Chapter 111 - REUNION

Happiness is the best revenge

because nothing drives your

enemies more insane than

seeing you smiling and living a

good life.


"Angela...." I whispered so softly and watched with overwhelming sense of satisfaction as her doll-like face squinched with fear.

My unforgiving eyes pierced through her beautiful jaded eyes enough to give her nightmares.

"It's been quite a long time. Have you missed me, dear?" I murmured in a menacingly calm manner that could make

Cerberus, the three-headed dog that guards the underworld, runs in fear.

Angela swallowed her tongue as she stood frozen like a marble statue. She paled under her skin and sweat formed on her temples as if she'd seen a ghost. I was actually surprised that she hasn't fainted from shock yet.

I shot her a frosty smile that could make hell turned into ice and shifted my gaze towards Vince who stood paralyzed in his place. His face was equally as appalled as his wife except he appeared as if he'd been struck with a sharp bolt of lightning.

"Vince… my brother in law. Do you still remember me?" My lips curled into a sinister smile that could send shivers down the spine of everyone who was watching.

The palpable fear I sensed emanating from Vince filled me with delight. They did more than terrorize me before and they should be thankful I didn't do something terrible yet… but soon I will make them taste what real revenge feels like.

Before I was the one haunted… someone who's placed at a great disadvantage. But today the tables have turned. My old, weak self died that day when Angela tried to murder me. I've been given a second chance at?life. The woman standing in front of her enemies were stronger, wiser, and braver than she was yesterday.

A soft touch from my shoulders momentarily took my gaze away from Angela and Vince. I looked behind me and saw Ace. I was so absorbed in my enemies that I almost forgot about him.


Gone was the fury I saw ablaze from his eyes. I was relieved when he gave me a gentle smile that made my eyes watered with tears. He's doing just fine and I have nothing to worry about.

"I'm fine." He said in a soft whisper as if he read my thoughts.

"Please don't force yourself to play the violin, Ace." I pleaded, my hands clinging to his tuxedo. I was dead worried that his childhood trauma would resurface if he forced himself to play.

His mother beat him with the violin three hundred sixty times with the violin. The dreadful experience gave him a phobia. He hasn't touched a single musical instrument since that day and the possible outcome after he plays the violin was beginning to scare the hell out of me.

" I can do this, Phoenix. Trust me." He whispered, landing a soft kiss on my temples while everyone watched.

He's determined to do this and there's nothing I could do to stop him. "I don't doubt that you could do it, Ace. But please allow me the honor to stand behind you while you face your battles.

Even though he wasn't sure what I meant, he just nodded. He sure trusts me. I don't want to let him down, that's why I will do my best to help him overcome his childhood trauma.

I moved towards the piano with my chin tilted in a defiant manner. At this point I have nothing in mind but to help Ace.

Everyone was looking at Ace and me wondering what would be our next step. I sat on the grandiose chair in front of the piano that looked like a queen's throne and glanced at Ace who was preparing to play the violin.

I could feel that my presence helped ease some of his stress.?I'm extremely thankful that Ace allowed us to face this ordeal together. Somehow, I?no longer felt left out and unwanted. I saw another purpose to fulfill tonight.

My gaze shifted towards the beautiful piano in front of me.?It's been years since I last played the piano but without a doubt in my mind I know my fingers could skillfully play with the keys.

True, I lost my memories but it doesn't mean that I'd lost my talent as well.?The notes we're not stored in my brain but in my heart where I know no one would be able to take it away from me. It's implanted there so I could keep them forever.

My skillful fingers slowly moved to the keys creating a marvelous sound that made me close my eyes.?As if my fingers had minds of their own, they began to move against the keys until the soothing sound of the piano filled the room.

I was ten years old when I first played a musical instrument—a guitar which mom gave me on my birthday. At a very young age I was fascinated how an instrument works and how it produces a marvelous sound that soothes the ears. When I was twelve—before my mother succumbed to an illness— she gave me a piano and taught me how to play. I became more interested in learning how to play the instrument rather than play outdoor games. Looking back now, I'm thankful that I'd been wise enough to practice everyday and now I am proud to show my talent.

How ironic that this complicated situation I found myself in would help me recover a bit of my childhood memories.

When my eyes fluttered open, I saw Ace looking at me with fondness in his bright blue eyes. His lips curled into a beautiful smile I couldn't resist. I couldn't help myself and I smiled back.

Ace began to move with expertise. He lifted the bow and struck the chord allowing the sensuous sound to mingle with the piano as if they were one.

His facial expression softened as his hands moved against the violin, he looked ethereal with his eyes half-closed.

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