Memoirs of the Returnee

Chapter 322: Usurpation(8)

Chapter 322: Usurpation(8)

In the Director's office of the Intelligence Agency.

Gedley was packing up his things. He put everything into boxes: the nameplate he had polished for over a decade, work documents, his personal computer, and laptop.

He left the interior decor untouched since Bell Moore would likely change it to his taste anyway.


There was no regret. He had lost, after all. From the beginning to the end, even the moments he thought he had won, he had actually been Losing.

Above all…

Now, Gedley was committing an act of betrayal.

He was the first to successfully contact Bell Moore and the first to admit defeat. Then, Bell Moore, as if he had been waiting, requested a meeting.

Perhaps, to give him a chance.


Gedley clicked his tongue as he opened the door of the Director's office.


Someone was already there, and Gedley's body froze in an instant. A chilling fear crept up his spine.

Shion AscaL

He bowed to Gedley.

“You've worked hard.”

“…What are you doing here?”

“Team Leader Bell Moore sent me.”

“He said he would come himself?”

Shion smiled faintly.

“lt could have been a trap.”


Indeed, had Bell Moore been testing him until the very end?

Damn him, he's thoroughly meticulous.

“Well. It seems retirement is indeed happening, so your wishes will be conveyed to the higher-ups as they are.”

Gedley's title had subtly changed.

From 'Director' to 'Mr.'

It was a truly fucked-up situation.

“Don't worry. Mr. Gedley, as the former Director, will be treated with respect”

It was a privilege given to those who betrayed first. The price for selling out his colleagues.

“Of course, some of the team leaders and other Chasers involved in the operation will be weeded out.”

“…lsn't that already happening?”

Gedley sneered.

Since last week, several Chasers had gone missing. No bodies were found, but it was obvious what had happened.

“…This means that Mr. Gedley will not be included in those targeted.”

Shion placed his hand near Gedley's neck. Gedley tensed involuntarily. The area around his collarbone stiffened under the touch.

“Still, Mr. Gedley, it's best you stay hidden until everything is settled.”

Shion straightened Gedley's disheveled tie.

“You never know when the Water Phantom might strike.”

Thump, thump. After adjusting his clothes, Shion raised his eyebrows.

“You'U have to protect yourself.”

It was a great humiliation for Gedley, but he had no other choice at the moment.


“Ah, before you go.”

Shion extended his hand as Gedley was about to Leave.

“The recordings. I need them. The conversations you've had with the team Leaders so far. You've prepared them, haven't you?”

“…H uh.”

Gedley Let out a bitter Laugh.

Gedley's strategy had been meticulous. He had planned every move before executing the operation, and his final plan was a 'betrayal' to survive on his own.

Bell Moore had seen through even that.

“Here… here it is.”

Gedley handed over a USB containing all the necessary files to Shion.

I sent Gedley off comfortably. The other team leaders were to be killed.

After all, they were worthless scum. Even if they had climbed the ranks through politicking, the karma they accumulated from their competitions of loyalty was severe.

Of course, Gedley might be the main culprit, but his remaining days wouldn't be comfortable either.


From now on, the Intelligence Agency must eradicate unnecessary civilian killings, bribery, and corruption—

“Hey! Hey, you bastard!”

A booming voice called out to me. It was Bell Moore, who had rushed to the director's office.


“Where did the director go?!”

Sweating profusely, he was looking for Gedley.

Such a lack of dignity for someone about to become director.

I shrugged my shoulders.

“He's gone.”

“What? NO… where to?”

“I don't know.”

“Damn it…”

Bell Moore's face Looked as if he had Lost the world.

Is there anyone else in the world who hates promotion this much? Such a ridiculous person.

I feigned ignorance and asked.

“What's the matter?”

“What's the matter, you ask? Hey! Did the director say anything to you?!”


“What did he say!”

“He hoped you would follow well in his footsteps.”


Bell Moore's mouth dropped open.

His already Large jaw seemed to grow even larger, almost touching the ground.

“Put your jaw back in place.”

“lt won't go back, fuck!”

Bell Moore yelled and placed his hand on his forehead.

“What the hell… what the hell is this situation, damn it…”

I stroked my chin and casually mentioned.

“Well, it's hard to say this, but it seems he had marked you as his successor from the start.”

“What bullshit.”

“Look at this.”

I handed him a file I had prepared earlier.

“Here's a list of civilian killings committed by the other team leaders.”

Bell Moore quickly scanned the contents.

“But what is this.”

“You don't kill civilians during operations, do you, Team Leader Bell?”

“Why kill them? It just causes trouble if something happens.”

He might have a hobby of collecting skulls by killing people, but he never touches civilians. In a way, it's a fair fight.

Of course, it doesn't mean Bell Moore is a better person, just a slightly better piece of shit.

“ls it just because of that? Why the hell did he suddenly retire and make a fuss? He was a decent man.”

“Gedley had made many mistakes over the years. With Derek also being imprisoned, it seems he couldn't hold on any Longer.”


Bell Moore staggered. I glanced around and then casually threw in a comment.

“Just do it.”

“Ah. No. Why should I”

“Di rector Gedley personally nominated you, Team Leader Bell. It will probably be communicated to the higher-ups as well. If you still don't want to, the only option left would be to Leave the Intelligence Agency.”


Bell Moore eventually Lost strength in his Legs and slumped down onto the sofa, mumbling as he lay there.

“Why is this happening?”

“I don't know.”

I waited quietly.


Bell Moore breathed heavily in silence. Then he picked up his smartphone and Looked at the screen. His lips twitched suddenly. He seemed to be typing a response, his thumb tapping rapidly.

What is this guy doing?

“What will you do?”

Bell Moore's expression turned sad again.


He just rolled his eyes to look at me.

“You be the team Leader. If you do it, I'll do it too.”

At this point, he was almost convinced.

I shook my head.

“I can't.”

“What? Why? You won't do it if I do?”

“I am originally a knight for Miss Zia.”

“Ah, then I won't do it. Just retire. Do you think I came here to be the director? I donl want to live under stress every day—”

“What's the problem?”

“What do you mean, what's the problem? There are many problems, many.”

“Team Leader Bell, you could also become one of Miss Zia's people.”

That was my main point.

Bell Moore furrowed his brows deeply.

“Zia? Are you crazy?”

“l'm serious.”

I changed my tone to be more earnest.

“After all, Miss Zia is the least likely successor. In reality, she has no ambition.”

Zia's faction is still considered weak externally. It would only become relevant after swallowing Derek.

Therefore, the current situation is still a competition between Derek and Johanna.

“lf Team Leader Bell serves Miss Zia, I can assist you by your side.”


Bell Moore's face softened.

“Once the inheritance is complete, Miss Zia will naturally belong to the successor.”

Additionally, I added something that Bell Moore would Like the most.

“lt means there's no risk.”

Visitation Room.

I obtained Derek's signature on the [Commercial District Transfer Certificate]. He seemed quite pleased with today's lunch menu as well.

“Yes, I will handle the matter as quickly as possible.”

The pretext this time was 'Executives in the commercial district are showing signs of wanting to break away from Derek/

It wasn't a fabricated incident; it was actually happening.

Fortunately for me, and unfortunately for Derek, he had many enemies within.

“Have you found out what Vito is proposing at the board meeting?”

Derek asked.

“lt seems he intends to claim ownership of several patents.”

“…So that grass-haired bastard plans to steal the patents and start another company.”

“Yes. However, it Looks like it can be easily blocked. The details are in this report.”

I handed him a report of hundreds of pages.

In this way, I am offering both a stick and a carrot, showing him that things are being handled well even while he's locked up.

“l'll read it.”

“Yes. And, have you heard about Gedley's retirement?”

“I have. Bell Moore is taking over, I hear.”

He seemed indifferent, if not supportive.

“ls that alright with you? He is quite a neutral figure.”

I emphasized 'neutral.'

“lts fine. He might not be entirely my man, but he isn't Johanna's either.”

Derek picked up a piece of sushi with his chopsticks. A satisfied smile appeared on his lips.

“…Shion Ascal. You, you will soon become a balancer.”

“I still think its a long way off.”

“Hmph. Modesty.”

Snap—He flicked his fingers.

“Go now. Go and do what you need to do. Don't just watch.”


Treating me like a dog. Now that he's getting comfortable, Derek's characteristic inability to remember favors, his old habits, are showing.

“I would appreciate it if there were desserts next time.”

“I will take note of that.”

“Good. Be on your way.”

Derek waved his hand, focusing only on his lunchbox.

His lack of interest in watching me Leave was so typical of him.

Meanwhile, Theia Esil's workshop had turned into a house of mourning.

They moved as desperately as they could, but there was no one left to help Theia. Even Yusuf, the vice-captain who had cooperated with Derek, refused to meet.

[Holy Knight Theia Esil remains silent, and Athan's daughter Emilia is demanding severe punishment…]

“…This fucking bullshit doesn't make sense!”

Theia's disciple Aren threw his smartphone violently.

“That crazy bitch, how much did Libra pay her to sell out her own father!”

“Aren! Aren, calm down.”

“Shut up! Do you think you're the only one fucked up right now?!”

The other disciples restrained Aren. He ruffled his hair and slumped into a chair.

After a while of heavy breathing, he quietly called someone's name.


Gerkhen turned to look at Aren.


Gerkhen's complexion was no different from the other disciples, a testament to his efforts running around for Theia.

“You know Shion Ascal, right?”

“…Yes, I know him.”

“That bastard, doesn't he have any dirty secrets? From what I see, Shion Ascal is the real culprit.”


Gerkhen remained silent.

Shion AscaL From the beginning, he declared himself a loyalist of Libra, and he has been meticulously keeping the promises he made.

“Shion Ascal? My information points to Bell Moore.”

Suddenly, another disciple, a knight named Rita, interjected.

“…Bell Moore?”

Aren furrowed his brow. Rita explained.

“Yeah. Bell Moore is the head of the Intelligence Agency. Anyone who stood up to him got their heads chopped off. He's a dangerous man.”

“…I know that, but no. I saw it when the professor was taken away. Shion

Ascal was there, laughing at us. Its definitely Shion, that bastard.”

Gerkhen listened quietly to their conversation. He had nothing to say. An old friend… perhaps not, but a known associate had definitely turned into an enemy.

Gossip was not Gerkhen's hobby.

Aren let out a deep sigh.

“Gerkhen. Come outside. Lets talk.”


Aren and Gerkhen left the workshop, following each other.

Aren climbed up to the rooftop and lit a cigarette. The gray smoke dispersed in the wind.

“Gerkhen. What are you doing here?”


Gerkhen looked at Aren, puzzled by his question.

Aren chuckled lightly.

“You. You have an interview with the Knights of the Council tomorrow.”



Aren spoke firmly.

“The professor said so. She told me to send you.”


Gerkhen leaned against the railing, aimlessly looking up at the night sky.

There were no stars tonight.

“But, I'm curious about something.”

Aren exhaled a puff of smoke.

“What do you want to become later? I can't figure out your thoughts.”

“I have no particular aspirations.”

At Gerkhen's response, Aren narrowed his eyes.

“Figures. You're always so uninteresting.”

Flick. He tapped off the ash from his cigarette.

“Anyway, go to the Knights of the Council. There's no better timing than now.”

He continued as if sighing.

“Help her there. Help clear our master's name.”

Then, looking at Gerkhen, he winked.

“That would work, right?”

Gerkhen fell into thought for a moment.

Logically, it was difficult to help Theia from within this situation. All information was being blocked.

The power of Libra was this immense and thorough.


So, Aren's words were right.

There was no time left to hesitate.

“I will do that.”

Aren smiled, relieved.

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