Chapter 278 CH 272: NO MORE HESITATION

Yui looked at Adam's smile and knew that this was far from enough.

She approached him and patted Adam's shoulder,

"I am sure that what I said, in the end, didn't really help much, right?"

This was reality. One small speech would never be enough to change the whole mentality of someone or make me change their opinions.

If mental anguish could be so easily taken care of then there would be no need for psychologists and psychiatrists in this world and mental anguish would be a thing of the past.

"It helped. I guess it did. I am happy knowing I can count on you in moments like this. But in the end, I can't help but question myself and I cannot help but laugh at my hypocrisy."


"I am not a good person but I want to look like one.

"I am not a bad person. But I want to act like one.

"In the end, I am nothing more than a half-assed criminal who doesn't know what he is fighting for and the results are as half-assed as my resolve, bringing me to a situation where I gain nothing, yet lose everything."

"Why do you need a reason to fight?"

Yui was genuinely curious,


"No, I am serious. I mean, why do you need some grandiose reason to act? This is not a shonen you know? You don't need to have some grand dreams, nor act like a saint who knows everything in this world."

She grinned, "All humans are hypocritical. This is an undeniable fact. Perhaps only a rare few saints can say to be above such a thing, but never your nor I nor the billions of people on earth are saints."

Humans were the type of people who could laugh at the misfortune of someone they hated yet cry when this happened to someone they loved.

They were the kind of people who could film themselves while looking at an accident or even a murder but would cry for help when the same things happened to them.

Every day, humans wore hundreds of different masks, changing the way they spoke and behaved in the function of the one they were facing.

"There is nothing wrong with being hypocritical and even if there is, I truly do not care about it."

She pushed his chest with a finger, "I am willing to commit many atrocities and crimes in order to reach my goal, I have ordered the death of many people. Caused many families to lose their loved ones. Yet I keep rules such as not distributing harmful addictive Drugs. Don't you think I am quite hypocritical?"

Yui knew how she was perceived in the underworld. But she did not care. Her moral was at the mercy of her own whims. The rules she followed could be broken at any moment.

"I do not establish those rules because I want to appear like a righteous or chivalrous criminal. I do not steal from the rich to give to the poor. I simply do what I like and do not do what I do not like."

She flicked his forehead gently, "Adam. I understand a little better. All your life you have been raised as a normal human and developed your own sense of values. But suddenly you were plunged into a new world with new rules and aliens' way of thinking."

November was coming to an end.

Today was the 28th.

This also means that Adam had only been exposed to the supernatural world for 28 days and this introduction had been in the most brutal way possible.

"Thinking about it, your life is really worthy of a legend of old."

In Twenty-eight days. Adam went from being a normal student studying for his diplomat to becoming a gigolo, then a criminal, killings people in mass, fighting vampires, hunters, and devils, facing two Devil's prince summonings, and witnessing someone he cared about dying.

This wasn't just something as simple as a rollercoaster, this was a washing machine that was trying to wring him dry with no way of escaping.

In the first place, she was even surprised he was still sane and his worst symptoms were some self-doubts.

People had broken for less.

But at the same time, after remembering what he could do when he decided to bring pain, she wondered if he wasn't already broken in a certain way.

'Is it because of his race?'

Yui was not foreign to such things. Racial instincts could greatly affect the mentality of people in way they could not even perceive.

The best example of this were vampires who needed blood to live and Ghouls who needed flesh.

For vampire, the very moments they awakened, it became harder for them to consider humans as something they once were.

In a way, humans become closer to pets they enjoy having around in the best case, and nothing more than food for the vast majority. At the same time, they would grow to appreciate blood as a delicious source of food even though normal humans would be pretty disgusted by this.

In the same way, werewolves all had the Pack mentality and would submit to the Alpha of the pack.

This was a powerful nature that existed deep in their genetic information. The best way to actually survive and evolve without being exterminated.

The reticence towards murder for blood-born vampires was nearly non-existant and transformed vampires would soon forget everything about the humanity they once possessed.

'But I don't know what he is.'

She was still in the idea that he was a Cambion Incubi as this would be the most likely but it was hard to say without a definite proof.

When Yui shared her idea about Adam's mental condition, Adam frowned.

He thought her theory had a great merit. This would explain the difficulty he had as two sides in him constantly fought against each other.

He touched his heart and remembered the coldness and reaction he had during his first fight and the more he thought so, the more assured he became.

But in the end, there was only one person he knew who could confirm or deny his doubts.


—And in order to meet her, he needed to complete a quest that had been pending for some time now.

It was time to make his relationship with Shuri the clearest possible. Staying in a situation with too many things left was enough once.

Yui was right in a way.

Trick me once.

Shame on you.

Trick me twice.

Shame on me.

He had already made a mistake once with Hae-Won and in the end all that was left for him was regret and wonder about what could have been had he done things differently.

He would not let this happen ever again. Hesitation was the mother of failure and the price of failure was something he did not wish to bear anymore.

It was time for him to seduce Shuri.

(AN: Guys, I just realized that in the Epic ordeal, I should have added a Silver pass, in addition, the karma reward. Too much of a pain to add now. Will edit it later perhaps)

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