MMORPG: Martial Gamer

Chapter 850 - Killing a Hundred Men!

Chapter 850: Killing a Hundred Men!

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

As a regular male, it was obvious what was between Martial Yin Yang’s legs. With one swift and vicious motion, Wang Yu once again sent Martial Yin Yang back into the resurrection point.

Martial Yin Yang’s face was completely ashen at this point. His dignity was thoroughly violated by Wang Yu this time even though he did not feel any real physical pain.

Being killed by Wang Yu twice in a row, Martial Yin Yang was really completely humiliated by him this time.

As an expert himself, Martial Yin Yang was also usually around experts of his calibre. However, none of the experts he had seen came close to the strength that Wang Yu possessed.

With Martial Yin Yang’s combat ability, few could claim that they could insta-kill him. Yet, Wang Yu not only achieved this feat, but he managed to do it twice in succession. Martial Yin Yang could not stop this feeling of dread that was enveloping his heart.

“He is outside the Pugilist’s resurrection point. Everyone, come and catch him!” Martial Yin Yang knew that it was a pipe dream at this point to fight Wang Yu one on one. He needed to mobilise everyone he could.

Other than the players from Divine Martial Guild who were stationed at the alleyway, there was still a big group that was gathered around the resurrection point. Once they heard Martial Yin Yang orders, the players who were waiting in ambush rushed out.

Over a hundred players gushed out from the seven resurrection points on Central Street. Although 100 people might not seem to be a big deal when comparing it to the immense width of Central Street, when these 100 people rushed towards a solitary player at the same time was a sight to behold.

When the players of Twilight City saw this situation, they were momentarily shocked. They looked sympathetically at the player that was targeted, trying to identify which expert had managed to offend so many people.

When everyone saw Wang Yu in the distance, this sympathetic gaze turned towards the players from Divine Martial Guild that were in the process of assaulting Wang Yu.

“F*ck, what guild is this? Don’t they know the rules at all? Are they courting death?”

“No idea, but it is probably a young man...” The veteran players from Twilight City knew better than to mess around with Wang Yu. It was probably some hot-headed youngsters who did not know who they were messing with.

“Cannot be, these people have good equipment and their levels are obviously not low. Could it be players from other cities?” Some people quickly suggested such an explanation.

“Other cities?” Everyone was contemplating such an explanation when they gazed at the unfamiliar insignia on the chest of these players.

“What?! Cross-city chase?” Upon confirming the status of the other party, the crowd erupted.

They quickly send messages about the ongoing situation to their friends and guild, “This is not good, there are people chasing around cities!”

“F*ck! Who dares to be so arrogant? Where are they, we are going to help!” The Twilight City community was enraged upon hearing the news and wanted to fight the intruders.

Since the reopening of <<REBIRTH>>, there was only one instance of where two cities fought against each other. Twilight City was involved in that incident, therefore, its players probably had some experience in such a situation.

Don’t trust the mild-mannered nature of the players of Twilight City. They actually harboured a desire for battle since most people played the game so that they could PK with other players. They did not dare to cause trouble, but they had found an opportunity to cause some ruckus this time.

“I don’t know who it is, but he is standing on Central Avenue. He doesn’t seem to have any backups.” The onlookers were narrating the situation to their friends.

“Hm? Who is so powerful, no support?”

“Iron Bull!”

“Oh, just take it that I didn’t say anything...”


Wang Yu’s strength in Twilight City was recognised by all. However, the Quan Zhen Sect did not have a particularly stellar reputation in Twilight City. Some thought Wang Yu was an honest man, others believed he was a vicious and evil man, and some even said Wang Yu was a murderer. In short, Wang Yu status in Twilight City was ambiguous.

Looking back on the assault by Peerless Heaven, Wang Yu had beaten back the hordes of enemies numbering in the thousands all by himself. Now facing him was just over a hundred people. Why would he need any support? That was simply a joke.

Within a short amount of time, the players from Divine Martial Guild players had surrounded themselves in a three-layered formation.

These players from Divine Martial Guild were not only well equipped and were all individual very strong, but they also had a tacit understanding with each other on every individual’s role in battle. Once Wang Yu was surrounded, the melee class players slowly encircled Wang Yu while the ranged classes started their attacks.

A whole barrage of enchanted time slowing arrows and magic skills shot towards Wang Yu. Martial Yin Yang stood in his place at the back of the regiment and shouted, “Don’t let him escape. He has our equipment!”

Facing such an unassailable group of enemies, Wang Yu tighten his eyes and a long rod appeared in his hands. With nimble motions, he intercepted the arrows one by one in the air.

The oncoming magic skills did little to hinder the progress of Wang Yu and he managed to dodge them. He flashed quickly and he appeared before the front line of the Divine Martial Guild frontline.

The frontline comprised of Shield Warriors who were big and burly. With the massive shields in their hands, they blocked the vision of the ranged class players. Without a clear target, they were forced to stop their attacks. However, these Shield Warriors immediately rushed towards Wang Yu.

The most effective skill that Pugilist had to deal with Shield Warriors was [Grappling]. However, even this skill had when facing so many Shield Warriors at once.

Surveying the warriors around him, Wang Yu displayed a slight grin and he chose to engage a small fat warrior right in front of him.

The little fat man was delighted when he saw that Wang Yu was seeking his death by fighting him head-on. He raised his broadsword and sliced down on Wang Yu. At this moment, Wang Yu’s arms swayed and he changed his rod into one long and one short blade. He reached out with the shorter blade to intercept the broadsword. The broadsword changed its trajectory and hit the player that was behind Wang Yu.

“Oh my!”.

The player that was hit cried tragically as a number floated on his head.

The scene was in utter chaos. However, everyone knew that their singular target was Wang Yu.

People who had experience fighting others would know. Only 10 people could surround a target at any one time. Furthermore, these Shield Warriors with their bulky shield and broadswords. There were only around seven to eight warriors surrounding Wang Yu.

With one short and one long blade in his two hands, Wang Yu struck out at wicked and impossible angles at the horde before him. The short blade was precise and lethal while the long blade was nimble and graceful.

The Divine Martial Guild players felt powerless because at all moments, be it when Wang Yu was defending or attacking, he would intentionally stick close to an opponent. In this small space, these players could not indiscriminately release their skills in fear of collateral damage. The ranged contingent could only stand in the distance and watch the battle.

As a result, 30 seconds after being surrounded, Wang Yu was completely untouched. The only people that were hurt were the players on the frontline.

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