Chapter 38: The Items in Town

Chapter 38: The Items in Town ? ? ?

With a gleeful expression, Xin went on to inspect the other rare equipment he had acquired.

? Beast Butcher, Axe (Legendary, requires attunement), given by the NPC Cleaver

This formidable weapon is crafted from the bones, claws, or teeth of a fearsome beast. When wielded, it allowed the user to tap into the wild nature and savage strength of the creature, granting them a 100% critical attack bonus against beasts.

Furthermore, while attuned to this weapon, the user gained a portion of the beast's physical prowess. Their Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution increased by 10%, mirroring that of the beast.

NOTE: Only Swordsman, Tank, and Barbarian classes could wield this powerful axe.

? Binding Crossbow (Very Rare), given by the NPC Talia

This specialized crossbow was designed to fire a unique type of ammunition known as binding shots. While it is large, cumbersome, and heavy, it excelled at ensnaring and immobilizing targets at a shorter range compared to a regular crossbow.

Requirements: +50 Strength

NOTE: Only the Hunters class could wield this exceptional crossbow.

? Tornado Shield (Very Rare), given by the NPC Magnus

This circular shield bore a mesmerizing spiraling swirl etched into its surface. It possessed four charges, and the user could expend one charge to summon a mighty tornado upon a Medium-sized or smaller creature within a range of 50 meters.

Upon activation, the tornado would hurl the target up to 100 meters away to the farthest empty space. The unfortunate creature would suffer additional damage upon impact with the ground.

The shield regains one charge every four hours.

NOTE: Only the Tank class could utilize this impressive shield.

? Whirling Blade (Short Sword, requires attunement, Rare), given by the NPC Cedric

Though it appeared to be a simple blade given to new adventurers, this short sword held a magical secret. Along its length, an engraving in Common read, 'It's dangerous out there alone!'

As a bonus action, the user could charge up the weapon, causing it to hum with energy and emit a 5-meter aura of dim, blue light. Once charged, the user could unleash the weapon's energy, causing it to spin violently and strike all creatures within ten meters with double damage.

Once this property is used, it couldn't be utilized again until the following dawn.

NOTE: Only sword-wielding classes could harness the power of this remarkable weapon.

? Coral Staff (Wondrous item, Very Rare, requires attunement by a druid, sorcerer, or warlock)

Crafted from jagged coral, this staff held remarkable power. It could be wielded as a magical quarterstaff, granting a single bonus attack to its user.

When holding the staff, the wielder gained a swim speed equal to their walking speed and the ability to breathe underwater.

The staff possessed 20 charges. As an action, the user could expend charges to cast various coral-themed spells: flesh to stone (6 charges), spike growth (2 charges), stone skin (4 charges), wall of stone (5 charges), or wall of thorns (6 charges).

Additionally, the staff could conjure an area of coral at a point the user could see. The size of the area depended on the charges expended, up to a 10-meter radius per charge. The area became difficult terrain, and any creature dashing inside it suffered piercing damage.

The coral area lasted for 10 minutes or until dispelled. At dawn, the staff regained +4 charges.

If the final charge was expended, the coral shattered into a thousand shards, and the staff is destroyed.

NOTE: Only staff-wielding classes could utilize the incredible power of the Coral Staff.

? Dead Man's Blood (Poison, ingested, uncurable, Very Rare), given by the NPC Rose

This vivid red liquid, tainted with floating traces of black, served as a form of protection.

When ingested, the creature will be poisoned for one hour, overcoming any immunity to the poisoned condition they might have. The creature will take acid damage per second.

? Enchanted Alcohol (Fortified Spirit Potion, Rare), given by the NPC Lisandro

This potion provided a unique boost to one's abilities but came at a cost to mental clarity. Upon consumption, it granted a temporary increase of +10 to STR for the next 10 minutes, but it also resulted in a decrease of -10 to INT.

? Love's Enduring Sacrifice (Wondrous item, Artifact, requires attunement), given by the NPC Elinor

The elegant glass sculpture of a rose symbolized undying love and affection, a gift that solidified the deepest bond between two people.

To attune to the rose, both partners (the giver and receiver) had to allow a thorn to draw at least a single drop of blood. This unique and permanent attunement bound the rose to them exclusively and rendered it useless for anyone else. The couple became known as "the attuned."

As long as their love remained true, the rose granted the following benefits:

? Shared Sensation: While in physical contact with one another, any damage taken by either of the attuned would be split equally between them.

? Empowered Strength: When within ten meters of each other, both attuned gained +10 to one of their chosen stats.

? Loving Touch: While in physical contact with one another, the attuned healed each other at a rate of 100 HP per minute.

? Enduring Love: If one of the attuned died, their soul would reside within the rose, bypassing any death penalty. The living partner could resurrect their loved one once a day by holding the rose.

? Shared Afterlife: If both partners died, their souls could choose to reside within the rose, avoiding the usual death penalty.

However, if the true love of either or both of the attuned wavered or was lost, the rose's magic would lie dormant, and the rose would turn the color of ash. Only by rekindling true love between the attuned could the magic of the rose be reawakened.

∥ E N D ∥ There were various other equipment, items, materials, and potions Xin had acquired, but those books and the once listed above were undoubtedly the best items so far. He couldn't help but feel ecstatic about his luck on Newbie Island.

Additionally, he also obtained several Golden Tools like the Golden Pickaxe, Golden Hammer, and Golden Axe. These tools would greatly enhance his foraging journey, making it a breeze to gather resources and materials.

As night fell, Xin made plans to forage the next day and see what new items he could obtain using the Golden Tools. ƒгeewё

The thought of discovering more rare and valuable items filled him with excitement.

Although he hadn't found any replacement for his [Crustacean Carapace], Xin felt content with the treasure he had gathered.

With this, he could steadily pay their debt and buy back the life that they once have.

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