Matan’s Shooter 599

“Looking from behind like this, one feels like they’ve become some kind of commander. Certainly, it seems this battleground belongs to that warrior.”

“Aren’t we going any further?”

“There’s no need. I’ll take care of the hole on the right side, and the ones on the left, and over there-“


“-Wow, quick on the uptake now? Just leave it to Koma with the ‘Soul Link’.”

His trust wasn’t placed in just one aspect. Immediately, he had Koma undergo physical transformation and instructed Blaugrunn as well.

“Blaugrunn-ssi, please coordinate with Koma and support that side. Only use lightning magic that induce status ailments. Avoid using magic that deals direct damage as much as possible. Be inconspicuous but effective. You know what I mean?”


“What about Leeha-nim?”

Almost in unison, Koma and Blaugrunn asked. His answer was, of course, singular.

“How long does ‘Levitation’ last?”

“The farther away I am, the weaker it becomes, but it should last for an hour without an issue.”

“Okay. Perfect, just Koma’s duration. We’ll reconvene here then.”

His command was simple.

Spread his left hand’s index and middle fingers, and pointed forward.


To leverage the third wave for a massive level-up, the [Leeha Squad] was deployed.

Moreover, this time, they had ensured the safety of their main body thoroughly.

[Foolish humans. Still, a breed that doesn’t know how to control their greed.]

Toon scoffed.

His words were filled with anger.

Yet, a faint smile also lingered on the dinosaur who had come close to achieving its goal.

‘Indeed… The number of souls collected from the first and second waves wasn’t satisfactory at all. So, it’s enough with just the third wave given that humans blinded by greed are gathering.’

Chiyou found the scene astonishing as well.

The amount of souls salvaged during the first wave was less than three thousand. To completely fill the 50,000 vase, they had thought it would take up to the tenth wave. However, understanding human psychology was something the Demon Army excelled at even more.

The event was marketed as a leveling-up event! And the users, disregarding their own lives, swarmed to it like moths to a flame.

For Chiyou, who had observed all three waves from the sidelines, the situation was pitifully straightforward.

‘Compared to the first, almost four times the people have gathered. Adding to the souls collected during the second wave and the expected haul from this third… And-‘

Collecting souls didn’t just occur during the waves.

Periodic soul collections were also part of the contract between Toon and Chiyou.

‘-Ever since Faust took over, the numbers have surged dramatically. Maybe today, all 50,000 will be gathered.’

Although Chiyou had directed agents within Shinobigumi to discreetly collect souls, the efficiency was somewhat lacking compared to the discretion and mobility.

The replacement of the agent with Faust, albeit recent, was already showing its effectiveness.

Dealing with souls and corpses, Faust demonstrated eerily efficient despite his reluctance.

‘Toon personally handed over an item, and it still took a while to detect the presence of souls… No, rather, was it my fault for not arranging the personnel more strategically?’

Chiyou mused, yet smiled despite self-reproach.

A mistake?

Such a thing was impossible for her. Even if ignorant Igor held a different opinion, Faust wouldn’t just sit quietly, right?

For him, without any power base, the only way to revive was to make direct contact with the Bluebeard.

She saw this coming and used it to her advantage.

‘Heh, was getting sick of holding onto it anyway…, might as well release it and probe the aftermath. The soul collection has been useful too.’

Chiyou trusted no one among her associates.

Perhaps because they had already somewhat figured her out, those on her side didn’t fully trust Chiyou either.

Even if they were a ragtag group, they weren’t just thrown together without purpose.

As long as they could be of use to each other, their bonds wouldn’t break.

“Woah! Is that it, what you were talking about? The raging fireball over there!”

“Hmm? You can see that?”

“Ah. Can’t you, Miss Chiyou? Well, I’m not seeing it 100%, either. It’s more like catching glimpses through the sounds of the battlefield brought by the wind spirits… It’s a bit difficult to explain to someone who’s not a spirit master.”

“Hmm. Hearing and feeling…”

“But it’s really something, huh? Hmm, it seems definitely related to fire spirits, but it’s a type I’ve never seen before.”

Chiyou glanced at Prea, who was making a fuss beside her.The white snow elemental mage was deemed the least trustworthy of beings. What on earth was this woman thinking?

Even going out on a Wave Inspection with Toon seemed like a picnic to her, a careless lightness in her step.

‘Players under level 100 can’t afford to be this carefree. Especially the Top 10 rankers who are well aware of the weight their positions and activities carry. In that aspect, Prea’s behavioral pattern holds too many perplexing elements even for Chiyou to comprehend.

“Oh! That is quite impressive. It’s not just any spirit but a composite? I see, so such a thing is possible. Could I do it too? To think there’s a spirit mage like this in Middle Earth!”

“Do you have no idea who’s using it now?”

“Eh? Who is it?”

A distant gunfire sound reached even the location where they were conversing. Suddenly, old memories caused Chiyou’s body to twitch momentarily.

“The person who made that gunfire.”

“Whose gunfire is it?”

Prea’s bold reply momentarily stunned Chiyou.

That same, completely unchanged innocent expression! It was clear now, she was far from a simple fool.

“You don’t know Ha Leeha?”

“Ah! Ha Leeha! You know who that is? Is that the sound of Ha Leeha’s gunfire? I’ve never heard it before; it’s really loud!”

Prea clapped her hands in admiration, Astounded.

Chiyou scrutinized her with piercing gazes.

‘Meeting Prea was when I was about to annihilate the Byulcho. She wasn’t on the side of Byulcho… Was she just passing by?’

What exactly was the identity of this player? For the first time since Ha Leeha, Chiyou felt a keen interest towards someone. That interest didn’t take long to intensify.

“Indeed, indeed. It’s a composite spirit, right?”

“Eh? What is?”

“I just asked.”

“…To whom? Ha Leeha?”

“No. To Selena.”

As Prea smiled and spread her fingers, a giant fireball materialized above her head.

A high-nosed woman wearing a burning skirt looked down upon Chiyou.

“Right, Selena?”

[Yes. It’s a combination of Ignis and a bear-like creature. But such a body wouldn’t last long outdoors. Though there’s a high elemental affinity for fire spirits, this almost breaches the rules.]

“Yeah, yeah. And Ignis? Since Ignis is of a lower tier than you—”

[I could separate them. Is that what you want, Prea?]

How delighted would Ha Leeha have been? Chiyou, who never flustered under any circumstance, had her poker face completely fall apart.

“What did you just say?”

“Oh, it’s simple. This magnificent fireball is a composite of the high-level fire spirit Ignis and a beast. Our Selena here, being of a higher tier than Ignis, means she can separate Ignis and the beast.”

[I can’t remove it forever. Just temporarily send Ignis back to the spirit world. At most, 30 minutes?]

“Oh, was it? Anyway, that’s how it is.” Prea smiled gleefully.

Effectively stating that she could completely neutralize a Summoned Young through [Soul Link] without much fuss.

Was she aware of the value of what she had said?

Chiyou barely suppressed the chills of excitement. If she played her cards right with Prea…!

‘Ha Leeha…’

Gulp. Chiyou swallowed her saliva.

Although it was a quickly finished act, Prea keenly observed her throat quivering.

“Could you show me now?”


[There’s no problem.]

“That’s the case.”

“Then, right now—”

Just as Chiyou was about to speak in earnest, Prea placed a finger on her lips.

“So, what will you do for me? After all, I’m on ‘this side’, aren’t I?”

The corners of the white snow elemental mage’s eyes lifted.

Still, there was no black in her pupils. However, another unexpected variable that had been silent until now finally showed its teeth in front of Chiyou.

Taken aback by the sudden shift in her demeanor, Chiyou was momentarily speechless. But, she was quick to recover. Hadn’t she always known? There are no true fools in this world.

Carefully, Chiyou removed Prea’s finger pressing down on her lips.

“Whatever you desire.””Then, please fetch me an item. It might be a bothersome and complicated task for me, but I suspect it won’t be difficult for you, Chiyou.”

Prea spoke with an air of granting a favor.

Still appearing innocently, but perhaps because she revealed her true intentions, Chiyou found her somewhat presumptuous.


Of course, such a change in emotions caused Chiyou no trouble at all.

Moving past unpleasant feelings with a smile was her know-how in playing Mid-Earth.

After all, what was it that Prea wanted?

The details could wait to be heard.

‘Something that can’t be done with the power of spirits, or is too hard to even if tried. Then it must be a task requiring secretive information or searching through various parts of the continent.’

Being well-connected and resourceful herself, it was easy, but for a solo player like Prea, impossible, and she quickly realized this.

“Then, will you show it to me?”

“Sure. It seems I might as well, considering you’re likely to ask for a contract anyway.”

Was the innocent naïveté she showed all calculated? With a pounding heart, Chiyou inspected Prea and the highest-grade fire spirit.

“Selena, please.”

[You know, normally, you shouldn’t make such requests lightly. After all, that fellow is out here with the king’s permission. If I forcibly do this, it will be problematic.]

“That’s why I’m asking.”

[Ahem, alright. The job is simple, so I’ll help.]

While they were atop Toon’s instep, conversing and planning their next steps, Toon, unaware of what was going on above him, remained silent.

It was natural to think that reducing the enemy’s power even slightly would make collecting souls easier.

The highest-grade fire spirit’s body blazed fiercely.

“Kyaaaooow, huh?”


Suddenly, the figure sweeping through a group of ogres and trolls changed.

No longer giant or beastly, Koma now appeared as nothing more than a slightly large bear.

Blaugrunn, who had followed Koma, continuously buffing him, was taken aback.

“Huh? What’s happening, Koma?”

“Gr, groow? Gwa?”

“Stop growling and speak- ah, right, you initially couldn’t speak. Why’d you undo your transformation? Now’s not the time for jokes.”

“Groow! Gwa, gwoooer, gwong!”

Though Koma seemed to be babbling in panic, Blaugrunn couldn’t understand clearly.

He immediately recognized, however, that this was no ordinary situation.

“Ignis has vanished. And you, Koma-“



As Koma’s aura weakened, the monsters’ ferocity revived.

They were much further ahead than nearby players, so those players couldn’t have seen them.

Blaugrunn: Leeha-nim, I’m coming back.

Leeha: Huh? Why?

Blaugrunn: I’ll explain when I get there.

“Ah… so this is it. Electromagnetic Induction.”

Blaugrunn swiftly cast, rising into the air.

He scattered some magic towards the approaching large monsters.

Starting from the near surroundings, then in the direction where no players were, one, two, three.



A tingling sensation followed, but the monsters hesitated only briefly as no immediate effect occurred. The large monster inspected its body briefly before charging at them, but by then, Blaugrunn’s casting of the Bronze Dragon was complete.

“Chain Lightning.”


“Zap zap zap!”

“Kyoo kyoo kyoo!”

The massive electrical chains, starting from a monster attached to a conductor, leapt towards other conductors, dealing massive damage.

By manipulating the direction of the conductors so as not to veer towards Juma City, no harm came to the players.

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