Monster Girl Ranching in Another World

Chapter 423 Immortal Desires: Seducing the Nine Generations of Demonic Sovereigns Pt 2

423  Immortal Desires: Seducing the Nine Generations of Demonic Sovereigns Pt 2

Standing in stark contrast to the blazing inferno that Nushi represented, Clesh seemed to embody nature's serenity and abundance. Vines as thick as tree trunks surged from all sides with swift agility, targeting me from different directions simultaneously. I quickly jumped into action, calling upon Chana’s pact to navigate through the relentless barrage of lashing plant life.

Even as I dodged her initial wave of attacks, my mind was already strategizing a means to conquer Clesh without resorting to direct physical confrontation. Given that Kali assisted me with stamina training, it seemed she may hold the key to overcoming Clesh's defenses. Approaching this as a tactical lecherous trap instead, Kali would be a perfect cocktail of mental strategy and carnal distraction.

Just when I had managed to ready myself for another attack, there was a deafening roar, and another towering figure loomed before me—Noels. She stood on two legs, her massive demon form casting an ominous shadow over us. It seemed I now had two formidable opponents to deal with.

Despite the imposing sight of Noels, I couldn't shake off my intuition about Clesh—the vines now told a story of erotic entanglement rather than just an offensive attack. Amidst the heightened tension, a flood of ideas began to surge within me. A bold proposition ignited into life, urging me to seize control of Clesh’s own weapon to bind her.

Summoning up all my courage, I started to channel Kali's Pact, preparing to link myself to the problem. With increased intensity, I focused on connecting with Clesh's lively vines, seeking the desire pulsating within them. Then, in one unexpected surge of manipulation, I yanked at the invisible thread connecting Clesh to her vines.

With a bewildered yell, Clesh stumbled back, her connection with her vines breaking. Before she could regain her footing, I redirected control towards myself. The lush green vines writhed, then stilled under my command. Slowly, they slid away from me, retreating to surround a confused and frightened Clesh.

Satisfaction coursed through me as her once-threatening weapons of war started to gently wind around her. Like slithering snakes, the vines began their entrapping dance, coiling expertly around Clesh's limbs and rendering her immobilized. The sudden shift in control clearly shocked Clesh, her eyes wide with surprise and growing apprehension blending with disguised anticipation.

In the ensuing stunned silence, Noels roared but paused, gauging the rapidly evolving situation. I kept my focus split between Clesh's vengeful gaze and Noels, anticipating an imminent attack from her. Her confusion wasn't enough to hinder my anticipated advancement.

Seizing the momentary advantage, with a new ability pushed into my mind, called out the ability. "Dark Chains!"

The ability sent black smokey chains from my cock to enter the waiting hole as her own vines held her legs open. Clesh's eyes bulged as waves of deep arousal slammed. Clesh's juices poured down my chains as she bit her lip to keep from screaming out until finally, she could bear it no longer. I pulled my Dark Chains out and cried out as her pussy sprayed her cum and her body shook.

Noel was also frozen now on the ground in a seized-up position as my Orgasmora pounded orgasm after orgasm into the massive demon woman. While she was frozen and trembling, her body was also shrinking. While I knew the women were getting stronger, their resistance was weakening. They had all been training the wrong kind of defense.

Now I used the vines to lift Noels into the air, her form returning to her beautiful figure with conch shell horns and blonde hair. Both women were now my marionette's under the sway of a puppeteer. Clesh's body had now been tamed and responded willingly as tendrils explored her bound figure, caressing and enticing stifled gasps out of her. My vines wandered their captives wordlessly, eliciting fervent moans reverberating through the sultry air as their master watched each woman succumb with sardonic pleasure.

"Now, where are the rest of the mothers?" I asked, and then Noels was pulled forward by the vines till the tip of my cock pressed into her folds, and I added. "If you girls tell me what I want to know, I will give you even more pleasure. This time I will use my own body, rather than the vines if that is what you want?"


Noticing that the pleasure-filled haze was starting to clear — though only marginally — With so much excitement and arousal built up, I just had to let myself go. As I did, a massive milky white stream blasted out of the tip of my cock. The hot cock milk caught Nixi off guard so well that she was knocked her feet, and hit the ground.

Nixi actually looked more beautiful this time, and I started to reconsider my previous thought as Noels rested her head on my shoulder. The demoness slowly kissed my neck as I fully took her into my arms, retracting my vines.

Reveling in the post-coital bliss, I admired the two spent goddesses in front of me. Noels clung to me sweetly in post-orgasmic languor, while Nixi lay spread-eagled on the ground, her white-streaked face wearing a look of bewildered satisfaction as her eyes stared blankly at my slowly retracting length.

Suddenly, a flash of movement from the corner of my eye caught my attention - the remaining seven demonesses were swiftly approaching us! Their sexual tension was palpable—each of them aroused and yearning whilst maintaining a facade of composed determination.

It looked like the real challenge had just begun.

"Enough frivolous pleasure! The time for lust is over, now it's the era of a real challenge!" declared Perita, advancing toward me confidently amidst the titan demonesses.

Just as the demonesses prepared to pounce, I utilized the pact of Wataluga. Sensing imminent danger from their power levels, I quickly erected a vast wall of water encompassing us. Each in-rushing demoness collided into the barrier, halted in their aggressive advance, their angry yet tantalized expressions peering at me through the translucent shimmer.

"What's this? Our grandson-in-law thinks he can buy time by hiding behind some water shield?" Kimera chuckled, her bewitching eyes glinting with amusement and undisguised desire.

Noticing that the pleasure-filled haze was starting to clear — though only marginally — in Nushi and Clesh's eyes, I winked at them before letting my hands roam over Noels again. Her body jerked responsively under my ministrations, signaling her readiness for another round. A round that would expose the awaiting women to an alluring live display.

Nixi finally stood up, her tousled hair giving her an oddly sexy playful air. She sauntered over to men and then dropped to her knees without a word. I was about to say something, but she wordlessly took my cock into her mouth.

At first, it seemed fine, but it seemed that Nixi seemed to have been hiding not only this cute and adorable form but also her ability to seemingly suck the cum right of my dick from my nuts! Suddenly, she was sucking me so hard that I could barely even keep my legs from buckling.

That was when the other woman attacked.


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