Koo-woong! Koo-woong!

With each step Toon took, the nearby winged beasts were startled.

Leeha was keeping his distance as much as possible while following him.

“If I maintain this distance, I won’t lose him.”

The initial urgency he had felt when he first began to chase Toon had considerably subsided.

“He can’t teleport. If he could, he wouldn’t be moving around making such a racket.”

Having realized that he won’t lose sight of Toon, all that remained was to keep calm and continue the pursuit.

Leeha fell back a bit more to the 4000m point from the 2000m point.

Ideally, he would have liked to back off to 3000m, but that terrain wouldn’t favor Jellypong’s movements.

“That guy… he can definitely see me from 2,400m. Even if he doesn’t, the possibility is clear. Let’s move as carefully as possible.”

Toon had definitely noticed Leeha at the demon’s base.

It might have just been a glance around, but Leeha was certain. He felt the gaze directed at him.

“Our eyes definitely met. He saw me.”

Not only was his vision sharp, but his movements were agile as well. Ideally, he would switch to firing multiple warheads instead of a single one to kill Toon in one strike, but that wasn’t an easy decision to make.

“Whether it’s multiple warheads or a single shot, if I fail, it’s over. Whether he kills me or escapes, it’s highly unlikely that I’ll get another chance like this.”

This is precisely why Leeha had to be cautious.

The most damage could indeed be done with multiple warheads.

Those weren’t subsonic but rather regular bullets.

“Given my agility is 3,611, so 36 shots should be feasible.”

Multiple warheads meant increasing the number of bullets but at the cost of reduced damage. If Toon hasn’t detected him yet, and he gets classified as a ‘Shadow Hitman’?

“Around 60,000 damage per bullet. If 36 bullets hit, that’s over 2 million in damage.”

However, this was purely theoretical.

Shooting multiple warheads from a distance of 4000 to 3000? Toon would inevitably notice the attack initiating out of thin air.

Dodging bullets traveling at 830m/s might seem improbable, but if he catches on, who knows what might happen.

Furthermore, how tough his hide and bones are, and the real damage a bullet could inflict remained uncertain, making it hard to relax.

“The problem is I can’t gauge his defense at all. Huh, even if I switch to subsonic bullets- no, it’s not just about the noise…, it’s definitely an issue of instinct. Detecting and then dodging, that kind of type.”

If it were just about detecting the sound, then regular bullets might actually be better.

The bullet would reach him before the sound.

It’s not about calculation and strategy, tactics, but rather, those who move on instinct, like Luger or Igor, are indeed more troublesome opponents for Leeha.

“The highest chance of winning is by revealing myself.”

If there’s no escape, then that’s it. Simply throw the prey to him. Once Leeha reveals himself, Toon will surely come to that place.

“Then, unleash the shots.”

Even though he wouldn’t qualify for the Shadow Hitman title, it still works out. The damage per bullet drops to 30,000 for the multiple warheads after being spotted, but hitting all 36 shots.

That itself accumulates to over a million in damage.

“A certain 1 million over an unstable 2 million.”

That is to say, not long-range sniping, but upon revealing himself and closing in to an optimal distance.

When it comes to a lifeform, it’s at a distance they cannot possibly react to.

Then at point-blank, feed the multiple warheads!

Leeha believed this to be the best course of action.

“Damn it, I lost every simulation… but that was when I hadn’t considered variables.”

Apart from simple sniping, Leeha had many cards up his sleeve. Those are the “living variables” that can’t be measured by mere simulations.

In other words, there was no other way but to verify them on the field.

“Sigh… However many days it takes, it’s going to be tough. Right, Jellypong?”


“A suitable location was a must, strategy had to be formed… Even if one were to hurry, it wouldn’t result in reaching the tribe’s territory in just a day or two,” said the dusk spirit, shade, who had clearly stated the far east of the New Continent as the location. Considering the vastness of the New Continent, there should be at least ten days of leeway. But what pressed for time, more urgently, was Elizabeth.

“Would it be better to drag Elizabeth along? But how would they recognize me there? How would they know through which route I’d pass?”

he pondered, realizing that nothing about their whereabouts had been written on the single map left behind. Meaning, as he would naturally head to the eastern part of the New Continent, they were ‘bound to meet’.

None of this made sense to him.

“Ugh, the worst case is Elizabeth observing me by some means, seeing me walk with Toon. Ah, this is such a headache, really.”

With the ambiguity surrounding whether Elizabeth was friend or foe, the issue with Toon had become a pressing matter with a real time constraint.

Swish-swish! Observing Jellypong moving like a spider, arms stretching and bending for movement, he finally made his decision.

“I have to kill him anyway. I can’t just let Toon go.”

Entering Toon’s tribe and allowing a hundred or so of those dinosaur creatures to reach the western part of the New Continent wasn’t an option. He must be killed before then.

“Quickly… yet, slowly.”

The contradiction of the situation was enough to rush him, yet, he deliberately tried to maintain calmness. However, staying calm wasn’t always possible. A decision had to be made at some point, especially now when waiting for an opportunity with a 100% success rate of killing wasn’t feasible.

“I guess it’s time to take a risk.”

As a sniper, it was something he shouldn’t do. He knew that. But what he was engaged in now wasn’t sniping. He gently stroked Black Bass.

“This time, it’s a hunt.”

Hunting a mutant dinosaur twice the size of a Tyrannosaurus from Dinosaur Park was the task ahead. His eyes sparkled.

He followed Toon until the darkness of the night engulfed any sound of Toon’s footsteps.

※ ※

“Notification to all countries has been completed. We’ve received positive responses from everyone,” reported Fernand.

“Uh huh, as expected. What about Browless?”

“He seemed slightly taken aback but didn’t refuse.”

“That’s good to hear,” sighed the Pope in relief. Even if everyone agreed, there was still a chance that Browless could disrupt this emergency secret meeting. Since the letter sent by Elizabeth was only understandable by Browless, without him, the bishops of the Vatican and the mage associations of various countries wouldn’t be able to grasp its content.

“However… some have expressed uncertainty about attending on the proposed date. While they welcome participation, palace duties… they’ve requested an additional week,” Fernand relayed.

“Have you heard the detailed reasons?”

the Pope inquired after some thought.

When Fernand had broached the subject with the King of Fibiel, the discussion on scheduling wasn’t initiated by the King.

“It’s unclear. But the mage chief association of Fibiel mentioned an unavoidable commitment. The King seemed inclined to accommodate this, given he plans to have the mage chief present at the meeting.”

“The mage chief, Lotzak?”


The Pope stroked his chin. His expression showed displeasure, but Fernand didn’t particularly mind. The Pope disliked all mage chiefs due to the mess during the Second Human-Demon War.

‘Using a small village as bait to lure the Demon Army and incinerate them in one go. I’ve read about it. Considering the current Pope was also traversing battlefields back then, it’s natural there were many disagreements.’

Fernand didn’t dwell further on Lotzak’s “unavoidable commitment.”

Being a messenger from the Ezwen religious state, it wasn’t his place to pry, nor did he harbor any special thoughts about Lotzak.

“I see. And about other countries?”

“In Minis, they’ve reported that they will be organizing a national knight order for about five days, but since I visited Fibiel after, I simply responded with an understanding.”

“Organizing a knight order? Is that necessary?”

“Yes. It is said that a significant number of Minis’s knight order suffered considerable damage while securing and protecting the ‘Divine Staff’ in the New Continent.”

“Such a shame… The faith of the Minis knight order is commendable.”

The pope, knowing nothing, nodded, and Fernand, equally uninformed, responded with a “Yes.”

The fact they all—Fernand included—couldn’t disclose was not due to the ‘Divine Staff’ but because they tried to subdue the paleo tribe and were wiped out by Leeha.

“Alright. If we accept Fibiel’s request, it will be two weeks from now? Let’s have a meeting here then,” said the pope, to which Fernand nodded.

In two weeks, a secret meeting with the kings of four countries and their most trusted figures will be held at the Ezwen papacy.

Up to this point, only two people clearly knew this fact. One was obviously Fernand, who was spreading the news. The other was Kidd, one of the three musketeers, closely monitoring the situation in Browless due to a quest.

“Are you really going?”

“Hmm, I should. Kidd, would you prefer I didn’t?”

“I’m not sure. However, Brown and Elizabeth both said in unison to protect you. Maybe they sense some event coming… Do you think they gave that letter to Fernand thinking it would be properly delivered?”

“Right. No way. Not Elizabeth. She must have threatened a few times that she’d blow his head off if he didn’t deliver it properly. But Brown is not so easy. He’s ‘slightly less’ cunning than me but surely anticipated a situation like this.”

Browless smiled, recalling his old friends. Yet, even in making light of Brown, Kidd thought of the other two absent friends in this moment.

However, the mood wasn’t entirely pleasant.

With a solemn voice, Kidd warned Browless, “If you’re aware, I think it’s best not to go. For your safety—”

“Ha. Funny, Kidd. It’s not just Ezwen. What if something happens here? Can you protect me?”

Browless’s smile hinted not just at affection for his pupil.

But rather a vibrant confidence of someone still active in the field. In essence, it also meant, “You still have a long way to go,” to Kidd.

Kidd understood but didn’t bow his head. Normally, he would’ve answered modestly, but his resolve was firm.

Browless seemed ready to head to the training grounds at any moment, but today he was in a particularly good mood.

“In two weeks, right? Leeha and Luger will probably come by then. Showing the kings my friends’ letters doesn’t scare me… but it might make me nervous if you guys decide to join.”

“What do you mean?”

“I’m talking about charisma, charisma. Haha! I wonder what those guys could’ve written about. Still, I need to always appear solemn and cool to you, don’t I?”

“Yes, yes?”

Kidd was taken aback by the light-hearted joke and laughter. This relaxed attitude wasn’t what he wanted at all.

‘Brown and Elizabeth’s being identified as ‘public enemies’ seemed almost certain.’

Regardless of their stories, they had attacked humans at the source of evil.

Thus, a meeting couldn’t possibly be as light-hearted as Browless’s laughter suggested! Yet, this relaxation?

“I must investigate. I need to understand Brown’s motives for sending such a letter.”

While Leeha continued to chase after Toon and Luger wandered in the Dark Forest,

Kidd was struggling through his quest.

Simultaneously, another person, no less determined, screamed while lifting his sword and shield.

“Maintain the formation! Do not break our formation! We need at least five paladins to stop the giant monsters’ charge! Safety is top priority for the Byulcho group too! Bobae-ssi! How many left?”

“Thirty-four! We’re almost done!”

TL’s Corner:

If you find any grammar issues, errors, or unintelligible sentences, feel free to leave a comment or join our discord server so I can rectify any mistakes I made.

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