Debts (1)

New Life (1)

[The investigation into last night’s Recordark I attack is still ongoing. Although the Edsilla Police Department has succeeded in identifying the perpetrator, they have yet to disclose their identity…]

Elise turned off the news. The TV news was full of gossip about yesterday’s incident.

Slice- Slice-

Instead, she listened to the sound of an apple being peeled while looking out the window.

Slice- Slice-

It was regular and neat. Quiet and calm. As peaceful as it was, it was strangely uncomfortable. It was also burdensome.


Elise, who had sighed, eventually looked back.

“…I told you nothing happened.”

“I heard it wasn’t on the news. Anyway, I’m glad.”

It was her mother, Celine. Celine offered a plate of apples and asked indifferently.

“What happened to it?”

Here, the pronoun ‘it’ refers to Yael. It means that they no longer consider him a person.

“I met him.”

According to her father, he was the disgrace of the Petra family and his biggest mistake.

The only reason they didn’t kill him was simply because of ‘kin’.

Both of her parents hated him terribly, and he also detested his parents to a terrible extent, so Elise had deliberately gone to see him.

“He said he would stay still.”

“That’s a relief. What about the other one?”

“…The other one, you mean?”

“There’s one more besides you.”

It was Shion Ascal.

Elise laughed nonchalantly.

“He was caught on the playground CCTV.”

“We just happened to meet. Our assignment was a treasure hunt.”

She made that excuse. Celine just raised an eyebrow without saying a word.

“…But, how did that happen? That person.”

Elise quickly changed the subject. Celine answered dryly.

“He’s not even a human now.”


He was her own older brother. He wasn’t crazy from the start. At some point, he suddenly went mad and killed his grandfather and the knights of the family.

The doctor explained his disease in one word.


“He’s already dead, isn’t he? Don’t even worry about him.”

He was dead.

No, now he’s ‘nonexistent’ in this world. Officially, that’s the case.

“But… what about the kid who was killed?”

“The son of that chief Inspector? What can we do about it.”

Celine ate a piece of the apple she had just peeled as if she didn’t care at all. Listening to the crunching sound, Elise asked.

“Do you know who Belendex is, by any chance?”

“Hmm. The one you suppressed with magic?”

It was a bit embarrassing to say that she had suppressed him by herself considering the situation at that time…

“He’s a copycat. Of Noah Lucille.”

“A copycat?”

Celine continued with a blank expression.

“Yes. Noah Lucille went to find his copycat and killed him. That’s what will be announced to the public. Don’t worry. You’re not involved in that case at all.”


Elise thought of Shion Ascal.

He had said that Noah Lucille was innocent, but it was probably nonsense to survive.

From the beginning, that ‘Demon of Mirina’ couldn’t be a victim of false charges. He’s a notorious murderer who even appears in textbooks.

“More importantly, when are you going to go for the witness investigation? I can adjust the schedule for you.”

“I’ll go on the weekend.”

Unnecessarily going on a weekday could mess up my condition.

“Alright then.”

Celine rose from her seat. There was no worry for her child till the end.

Was it because she trusted me, or was it due to a lack of interest?

Considering my father never shows up, it’s probably the latter.

“Yes. You may leave.”

“…Oh, right.”

Suddenly, Celine turned around with a smirk.

“The new Elorence 2013 S/S collection will be delivered by this week.”


Elise responded with a similar smile.

Elorence. A master of luxury fashion, even their cheapest lineup costs 10,000 Ren per piece. In addition to Belinta, Zeolre, Lumiere, and others, Celine always offers me the latest luxury items that everyone in the world desires.

“Dress beautifully.”

“Of course.”

The rumor was that this S/S collection was especially good. Even though I’ll only wear them once, just imagining the scent of the new clothes piled up in the dressing room… it slightly lifts my mood.

Sometimes, people filled with jealousy say, ‘The person who wears it first should be more luxurious than the clothes,’ but in fact, it’s the opposite. I am already luxurious, so what I wear must also be luxurious.


Suddenly, an alarm rang on my smartphone.

[Hey, are you okay? Do we need to come?]

It was a message from Kain.

“Kain, huh? Traxil?”

Celine had already peeked. Elise hid her smartphone with a roll of her eyes.

“What. Between mother and daughter. The demand for mana stones is rising these days, so he’ll probably be thrilled. The trend of high stone prices will continue for the next decade or so, so stay close.”

“…We’ve been friends for 10 years already.”

“See? Then I’ll go. Call me if anything happens.”


Celine waved her hand and left the hospital room.


The door closed quietly.

And so, Elise was left alone.


Alone in the hospital room.

The sunlight outside the window was languid, but inside, there was only her.

She first opened the window. The wind rushed in.


She put her hand on her chest again. Her heart hurt.

Because she was alone.

Her breathing was rapid.

Because there was no one but her.

She tried to endure it by gritting her teeth.

It didn’t work.


Elise quickly got up. She opened the door while gasping for breath and ran out barefoot.

Fortunately, there was someone in the hallway.

A nurse.

She looked at her with surprised eyes.

“Are, are you okay?”

Now, she was not alone.


Elise took a deep breath slowly.

Her heartbeat quickly calmed down, and the panic subsided.

“Yes. I’m okay. It’s nothing.”

“Oh, if there’s anything-”


Classical music rang from her smartphone. It was a call. The name ‘Inspector Renzet’ was displayed on the screen.

—Miss, it’s Renzet.

Inspector Renzet from the police station. Petra, one of the people especially friendly to Elise. Simply put, a person receiving ‘sponsorship’.

“Yes, Inspector. What can I do for you?”

—Do you know a witness named Shion Ascal?

“…I know him. We were together at that time. What’s the matter?”

Elise asked, brushing her hair back.

—Yes. Inspector Rena suddenly came and is conducting an investigation on the witness Shion Ascal arbitrarily…”

“What did you say?”

Elise’s brows furrowed.

There are many allies like Renzet in various parts of the continent, but conversely, there are definitely those who are not friendly to Petra, not merely refusing ‘sponsorship’, but are clearly hostile.

Among them, Inspector Rena Heller is a representative figure.

“Have you told my father?”

—I haven’t yet.

“Then stay put. I’ll go right now.”

Elise quickly put on her sneakers.

…I’m sitting in the witness investigation room right now. Across from me is not a police officer, but a Inspector.

“In fact, this witness investigation is not important since the suspect has already been identified.”

Her undernourished, fluffy orange hair sways in front of my eyes.

“Still, I just have one simple question.”

The body odor of someone who just took a bath, whether it’s shampoo or body wash, tickles my nose.

“Mr. Shion. You entered the Recordark isolation area, didn’t you?”

Inspector, Rena Heller. She, sitting on the investigation room desk, looked down at me and asked.

I answered.

“No, I didn’t.”

“Hey. Anyone who looks at the CCTV can see that you entered there. We don’t book for that. You could enter while treasure hunting. Just, wasn’t there someone like this in the isolation area?”

Rena casually extended a picture of someone. I saw his face.

“No. I don’t know who that is, and I told you I didn’t enter the isolation area.”

I answered briefly and pushed the picture back in.

“…Hey. If you lie badly, it can be a big problem~?”

Rena came over to the side and pulled out her smartphone. Her damp hair tickled my cheek.


There was a video on her smartphone. It was a CCTV screen.

“You’re crossing the playground, very confidently. At the end, there’s the isolation area.”

This can’t be. I didn’t expect they would obtain the CCTV from Recordark…

Actually, I expected it.

As long as there’s an excuse for treasure hunting, it’s more rational to go openly than to hide.

“I only went near it. To look for treasure.”

“Hey. You’re lying. You entered here. I came knowing everything, didn’t I? In the isolation area, there was someone else besides you, right?”

Rena whispered quietly in my ear.

—Elise Petra.

I stared at her quietly, then retorted briefly.

“I told you, I didn’t go in.”

At that moment, Rena’s expression hardened. She tilted her gaze slightly, scanned my body, and then scoffed.

“…Tsk. Look, you’re the only one who’s going to lose out here. Don’t you know? Elise is fine. She’s got plenty of backing. But do you think you’ll be okay? What do you have? A house? A car? Backing?”

Thunk— Rena kicked the leg of my chair.

“You know what they call people like you? Lower-class citizens. And when lower-class citizens get caught lying, it’s game over. The nobles won’t help you. So just tell the truth, okay?”


Rena drummed on the desk. I remained silent, then picked up the photo that was laid on it.

“Good~ Now we’re getting somewhere. In the isolation area, Elise was talking to the person in this photo, right? Just tell me that. I’m not asking for much. It won’t harm you, and you won’t be held responsible.”

The photo.

Probably, Rena Heller thought it was a picture of a person named ‘Yael’.

Looking at it, I couldn’t help but chuckle.

“I really don’t recognize this face.”

It’s not a lie.

I’ve never seen this face before.

It’s not Yael. The appearance is completely different.

I don’t know where she picked up this photo, but the most important part is a wild goose chase.

The Petra family is not incompetent. Rather than blindly erasing information, it’s more efficient to spread multiple pieces of false information.

“I don’t know why, but you’re barking up the wrong tree. I, a lower-class citizen, don’t know this person.”

I pushed the photo back towards her. Rena’s lips twisted into a grimace.

“Hey, do you know who that is? Do you know who you’re covering for?”

“I don’t know.”

“He’s a murderer. Not just a murderer who killed one or two people. Elise Petra was with that murderer. You still won’t talk?”

Well, Yael is indeed a psychopath and a murderer.

It’s a definite Achilles’ heel for Petra in the upcoming re-election.


Ironically, I dislike the Petra family itself, no less than this Inspector Rena Helder.

If she is trying to bring down Petra, I might be willing to help.

“I won’t talk.”

But not for Yael.

I hope he lives comfortably and dies comfortably. I hope he doesn’t get tossed around and oxidize because of someone like me, like in his previous life.

Now, she won’t push it any further.

“You didn’t say you don’t know, but you won’t… I clearly gave you a chance to speak honestly. You didn’t take it. Now get lost.”

Whooosh—! Rena, who had torn up the photo, slammed the door. I got up from my seat and was about to leave when I turned to look at her.

“But, don’t you have a business card?”

“What? Why do you need a business card?”

“I’ll take it.”


Rena looked at me like I was crazy and let out a hollow laugh.

“Heh. Hehe. Ah, a business card. Right. I should give you my business card…….”

She took out a business card from her pocket, pretended to hand it to me, then crumpled it up.

She flicked the crumpled card at me like a piece of trash.

“Take it.”

I silently picked up the discarded item.

[Rena Heller] [Inspector, Criminal Division]

[Affiliation: Edsilla Inspector’s Office]

Rena Heller.

The Chief Inspector ten years from now.

“Yes. I’ve received your business card.”

Among the people I know, she is one of the very few who can be called ‘just’.

In this rotten world, she is a person who fervently pursues and holds onto the most insignificant value.

Among public officials, she is probably one of the few.

“I’ll contact you from time to time. When I have something to report.”

Rena waved her hand and said.

“Hey. Just get lost. Before I find some crime to pin on you.”

“I’m leaving even if you tell me not to. I have a class at 1 PM.”

“Damn it. Just get lost. It’s disgusting that someone like you is my junior. So disgusting.”

Rena shook her head vigorously.

I neatly put her business card in the inner pocket of my uniform and went outside.


Suddenly, a strong hunger rose from my stomach. The people in the police station corridor glanced at me.

“……Where’s the cafeteria?”

I hurriedly looked for the cafeteria, then stopped.

Sniff- Sniff-

I smelled the air. A familiar scent flowed into my nostrils.


It was the scent of Elise’s perfume.

“Is she also being investigated?”

I walked nonchalantly.

Whether it’s Elise or whatever, I feel like I’m going to die of hunger right now.

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