With Wermon and Philome's reminder, the tribesmen stayed in a single corner while staring at the things that they had never seen before

The eyes of the mages from the City of Hope held undisguised contempt but maybe because they already showed what they are capable of, the tribal people could only grit their teeth in anger

The people from the Waterside Tribe at the very least is comfortable with Wermon and Philome thanks to the respect that they showed

However, the other tribal people were clearly fearful and angry at the representatives that they have met but they didn't dare do anything

Since Rezen's tribesmen were not treated badly by Wermon and Philome, they don't like the way that the other representatives were looking at them

They can't quite explain it but they were angered by the way they are being looked at. Some were even about to attack the representatives if not for Wermon, Philome, and also the Chief that is more aware of the situation didn't stop them

"This is so cliche. I feel as if I am some countryside bumpkin that is being looked down upon by city people" Rezen thought. He was displeased by this treatment but what can he do? Weakness is a sin!

Fortunately, it didn't take that long before all the representatives were called for a meeting and only the tribal people remained on the deck of the ship

Without the representatives, the tribesmen showed their true colors

"Damn it! I want to feed them to the magic beasts!"

"Just she wait, one day, I'll fuck her to death! No, I'll fuck her whole family to death!"

"How can he say I'm ugly when I'm the prettiest in my tribe?"

"One day, I'll have these people kneel in front of me and beg me for my forgiveness!"

"Have you seen the way they look at us?! I want to take their eyes and crush them with my hands before eating them!"

One vulgar word after another was thrown by the tribesmen. Even those from the Waterside Tribe are not exempted

While the representatives are gone, Rezen scanned the tribal people with his eyes to choose a suitable target

What he found was a silent woman in one corner with her head hanging low. While tribal people mostly have aggressive personalities, it was not as if there were no meek people among them

The type of person Rezen wants to speak with is meek and weak-willed

After excusing himself from his tribesmen, Rezen approached that woman and the first thing he did was smile at her

"Hello, my name is Rezen, what's yours?" Rezen asked and the woman raised her head to look at him astonishingly

Since most tribal people are muscular as a result of regularly working hard or skinny because of the lack of food and nutrition, someone like Rezen that is at most fit is quite rare

Tribal people like muscular aesthetics as that is commonly viewed as a sign of power but since there are not many people like Rezen with a fit body and charming face, many tribeswomen are conflicted

On one hand, they like strong and muscular guys but on the other hand, it was rare to see someone with Rezen's face and body

"H-hello..." the woman replied after she recovered from her surprise. "I-I'm Melody"

Rezen nodded his head while maintaining his smile. "May I ask you something?"

The woman nodded her head in affirmation and Rezen asked his question. "Can you tell me what happened to your tribe? I heard that many tribes were mysteriously annihilated in Drakery Forest"

While Rezen is not powerful enough to change the situation, it would be better if he at least know something so that he could prepare

​ After hearing his question, a look of agony flashed on Melody's face but she still gave Rezen an answer

"I-it happens not too long ago. M-my tribe is a peaceful tribe and we don't meddle in the affairs of the other tribes. But one evil tribe suddenly became stronger than before"

"They are evil and bullies! At first, they enslaved the tribes they attacked but as time goes on, the cruelty of their Chief increased!"

"He started by killing the people of the tribes he enslaved one by one until he turn insane and attacked even his own tribesmen!"

"If not for the chaos between the Chief and his people, I wouldn't survive! Almost everyone died on the tribe while only a few people like me are able to run away!"

Towards the end, the woman even began sobbing as she recalled the horrible memories. Rezen spent some time to calm her before he chose another target to inquire

In the end, although there is some difference, Rezen learned that the situation with the other tribes doesn't differ much. In fact, it was almost identical

A tribe suddenly gained stronger mages and their greed grew. They decided to attack the tribes near them and enslave their people

At first, they worked the slaves hard but after some time, the people that suddenly grew stronger would start killing the slaves

They would fall into insanity pretty soon to the point that these people would like to kill even their own tribesmen. In the end, what happened was mutual destruction

The tribe that grew strong attacked and enslaved the tribes near it. But before that tribe could prosper with so many slaves, the person or people that led them to victory would go insane until they explode and kill their own people

No one would believe if they were to be told that there was no conspiracy behind this phenomenon

There surely is something or someone that caused what happened to transpire. This made Rezen feel fortunate that the City of Hope decided to recruit tribal people

If not then Rezen has to remain in Drakery Forest and who knew what could happen while he was there?

While Rezen was thinking about how fortunate he was, he felt someone hitting him with an elbow. It was none other than his neighbor

"Hehehe, Rezen, you were not interested in finding a wife before but could it be that you just don't like the women of our tribe?" Treen said with a sheepish smile

At first, Rezen was wondering what goes through the head of this person but he soon realizes what the cause of the understanding was

Most people that Rezen approached and inquired are women, resulting in Treen's misunderstanding

In the end, Rezen could only shake his head before walking away from Treen


The meeting of the representatives took more than an hour and in the end, they still decided to spend the day recruiting more people as they cannot return empty-headed

Using the flying ships takes manpower and resources, they can't return empty-handed

But as a precaution, the representatives move in larger groups and they were also accompanied by tribal people to show them the location of the tribes they know of

That would make things safer than before and the moment that they encounter anything abnormal, they are to retreat immediately

Since the tribes nearby the Waterside Tribe didn't suffer the same fate as they attacked the Metal Sword Tribe and Titane suddenly died, they were the first to be 'completed'

While the other representatives are busy searching for the survivors of the scattered tribes, the area where the Waterside, Fire Force, Windy, Earth Wrath, and Nature's Lover are located was immediately "swept through" and their people also boarded the flying ship in just the span of hours

Since these five tribes are near and familiar with each other, they have some contact and they mutually decided to stay with each other

Other groups also formed as if everyone has their own cliques and since it has been hours since the tribal people gathered, they are already hungry

However, instead of roasting meat like they usually do, they were given small glass tubes with green liquid inside

"Nutrition Liquid" Rezen muttered. As an alchemy practitioner, he knew what a nutrition liquid is

It was even one of the easiest things to make since the effect was also simple. Instead of bringing food that would take a lot of space while having the issue of spoilage, it was better to just bring tons of nutrition liquid that could replace meals

They are easy to bring and depending on the quality could last a person a long time. There are nutrition liquids that could satiate a person for weeks after just taking a single drop

These nutrition liquids are popular with mages that want to enter closed-door cultivation as they don't have to waste a lot of time cooking or eating food. Just swallowing nutrition liquid is already enough to satiate their hunger. Just how convenient that is?

But while it was convenient, the tribesmen that are used to eating meat don't like it even though they haven't tried them yet

For them, only meat could fill their bellies

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