
Chapter 891 God Battle

The 2nd day, early in the morning.

David's genetic energy spread out through the space ripples. Through these ripples, he could feel the energy levels within 10km.

"Hm? Naije is here?" David opened his eyes.

"Naije, cloud level room 2." David communicated.


The Na father and son, after arriving at Levitating Petal palace were prepared to ask around as to where that mysterious Lord Dave was staying. Within Naije's mind, a voice resounded, "Naije, cloud level room 2."

"Father, Cloud level room 2." Naije said softly.

"How do you know?" Nabu looked shocked at his son.

"brother Dave sent the message to me mentally." Naije said. Nabu, who listened to this was utterly shocked. This mysterious Lord Dave was terrifying. Even without meeting them personally and from such a distance, he already came to know that they were there.

"Let's go!"

Nabu and Naije entered the Levitating Petal palace. Even though the cloud level forbid others from entering, the Borne Family was a regional tyrant family, others would easily help them. When the two of them arrived at David's room, they saw the black armored man standing in the yard.

"brother Dave ." Naije shouted.

"Nabu greets Lord Dave . Thank you for saving my son's life." A silver haired Nabu bowed respectfully.

"Come in." David smiled.

In the living room.

David and Nabu both sat, Naije stood by his father's side.

"Lord Dave , if it weren't for you yesterday, my son would have lost his life." Nabu exclaimed. "Last night, the entire Syrun family was uprooted. Syrun family, they too are a family that's deeply rooted here, yet because of that one mistake their entire family business was destroyed. Yesterday, my son was almost dragged into it. Just thinking about it makes me afraid."

"Uprooted?" David frowned.

"Hm, I just got the most accurate news." Nabu exclaimed and shook his head. "The Syrun family actually had borrowed a huge sum of money, to get a set of armor from an ancient god ruin. They found the information about this by means of a secret channel.. However, It was a pity that their team was destroyed yesterday. According to them, the armor was taken away too. The Syrun family has no way to return such a huge sum, much less the interest. Hence…those that lent the money raged and killed the family and stole all their fortune. Even then, they were not satisfied."

"The ancient god ruins, what kind of place is that? Also, is a piece of armor that important?" David asked.

"Lord Dave doesn't know?" Nabu was surprised.

"brother Dave , even I've heard of the ancient god ruins." Naije smiled.

"I only know that's an ancient battlefield, a vast and huge battlefield." David said, "I'm only curious as to why an armor from that battlefield is so valuable."

From the common knowledge books from the 13 axe space rings, David came to understand several special places within blood river world.

One of which was the ancient god ruins, it however had very little information.

Ancient god ruins: Diameter 100 billion km, vast and endless, ancient battlefield.

The book didn't explain more.

Nabu smiled, "The ancient god ruins, most people only know that it's an ancient battlefield. However, me being a business man, through my special channels, I have come to know of several secret pieces of information. I believe that Lord Dave knows about the Outsiders?"

"David you?" Wuka looked at him, Wain too looked over.

"Dangerous level." David said.

At that moment, both of them were shocked. Wuka stared wide eyed: "David, it's your first mission and you chose dangerous? That's too risky!"

"It is dangerous indeed. In fact, I have a small problem right now." David was helpless.

"Although I'm doing the difficult level, I don't even dare to be careless. Devil, you really are crazy." Wain smiled and shook his head.

Even though a thread of his consciousness was in the virtual universe network, his actual self was in blood river world's Heaven Devour city planning his mission against the Persian family. Firstly, he had to know what the leader looked like. This way, he can confirm his target. Next, he had to be clear about the mansion in which they stayed in.

"No problem." David shook his head. "Hm, I have to go. I'm doing something big today, I cannot be distracted."

"Good luck." Wuka said.

"Don't go losing your life to the mission." Wain warned.

"Relax." David shook his head and smiled, following which he vanished and left the virtual universe network.

Blood river world, Heaven Devour city, night.

After 6 days of serious study and preparation, David became a gust of wind and without a sound or trace left Levitating Petal palace. In an instant, he arrived at a luxurious mansion that took up 10km in area. This was a mansion which was second only to the city leader's.

"Persian family!"

The air shook, a silhouette appeared in mid air outside the walls of the mansion. Of course it was David.

Chaos Point Mountain, Absolute beginning region, Wuka's villa.

"Wain, David, I heard that you two have begun the training missions." Wuka looked at David and Wain. "What level did you two choose?"

"Difficult." Wain said.

"David you?" Wuka looked at him, Wain too looked over.

"Dangerous level." David said.

At that moment, both of them were shocked. Wuka stared wide eyed: "David, it's your first mission and you chose dangerous? That's too risky!"

"It is dangerous indeed. In fact, I have a small problem right now." David was helpless.

"Although I'm doing the difficult level, I don't even dare to be careless. Devil, you really are crazy." Wain smiled and shook his head.

Even though a thread of his consciousness was in the virtual universe network, his actual self was in blood river world's Heaven Devour city planning his mission against the Persian family. Firstly, he had to know what the leader looked like. This way, he can confirm his target. Next, he had to be clear about the mansion in which they stayed in.

"No problem." David shook his head. "Hm, I have to go. I'm doing something big today, I cannot be distracted."

"Good luck." Wuka said.

"Don't go losing your life to the mission." Wain warned.

"Relax." David shook his head and smiled, following which he vanished and left the virtual universe network.

Blood river world, Heaven Devour city, night.

After 6 days of serious study and preparation, David became a gust of wind and without a sound or trace left Levitating Petal palace. In an instant, he arrived at a luxurious mansion that took up 10km in area. This was a mansion which was second only to the city leader's.

"Persian family!"

The air shook, a silhouette appeared in mid air outside the walls of the mansion. Of course it was David.

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