The Sixth Apostle got up with an awkward expression on his face. He swept off the dust on his clothes as he turned and stared at Wang Yu, "Young man, you really do have some skills. But did you really think you can..."

Before the Sixth Apostle could finish his sentence, Wang Yu suddenly extended his two fingers to poke the Sixth Apostle’s eyes. The Sixth Apostle was shocked as he hurriedly swung his sword at Wang Yu. Wang Yu smiled and retracted his fingers as he leaned to the side. After dodging the Sixth Apostle’s attack, his right hand seized the opportunity to push him and used his leg to trip the Sixth Apostle. The Sixth Apostle stumbled upon the push and almost fell to the ground again.

At this moment, Wang Yu followed over too. He used one finger to jab the Sixth Apostle’s neck and an imprisonment symbol appeared on his head.

If One Page Book was around, she would have recognised that this was pressure point skill. However, nobody around knew anything like that. All they knew was shock and fear when they saw Wang Yu restrained the Sixth Apostle with just one finger. All their eyeballs almost flew out when they witnessed something as unbelievable as this.

"Stop staring blankly like this is a magic show! Hurry up and attack!"

Wang Yu’s words woke everyone up from their shock as they hurriedly executed skills after skills. After one set of attacks, they managed to reduce about 100000 HP of the Sixth Apostle.

After the attacks, the Sixth Apostle’s control effect had also been dismissed. By the time he got himself ready again, everyone left the formation immediately.

The Sixth Apostle knew that Wang Yu was impressive so he decided not to deal with him anymore. After giving a stern glance at Wang Yu, he charged towards the rest of the squad with his sword.

Wang Yu followed suit and went right in front of the Sixth Apostle.

The Sixth Apostle’s current aggro was no longer on Wang Yu. Even though Wang Yu arrived right in front of him, he didn’t even notice Wang Yu as he charged forward. Wang Yu avoided the Sixth Apostle’s charge as he extended the pole in his hand and struck the Sixth Apostle’s butt. This time, he was truly flabbergasted.

"...Hehe... Old Bull... You are truly a unique person!" Seeing how dirty Wang Yu’s attack was, everyone started feeling a little embarrassed of their teammate.

What kind of character was the Sixth Apostle? He was one of the greatest BOSS in > and a highly intelligent NPC in the game. Even though this was merely a weakened clone of him, there was still a certain amount of pride in him. Tripping and falling to the ground was still acceptable but now Wang Yu even used a pole to smack his butt...

Something so embarrassing could not be tolerated! The Sixth Apostle turned around in an infuriated manner as he shouted at Wang Yu, "What are you doing?"

"I am your opponent!" Wang Yu held onto the pole as he replied.

"B*llshit! Who do you think you are?" The Sixth Apostle flew into a greater rage when he heard Wang Yu’s provocation.

"I think you’re scared of me." Wang Yu replied calmly.

"I will slaughter you!" The Sixth Apostle’s rage was at his limit as he gave up on everyone else and charged right towards Wang Yu.

Wang Yu smiled and welcomed him with open arms.

Nine Solitary Spears asked in shock, "What kind of persuasion method was that?"

"He managed to pull the BOSS’s aggro away..." Thunderlord mumbled to himself, "Who knew that intelligent NPC’s aggro could be pulled in this manner..."

Thunderlord was truly a professional gamer as he could see through Wang Yu’s plan just like that.

Intelligent NPC’s intelligence was not very much different from a normal player. In fact, it could even be slightly higher than some of the players. Simple taunting might work for some brainless monsters but it would be useless against an intelligent monster like this one.

Wang Yu also found out from the previous dungeon that attacking the sensitive portion of an intelligent BOSS could trigger the BOSS’s aggro and rage to the limit. Therefore, taunting intelligent BOSS with words and sensitive body parts would usually be more effective than normal skills.

The Sixth Apostle was so infuriated that he started hacking and slashing repeatedly. Every slash brought along immense energy as though it could cut through a mountain every single time. Even so, Wang Yu was like a leaf floating in the ocean. Every time the BOSS looked like he was going to hit Wang Yu, Wang Yu avoided it in such nimble ways.

The Sixth Apostle was very strong and was even enhanced by the Heart of Darkness. However, he was still considered a power-type BOSS. While every attack brought along extreme force, the speed of the attack wasn’t considered impressive. After all, even the heavy tank Thunderlord could dodge it, let alone the extremely agile Wang Yu.

Because a Power-type BOSS’s attacks were powerful, not only were the speed of the attacks slightly slower, the speed at which he retracted his sword was also slower than agile BOSS. To others, the Sixth Apostle seemed like an extremely formidable BOSS. To Wang Yu, he was much easier to deal with than the agile Assassin BOSS he had to deal with at the start of the dungeon.

Looking at how Wang Yu avoided every slash of the Sixth Apostle, Thunderlord muttered to himself, "It is really the sidestep flow method to deal with a tank... To think that it actually exists in this game too..."

In the previous mouse and keyboard games, resisting and sidestepping were two attributes of gamers. Because this involved a few probability problems, gamers usually only use either resistance or sidestepping. Therefore, tanks were divided into two extreme styles. Those that resist and those that dodge.

Back then, the internet argued over whether resistance or dodging was the more impressive method. After some time, everyone on the internet dismissed sidestepping as a skill and only resistance became a properly recognised skill. As things progressed, a player could only depend on his own movement if he wanted to dodge the BOSS’s attack. Because of this, the sidestepping skill disappeared without a trace. As a first generation gamer and a tank, Thunderlord witnessed this incredible sidestep method to fight a BOSS once again.

Every time the Sixth Apostle missed Wang Yu, the angrier he became. This way, the aggro pulled by Wang Yu became more stable. Additionally, Wang Yu would occasionally attack the Sixth Apostle a few times. This time, the Sixth Apostle really hated Wang Yu to the core.

As everyone saw how stable the BOSS’s aggro was pulled by Wang Yu, they didn’t waste any time as they attacked whenever they deemed appropriate.

The Sixth Apostle’s health started to show a significant decrease.

As everyone got used to this way of attacking the BOSS, the Sixth Apostle’s health decreased at an increasing rate. Without spending a lot of time, his health was left with 50%.

After all, this was still an Ancient grade BOSS so nobody actually believed that they could defeat him in this manner.

Once his health dropped to below 50%, the Sixth Apostle suddenly shouted, "All you insignificant ants, you’ve really driven me mad now!"

"Not good! Everyone get out of the way!"

Wang Yu shouted as he dodged the first slash by the BOSS.

Everyone was an expert so they naturally knew that BOSS was going to burst out. Even without Wang Yu’s reminder, everyone started retreating far away from the Sixth Apostle.

The Sixth Apostle’s sword turned and forced Wang Yu to retreat. Following that, he raised his sword to face the sky and black magic flames descended from the sky like rain. It covered an infinite radius around the Sixth Apostle’s position.

"A sky full of flames, extreme sorrow turn to joy!"

Wang Yu executed his Seven Star Steps as he approached the BOSS. He avoided the sky full of flaming rain as he extended his arm to tug at the Sixth Apostle, who was raising his long sword.

The instant Wang Yu grabbed hold of the Sixth Apostle, he suddenly felt like he was not holding anything. It was an illusion and at this moment, a teleportation gate appeared not too far away from Wang Yu’s body.

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