My Celestial Ascension

Chapter 396 Arrival Of The Holy Son, Aurther

(Hello to everyone. I spent a little extra time making this chapter, so please vote for it and future chapters with Golden Tickets and Power Stones. I intend to make the following chapters high-quality chapters.)


"At the top section of the stadium. Where the nobles sit."

"Then let's go! We need to meet them before the announcement begins."

His other wives nodded and headed towards the stadium entrance, which was extremely crowded with Hunters and ordinary people watching the royal family and notable officials deliver speeches.

Many people were having trouble entering the stadium since the entry was so crowded; many guards were working to remove the crowd so that individuals could enter without difficulty.

As Yuan and his wives, decked with splendid apparel, reached the majestic entrance of the Gladiators' Stadium, a quiet fell over the bustling audience. Conversations came to a halt, and everyone turned to look at the entourage with a mixture of amazement and respect.

Yuan led the way with an air of assurance that spoke of his limitless might. His wives trailed closely following, each with a distinct allure that drew observers.

Their beauty was transcendent, making it impossible for observers to take their gaze away from them. The ethereal presence of Yuan's wives captivated both young and old, drawing their gazes irresistibly to the beautiful forms gliding elegantly before them.

Yuan's women moved with ease and elegance that seemed almost unearthly, with each movement demonstrating their poise and grace.

A hushed whisper flowed through the gathering like a gentle breeze, and even the soldiers at the gate straightened in wonder.

"Don't they look like goddesses?"

"I had never seen such light in all my years."

"Those women...they are beyond comparison."

"Is this a dream? They cannot be real!"

Yuan approached the entrance with a confident expression. Despite the murmurs and stares, his gaze remained concentrated on the route ahead, as if everything else did not exist.

"Who's that man? He is quite gorgeous. He must be blessed by the gods to have such a beautiful appearance."

"And from the looks of it, those women appeared to be his associates, more specifically his wives."

"Observe the strange aura around him. He must be really powerful to have such a strong aura."

"I envy him for having such gorgeous beauty at his side."

"We all envy him for having such beautiful women, it's not just us...Everyone will envy him."

"They truly are a sight to behold."

As Yuan and his ladies crossed the stadium's threshold, the whispers lingered, leaving a sense of amazement and reverence.

In that moment, they are more than just spectators; they are witnesses to a show of beauty, grace, and strength that will live in their memories forever.

Than and his wives arrived at the Gladiators' Stadium's upper level just a few minutes later.

Yuan then immediately used his divine sense to find Mireya and Sylvia, avoiding any unwelcome attention from the noble families.

"This way, they're only around the corner," Yuan stated to his wives, smiling, as they were quite close and it would only take a few seconds to reach them.

"Are they alone, or is someone with them?" Grace inquired, hesitant to meet the noble families due to their pompous behavior.

"They are with the royal family, including King Richard, Queen Matilda, and the crown prince." Yuan swiftly responded.

"That's excellent; let's go." Anna clapped her hands enthusiastically, and Yuan groaned before leading them to the area where Mireya and Sylvia were joined by the royal family.

When they arrived, they observed the royal family sitting with calm expressions on their faces, conversing with Mireya and Sylvia.

Mireya turned her head as Yuan and his women entered the room, saying, "Finally you guys made it here; come have a seat."

"Well, it took us some time to find you guys because you never said you'd be here." Yuan scratched the back of his head with an awkward expression, wondering why the royal family was with her.

When the royal family heard a familiar voice from behind, they turned around to see Yuan and his wives standing behind them.

"Oh! Yuan, when did you all arrive here? I didn't detect your presence at all." King Richard glanced at Yuan, shocked; despite being a great master rank mage, he had failed to detect Yuan and his wives' presence.

"Yuan, please sit with us. Miss Mireya was telling us that she will also be participating in the mission, and she told us a lot about you all." Queen Matilda spoke excitedly, pointing at the rows of empty chairs near her.

Yuan and his wives took their seats and began speaking with Mireya and the royal family. As they spoke, Queen Matilda observed something unusual: Anna Grace was missing from the group, and instead, two women with the same appearance as Miss Anna Grace were with Yuan.

'Where is Miss Anna Grace? Why didn't she accompany Yuan, like his other wives? And, who are these two women?' Queen Matilda mused, her eyes fixed on Anna and Grace with a perplexed expression.

She chose to approach Yuan about it because she felt quite comfortable talking with Anna Grace on their first encounter.

She then looked at Yuan and inquired, "Yuan, why am I not seeing Miss Anna Grace with you? Is she not going to participate in the mission?"

Yuan gave Queen Matilda an odd smile and looked at Anna and Grace with an uneasy expression. Anna and Grace smiled awkwardly as they stared at Queen Matilda.

Queen Matilda feels perplexed by their awkward behavior and much more curious as to why Anna Grace did not accompany Yuan.

Yuan smiled awkwardly and said, "She will accompany us for the expedition, technically." He did not reveal that Anna and Grace are the same person.

"I see… But who are the two ladies accompanying you? Won't you introduce them to us? They resemble Miss Anna Grace." Queen Matilda then inquired about Anna and Grace, to which he replied that Anna and Grace were his wives.

Shortly, A handsome young man with blond hair entered the room, dressed in a white robe with golden stripes, emitting an impression of elegance and superiority.

Four additional persons entered the room, closely following the young guy; they were also dressed in white robes and emitted a powerful aura from their bodies, causing the air to tremble.

Yuan was drawn to the four people behind the young man because they were dressed in thick armor and had large swords around their waists.

The large hall was teeming with excitement as the young guy entered, his presence drawing attention. A wave of deference raced through the chamber, and every member of the royal family rose from their seats to express their respect.

Mireya and Sylvia, with their elegant composure, rose to acknowledge his presence.

King Richard, dressed regally, moved forward to greet the guest, his voice filled with reverence. "Welcome, Holy Son Aurther. It is an honor to have you personally visit our land."

Aurther returned the king's welcome with a respectful nod, but his brow furrowed slightly as he observed an obvious exception to the display of respect. Yuan sat with his wives, undisturbed, a tacit defiance in his posture that the young guy sensed.

Confusion and offense flashed across Aurther's face. In all his travels and meetings, he had never seen such brazen disdain.

Summoning his courage, he addressed King Richard with a tone tinged with dismay. "Your Majesty, forgive my boldness, but I cannot help but wonder at the lack of courtesy shown by this young man and the women beside him. Is this customary in your kingdom?"

King Richard's expression faltered briefly before he regained his composure, understanding the implications of Aurther's observation. "I apologize on behalf of Mr. Yuan and his wives, holy son. It seems there has been a misunderstanding."

Aurther's gaze shifted to Yuan's wives, his eyes tracing the delicate lines of their features with a mixture of lust and unabashed admiration for their beauty. It was as if their beauty held a magmatic pull, drawing him in despite his vexation. Yet, his reverie was abruptly interrupted by the piercing gaze of Yuan, cold and unwavering.

Yuan's voice cut through the tension like a blade, his words measured but laced with authority and immense power. "We show respect where it is due, holy son of the Holy Light Empire, not merely where traditions dictate."

"Fascinating…You know me," Aurther met Yuan's gaze head-on, his own resolve unwavering. "By the way, respect is earned, Mr. Yuan, whom I do not know, not demanded. And beauty, though captivating, does not exempt one from courtesy."

The air cracked with tension as the two men locked eyes, a silent battle of wills unfolding between them amidst the opulent surroundings.

The tension in the grand hall escalated to the boiling point as the armored figure accompanying holy son Aurther unleashed a furious roar, his voice reverberating off the walls with primal intensity, as a powerful aura erupted from his body, rendering the royal family motionless.


The other three companions tensed, their hands instinctively gripping the hilts of their swords, ready to spring into action at a moment's notice. Their silent threat hung heavy in the air, a palpable reminder of the power they wielded.

Yuan, surprised by the unexpected hostility, stayed strong, his demeanor impassive despite the mounting rage in the room. In his perspective, the four holy knights are nothing more than a bunch of weaklings, and he could easily kill them now if he wanted to.

"We answer to no one but ourselves," he said, his voice steady with a tinge of killing intent emanating from his eyes.

But another of Aurther's companions stepped forward, his voice a thunderous command.

"Apologize to our holy son at once, or face the consequences of your insolence!"

The royal family, caught in the midst of this confrontation, trembling with fear as the weight of the situation bore down upon them. Their hearts raced with palpable dread, fearing the eruption of violence that seemed imminent in the charging atmosphere of the hall.

'Oh my god, what crime did I commit to deserve to have the worst day of my life on such a significant occasion? I pray Yuan keeps his composure and doesn't act foolishly against the holy son and the holy knights that are with him.' King Richard prayed to God inwardly.

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