Chapter 261 CH 255: REACTIONS (1)


Standing in the deep void of space, Lucifer and Azrael gazed at the scenery below as the whole situation finally came to an end.

"I see. Asmodeus had been turtling himself in the 2nd Hell after his failed attack on Earth and even that bookworm allied with that crazy woman to harass him. I wondered what was happening. Hehe, so this was the reason behind all that, huh?"

A smile spread on Lucifer's face and he started to laugh out loud like a madman who had seen the funniest shit in his entire life, "Pfft! Hahaha~! Stopping the descent of two Hell Princes. Is this the coming of a second King Arthur or what?"

His laugh was so loud and boisterous that even the space surrounding him started to tremble and distort. Thus was the power of Lucifer— the Devil King. An existence whose mere presence could change the very laws holding nature in itself.

"How fun. How truly amusing. I wonder what kind of face would those bastards in the world above make when they learn that Cain finally had a true son once again."

He continued to laugh out loud, but Azrael simply looked at him in silence, his billions of eyes, all gazing at him at the same time with a sense of apathy and indifference no matter what he did.

"Sigh… You are really creepy, you know that brother dear? I wonder what He was thinking when He created you guys all those years ago."

Lucifer stopped smiling and gave an abrupt sneer, "I will admit defeat this time. But you should know, right? Your actions now just postponed the inevitable. A new reset is fast approaching. Be it a small apocalypse like the one four thousand years [1] prior or a big one like 65 million years ago, it will always happen."

"And yet humanity still managed to thrive and survive till the end."

"Nothing more than a cockroach, I tell you. Sooner or later the day will come when not even one seed of them will be left on this plane. Perhaps tomorrow. Perhaps in ten thousand years and inevitably in six or seven billion years, their existence will all come to an end. I am very patient, you know? Two planets were already destroyed. This is the last one."

Lucifer chuckled and his attire started to change. Transforming into an elegant suit with a small golden-colored pocket watch on which a reverse cross was drawn. A black suit, white shirt, a top hat, and even a small monocle.

"Then again, isn't it funny when most human apocalypses happen because of you guys? I mean, flood, fire, and thunder, or the seven trumpets, Damn, are you guys busy destroying your so-called perfect being…" [2]

He spoke nonchalantly while admiring himself as a body-sized mirror appeared and reflected his appearance.

"Ohoh. I must say, while humans are full of problems, their sense of fashion is truly legendary, or perhaps it's simply because I am so handsome. Even rags would look like godly clothes on my perfect body. Truly a work of art I am…"

Holding a cane with one hand, he took his top hat and made a theatrical bow in the direction of Azrael, before leaving with spring on his steps.

"Also, do not worry. Since I had fun this time, I will not divulge the secrets of that boy. That and I don't want to have that psycho come to my door once again. Wasn't easy to chain him down the last time. Pfft! Hahah!"

For a man like him, life and death were nothing more than fun games that he would gladly spectate. He cared not for the outcome. Only the amusement he could get from it.

Like a joker laughing at the chaos and misfortune of the world, Lucifer left, leaving the behemoth spanning larger than the whole solar system— Azrael, all alone.

The cosmic giant gazed down on Earth once again, all his eyes focusing on the small speck of dust that was Adam.

For now, the boy was nothing more than a nuisance at best that could be exterminated by using some amount of power on their part…

But Azrael knew. That like his father… Infinite potential dwelled inside the small boy. Only time will tell what he would do with it. Be like his father and destroy everything… or carve out his own path for himself…


After Theresa received the required reports of this case, they were able to go and execute the small cultists and demons who were causing problems all around LA.

On the scale of danger, this was nothing more than a small moment. Thousands of imps and demons of the same caliber were summoned every year.

But her instinct was telling her that something big had actually happened in the background. Sadly, they were unable to find the trace from where the first warning signal had come from.

The good thing was… Theresa was sure that if a Calamity class event really happened there would have been a second sign of it by now. So whatever the hell happened… It wouldn't be a problem for them… yet.

The bad thing in all this was… She knew nothing about what the hell was happening and this was killing her from inside out. Information was power and being in the dark like this was too dangerous and too scary for the class of event that they had sensed.

'Should I ask for a zodiac to be dispatched to this city?'

While she may lose some authority due to that, this was nothing in the face of an incoming calamity that could wipe all of them from the face of Earth.

It seemed like she would need to have another discussion with the church real soon.

'Fuck my life…'


[1]: Around 1750 to 1050 BC existed the Mycenaean civilization or Mycenaean Greece. It represents the first advanced and distinctively Greek civilization in mainland Greece with its palatial states, urban organization, works of art, and writing system. Mycenaean Greece perished with the collapse of Bronze Age culture in the eastern Mediterranean, to be followed by the Greek Dark Ages, a recordless transitional period leading to Archaic Greece.

There are many interesting theories about how they vanished. But to this day no clear fact is known.

For 65 million years ago, well we all know what happened to dinosaurs.

[2]: The flood is pretty clear. With moose and all.

Thunder was against the tower of Babel. It also destroyed the unique language we had and made humans separate as different languages were created.

Fire was against Sodom and Gomora.

The Seven Trumpets are in a way the equivalent of a mass extinction weapon.

In the 8th chapter of the Book of Revelation, seven trumpets will be sounded one at a time by seven angels. I greatly summarized it but the gist basically is.

1st trumpet: Rain fire

2nd Trumpet: Sea life are destroyed and a part of the sea becomes blood.

3rd Trumpet: Water become bitter and poisonous

Now This is where things become really wild.

4th Trumpet: One-third of the stars stop shining.

5th Trumpet: Locusts with scorpion poison, human faces, and lion's fangs are sent to earth from the bottom of hell with the mission to only attack humans not marked by God and inflict them pain. They will seek death but will not find it.

6th Trumpet: Army of 200 million led by 4 angels come down and exterminate a third of earth's population. (Pretty sure Trumpet 4th would have been enough for everyone to die but heh.)

7th Trumpet announces the descent of the Kingdom of God and the end of time.

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