765 A Call To Li Xiu


CHAPTER 765 – A Call To Li Xiu

Zhang Qui Lang stared at her daughter and waited for an explanation of what she meant.

“The villainess again?” She ended up asking.

“Yes. I took a stop when they attacked my grandfather but no more. Even the cat of the Zhang family has sharp claws.”

“Better. This is good. You can do it.”

Nodding at her mother’s words, Bai Qing Mei rushed off to her bed, picked up her phone, and dialled a familiar number.

Ring! Ring!

The phone rang continuously for the first few minutes but there was no response from the other party.


Her brows furrowed deeply at the thought. She understood what it meant but refused to give in and try to contact her once more.

Thankfully, before the call ended, the receiver answered the phone and pressed it to her ears.

“Hello?” The disdain in her voice was as evident as the clear day but having gotten used to her act by now, Bai Qing Mei brushed it off.

“Hello, Li Xiu. How are you?”

“The dump where you left me. What were you expecting?” Li Xiu spat out bitterly.

“I understand your anger and rage towards me. But I am sorry.”

“Sorry, does not cut it for me. After everything we have strived for you had the guts to throw that in my face. Are you even being serious right now?”

“Yes, and trusts me, I have no time for games.”

“Neither do I. Goodbye.”

To Bai Qing Mei’s shock, Li Xiu ended the call on her and fumed.

To think she had only wondered how the bitch of a human being was fairing and then the next thing she got was a call from her.

“She can go to hell,” Li Xiu concluded and relaxed against the pillow in her room.

Life for her had not been the best, especially after losing Duan Tian whom she was so glad she could get married to.

Turns out he was a chicken who could not protect her. And Ye Cheng became a possible case for her too.

On the other hand, Bai Qing Mei could not believe she had a call hung on her.

For her, it was the effrontery to which Li Xiu who was nothing more than a dead rat tried to belittle her that got to her.

Her face contorted into a frown as her chest rose and fell with each successive deep breath she took while finding how best to control her anger and not let her mother see her failure.

“Let me teach you how to handle bitches,” Zhang Qui Lang offered.

She took out her phone from her back pocket and unlocked it.

“Do you have her account details?” She inquired from her daughter.

“Yes, but why are you asking for it?”

“Some people need money to buy their respect. And from what I have garnered, Li Xiu, the sister-in-law to Ye Cheng, seems to be one such person.

Her love for money made her take her sister’s boyfriend and when she saw a bigger fish, she tried to ruin Li Jing.”

Even though Bai Qing Mei had not said a word about Li Xiu to her mother, she was surprised that the latter dug into those around her.

“Do not be shocked. I may not speak about all the things you do; doesn’t mean I am oblivious to them. I see, baby.”

Her eyes held a glint of smile but the way her lips curved as she spoke told her of a different meaning.

“Everything?” Bai Qing Mei asked in a low tone.

“Yes,” Zhang Qui Lang replied and let her hand drop. “Everything, including your escapades with Hao Huizhong and how much he has blown your brains out.”

She looked away, shying from the embarrassment.

“Oh, now you can’t face me after throwing your legs open for him?”

“That’s not it.”

“Then what is? Or your terrible trials to put Li Jing down? It is more than enough for Ye Cheng to want to take revenge. You’ve been sloppy.”

“I am sorry if I have embarrassed you and not lived up to your name in this game.”

“No needing over spilt milk, Qing Mei, however from today we do things my way. Now call out that account number for me”

She nodded and pressed her lips into a thin line as she searched out the account number.

As soon as Li Xiu’s name appeared on her screen, she checked for the number and called it out for her mother.

Zhang Qui Lang, who knew how to operate spent a few minutes on her phone before she looked up at her daughter.

“You can call her now. I sent her three hundred thousand. That should be enough.”


For a moment there she stared at her other with unblinking eyes.

She did not know what game her mother was playing but she knew Li Xiu had done nothing to warrant this 300 hundred thousand.

“Do not worry, she would work for it. She cannot touch that money more than fifty thousand in her account,” she explained.

“I have a link. They would regulate the money in her account. The moment she transfers from it, it means she had fallen into my web and I have her where I want her.”

“Fine. Let’s say she accepts, what next?”

“Next is you answering your call.”

Immediately, Bai Qing Mei’s phone began to vibrate in her palm and truly, it was Li Xiu who called.

“Let’s say I left her a message saying you needed to talk and you are game with the plans to ruin Li Jing once and for all.”

She nodded in affirmation but her shock remained deep in her eyes.

Answering the call, she placed it on speaker and waited for the show to begin.

“I saw what you had your minion send to me.”

Bai Qing Mei’s eyes widened at the daring word that was uttered. “Fine, I’ll forgive you. What’s your plan?”

She was about to lash out and scold Li Xiu when Zhang Qui Lang gestured for her to calm her breathing.

If there was one thing Li Xiu did not know was that her saving grace was standing in front of Bai Qing Mei, else the latter would have arranged for her father’s men to beat her up.

“So you’re game?” Bai Qing Mei inquired after taking a deep breath.

“Yes. But after your plan, I need another three hundred thousand.”

“Stop dreaming. I paid you in advance to carry out your plans. If you forgot, my grandfather’s company was attacked and I cannot throw cash at will. Behave or I take my deal elsewhere.”


“Let’s not get ahead of ourselves and forget that there are many others who have a thing against Li Jing. I can always seek them out.”

She bit down on her lower lips and nodded.

“Okay. You would pay an extra fifty thousand. I am only dropping it because of what happened to your grandfather’s company. However, that isn’t my fault. If you can’t pay up, you should at least not try to go against the Ye’s.”

“Big words for a puny soul. Fine. You get fifty later. For now, we aim not to come off as though we are attacking her. We can start by using the Netizens to defame her.”

“Okay. I also want to set her up. This time, a way in which she cannot escape. I want her name on the headlines as Ye Cheng’s bitchy housewife.”

“Got it. Do your part and I shall get mine done,” Bai Qing Mei advised.


She dropped the call and raised her brows at her mother.

“Good. Next time, negotiate a zero amount as extra especially if she is not worth it,” Zhang Qui Lang advised.

“I will mother but she insulted you. Are you okay with that?”

“The insult doesn’t affect me. However, I would teach her that the Zhangs and Bais are not to be messed with. Should anything negative occur, she would take the fall. Then we shall know the true minion.”

Bai Qing Mei swallowed.

It was no wonder her mother was feared in this kind of business.


On the other hand, news of Hu Qi’s capture got to Li Jing while she took time off work to fix things from home.


She was glad for the news and could barely wait to inform Ye Cheng, especially her granduncles.

Although it was going to be devastating for Lin Liqin, she knew the man would want nothing more than justice to be served.

Having such a reminder at the back of her mind, she twirled on her chair in her study while tapping on her lips with the base of her pen thoughtfully.

“Grandpa or Granduncle? Who gets the news first?”

She blinked severally as another option came to mind.

“Yin Lifen it is. I bet that witchy mother hen would be thrilled I am getting payback.”


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