Monster Integration

Chapter 1335 - Battling Spider VII

Chapter 1335 - Battling Spider VII

Seeing a thousand spiders coming at me, a smile couldn’t help but appear on my face; I had been waiting for something challenging, and these spiders are very challenging.

I waved my hand, and all the tree hundred petals came back to me. I am not going to use my defensive methods against these spiders; it is too passive even for me; I am going to face them head-on.

"First Boost!"

I finally activated the first boost; as I did, thick energy begins to spread around my body, increase my strength by multiple times but is far from enough to deal with these vengeful spiders.

After activating the ’First Boost.’ I poured a huge amount of energy into my sword and activated both of its enchantment of my sword at their full power. Simultaneously, twelve crystalline vines released from my back; all these vines have a very fine pointy edge that could pierce through anything.

The nonstop healing of neverending patients has improved my control a lot that now I could control twelve vines as my limbs. Though I could easily summon more than hundreds of vines, the quantity would not help much against these spiders.

The slight surprise flashed on the eyes of the blazing Spiders, but that did not stop their charge; it instead has made their speed even greater, that they have appeared in front of next second.

"Die Human!"

They shouted in my mind, which was no less than a powerful assault, and charged at me, but before they could come close to my body, they met with my twelve vines, which moved at 360 like the Spider.

The spiders have decided to attack me from all directions; they have covered me from all the directions that I could barely see anything outside. If others were to see me from a distance, they would see me getting caged inside the ball of purple fire.

My vines moved at the coming Spider’s at an unbelievable speed; they are getting the power of the ’First Boost,’ which I had improved tremendously in this upgrade and now could provide me with far more power.

Clang Clang Clang...

My vines clashed against the spiders in swift speed, stopping all the spiders that are trying to come toward me while trying to pierce their extremely sharp end into the spiders, but these sharp ends were only able to make a scratch on the crystal skin of these pink spiders.

I am not surprised seeing that it is a powerful cosmic being. Even if even it is suppressed that it could not even show its fraction of power, it is still an extremely powerful enemy that will need me to give my hundred percent and need some luck to kill it.

Clang Clang Clang...

A second after a thousand Spiders clashed against my vines, the tense of blazing Spiders sneak through the tight defense of my vines; seeing that smile on my face couldn’t help but brighten up.

I had never expected my vines to keep all the blazing Spiders at bay, I am only using them to keep the Spiders’ flow controlled, or I might say, stopped them from attacking me with all their numbers.

If such huge numbers of spiders attack me at the same time, then even surviving for more than one minute would be difficult for me.

I did not move from my spot as I saw them came at me; these spiders are well connected; they are coming at me from all the direction, wanting to finish me off in a one coordinated attack, but how can I let that happen.

As they got close enough, I, who was standing like a statue, moved suddenly. My sword moved, and when one looked at it, they would not feel they are looking at the sword but at the mountain, which crushed then and sliced through them at the same time.

The Spiders seemed to understand the power of my sword, as well. The blazing fire covering them began to solidify, but it was too late, as my sword was already on them.

Kach Kach Kach Kach...

My sword touched the first pink Crystal Spider and directly sliced through it like it was butter before moving toward the next Spider at even greater speed and cutting it too before moving toward another.

My sword begins to cut one Spider after another, and with each cut, speed and power would become greater, and it was not done by me but was by Spiders itself.

These Spiders or Spider is very smart; at the time of death, they are launching one big energy attack on my sword, trying to blast it into pieces and break its momentum, but unfortunately, they are doing the opposite.

This powerful dying strike of Spider may blast the normal King Grade weapon or even disrupt their attack, but in case me, they are making my attack just more powerful but each strike.

As the powerful attack struck against my sword, my armor would suck it immediately and convert before using that energy to power up my attack even further.

’A perfect Conversion’ as it said, one does not need absolute strength to win; even if one is a little weak, one can win too; one has to use every ability, the strength they have at its maximum potential.


I cut the last of the thirteen Spider; this had created a slight resistance as it had finished activating the defensive method, but it was still got cut by my sword.

As I finished cutting the Spiders, I changed my position and moved my sword toward another through Spiders with three times more numbers than the spiders that came before, and all of them have activated their defensive measures.

Kach Kach Kach...

Without losing a moment, my sword moved as it cut one Spider after another, and with each kill, its speed got greater and greater till it cut all the thirty-seven spiders, albeit barely as three spiders had got really close to my body

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