[You have revived!]

As soon as I revived, I turned on stealth.

Now, I could finally make out my assailant. It was another devil woman who had punctured me with an arrow.

How annoying!

I took out a health potion and gulped it down.

[Your massive luck takes effect! The health recovered will increase by 250%]

'What the… there was such a thing too?'

The luck stat was very ambiguous, not to mention that it was totally random and had an effect of Luck→ Increased Lucky Encounter→More Luck.

But it wasn't as simple as it seemed. After all, having a luck stat of 10 was the average, while people with a 20 Luck stat were already thought to be pretty lucky.

Some people even entered the game with almost a total of 20 luck stats, showcasing their real-life luck at full swing even in the game from the get-go.

It was similar to people who had practised swordsmanship in real life. They had a greater advantage when compared to other people in the warrior or swordsman class.

Multiplying Eclipse, I used something I had yet to try.

[You're using magic on Eclipse.]

[You have instilled the fire attribute to the magic.]

[Congratulations! Eclipse has learnt a new skill!]

[Congratulations! Eclipse (Normal) has evolved to → Eclipse (Uncommon)!]

[Congratulations! Eclipse (Uncommon) has evolved to → Eclipse (Rare)!]

[2× hidden memory fragments have been acquired!]

[Dulwak's Heir (Legendary) has evolved to → Dulwak's Heir (Legendary 2 Star)]


Moving on.

I had in my hands two beautiful daggers, blades burning with orange fire, yet the beautiful violet surface still did not lose its shine.


Moving swiftly, I appeared at the back of the person who had KO-ed me with a single hit.

[Devil Archer W]

[Level 202]

To think that a level 202 devil was able to KO me with a single hit.

Such an embarrassment!

[Skill 'Flame Burst' has been activated!]

[Fire damage dealt will unconditionally deal 100% true damage to the enemy, ignoring all basic defences!]

And cut!

By the time the devil archer made out that a blade was already at her neck, her throat was already slit, making her gush out blood and die right after.

['Camouflage' has been cancelled!]

[Additional critical damage will be dealt with on the next attack!]

[You have dealt 79,876 true damage to the opponent!]

[You have slain a Devil Archer!]

[219 good has been gained!]

[77,878,877 experience points have been gained!]

"Kill the sneaky one first!"

The devil, who seemed to be the leader of the assailants, told the others to attack me since she deemed me as a threat after I had suddenly died and revived instantly somehow and had only appeared after one of her subordinates had died.

"No, you don't!"

A grand aura took over the whole place as everyone seemed to have stopped in time. Everything moved extremely slowly, and in this slow environment, only Tobias moved around quickly, brandishing his sword and sweeping out enemies after enemies.

As soon as the split second that felt like more than a few minutes ended, the corpses of the devil assassins fell to the ground with a thud. More than half of them had been wiped out by Tobias after just one skill from him.

'That's the power of the current emperor! The supreme who rules over millions of lives on the central continent!'

I looked at the being who stood at the pinnacle of the central continent in aww.

The archer and the assassin that I had killed were relatively lower level, while there were many assailants of 250+ levels. But Tobias had chopped them off like they were tofu.

"Fuck! Retreat! Take the princess as a hostage!"

The leader of the assailants, a devil woman who looked more human than the others, cursed and commanded the people who were alive to take the white-haired princess Jane as a hostage.

Wanting to copy the coolness of the emperor, I rushed toward the devil woman while saying.

"No, you don't!"

Soon, my blades collided with hers, and sparks flew around.

I threw the replica of Eclipse at her, which she easily avoided. With my other hand, I punched out towards the opening created with all my might.


Unintentionally, I had attacked her plentiful bosoms, which took in all the damage like a sponge absorbing water, and I retracted my hand back immediately.

"Such misfortune!"

I shouted as if my dignity had been assaulted. The devil woman clenched her teeth in indignation as she activated her skill.

"Shameless rascal!"

What right did she have to call me shameless when she was the one who interrupted my happy engagement?

Dark energy slipped out of her dagger, forming pieces of vengeful ghosts screaming as if they were getting tormented in hell.

"Go repent in hell!"

The devil leader shouted and attacked my chest.

"No thanks, I had just had a round trip from the abyss. I'll meet Lucifer some other time. Since you're on your way to meet him anyway, say my hello to him."

As soon as her dagger struck my chest, my whole body disintegrated into pieces of smokey cloud.

It was the skill that Eclipse had gained after evolving two ranks straight.

[Mark of Substitution

Type: Skill

Resource consumption: 500 Mana

Cooldown: 10 minutes.

Wherever there is a replica of Eclipse, you can immediately substitute yourself from the blade's location, anywhere within 200 meters.

Even skills and areas with no blink debuffs aren't an exception.

After substitution, the user's magic attack and physical attack will be doubled for 5 seconds.]

I had replaced myself with the replica that I had thrown at her earlier. I knew that she would easily avoid it, so I had planned this as soon as I had read the skill's description.

"Hey, hey! What are you guys waiting for? I can't kill her with my current strength! Can't you understand that much? Attack her already!"

The emperor and the others who were watching the situation from the side were shaken out of their stupefied state, and prince Lorcan immediately moved out to help me.

"Catch her alive."

Tobias calmly commanded without making a move at the devil leader. As if he was sure that she could not escape his son's grip.

That just showed how much he trusted Lorcan.

As soon as Lorcan charged at her, he made a chop with his hand and hit her neck with it, making her pass out on the spot.


'The last time I tried it, it didn't work for me. What the hell is with this partiality? This rotten game!'

I felt a sour taste in my throat for some reason. Was it written in my fate to not be able to do some cool protagonist-like shit?

Why was he able to do it and seem cool while I wasn't?

I scowled lightly and slowly stepped back toward the group.

Francis had already taken care of the rest of the assassins, leaving none of them alive. After all, they had caught the leader, so there was no reason for them to keep the others alive.


"I sincerely apologise for this. This incident was caused due to my negligence."

The emperor, Tobias, apologised with his eyes sorrowfully looking at Ena.

"I'm sorry for ruining your big day, Ena."

"No, uncle… what are you saying… "

"The devils must have gotten intel that I had left the castle and come to your engagement. That's why they dared to attack us with such measly numbers. These bastards! They don't dare to attack the main castle directly, so now they're testing out their luck by sending assassins when I'm the least on guard."

Tobias frowned as he deduced the situation. It was common knowledge that the Empire was currently at war with the Devils on the northern Drisica fortress. Elexis was playing the main role in the war of Drisica fortress currently.

Leading many NPCs and players alike to fend off the devils.

"Your majesty, if I may be so bold. I've heard about the situation at the Drisica kingdom and the war at its northern fortress. Can I know what the current situation is like?"

I asked Tobias directly. Although the forums were updated regularly, they wouldn't have as much insight as the person in front of me.

"It's fine, Earl Shura. You don't have to be so courteous. Since you're an Earl of the Empire now, you deserve to know the current situation. You should know that the Drisica kingdom is one of the seven kingdoms that is a subsidiary of the Sahhan Empire, right?"

Tobias replied with his own question.

"Yes, I'm aware of the seven kingdoms treaty to serve under the Sahhan Empire."

The reason why the Kashan empire was considered weak against the Sahhan Empire was precisely due to this treaty. Seven kingdoms were serving under the Sahhan Empire willingly and had diplomatic and profitable relationships with each other.

On the other hand, Kashan Empire was a large Empire without any backers. It had two countries under itself, and three other countries had remained neutral for years, without actually being against the Sahhan Empire or with the Kashan Empire.

There were many small dukedoms and fiefdoms, but there weren't more than two countries that made up the whole Kashan Empire.

As such, it was obvious who the real ruler of the continent was.

"Well, actually. The thing is, I personally feel like the Drisica Kingdom has betrayed the Sahhan empire. I have some evidence against them, just not enough yet."

"What? Your majesty, why didn't you tell this to us before?"

"Your majesty? How is this possible… "


I silently watched as Harold, Lorcan, and the others started throwing a tantrum.

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