Chapter 346: Preparations

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Similar to Arthur’s duel challenge, it was three versus three. The wager was set at 10,000,000 Gold Coins!

“Do you dare to accept this challenge?”

“I represent Iron Alliance to accept the challenge!”

The person who responded was not Li Yi but rather, Dream Guild’s Guild Master, Flower Underpants.

“No need to make a fuss for such a petty issue. Count me in as well!” God Creator Guild’s Confused Fox made his stand in the World Channel.

Iron Alliance’s heads were making impassioned speeches out in the World Channel and only the true core of Iron Alliance, Dark Wing, held his silence.

“Hahaha, what about Dark Wing? The person I want to challenge is Dark Wing. You are all unworthy!” Defiantly Tyrannical was smug from the attention.

“You’ll know we’re worthy enough if you give it a go. If we increase the bet by another 10,000,000, would you dare to take it up?” Flower Underpants was enraged.

“You’re basically gifting me money. Why wouldn’t I accept?”

Defiantly Tyrannical and Flower Underpants signed the Challenge Scroll right in the World Channel.

Bet: 20,000,000 Gold Coins!

With the drop in Gold Coin price, 20,000,000 Gold Coins was quite a huge amount. Of course, the Gold Coins was a side benefit for Iron Alliance and Three Major Guild Alliance, whereas dealing a blow on their arrogance was the main event.

With the Challenge Scroll in effect, both parties set the main stage at Blade Peak’s Arena.

“What about Guild Master Dark Wing? Why isn’t he showing up? What happened...”

“Yeah, why isn’t Guild Master Dark Wing involved in this duel? Why!”

Chaos ran all over Iron Alliance. There were many voices directed at Li Yi in the alliance channel, some were dubious, puzzlement, while others were just pure rage.

With the Throne-claiming war nearly at hand, if they were to lose at a time like this, their morale would take a blow. However, the ever glorious Archer God was not saying a word about it. What was going on?

Was he throwing in the towel?

“Guild Master Dark Wing ordered that everyone endure a few more days. After the Throne-claiming war, we will vanquish them all!”

This classic rumor was circulating again but this time, it had no calming effect. Instead, the majority of people were at a loss.

“They are stepping on our heads now. Guild Master Dark Wing, you must deliver a counter-blow!”

“Dark Wing! Dark Wing!”

Several thousand gathered in Shattered Frost City, chanting Li Yi’s name until Fire Ice, the first secretary of Little Drunk Cat made an appearance to put a stop to it.

Fire Ice only told them this.

“The Guild Master is not online. He won’t be able to hear what you said. He’s... on the road.”

“Not online? On the road?”

Thousands were left aghast...


Li Yi was really on the road. He was currently in a maglev train, without any time to spare for gaming.

Confused Fox and Flower Underpants were the few heads of Iron Alliance who was calling him non-stop on the phone. He replied to each of them. Moreover, the rumor about vanquishing them all after the Throne-claiming war indeed came directly from the horse’s mouth.

“Steady there now, I will be back in less than five days!”

“Defiantly Tyrannical has challenged us. I accepted it and the duel is today. Are you able to come?”

“... I’m on the train.”

Defiantly Tyrannical’s Challenge Scroll sure came at the right time...

After all the chatting was done, Li Yi turned off his mobile. He needed time to clear his head.

In the past few days, he made a couple of bold decisions.

He bought a few properties in different residential districts and spent about RMB 30,000,000. He was currently en route to other places to buy more properties...

It was not for the purpose of playing with real estate. He was only interested in gaming and harbored no interest in investment.

He was doing all this for a woman.

He was on a purchasing frenzy. From his memory, any property that she had occupied, he bought them, despite the price and condition.

He did not care about money. He cared about his past!

Lin Qian!

This unforgettable name was the biggest regret in his past life.

He had tried to escape from it. He thought he could put it behind him and avoid the route of ever bumping into her so that, in this life, they would never meet again.

He was wrong. He could not do it. No matter the women around him, he still found hard to forget that beautiful person buried deep within his heart.

She came without warning and left without a trace, leaving him only with eternal regret.

Now it led to him buying everything. Li Yi’s property purchase plan covered up to three cities!

He did not know when Qian’er would enter into his life. He... Honestly speaking, he did not know what he was thinking at this point.

In his past life, Li Yi and Lin Qian met in the third year of gaming, in other words, the fourth year King of Pantheon was in session. Lin Qian had only entered the game then. Right about now, Lin Qian must still be abroad studying and has yet to return to her homeland.

Why the impulse to do such a thing at a time like this? Li Yi himself could not figure it out. He had this urge to do it. If he did not accomplish it, he felt as though he was on pins and needles. Hence, he put everything on hold just to run this task.

He spent four days to get everything done...

The money he earned from Pantheon was almost all gone.

Six house deeds. He bought all these properties based on his memories. Among the six, there was one area where Lin Qian only remained for three days...


What was happiness? When one went out looking for a job everywhere, yet to no avail. One was at a dead end in life yet friends and family just looked on. One would be looking down on oneself then but suddenly, an idiot who one did not know showed up and paid one’s rent for a year. He then tossed one a gaming helmet and told one, “Join me in Pantheon. Basic salary of 10,000 bucks a month.”

It was most touching when the idiot actually left another 10,000 bucks of living expenses prior to leaving.

What was happiness? This was happiness!

30-year-old Fang Jie’s hands were trembling as he fondled the 10,000 bucks left by the idiot. He gave himself a tight slap. Smack! A clear handprint appeared on his face, lifting his spirits.


Fang Jie ran out, sprinting with all his might. Finally, he caught up to this, who in his eyes, was the most wonderful idiot.

“Brother, I’ve never played this Pantheon game. Also, what’s your name in the game? How... How do I find you in the game?”

“My name is Dark Wing, Guild Master of Little Drunk Cat. Just add me as a friend once you registered into the game.”

“10,000 bucks a month? Cash or gaming currency?”


Fang Jie’s eyes rolled back. He almost passed out in happiness.

He had been on a job hunt since his graduation and still at it at 30 years old. He had not been able to keep a job down and with his rent almost due, a lovely... idiot came out of the blue, into his life.

“Brother, you’re not shitting me, right?” Fang Jie was almost in tears.

Li Yi sized him up and down a few times before smiling, “What can I cheat you of?”

Fang Jie was dumbfounded. He gave a hollow laugh, “That’s right. I don’t have a house, I don’t have money, I don’t have a wife. What could you cheat me of...”

“You don’t need to worry about rent. Just focus on the game. If you need money, just let me know beforehand. I can pay your salary in advance.”

As soon Li Yi was finished, Fang Jie’s eyes rolled back completely. He has fainted from sheer happiness...

“Brother, I will do anything for you, as long as it isn’t illegal,” Fang Jie wrapped his arms around Li Yi’s leg, not wanting to let go.

“Do your best. There’s a five-month probation. If you aren’t any good, I won’t hesitate to hire someone else!”

Li Yi patted Fang Jie in the shoulder before drifting away.

“Brother, I will do my best! I won’t let you down!”

30-year-old Fang Jie had tears rolling down his cheeks...

Idiots were not easy to come by in this world, especially rich idiots who were rare finds...

Fang Jie: Pantheon IGN, Mind Kill. Class, Assassination Archer. One of the top players and the only person that could match up with Shoot ‘Til Morning Light of the same class in the Eastern Continent in the past life.

Fang Jie only joined the game during the third year of King of Pantheon in the past life. He had once mentioned in an interview that he was only involved in Pantheon because his life was in shambles and had given up hope in life. He never thought he could earn money out of it. He was only escaping reality. Being famous and earning money was a complete coincidence.

Li Yi’s actions have undoubtedly propelled him to his fate.

This was a benefit brought about by his rebirth. It would be a waste if he did not make use of it.

Little Drunk Cat was not lacking in funds. Various industries have seen the major potential that was in King of Pantheon and tried to inject themselves into it. Just from advertising alone, Little Drunk Cat’s income was more than RMB 3,000,000 per month.

Not lacking in funds nor in resources, Little Drunk Cat was short of independent, super strong, solo players.

It was not to say Li Yi was too great as a soloist and no one could compare but rather, it was widespread in the Eastern Continent where the numbers were high and overall ability was the strongest. However, when it came to solo combat effectiveness, they were far from the other two continents.

Fang Jie was one of them!

With the talent that he possessed, what would he evolve into, having him enter Pantheon two years earlier? Would he surpass Shoot ‘Til Morning Light?

Li Yi was filled with anticipation!

Li Yi was not satisfied just seeking Fang Jie. He went to another place to seek another expert of the past life.

The most legendary Contract Summoner in Pantheon history — Pale Blue Elegance.

Pale Blue Elegance was similar to Fang Jie. It was not their time to enter King of Pantheon.

Pale Blue Elegance was a chick with amazing willpower. Her style was quite similar to Snickersnee, never flashy but always shone when people needed her the most.

She spent four years in a binding contract with a Level 80 dungeon boss, Dragon of Windstorms. This epic undertaking drove the whole Pantheon world wild.

She belonged to a nondescript guild in the past life. The guild had no more than a thousand members. Its guild master was a Castellan of one of the cities but because they refused to bow to Three Major Guild Alliance, they were hit pretty hard. It was all thanks to Pale Blue Elegance as each time these rival forces laid siege, she unleashed Dragon of Windstorms at the entrance to eliminate anyone in its path.

Li Yi sought a different path with Fang Jie. They were both men, so they could just talk it out. This method was not workable with Pale Blue Elegance. She was a chick, after all, and a pretty one too. She was currently at school and a beauty too. If he were to look for her out of the blue, she might think he was some thug.

How should he initiate contact?

There were quite a few experts in the Eastern Continent back in the past life but Li Yi placed emphasis on character first and then technique. Fang Jie had morality and so did Pale Blue Elegance. When she had Dragon of Windstorms, many parties had offered ludicrous rates to woo her in but this chick stood her ground, echoing her motto, “Respect me an inch and I’ll respect you a foot.”

Fang Jie needed money, really badly as well. It was the opposite for Pale Blue Elegance. Her father was some General Manager in Asia. Their family had substantial resources.

Li Yi was at the front of an exclusive elite school when he saw with his very own eyes, Pale Blue Elegance driving past the school gates in a limited edition Maserati sports car...

At the school entrance was a glaringly huge warning signboard.

[No driving in school!]


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