Chapter 325: Flow ⑶

The elders of Libra want the death penalty.

Of course, I do not.

But saying 'I do not want it' directly would make things awkward.

I did tell the prosecutor in charge of Theia Esil, Instead of the death penalty, disgrace/ but the elders would not be persuaded by similar words.


“I will kill her.”

I spoke with force against force.

To those who want to kill Theia, I proposed an even more extreme measure. Acting like someone crazier than a Libra elder, Excessively* loyal.

If I agree with their opinion but push the extreme…




Thus, the elders remain silent. Their faces show considerable confusion. They agree with the outcome of 'death: but they are scared of the method.

“… Ki IL? Inside the prison, you say?”

Anakta asked.

“Yes. Theia Esil is a person who must not be forgiven, having tarnished the reputation and trust of Lord Derek. Thus, as Libra, we must send a warning across this continent.”

The elders remained silent.

I feigned madness with false sincerity.

“What will happen if you mess with Libra. What kind of end will you meet?”

There were thirteen elders present at the meeting. I Looked each of them in the eye, almost glaring.

One by one, the elders averted their gaze.

“The plan is perfect. From the initial draft to the follow-up.”

“…But still”

“D0 not worry, Elder Anakta. It will appear to be a suicide.”

Anakta stroked his chin with his palm.

I continued dryly.

“There is no point in a death sentence. It would just means that the council has punished her.”

I faintly adjusted my expression. I wore the face of a villain.

This is not a contrived appearance from movies or dramas. It is a mimicry of the endless evil I have encountered firsthand, rolling in the gutters of life.

“Theia Esil must be killed by us.”

“…Well, wait. Just wait. Lets see, shall we?”

It was Belanta who spoke.

The elder who call Derek 'baby' was now calming me down.

“I understand your Loyalty. But this decision is too hasty.”

BeLanta forced a smile.


I silently sank back into my chair. Belanta looked at me with a soothing gaze.

“Don't worry too much. We are all as angry as you.”

“…Yes. I will fully follow the elders1 opinions. However, this is what I think.”

“Then… shall we conclude the meeting for now?”

Belanta exchanged glances with the other elders. Anakta, responding to her cue, stood up.

“Let's end today's meeting here and resume later.”

We all rose from our seats.

The council meeting was abruptly adjourned, but they would likely hold a second meeting among themselves.

“Elder Anakta.”

I caught Anakta as he was about to Leave.

“…Hmm. What is it now?”

He Looked distinctly displeased.

Well, an overly aggressive attitude can indeed be off-putting to a conservative elder.

Thats why I came prepared with a tailored gift.

“I heard you enjoy golf, Elder. Its nothing much, but…”

I pulled out an invitation from my pocket, embossed in gold embellishments. It clearly looked premium.

Anakta furrowed his brow.

“…A golf membership?”


He seemed to scoff at the idea.

With a dismissive wave of his hand, he said, 'As young as you are, you're still clumsy. I already own memberships at all the renowned golf courses. What do you take my social standing and prestige for?'

Thats understandable. Anakta is one of the most influential elders in Libra.


“lts Emilio Golden garden .”


His complexion changed instantly.

Emilio Goldengarden.

Called the finest golf course on earth, it's actually a 'magical space.'

Regardless of the price of membership, the number of members is limited, and spots only open up every few years, making it difficult even for a Libra elder to gain entry. Even direct descendants like Zia, the youngest, might not be accepted.

How did I come into possession of such a coveted invitation?

I received it as a brokerage fee.

Yerain, the scion of that distinguished family who survived thanks to my prophecy, kept giving me gifts.

Since the invitation isn't numbered, there would be no issue if someone other than me used it.

“Is this a bribe?”

He asked sternly.

I replied with a smile.

“Elder Anakta, isn't your birthday in three days? I'll be busy then, so I'm giving this to you in advance. I originally wanted to give you an invitation to [Castology], but I couldn't get one, so this is the next best thing.”

“H0. Casto Logy, you mean the famous astrological mage… Well, it's actually better this way. I prefer this membership… No—wait! I can't accept this.”

Anakta made a show of refusing. I persisted with cliched persuasions, forcibly placing the invitation into his hands.

“Oh dear, this dreadful young man. Even so!”

Pretending to scold me harshly, he eventually grinned and placed his hand on my shoulder.

“…Killing someone inside the prison is difficult. Its too conspicuous. But still, I'll see what I can do. Its your sincerity, after all.”

Anakta flashed a relieved smile, looking as if he had just shed decades of chronic indigestion.

It seems the "Goldengarden* membership was on his bucket list.

“Happy birthday once again.”

I bowed deeply to him.

Bending 90 degrees is easy for me.

It would be difficult for other Balancers. They are overflowing with useless pride, thinking they are equals to the elders.

“Haha, go on then. I haven't seen such a diligent young man in a Long time… This is why you became a Balancer.”

Anakta waved his hand as he walked down the corridor.


I quietly watched his retreating figure and then brushed back my hair.

“He's not the one, it seems.”

By the way.

Surprisingly, among the elders of Libra, there are traitors—elders who intend to betray Libra.

Broadly speaking, they are my allies.

I don't know who it is yet, but it's highly unlikely to be Anakta.

Meanwhile, the elders gathered again in a more cramped meeting room without Shion's knowledge.

“That Balancer gives me the creeps. He's a dangerous man. What does he mean by killing someone inside? Just execute him cleanly—”

“What the hell-!”

Belanta's words were abruptly cut off by Anakta's sharp rebuke. Belanta shuddered.

“That scared the hell out of me! Have you gone senile? Why the hell are you freaking out!”

“You're the one freaking out, whats there to be creeped out about?! Why are you going insanse!”

Anakta, his face wrinkling with anger, glared at Belanta.

“A young man can be a bit extreme! Isnl he one of the youngest Balancers? It all stems from loyalty, and instead of patting him on the back, what nonsense is this at your old age? Tsk.”

Fiddling with the [Emilio Goldengarden] invitation in his pocket, Anakta defended Shion. Belanta was dumbfounded by his fervor.

“So, are you suggesting we kill Theia inside the prison?”

“…l'll have to think about that.”

Ahem. Anakta stroked his beard.

Suddenly, he remembered something Shion Ascal had said earlier.

'I originally wanted to give you an invitation to [Castology], but I couldn't get one, so this is the next best thing/

“…I hear there's a very skilled astrological mage on the continent these days?”

“Ah! I've heard that too.”

Another elder chimed in.

“The one from the Roundtable family, saved Glofeld's son, and Yerain too, some very capable fortune-teller, they say.”

“Hmm. Is that so? Then how about we go there and have our fortunes told? It wouldn't hurt to check.”

Anakta looked at Belanta. Belanta scratched her curly hair and replied.

“What to ask. We should ask the Intelligence Agency… That's a good suggestion for once.”

Belanta's lips curled slightly.

In fact, she was quite a famous believer in shamans and superstitions within Libra.


The Intelligence Agency has issued a mission.

[A single Casto Logy voucher]

Things went smoothly.

Of course, it wasn't for nothing that I mentioned Casto Logy to Anakta. Human nature is quite deceitful, always seeking the easiest answers close at hand. Thus, Anakta unconsciously adopted the idea of Casto logy that I had mentioned just before the meeting.


Bell Moore asked. He was almost sprawled out in the director's chair.

“Can you get a hold of one of those vouchers?”


“Are you sure?”

“However, the mission grade needs to be a bit higher for it to be worthwhile.”

“lts a B-grade, isn't that high enough7”

“Even the Senators of the Roundtable struggle to obtain these Casto logy vouchers.”

“…Then what? What do you want me to do? Haaaah.”

His yawn was Laced with alcohol. Looks like he had another heavy drinking session Last night.

“Just tell the elder. Ask to raise it to an A-grade mission.”

“Really? Will they just do that?”


Of course, they wouldn't just do it.

I'm subtly causing a conflict. I plan to make Bell Moore, a director that not even the elders can casually dismiss.

He's someone I worked hard on, so if he gets swayed by the elders, it would've been like giving a dog a bone.

“What, wouldn't the Elders hate it? Saying I'm too fussy?”

“Would that be the case? Ultimately, we're doing the tasks they've requested. It should be fine. Just send up the paperwork.”

“… Fi n e. Go on then. But make sure you bring the Casto Logy thing.”


I nodded with a business-Like smile.

“…As expected, that was Shion Ascal's fucking move.”

The tranquil Lakeside. Aren's coarse swearing echoed harshly. The magic laden with rage flowed into the lake, causing ripples like waves.


Someone's voice. However, it wasn't a human voice.

It was a small 'stuffed doll'.

—Don't react too strongly.

“How can I not react strongly, Miss. Riley?”

This stuffed doll was Riley's communication device.

After achieving a monumental feat, she had returned to Vancheon and was promoted to one of the key Leadership positions. Therefore, she had to be extremely cautious about exposing her whereabouts.

“Can't we strike first? I'll kill that bastard and go to prison.”

Aren could no longer contain his anger. The press were relentlessly tearing down his mentor with their filthy, dirty slander.

—Shion Ascal is a skilled man. It would be difficult for you alone.

“lf not, we'll go together!”

—And then what?


Suddenly, Aren was at a Loss for words.

—Suppose you, her disciple, kill Shion Ascal. Then what remains?


—She won't be able to come out, and all of you will end up dead… Sigh.

The stuffed doll let out a sad sigh.

—Aren. Don't be mistaken. You are not Vancheon. Just like Theia isn't.

“…Then what are we supposed to do?”

Aren collapsed against a tree as if Leaning on it for support.

“I can't Live like this.”

Aren had no family. He had been an orphan since birth.

If Theia Esil hadn't recognized his talent, hadn't offered herself as his mentor, he would have likely died starving on the streets.

But now, at the most difficult time, when his mentor was starving to death, how could he do nothing?

“…lt doesn't make sense.”

—Wait. There will be a way. I'll try my best too. So that she… won't die.

The stuffed doll asked for patience, but Aren pressed his hands against his eyes.


As a disciple, he wept quietly, worried about his mentor.

Bellaros Prison.

Theia Esil was in a solitary cell. The lunchbox was washed clean and placed on the table, but she hadn't eaten it. The guards had.

They had asked for it if she was going to throw it away, and even marveled as they ate.


Theia looked up at the TV. She was unusually allowed to watch TV, but it was no privilege.

The only program available was the news.

[Breaking news. As Theia Esil's past criminal activities are increasingly uncovered, many testimonies about her unusual personality are emerging…]

It was a tactic to break her mentally.


Suddenly, a guard approached and knocked on the bars.

Theia shook her head.

“I refuse.”

She knew who the visitor was. It had to be that bastard.

“Ah… Professor.”

The guard let out a faint sigh.

“…You can't refuse. You know that. Just do as you're told for now.”


Theia glared at the guard, but he was not at fault.

In fact, he was one of the Lower-ranked ones trying to make her stay as comfortable as possible.

Reluctantly, she left her solitary cell.

As she trudged to the visiting room, the person she saw was, as expected, Shion AscaL He was there with a lunchbox again today.

“You've arrived.”

He greeted her with a polite tone. Theia silently sat down on the chair.

“…You're wasting away. Didn't you eat your Lunchbox?”

His voice feigned concern, which was revolting.

“…Don't you have anything to say?”


“Don't you?”

Theia remained silent. Shion Ascal also scratched his cheek and kept his mouth shut.



Without much conversation, time passed between them.

Tick— Tock-

Tick— Tock—

Theia glanced sideways at the ticking clock.

She was allowed 15 minutes of visitation.

5 minutes remained.

“…l'm curious.”

Suddenly, Shion broke the silence. He stared at Theia and asked.

“Why don't you file a complaint?”

That question momentarily shook Theia's composure. It was a strange sensation wrapped around the word 'complaint:

“Holy Knight Athan.”

Shion Ascal spoke the name of her mentor.

“Your mentor.”

Theia's handcuffs twitched. The instinct to silence him surged, but her body was bound in chains.

“That person. Isn*t he a monster?”

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