A series of twelve fighters were shot down, which made the M people realize that their intelligence system may have serious loopholes, but what made all of them wonder was that if a small African country shot down their fighter, their first reaction was that other countries were involved in the battle, and in order to find out the specific situation, they chose to temporarily retreat.

At the same time, the news was conveyed to country M through the information system on the aircraft carrier, and the president of country M immediately found Mike, the military dynamics of the world are under the surveillance of people in country M, and no one has the army of any country to go to Somalia, then Mike's prophecy may become a fact, the support of the mysterious forces behind Somalia, this force may come from that other space, or it may be the ghost of the country Z.

"We're in trouble." The president of country M just saw Mike and said, "Twelve fighters were shot down in three hours, Tomahawk missiles were basically intercepted, Somalia is not as simple as it seems, they have military technology no worse than ours, I want you to ask people in different time and space, are they also supporting Somalia, and the support is much greater than ours, otherwise how to explain that a small country that is poor can pose a threat to our fighters, or that country Z has terrible power?"

Mike felt his nervousness in the tone of the president of the M country, a fear of facing an unknown enemy, and this fear quickly spread to him, because he did not know about either question, "I have asked them about this question, and they say they do not support Somalia."

When the president of country

M heard this, he supported his forehead with his hand in distress, and he said: "Then there is only one possibility left, and that is that country Z person." We provoked an unknown enemy, damn it..."

While the two were discussing countermeasures, the war situation in Somalia took a new turn, and after Li Shu's order, six Reaper fighters launched an attack on the aircraft carrier battle group of country M. Although the M people have mastered the manufacturing technology of sixth-generation fighters, they have not mastered the technology to detect sixth-generation fighters, and the aircraft carrier formation of country M has no time to warn at all, according to the plan, Somalia is ready to carry out a limited counterattack to avoid the M people jumping off the wall and using weapons of mass destruction, after all, what Li Shu needs is a stable development environment. Truly starting a war between you and me is not something he wants to see.

Therefore, the mission of the six Reaper fighters is only to destroy the fighters on the aircraft carrier and blow up several small ships at the same time, and what Li Yu really wants is to scare and scare them, so that he opens up a new international environment. The power of the people of country M can be gradually cleared.

The night of the black Persian Gulf is destined to make many M country soldiers unforgettable, here he tasted a deep sense of powerlessness for the first time, high-speed flying fighters shuttled wantonly in the aircraft carrier battle group, the tongue of fire ejected by the machine gun muzzle constantly strafed the fighters staying on the aircraft carrier, the entire Persian Gulf sea surface was illuminated by firelight, and the invincible Aegis could not even lock on to the target at this time, They could only weakly watch as the aircraft carrier was strafed by crossed fire like a target, and they could only counterattack with primitive anti-aircraft artillery fire.

More M* people are hiding at this time. They lost the courage to fight, and some soldiers even trembled and prayed, they used to bully weak countries in peace. Death is a very distant word for them, but at the moment, everything is reversed.

In ten minutes, calm returned to the sea, and those black fighters came like ghosts, and then disappeared like ghosts. The traces left were three burning aircraft carriers and four sunken supply ships. After the horror, the M country fleet could not even care about those soldiers who were calling for help in the water. Run away in a hurry.

In the satellite image, the burning fleet is very clear, Li Yu did not show a victorious smile, he was thinking about how to explain all this to the international community, a poor small African country defeated the three aircraft carrier formations of country M, this is simply an international joke, but this thing did happen, even if other countries think with their asses should understand what is hidden behind this Somalia, and the people of country M should also understand the situation at this time.

"What to do? How to face the media tomorrow? Li Su sat on the sofa in distress and closed his eyes, while asking Li Ran for advice, it was cool, but then there was a big problem.

"In short, His Highness cannot reveal his secrets, if the Somalis know that it is a Z country that rules this country, the country will soon collapse, and now the only way is to explain nothing, secretly revealing that we have obtained some advanced technology left behind." Li Ran said.

"It can only be like this, true and false, false and false, we don't need to confess, we can use vague language to deceive them, well, let's do it, and at the same time we must properly show some strength, after the defeat of the M people, they will definitely clamored for the use of sixth-generation fighters, so let's expose the performance of our air defense system and sixth-generation fighters, so that the people of M understand that they can't approach the airspace of Somalia." Li Su said thoughtfully.

"Okay." Li Ran promised.

The next day, the Somali Foreign Ministry announced that Somalia had suffered an attack by the M people, and at the same time, admitted that they defeated the M army and won the war, and on the same day, the M foreign ministry admitted this fact and exposed a video of the war, which caused an international outcry, and then the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of M asked Somalia how Somalia has these advanced military technologies, and at the same time, raised a lot of strange things about Somalia. Somalia is asked to confess its military equipment.

In response to the question raised by country M, Totas said: "I think when the people of country M doubt the military readiness of Somalia, should they explain where their sudden acquisition of military technology came from?" As for Somalia's military achievements, I can disclose to the media, we also have the same sixth-generation fighters as the M people, and we also have advanced anti-aircraft missile systems, which allow us to intercept a large number of missiles and destroy the invasion of Somalia by the M people.

Totas' answer caused an uproar in the media, and they asked: "How did Somalia have such advanced military equipment in such a short period of time?" It seems to us that Somalia is just a small poor African country, which is simply incredible, isn't it?

Showing a charming smile to the reporter who asked the question, Totas continued: "I can only tell you that Somalia has obtained a batch of advanced technology, just like the M people suddenly have, in addition, I will not comment, this is our secret, I just want to say that Somalia is not easy

to mess with, and I hope that the military power of the M people does not appear near Somalia, otherwise we will think that this is an act of war, thank you!"

As soon as Totas's voice fell, there were thousands of strange questions, and Totas picked some answers, deliberately ignoring the matter of military weapons.

This press conference that is now broadcast live is not only watched by the global media, but also by many people in the White House of country M, they are officials and military personnel of country M, Totas boldly admitted the military equipment that Somalia has, but the source of the technology is not mentioned, but a leather ball kicked to country M, and the media will definitely pursue this issue next.

"Obviously, the Somalis know that we are in contact with people in different time and space, I am sure that the Z country is in Somalia, and I also know the full content of our plan, and that Z country is the source of Somali military equipment, don't forget that the person from another time and space will not leave any scientific and technological information to that Z countryman." Mike boldly analyzed.

"I don't want to listen to these messy analyses, now we are in big trouble, because of the huge losses and casualties, the entire country M people are against this war, and the opposition people are asking me to resign, I have had enough of what a different time and space, this is not the war we should participate in in the first place." The president of country M shouted hysterically. (To be continued)

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