After some walking with blood dripping from both of their bodies, Del and Cole finally arrived at the front of the security office. There were several security robots and ordinary turrets along the way, but it wasn't that hard to destroy them all. The combination of C4 and APS bullets made killing the rest of security quite easy.

Del wasn't exactly wearing his helmet anymore, it wasn't wearable anymore. All that he wore at the moment was a bandage that wrapped around his head. He threw away his helmet since the bulge made it impossible to wear it without further injuring his head.

The HP drain had stopped as well from the application of the bandage. Still, he wanted to ask Cassandra to check for anything out of the ordinary in case Del suffered from some kind of brain trauma.

"What should we do with this damn door?" Cole held the door to the security office with his hand.

"Open it?" Del held his keycard and put it on top of the RFID reader.

The metal door slid open, revealing a room with many television screens and abandoned chairs. The monitors were still turned on and the room was quite clean for a place that had been abandoned. There was a rugged tablet on top of the table inside that room. Del and Cole then entered the room.

Del felt weird about that place. It really reminded him of Earth, but the technology there was more advanced. For example, the monitors were actually made of holograms and there was a map of the entire region in the middle of that room. What kind of place that Del had entered?

There was also a plate on top of the sliding door that read "Security Room: Level B1".

He pulled up a chair and headed for one of the computers. The template of the keyboard was familiar to Earth. To be honest, what kind of civilization created this thing? This was just too confusing for Del.


There was a key card reader next to the computer. Del put the key card on top of that key card reader and there was a welcoming screen for a person who Del didn't even know who he was.

[Welcome, Chief Security Andersen. Biometric Is Required]

"Shit, how am I supposed to search for his biometric sign?" Del asked himself as he put his thumb on top of the RFID reader.

[Warning, Biometric doesn't match.] [RFID #2 doesn't register any spare key card] [Reset Keycard?]

Del pressed the enter key.

[Data Erased. Temporary Access for Floor B1 has been granted. Please input Username.]

Del typed his name, and he pressed enter.

[Del Moore has been successfully registered. Biometric is required]

Del put his thumb on top of the scanner.

[Biometric saved. Welcome, Mr. Moore.]

Del smiled, it was the rare occasion that he was called with his surname. He then grabbed his key card from the reader. He then further opened the menu that was available on the computer. He then immediately lifted the security lockdown for floor B1.

The red light coming from the strobes on the hallway ceased to appear. Del took a deep breath as the security was disabled. Now, he needed to find whoever was inside of that place. Luckily, the security computers would provide him with the way to do so.

He checked every single security camera on the monitor. It turned out that a person was hiding inside the lab. The person was quite familiar. Del zoomed the security camera, and it revealed the face of the person who was hiding in that room. That person was Lize. The footage came from camera #42.

"Alright, that's our target, too bad that she is alone," Del sighed, which meant that he had lost the reward.

"She's still our friend, now, c'mon, let's rescue her," Cole said.

"Yeah, let's go, where she is anyway?" Del asked.

"No idea, do you have any idea?" Cole asked.

"Hmm," Del thought for a second until he noticed the tablet on the table. He picked up that rugged tablet and pressed the button to turn it on. However, as he turned it on, the tablet requested authorization.

[Keycard Required. Biometric Required]

There was a key card slot on the side of the tablet. Del inserted the key card into that slot and the table turned on.

[Welcome Del Moore]

The tablet displayed many multifunctional menus that could help him on his journey in that world. It really reminded him of the basic smartphone app, but way more advanced. The tablet itself contained a map app, database app, entertainment app, etc. There was also a personal assistant app on the menu. The bottom line was, the tablet was very modern. There was also an icon on the battery which was [∞] symbol.

Del opened the map menu. There were two options on that menu. There were exterior maps and interior maps. Del selected the interior map menu, and it displayed his current position alongside the room where he was in. His room was called B1 Security Room.

"Cole, excuse me, but can I talk with my spirit for a while?" Del had an idea.


"Pidma, are you there?"

[Yes. Damn, that's some tech that you just found, Del]

"Haha, yeah, anyway, can you merge with this tablet operating system so I don't have to say anything every time I need you?" Del asked.

[Sure, I think I can do it. You know the tablet has some sort of voice assistant, right? I think I can highjack the voice assistant itself.]


The tablet suddenly rebooted itself. It restarted and the tablet turned on its own again. Suddenly, the voice assistant of the tablet engaged itself and a female voice came out of that tablet. Del assumed it was Pidma.

"Ah, it's nice to have a voice, anyway, what do you want to have?" Pidma asked.

Del complimented, "Damn, the voice assistant doesn't feel too clunky."

"Wait, where was that sexy voice coming from?" Cole looked around the security room.

"This," Del showed Cole the screen of the tablet.

"Damn, that's some kind of juicy tech bullshit you have there, what can it do?" Cole asked.

"Dunno," Del swiped the touchscreen of the tablet to discover how many applications were installed. There was an app store on that tablet, but Del would have to figure it out later. Right now, he needed to navigate through the facility.

Del typed camera #42 on the interior map menu. It showed that Lize was in a storage room on the other side of the facility. Del put the tablet inside of his tactical rig, in the space between his rig and his shirt since there was no place to put the tablet in.

Del got out of that security office. As he walked, his headache was still aching on his head. He walked alongside the hallway. Security robots were patrolling along the way, but he didn't attack Del. Instead, they usually only said, "Have a good day, Mr. Moore."

After several hallways and rooms, Del finally arrived at the storage room. He put his key card on top of the RFID reader and the storage door opened. "Hey hey, we're here to rescue you," Del said.

"W-w-what? Is that you, Del?" Lize asked as she stood up from the ground.

"Yeah, this is me," Del said.

"Oh, what are you doing here?" Lize asked.

"I really expect you to say "Thanks" or something in that line, but yeah, I'm just here for rescuing you," Del said.

"Rescuing me? Did I forget to tell the guild that this was a one-way trip?" Lize asked.

"One-way trip? Are you here to kill yourself?" Del asked.

"Kill myself? Heck no, I'm here with the other adventurers to discover the cryo-something facility. I found this place, but well, the thing that killed my last two guards prevented me from going anywhere," Lize said.

"Cryogenic? What are you expecting from this place?" Del asked. He had no idea that Lize was aware of the fact that the place was a cryogenic lab.

"I meant, I read some books and old documents about the existence of the ancient site. One of the ancient sites is this site which studies freezing things. The document that I read also theorized that this place also had a place where you can sleep for a very long time," Lize explained.

"You meant cryosleep?" Del asked.

"I think? But most of the door that I entered is locked, this thing is useless after all," Lize said as he threw a metal plate that looked like a key card, but it wasn't one.

Del pulled the key card from his tablet, "You meant this card? I think you dropped it on the front door."

"Wait, this is not the card?" Lize asked.

"Of course it isn't," Del picked up the key card, which was another metal plate that signified nothing. Del threw it away, and they got out of the room.

What was Lize doing in here, anyway? What made her want to search for some sort of cryo facility that might or might not have some sort of cryosleep facility? Lize got some explaining to do, but to be honest, Del wouldn't bother.

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