place that will become their new home

Rezen doesn't know how big the City of Hope but even his eyes couldn't even see the end of the city

As the Savage Beast Realm is way bigger than the Earth Realm, a city here in the former might have a size equivalent to an entire country of the latter

This means that there are definitely at least millions of people living in the City of Hope and the number might even reach hundreds of millions

As the flying ship belonged to the military of the city, it does not encounter many problems trying to enter aside from some mages inspecting the ship and the people inside

Soon, the flying ship crossed the towering walls of the city and Rezen stared at the ground

While the buildings are not as tall as the skyscrapers of the earth realm, there were still some tall buildings

The buildings have a touch of medieval type but at the same time, they look modern and magical. The color of buildings' aesthetics was mostly white and other neutral colors and many people could be seen riding on their flying sticks though they are just around a foot above the ground

From Rezen's position, he could even see what looks like towers scattered around the city emitting magical fluctuations

They might be the magic towers that Philome talked about before and only the rich could possibly create them

Based on what Rezen could see, the city was prosperous but of course, that might just be what it looks like on the outside. He still doesn't know much about this city even though he pries some information from Philome

After some time, the flying ship finally landed on what looked like a rooftop designed to accommodate flying ships. This was like the helipads of Rezen's previous realm

After the flying ship landed, some mechanisms were activated and on the left and right side of the ship, stairs appeared followed by an announcement that the tribal people should go down and form a neat line

As a newbie to the city, Rezen didn't dare refuse and after reminding his tribesmen and even the tribes he is familiar with, they slowly but surely walked down the stairs where some people are already waiting for them

Since city people don't live a life as hard as those in the scattered tribes, their physiques were smaller compared to tribal people

It's not that they are weaker but they don't move around as much as tribal people do

Their physique might be smaller but they are relatively healthier

There are around ten people that waited on the rooftop that encircled the tribal people and without saying anything, they cooperated to use a magic spell

The ten people pointed their magic wands at the ground and on the tip of their wands, threads of mana appeared that intertwined together to create a single magic formation that covered the area that the tribal people were standing on

This situation made the tribal people flustered and they thought that they were being attacked

"[Beast Detection!]"

The ten mages muttered and the magic formation released bright green light. Everyone inside the formation momentarily glowed with a green color but one of them suddenly glowed with a red color on just their head


The green lights gathered at the head of that tribesman and he immediately let out a loud scream


The poor tribesman kneeled on the ground while scratching his face with his nails as an excruciating pain assaulted him

The green lights seem to have entered his head before they came back but this time, they are not alone

What accompanied the green lights was a worm-like entity that was glowing red in color, the same shade of red that the tribesman's head was glowing earlier

As soon as the worm appeared, that tribesman's head instantly stopped glowing red, and from his head to toe, he was only glowing green in color just like the other tribal people

"It's a Brain Matter Parasite. It is a type of parasitic magic beast that stays in the host's brain and slowly eat the host brain from the inside. Once the host's brain was fully eaten, it would instantly multiply in numbers and they will search for new suitable hosts"

"As we humans are always facing the threats of magic beasts, we have to be cautious of those that are sneaky and hard detect magic beasts that could wipe us out from the inside without any of us knowing"

The person that looks like has the highest position among these people said as the Brain Matter Parasite flew to him before he effortlessly crushed it with his hand

Now that all the tribesmen are glowing green, the mages deactivated the spell, and only then did the tribal people heave a sigh of relief

Truth be told, while they are ready to fight to the bitter end, they are also aware of how strong the representatives are. They don't have the confidence of winning

"I am Mage Porton Messi, I'll be the one in charge to take care of all of you. And for now, I will explain the basics"

While Mage Porton doesn't seem like he was looking down on the tribal people just like the representatives, every word of his carried finality as if everything would go according to what he had said

"First of all, the City of Hope is separated by three walls. The outer wall, the inner wall, and the core wall. All of you will stay inside the outer walls in the meantime but once a mage grew strong or was recruited by a strong faction, they could enter the inner or even the core wall"

"As we are the ones that asked you to join us, we will provide you with basic housing and education and make sure that you won't starve to death. However, every tribe must also contribute to the city in exchange. You have to choose people to send on the frontlines to defend humanity's place in this realm from the magic beasts"

"The City of Hope is a meritocratic place. Meaning, the ruling and influential people are those that showed enough skills and merits. In this place, as long as you contribute enough, the city will help you reach the Senior or even Great Mage Rank. Of course, that is easier said than done"

"And as I have said before, we will provide basic education. We will teach you basic things that you probably don't know but while they are the basics, they are the key to advancing in ranks. Those that are talented even after just learning about the basics might even reach the mid or high cycles of the Junior Rank"

"If any of you want to further your studies, there are many ways to do so. However, the premise is that you either have enough money or showed enough talent. There are academies inside the city that would teach advanced knowledge if you pay the tuition fee or are scouted by them, the military that is always in need of more mages, and other factions that would recruit and nourish mages"

"In this place, all of you have the chance to change your lives. However, the city also has strict rules. You can't just kill anyone, of course, self-defense is another thing. Even if you don't desire to kill anyone, you also can't just attack them as using attack magic inside the city could damage the infrastructure inside. Peeing and defecating in public places are not allowed. Flying at high altitude on your own or using flying sticks while inside the city are not allowed..."

Mage Porton listed the basic rules and most of them are something that is common sense to city people but might be different for tribesmen

However, with the way that the tribesmen's brain works, the bombardment of words by Porton made them bored

It was to the point that some of them even showed disrespect

"Blah blah blah~"

"Damn it, he's speaking too much"

"I just want to rest"

These tribesmen were too blatant with their disrespect which was a fatal mistake as they suddenly found their bodies floating in the air

"And this is advice to all of you. If you are weak, don't show any hint of disrespect to the strong, especially to military mages that are strict in terms of rewards and punishment"

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