Chapter 71 - SAVIOR

His body was surprisingly soft and warm to the touch. My eyes fluttered close as I? savored the ticklish sensation ignited by the burning warmth of his skin pressed to my own. For the first time I became aware of the thin layer of the silk nightgown I wore, the thought sent my cheeks blushing into a reddish shade. Not that he would even notice what I'm wearing, it's dark, I assured myself. He carried me inside the house with surprising ease as though I weigh no more than a feather. We reached the foyer without creating as much sound. He could lightly move like a cat for a man having a large, muscular build.

"For god's sake, hold my neck if you don't want us tumbling down the staircase." He hissed. My thoughts drifted away as if the wind had blown them. I bit my lower lips and did what he ordered. He need not be annoyed, I know this ordeal was all my fault but he shouldn't be too obvious.? The feeling of my palms wrapped around his neck heightened the sense of intimacy swirling in the air. I don't know if he feels it too. He must be insensitive, numb, or made of stone if he couldn't feel it.

When I leaned my head to his broad shoulders I became too aware of the crazed sound of my heartbeat. It was so loud that I wonder if he couldn't hear it too, he must be deaf or something not to notice the sound. He carried me up to the stairs with incredible ease. He must be used to this activity, I thought rather grimly. Imagining him carrying another woman in his arms was more than enough to make me shudder. It wasn't my business to find out anyway, it's just that I got too curious.

He'd been there in my room earlier that day, he knew exactly where he's going. After reaching the top of the staircase he turned to the left corner of the hall where my bedroom was located. The door to my room was slightly ajar, he used the door to slightly push it open. He quickly slipped inside before anyone could wake up and witness our uncompromising situation. Once inside, he used his feet to close the door frame, I heard the clicking sound as he moved to the bed with me still in his arms.

He lowered me to the bed very gently, careful not to create a sound that would disturb Faith Vienne's peaceful slumber. When he knelt on the floor to check the damage on my ankles, I took the opportunity to watch him closely. He was even more attractive up close. The last time we've been this close was a while ago in this very room but it was dark that time and I didn't have the opportunity to observe his features intently. But it was different now, the chandelier was enough to illuminate his face. The golden glow from the chandelier made his face appear like a perfectly chiseled statue of a god.

Despite my best efforts to read his expression his face gave no clue. I? was now left guessing what must he be feeling deep within. Probably he was irritated or even annoyed by having to carry me to my bedroom at this ungodly hour. He knelt on the floor and lifted my feet off the floor. His touch was soft and sweet and I nearly close my eyes as his fingers crawled to my sprained ankle. "Ouch!" Pain spread on the injured area when he touched the wrong spot.

"Sorry." He mumbled, he sounded apologetic.? A crease appeared on his forehead as he continues to slowly massage the area. I bit my lower lip to prevent myself from making any sound.

"I wonder what you're doing in the poolside at this ungodly hour. I just want to make sure you haven't developed an obsessive nature—shall we say spying a man who happens to be stripping naked."

"Like duh! I'm not spying on you. Over my dead body." It was my response. I nearly kick him with for that remark. Warmth crept on my cheeks, I suddenly want to bury my face under the covers.

"Really Madam?" He sounded amused. When he lifted his gaze to mine, a playful glint lingered on his exquisite blue eyes. "Explain yourself."

"I saw you walking past the window. I thought you're a thief." I replied, too late to realize I was walking into a treacherous cliff.

"And you decided to investigate?" Gone was the amusement I saw a while ago. His tone was now laced with a chilling menace that caught me off guard.

"Let's say I did exactly just that," I told him the truth and regretted doing so when his tone blazed with controlled fury. "You slow-witted fool. Sorry for the word Madam. You could have done harm to yourself if you indeed encounter a real thief tonight. What you did isn't praiseworthy Madam. Confronting a thief alone is not what a sane woman would do."

He sounded like a father worrying over his careless daughter. Except he was not my father, he was just a stranger. But if I would be honest with myself, I never felt he was a stranger. Surprisingly speaking, I felt as I'd known him all my life.

"Ouch! That hurts!" I whimpered when he touched another sensitive spot. I don't know if he's doing it on purpose just to spite me. After hearing him mumbled an apology, I realize he didn't mean it. His face showed how sincere he was after he look up.

"It's only a minor injury, nothing to worry about. Your ankles would feel better tomorrow." He freed my ankle and got to his feet. It was so nice to feel the warmth of his fingers holding my ankles, but now that he let it go I couldn't help but feel a little bit of remorse. If only he could linger longer, it felt so good having him near.

Soft cries coming from the crib caught both our attention. 'Faith.' My alerted eyes averted to the crib where my daughter was lying. Forgetting the existence of my injury, I hurriedly moved to the crib only to yelp when the pain came surging down my twisted ankle after I stepped on the floor with force. Tears clouded my vision, and I bit my lower lip to hold myself still.

"Stop moving right there, you'll make the injury worse." He shot me a sideways glance, displeasure darkening his face. Without saying anything he turned his back in my direction and gently wrapped my baby into his arms in a gentle way that made my heart swell with tenderness. He was holding Faith Vienne as if she was his own child.

He must be very good when it comes to children because he was able to silence my daughter by just putting her into his arms. What an adorable pair they make. He looked like a devoted father.

My wandering shifted to his back after he moved forward. He was still rocking Faith Vienne into his arms. His unwavering attention was lowered in my daughter unaware that I was intently watching him.

I took a deep intake of breath as my eyes traced the scar on his back. The thought of how he got the wound sent shivers down my spine. I wonder what happened to him, but I'm quite sure whatever it is, it was a nightmare he would never forget. Who would forget a memory that caused him a scar so deep, and long, that even time held no power to erase?

As he returns Faith Vienne to the crib, I caught a soft flicker of tenderness in his eyes. It must be my eyes playing a trick on me but he appeared blissfully happy. He may not say it, but the glow of happiness reeked from his body that I could feel it in his aura.

He nods his head to me. "I wish that tonight's incident would not happen again Madam. I don't want you sneaking outside the house to pursue an intruder. Your father would not be happy if I told him the truth."

I didn't respond since I failed to search for the right intelligent remark. Everything he said was annoyingly true. Silence was the best response I could think of. He moved to the door. My energy dropped to the floor seeing him leave.

"Wait!" Before I could stop myself I said the word already. He stopped on his track. His searching gaze shifted to my face. He waited for me to say it. "How did you get such a long scar?"

He looked quite surprised but he didn't allow it to show. I was sure he would ignore my insensitive question but he shocked me when he moved a couple of steps forward until his knees were barely touching mine

"I saved a woman from her kidnappers by letting her escape. It was her captor who slashed a four-inch dagger on my back after he discovered that I helped her run away."

"It must be painful."

"Yes, but it's all worth it Madam."

"Do you love her that much to put tour life into the line?"

"With all my heart." He responds.

Silence lapsed inside the room. No one said anything for the next three minutes. We just look into each other's eyes, lost in our own burgeoning thoughts. It was him who decided to break the silence first. "I must be off." He said before turning to the door.

"Thank you for helping me to tonight—"

"Carter. Just call me Carter Madam." He said.

"Goodnight Carter," I whispered softly.

Before he walked to the door, I saw the faint shadow of a smile on his lips. " Goodnight Beatrix." For the first time he spoke my name, my heartbeat quickened.

"Goodnight Faith Vienne." He said softly turning to the crib. Moments later he was out the door.

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