MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 87 - Chapter 87: Chapter 87: Queen (Extra update at 10,000 votes)

Chapter 87: Chapter 87: Queen (Extra update at 10,000 votes)

Translator: 549690339

Li Yao learned the blueprint and stored the advanced skill rune in his backpack temporarily. He wouldn’t use this rune until after becoming a Dark Ranger; it was extremely valuable.

Even though the advanced rune could be adjusted, the waiting time was too long, and he still lacked suitable skill enhancements.

Next, Li Yao began fiddling with the heavy hand cannon while pondering his meeting with the queen.

Time slowly passed. Half an hour later, still no one had summoned Li Yao. However, Li Yao was not in a hurry. Major decisions involving two races were not made hastily.

Li Yao simply took out his engineering table and began crafting ammunition for the hand cannon himself. The cannon’s ammunition was naturally special; the size alone completely overshot a fire gun’s bullets. Although it was merely the lowest-grade gunpowder, its power was still considered top-tier for the time being.

Thanks to the Creator’s Equipment, he even added some iron chips and beads to the ammunition, mirroring the principle of a hand-grenade.

After a few trials, it was a success. The hand cannon was originally for causing small-scale explosive damage. Adding these extras should significantly increase its power.

Only when he was almost out of gunpowder did Li Yao stop. He should have enough ammunition for the moment.

Li Yao then took out the Exploding Sheep but found it lacking somehow. After examining it, he changed its legs into wheels.

Although the Exploding Sheep’s destructive power had not increased after Li Yao’s experimentation, the speed of his wheel-based design far exceeded the speed of its original prosthetic legs.

Li Yao estimated that the Exploding Sheep’s speed had surpassed his own running speed, which surprised him slightly.

Although it was a simple modification, and increased neither the power nor the speed of the Exploding Sheep itself, it was similar to enlarging the world; it all depended on how it was utilized.

The principle of enlarging the world was not complicated. Having finished with the Exploding Sheep, Li Yao started on Enlarging the World.

He needed some copper and amber – a rare mineral often found with copper ores – of which Li Yao had a sufficient amount. Despite possessing the

Creator’s Hand, he failed on the first few tries and only succeeded on the sixth.

Li Yao toyed with the device similar to a handgun, aimed it at himself, and shot a beam of light at his forehead.

When he opened his eyes again, he found that the whole world had indeed magnified. It felt as if he had entered the world of a giant.

The tables and chairs that originally sat around him now resembled an entire room, and he seemed even shorter than a dwarf.

Of course, in reality, it wasn’t the world that had expanded. It was just that Li Yao had become smaller.

Probably even the most powerful divine artifact in the world couldn’t enlarge the world.

Once he had shrunk, the world naturally appeared bigger in his downsized eyes.

While Li Yao was still marveling at the novelty, the same banshee leader entered, walked in on the shrunken Li Yao, and expressed slight astonishment,

“What kind of spell is this?”

Li Yao welcomed her with an embarrassed smile, cancelled the buff, and resumed his regular size. “I’m sorry, I was a bit bored, so I played around with some engineering toys,” he said.

“You’ve been waiting for a while. Follow me, the queen wants to see you.” The banshee didn’t ask any more questions and just turned to leave.

Li Yao packed up his crafting station into his Mechanical Space, then hurried after the banshee. He had been at this location for almost eight hours, and with the traveling time accounted for, it was now midnight in game time.

From the Moo Guard outpost to the Undercity, he had already lost two days. Despite this, he was not worried about leveling up; he had plenty of ways to gain experience.

Sylvanas Windrunner didn’t meet Li Yao at the throne; instead, their meeting was set in a large conference room where a bright light beam made the hall clearly visible.

Sylvanas Windrunner was standing quietly in front of him. Li Yao bowed politely, “Honored to meet you, General.”

“There’s no general here, only a queen,” Sylvanas Windrunner responded, her expression unchanging. Extending her hand, she continued. “Hand it over. I hope you didn’t lie to me.”

“There should be no mistake,” Li Yao took out the necklace and handed it over. On contact with her fingertips, Li Yao felt an icy chill. She was devoid of temperature, devoid of pulse, like eternal ice.

“I thought I would never find it again.” Sylvanas Windrunner’s face flickered with a hint of confusion, but then she glanced at Li Yao, as if something dawned on her.

After hesitating slightly, she resumed her image of a dignified queen.

“Do you think I would be pleased about this? Do you think I miss the days before I became the queen of the forsaken? This means nothing to me, Aurelia Windrunner is but a distant memory.”

She threw the necklace at her feet, then looked at Li Yao icily, “You may leave now! ”

Li Yao shrugged, did not leave, but said, “The past that can never be returned. Whether the present is meaningful or not, you can never abandon the memories you have.”

“Are you lecturing me?” The astonished look in Sylvanas’s eyes was gone in a flash.

“Of course, I have no right to lecture a general.” Li Yao said calmly.

Sylvanas sighed, picked up the necklace, summoned four phantom banshees, a tragic song of the High Elves echoed in Li Yao’s ears.

Li Yao seemed to see countless undead besieging Silvermoon City, countless High Elves brutally killed, Sylvanas leading the remaining troops to fight to the death, but eventually fell under the Demon Artifact.

Then her soul was drawn out and turned into the Banshee Queen controlled by the Lich King. The sky was ablaze with war, millions of bodies lay dead, and blood flowed like a waterfall!

Li Yao heard deep sorrow, nostalgia, and hatred from the song.

At the end of the song, Li Yao took a deep breath and said the lines that should have been spoken by the queen.

“Neither living nor dead, you will be forgotten by the living and the dead. You have returned to the world you once said goodbye to, but you can never return to those you once loved. Your existence is both a miracle and a curse, so you forget the past, and you are forgotten by the past.’ Li Yao sighed, “But have you really forgotten?”

Li Yao uttered while passing over a letter.

“This is not true.” Sylvanas was even more out of control than before, but only for a moment.

“Whether it’s true or not, you’ve made your judgment.” Li Yao sighed again.

Queen Sylvanas Windrunner put away the letter, still alone on her circular stage, still exhibiting her strength and severity.

Perhaps, only the necklace given to her by her sister, and the news that he was still alive, could touch the softest part of her heart.

“Fire Spark, you’re pretty good. It seems that Eileen thinks highly of you and recommended you to me. And you face me neither humble nor haughty, you are moderate and justified in your actions, and you are the best hunter among the new High Elves of the same batch. Indeed, you can become a Dark Ranger.” Sylvanas put away the letter, her face as cold as the eternal ice, high and mighty just as Li Yao first saw her.

“Thank you, Your Majesty.” Li Yao finally felt like a weight was lifted off his chest.

“However, I now give you two choices. First, I will have an excellent Dark

Ranger bless you. After you reach level ten, you will naturally become a Dark Ranger. Second, you will pass my trial, and I will bless you myself.” Sylvanas said.

“I choose the second option.”

Li Yao was taken aback, then his heart began to race. He was sure to choose the second option, as the queen’s blessing not only meant that he would more easily receive leader tasks in the future, but more importantly, he would establish a connection with the queen.

Although she wouldn’t explicitly help him, having this relationship would make things a lot easier for him in Undercity, and even in Silvermoon City.

Naturally, all the undead in Undercity worshipped the queen and there were many in the High Elves who worshipped her too. Indeed, her old subordinates were numerous.

“Think it over, my trial isn’t easy. If you fail, you won’t even become a Dark Ranger.” Sylvanas’s eyes stared at Li Yao.

Li Yao met her gaze without flinching, and said resolutely, “I will not regret the choices I’ve made.”

“Very good…”

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