When Leeha went to Bottleneck about the “Silencer,” Kidd was present. In other words, it was impossible for a marksman of Kidd’s caliber to simply hear the idea and let it go!

After Leeha successfully crafted a silencer, it meant that Kidd also created a silencer suitable for the Crimson Geckos in Bottleneck’s forge.

“Compared to Cobalt Blue Python or Black Bass, it’s a revolver that uses smaller bullets! And the moment Kidd’s knowledge of firearms is factored in—

It’s only natural there’s another bullet type that drastically reduces the amount of gunpowder, even more than the [Subsonic Bullets]! By reducing the speed even more than the nearly subsonic bullet, they achieved a completely flawless [Silent Shooting], with not even a “pop” or “pfft” sound!

However, the damage was significantly weakened, to the point where a Luger hit in the foot would only dance around in surprise, but that’s hardly the point! If you could shoot from close range without making any sound—

“You just need to pass by the target and shoot them in the solar plexus or heart and then disappear. Nobody around would be able to hear a thing.”

The damage doesn’t matter at this point. Since you can aim for insta-kill spots. Leeha trembled with excitement and fear. It was a reminder that, despite always being quiet and not very talkative, the people of Middle Earth were always up to big things.

“Incredible… Luger. You know that’s such a harsh insult it can’t even be translated right now? And you had it coming. So maybe cool it with the fooling around.”

Even as Leeha sauntered out of the tavern, Luger couldn’t catch up to him. Leeha chuckled as he watched Luger healing his wounds.

“The Eastern Lands of the New Continent… Well, it’s going to be exhausting for a while.”

With only 3 days left until “Sanctification,” with the majority of knights who were rampaging for the “Subjugation” achievement already dealt with, there was almost nothing left to interrupt Leeha’s plans except for the Virtue Knights. What did it mean that Fernand had left and even Kidd had disappeared? Leeha didn’t realize at all that not everything had been revealed to him and Luger by Fernand.

“Is that really true?”

“Yes, Your Holiness. It is presumed the child between Brown and Elizabeth, referred to as Kyle, is thought to be the Matan’s Shooter.”

“So, he… he is the son born to Brown and Elizabeth…”

The pope frowned. Memories stored in the Glasses of Truth, which Fernand had used, were coming to mind. Fernand observed the pope’s complexion closely. The pope had also led the Holy Knights of Ezwen during the Second Inhuman War, boosting morale across the fronts of various countries. He couldn’t have been unaware of Elizabeth and Brown’s active involvement at the time.

‘It wasn’t just familiarity. They were recorded as having a significant friendship.’

However, there was no warm smile from the pope. It was to be expected. At the time when full power was obtained in the last source of trouble, the unbelievable destructive power and range of the Musketeers were already an open secret among the high officials.

Since the identity of the “Matan’s Shooter” was known but could not be specified, it was natural to view them as a team. From the pope’s perspective, Elizabeth and Brown were already perceived as “enemies.”

Moreover, among those “enemies,” the most critical figure. It was natural that all focus would shift to Kyle once it was revealed he was presumed to be the Matan’s Shooter.

Hudid, and therefore barely visible, the Pope stared intently at the image for a long time.

“So, you’ve informed the Three Musketeers, including Leeha?”

“Yes, I judged it to be okay… I delivered the note from Elizabeth. It was about finding themselves. It seemed somewhat urgent, as if there wasn’t much time left.”

“No, not that. The thing you mentioned earlier,” the Pope shook his head.

Unlike what Luger, Leeha, and Kidd had been told, there was ‘another piece of paper’ meant for Fernand. A seal of a different class than the note to be passed on to the descendants of the Three Musketeers. It was something Elizabeth had urgently handed over to Fernand as she was leaving—a letter that couldn’t be opened by just anyone.

“Ah, I didn’t mention that. The letter I was to deliver to Browless,” Fernand clarified.

The letter, enchanted so only the recipient could open it, was intended for Browless. In essence, [Pierce] and [Bullseye], the Musketeers from the old times and participants in the Second Human-Demon War who suddenly joined the Demon King’s Army, were trying to communicate something to [Rapid Fire], also a Musketeer from the old era.

“Well done. Had you mentioned that, someone of Leeha’s straightforward nature would have rushed to deliver the letter to Browless.”

“That’s right.”

The reason Fernand chose not to deliver the letter was singular. The messages for Ha Leeha, Kidd, and Luger were fine as they amounted to a sort of ‘occupation-related quest’. The relationships between Leeha and Elizabeth, Luger and Brown, and Kidd and Browless could be seen as a typical ‘master and apprentice’ situation within their professions.

“And since they are already enjoying the game from a favored position. But for Browless, it’s different.”

Moreover, Elizabeth and Brown, who were suspected to be with the Marksman of the Demons, were concerning. If Elizabeth and Brown were to take Browless with them, whether to lure him into joining the Demon King’s Army or, conversely, to assassinate him?

Fernand didn’t want to bear such responsibility alone. After all, he was an ‘adventurer’ and a figure associated with the Holy Kingdom of Ezwen.

“For Browless to cross over to the side of the demon king would be too dangerous. A danger that could pose a significant threat to the Holy Kingdom of Ezwen and potentially harm me as well. Above all, Fernand, who loves wandering and adventuring in unknown lands, would decidedly refuse to be involved in any more troublesome situations.”

“Did Elizabeth and Brown completely turn into the Demon King’s Army?”

“I’m not sure. They didn’t seem like such people.”

“The ‘Marksman of the Demons’, long vanished even from the legends… And to think that their son might be involved. What exactly are they planning? Taking a son, crafted to be the Marksman of the Demons, among the Demon King’s Army, what could possibly be the reason?”

The Pope clenched the arms of his chair as if to break it.

Fernand had no further information. He quietly awaited the Pope’s instructions. Though they had spared my life and given me a message, it doesn’t necessarily make them completely villainous… However, undeniable evidence exists. They attacked Alexander from the source of all evil and massacred numerous guilds. Even if they claim to be good people, not a single member among the guilds wiped out by them could understand that. Naturally, Fernand couldn’t view Elizabeth or Brown favorably, which somewhat justified his current actions.

“Go to the royal palace of Fibiel. No, not just to Fibiel’s palace but to each royal palace. Tell them a meeting has been called.”

“Should I move without putting it into an official document?”

Given the matter’s sensitivity, it must remain undisclosed. This pertains especially to Elizabeth and Brown’s betrayal, with plans to reveal the letters they sent to Browless.

The Pope’s directive was clear: confirm but do not disclose, for the sake of users and fighters in the New Continent still battling the Demon King’s Army. Revealing that a human, once an ally, perpetrated a terrible slaughtering at the last source of evil would only breed misunderstanding, distrust, and demoralization.

“Understood. In that case, when and where will the meeting take place, and who will be attending?”

“Ten days from now. By then, the ‘Sanctification’ should be complete, ensuring no remnants of demons can approach. The location will be here, and the attendees will be—”

The Pope paused to clear his throat.

“—only the kings of each country and a minimal number of guards. The treacherous trio’s correspondence with Browless will be revealed to all present.”


“Absolute secrecy is imperative, Fernand,” the Pope implored.

Fernand found the Pope’s caution somewhat novel, but understood the necessity. Given the historical records of Brown and Elizabeth sniping the Matan generals from great distances during the Second Human-Demon War, the Pope’s stance was unsurprising.

“Yes, I’ll be extremely careful.”

“Also, apologize to Browless for me.”

Fernand nodded. Browless was put in a position where he had to read a secretly sent letter in the presence of all attending kings—his closest companions.

“So, you’re going alone once the Sanctification ends?”

“How can I not when no one else is allowed to come?”

“But, alone! How can you, Leeha-nim? It’s dangerous, and who knows what lies there.”

“Sounds like you’re acting as my guardian. To think, Blaugrunn seems more like a nephew to me.”

Leeha laughed, appreciating Blaugrunn’s concern but feeling an unavoidable pull this time.

“I could follow invisibly—”

“No, no. Even the Ice Ostrich monsters noticed Blaugrunn’s invisibility.”

Blaugrunn huffed, about to protest, but then stayed silent. Technically, Blaugrunn had never encountered them directly. He could have argued ‘I’m capable enough!’ but there was one compelling reason not to.

“Even Bailephus and Alexander found them formidable. It’s safer for me to go alone.”

Leeha pointed towards a golden dragon circling the area near the ‘Divine Staff.’

Blaugrunn, cheeks puffed, turned away, saying, “Fine, do as you wish, Leeha-nim.”

Leeha chuckled, watching Alexander circle in the air. While Lee Jiwon never appeared, rankers like Alexander and Pei Wu often patrolled near the ‘Divine Staff,’ keeping their distance whenever Toon’s illusion emerged, not daring to approach.

“Today marks the 21st day. As the sun sets, the Sanctification will be complete. If there’s to be an assault, today’s the only chance,” everyone thought, making the vicinity of the ‘Divine Staff’ more crowded than when it was first secured.

“Alexander and Pei Wu weren’t here during the occupation, but today is different. Kidd and Luger are here too. They’re all probably waiting for the Sanctification to end before making their move.”

Leeha fiddled with Black Bass’s magazine.

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