Chapter 266 [Bonus Chapter] CH 260: HOME IS WHERE THE HEART IS

When Adam finally reached his home after a long session of reviewing his newly acquired skills and power over a voyage on the ocean, for the first time in a long while, he simply deactivated his base power ❰The World❱ or rather reduced it to such a narrow margin that it merely covered 3 meters at most surrounding him.

At the same time, he shut down two of his other minds, ceased their function altogether, and used his main one to perceive the world.

⦗Lock On⦘

Finally, he closed all of his chakra pathways, and all his stats plummeted down to what they were before Halloween; effectively turning him into a normal human who had reached his physical peak, but a normal human nonetheless.


The difference in sensation was simply… overwhelming, to say the least.

It felt as if all his senses had been abruptly crippled to a great extent, leaving him as good as being disabled. It was not a good feeling in the least.

The world lost its shine, his mind felt slow and it felt like he was shouldering the weight of the world on his shoulders after his strength vanished into thin air with the establishment of the lock.


Even walking became weird for him as Adam could not clearly judge the amount of strength he needed to put in each step to walk forward.

It was only after a few minutes that he was finally able to slightly get used to the feeling of discomfort and the disorienting of his senses.

'So this is how I felt in the past, huh?'

He wished to return to normal even if only temporarily but now realized that his new life had somehow become his new normal along the way.

The standards of his lifestyle had changed far too much for him to ever truly feel and act like a normal human again.

Even then, his decision was firm. For the rest of the day, as long as he or anyone surrounding him did not meet any life-threatening event, he would simply move with his human shell.

This will perhaps be the last time he would ever do something like this in his life.

It was without a doubt a meaningless action. Something that brought him absolutely nothing no matter how he thought about it.

But he wanted to do it. So he did it. It was that simple. Nothing more, nothing less.

After getting more used to his dulled down physical and psychological attributes, Adam began to slowly walk on until he reached the door of his house.

He had already found some clothes for him previously and even without the use of Prana, he was not butt naked anymore and could walk in the open.

Reaching the door, he put his hands in his pockets but sighed once he realized that his key had also been destroyed alongside the rest of his body during his fight with the Devil of Lies and Deceit.


The bell sounded in its usual nostalgic glimmer as Adam hit the buzzer with his hands.

"Give me a minute!"

Cecilia's voice, as beautiful and powerful as always, sounded from the other side of the door soon after he pressed on the buzzers. Footsteps soon followed, trailing after her powerful voice, and the door was opened; only to make him witness the sight of a slightly sweating Cecilia.

She was wearing a white apron over a tee shirt and a pair of slightly stained jeans; the stains belonged to some sort of powder and other food-related items. It was clear that she was cooking something right now…

"Who are you and what have you done with my Mom?"

Adam took a step back and made a cross sign hurriedly, causing Cecilia to roll her eyes in disbelief.

"Stop overreacting, you brat! Even though it's rare that I cook, it isn't like it never happened before, right?"

Adam took a few more steps back as his face lost more and more of its color, "Yeah, and every time something like that happened it turned into a disaster as you created food worthy of being named as a biochemical weapon."

Cecilia's answer was to give him the middle finger to which Adam could only chuckle as he came closer to her.

"You fucking brat!"

Taking him into a headlock, Cecilia ruffled his hair roughly while bringing him in from the outside.

"Oh, lad you're back?"

Cecilia released Adam and he was able to witness a powerful vision. That of Makarov wearing oven gloves and a white apron with a flower pattern on top of it.

One had to remember that despite his age, Makarov had the appearance of a bodybuilder jacked with as much testosterone that was allowed for a human to have. The contrast between his usual appearance and the one he was witnessing now was enough to make him question the reality of the world and wonder if he had entered some kind of parallel universe or not…

He now looked like a bodybuilder grandma about to give him a protein shake for a lack of better descriptive knowledge.

"Also you are right about your mom. That lass can't cook even if her life depended on it. So I decided to take things into my own hands and made her my assistant."


As if remembering something, Adam rummaged through his clothes before taking out a vial.

"I got this."


It took a supernatural level of will for Makarov not to simply drop everything he was holding in his hands on the spot due to the shock he felt after seeing the vial.

Carefully placing the things in his hands on the nearby table, Makarov sat down with a hand over his chest.

"Lad, be careful with your surprises in the future, okay? My old heart can't take much more of something like this."

Makarov was not exaggerating. His heart was beating so powerfully now that he felt like it was about to explode at any second.

This was how shocked he was by Adam's gift.

"Where did you get this? Should we start packing and flee for our lives?"

Adam was speechless at his sudden reaction which was eerily similar to what Cecilia had shown him a few days ago when he gave her Gorgon's blood he had received from Medusa.

"Why the hell is, once again, the first reaction to wonder if I have stolen it or not?"

"This is how shocking what you have in your hand is. Just who gave you this?"

Makarov approached him like someone possessed and began to observe him from all directions while also observing the vial full of holy energy.

His eyes were bloodshot, his breaths were ragged, and his eyes kept spinning in every direction possible as he watched the vial in his hands.

At the point where things were at, he wouldn't be surprised if Makarov started muttering something like "My precious~!" like that one eerie abomination from a certain old film he had watched with his mother.

"Well, take it."

He really wanted to throw it and see how Makarov would react but he felt like it would be a little too disrespectful of him to do something like that so he controlled himself from acting on his impulses.

Cradling the vial in his hand as if it was the child he never had, Makarov nearly let out a tear because of how overwhelmed he was.

"With this, any weapon I create might even give birth to a consciousness or special skills."

Thanks to the powerful holy power concentrated in the holy water, the effect it would have on a weapon would go beyond simply making a sword that can hurt Devils and Demons.

It would be a truly special weapon with special skills that would go beyond the norm and the realms of logic.

"With this… I think we are nearly done."

All they needed was to gather more data and soon—

—The ultimate weapon of his dreams would be created.

But before that, "You should take care of Viktor and buy him some good liquor. Your mother's invited her friends over."


Adam tilted his head in confusion, "Mom, you have friends besides Shuri?"


Cecilia groaned, putting a hand over her heart from the 'Emotional Damage' she received from her own son.

That one hurt. It hurt a lot. She now understood what Shuri must have felt when she said the same to her.

No… This was even more painful for her to hear. After all, she could genuinely feel no malice in the words that Adam had conveyed to her and that he was actually anticipating who her 'friends' may be and was even slightly happy at the prospect of her having more friends. This was enough to devastate her whole world in one go.


Makarov holding back his laughter with extreme difficulty on the side did not help the situation and made her even more depressed.

"Ah… Sorry… I forgot."

A second shot of 'Emotional Damage,' even more powerful than the one before came straight to her heart once he saw Adam's reaction once he thought things through. This time Cecilia just vomited blood and crashed to the ground.

It was a fatal shot. There would be no recovery from this for a few minutes.

"Hehe... You know, your mother used to be very popular, right? Many people wanted to meet me."

"You mean like the hundreds of cultists that wanted you dead?"

Cecilia ignored Makarov's words and coughed loudly to cover up her embarrassment, "Furthermore, you know, better have one good friend rather than a hundred fake ones."

"It's the same way broke people say money doesn't bring happiness and ugly people say that what matters is inner beauty." The old man once again said on the side

Adam chuckled slightly. A laugh that was much more natural than the one he had leaked earlier.

Looking at the antics between Makarov and Cecilia, warmth filled his heart.

The past night had not been easy for him.

But now he could feel it.

Indeed. He was back home.


(AN: After many rather heavy arcs We will have a relatively more calm arc. Adam will deal with his inner feelings but the overall feelings aside from that will be geared around having fun and relaxing a little. A simple chapter filled with comedy. Hope you liked my small joke. A little cliche I accept but at least I hope they made you smile.)

By the way, I have posted 8 chapters in 48 hours. Hehe, If you want me to keep this rate don't hesitate to hit me with a Gachapon gift or a Space. If I get a Castle I will do my best to maintain 3 chapters every day until Saturday and 2 chapters every day assured.

A Space craft I will try 4 chapters every day but at least 3 chapters every day assured.

A Gachapon will be 4 chapters every day assured and sometimes 5? not sure I can do 5 but I can do my best to assure 4.)

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