Matan’s Shooter 582

It had been already 7 days since the first burst of lava.

Except for the time Leeha had logged out, he had been continuously staying in Gaza City, assisting Bottleneck.

Leeha didn’t need to exert much effort as Faitorn, an NPC butler, could quickly carry out various support tasks, which kept him busier than expected.

‘It took a solid week, after all.’ Where, a week ago, had been a stockpile next to the bottleneck blacksmith, a building with an impressive exterior had been built.

‘Ah! No, I’ve been mistaken because I’m too accustomed to the game.’

Leeha shook his head, looking at the work he created.

‘It only took me a week to build the system that controls the lava of the bonobo paleos. It’s amazing. Good job, Leeha.’

Leeha reassured himself.

Of course, this was possible because Bottleneck had ‘stolen’ the knowledge of bonobo paleos perfectly.

“When does the enhancement start?”

“We should test it first. After all, it should be sufficient in two or three days. So, how about the Black Bass?”

“You want to use Black Bass for testing?”

“No way, you fool. Unfortunately, I can’t enhance Black Bass with my current skill. I was just asking whether you enhanced it yet.”

Bottleneck, while grumbling, was not overconfident about his skill. Although he had mastered the theory, his lack of experience was inevitable.

He definitely had exceptional talent and technical skills, and his experience was sure to pile up quickly. However, at this point, not even he dared to say he would enhance Black Bass.

“I haven’t enhanced it yet. Hmm… Considering it took slightly over two weeks to find the Kobalt Blue Python… I guess I will put up the expectation of three weeks before making a move for the Black Bass.”

“So we need to wait about 10 more days?”

“It seems so.”

Bottleneck looked up at Leeha, sensing his slightly downcast voice. However, the dwarf’s face did not show concern.

“Haha, that’s right! Lord, you should suffer a bit more!”

“Why are you talking so rudely? There are few humans in Middle Earth who have suffered as much as I have.”

“No, no! From my point of view, you have much more to go! Will you be attending the Juma City’s second wave defensive battle?”

“I have to, it should be starting soon.”

“Good, go and suffer a bit!”

Bottleneck spoke, playfully smacking Leeha’s back.

Listening to that dubious encouragement, Leeha just laughed.

“But, Bottleneck, your expectation will not come true.”

“What do you mean?”

“I won’t suffer.”

“Oh my! Toon has appeared in front of Juma City! Toon is here! The second wave starts now!

“Okay! I’ll be right there!”

“You’re full of confidence. Lord, you’re just relying on your Black Bass-“

“Haha, you will hear about how I didn’t suffer through other people’s mouths soon! I’m off!”

Leeha immediately activated the portal. Alexander and Veilypus’ predictions were, as expected, not wrong.

“Don’t die, Lord.”

A moment later, as Leeha’s body disappeared with a swish, only Bottleneck was left, staring at the newly built Enhancement Forge with a bitter smile.

Around 500 meters from the city walls of Juma City.

Users had positioned themselves a little further than during the first wave.

“Wow… Look at the vibrating air.”

“From the moment Toon appeared, there’s no distance illusion. This distance from a big guy like that, and that roar, how are we going to deal with it?”

The users on the city walls quivered.

The precaution was the same as during the defense battle, but this time, defending weapons were deployed everywhere. NPCs operated these weapons, and numerous crossbowmen and archers were deployed to protect the surrounding area on the outer wall, all as part of a strategy to minimize the number of monsters that might advance.

Leeha had just stepped toward the group of star grass users.

Just before the wave started, Kijung was giving various instructions to guild members.”The basic strategy is the same as last time. Ah, you weren’t here last time, were you?”

“Strategy? Do we need a strategy to block the waves?”

“Of course! Those creatures are quite strategic. They’re not as strong as Toon’s troops, but there are quite a few massive monsters among them. The primary targets are Cyclops, followed by Ogres and Trolls.”

“Ah, so you’re saying we should take down the DPS line first and then take care of the tank line.”


This strategy was different from the brutal onslaught approach.

The monster army led by Toon was meticulously planning on destroying Juma City completely, hence the users had to develop a counter-plan.

“But the question is whether they will follow the same strategy as before…”

As Kijung scratched his chin in thought, another user nearby slightly opened his mouth.

“Hehe, no need to worry about that”

“Biyemi, what does that mean?”

“I don’t have much to say right now, but what’s important is that we don’t die. Heh, that’s too obvious, isn’t it?”

Biyemi smirked ambiguously and grasped hisher weapon.

Leeha had not had a significant conversation with Biyemi since coming to Juma City.

‘Come to think of it, how did he know about bonobo paleo? Does she know about the “”enhancement”” as well?’

The colour of Biyemi’s weapon was unequivocally different from before, suggesting that some sort of enhancement had been applied to his weapon.

However, it was clear it wasn’t through the bonobo paleo. That’s because they didn’t react at all to the words Biyemi or lizardia.

These conflicting pieces of evidence made Leeha suspicious.

“Anyway, since you, Leeha, have no main weapon, please just offer support fire from behind me this time. You’ll still gain plenty of levels.”

“Does the extent of level increase depend on the magnitude of the action?”

“Well, it’s not been confirmed yet, but that seems to be the case. I’ve heard that users at about the same level as Kijung gained about one level.”

This was intriguing information for the user ranked in the top 10.

Kijung, fitting of Byulcho’s Guild Master status, had performed impressively and thus earned much more experience than other users of the same level.

“Just like the mission’s ‘completion,’ Middle Earth seems to be rating each individual.”

“Hehehe, that’s the point……

“Leeha, you’re scheming again! It’s dangerous; just stay behind me!”

“Please do. There’s no one to protect you, Leeha, if I’m not there. Just stick close behind Kijung. Got it?”

As Leeha grinned inexplicably, Gi-Jung and Bobae looked anxious. But their words didn’t get to Leeha.

“Let’s see how it goes. I’ll be careful. Once this wave is over-“

Here it comes!

“-we’ll see how much my level has increased.” Just as someone yelled out, the ground started to shake.

The gigantic monsters and the large monster army, following Toon’s command, were rushing to trample Juma City.

Bobae: It’s starting! I’ll get in touch later, Nara-ssi!

Nara: Yeah, take care!

Despite enthusiastically cheering for Bobae, Shin Nara’s face was hardened.

Hearing that Leeha would be attending this second monster wave, she desperately wanted to participate.

‘I’m still in Hong Kong, and I haven’t been able to see him… I wonder if he remembers our date. He hardly whispers to me either.’

In Middle Earth, Leeha’s focus is unparalleled.

However, when it comes to relationship matters, the complete opposite is true. Leeha was so engrossed in his Middle Earth play that he didn’t pay attention to others, hence she couldn’t help but feel annoyed.

‘So I was definitely going to go today… I was determined to participate!’

Because of that person!

Feeling Shin Nara’s gaze, perhaps, Lotzak, who had been standing next to the king, visibly flinched. It was due today for him to reconsider the issue that she had brought up several times but had been consistently turned down.

“Right now! Juma City is currently facing a fierce onslaught from monsters, including Toon.

To protect our citizens, I firmly believe that it’s essential to dispatch at least one knights’ squadron and establish a branch of the Sacred Knights. I sincerely request once again that you all reconsider.”

Speaking to all NPCs sitting around the round table, her eyes were particularly focused on Lotzak. As a member of the ‘Capital Defense Knights,’ which was nominally established as the Sacred Knights, she wasn’t allowed to leave the capital without special reasons, making her burning with frustration.”Hmm, well… Of course, I understand Dame Shin’s words, but, it’s not something that can be easily decided, is it?”

“Indeed. It’s difficult to speak rashly to His Majesty the King. The Knight Order’s fundamental function is regional defense, and if we send over the current continent’s Knight Order? Those ignorant fools from Minis or Klaban, who knows what kind of uproar they would cause.”

“True, correct, correct.”

“You have a point.”

The noble NPCs were wiping their sweat while avoiding Shin’s gaze.

Deciding on dispatching the Knight Order should not be something to be announced directly to the king.

The Knight Order, which was initially established city by city, or by castle, needs to coordinate with the lord of the respective city or castle.

Although the king’s direct order is possible, if resistance grows severe, the Knight Order of Seikrid and Shin himself may face problems.

So far, Shin Nara had been holding back her worries about that part.

He looked at the noble NPCs with contemptuous eyes.

“Are you worried that the number of knights to protect your ‘cities’ might decrease? I might be taking away the people to guard your properties?”

“How absurd!”

“Who am I for you to accuse me of such!”

Her sharp criticisms were enough to ignite the nobles’ anger. It was Lot who calmed down the NPCs on the verge of eruption.

“Dame. Don’t forget that you are attending this conference as a knight.”

“I haven’t forgotten, Chief Mage. If you would also remember how many times I’ve requested the dispatch of the Mage Division. Will you disagree again for the same reason as last time? We heard it so many times that we can recite it, so don’t bother if you’re going to say the same thing again.”

He stared straight at Lotzak. Below one representative, there was Lot, the Chief Mage and the king’s wisdom pocket. No noble NPC took his words lightly.

For such Lot, Shin was an even more annoying existence than a hundred weak-noble NPCs.

Lotzak said, “I disagree. I am in favor.”

His dissenting voice quietly blended into the conference room. Everyone except Lot was surprised, showing a blank expression for a moment.


“What did you say?”

“Do you agree? With dispatching the Mage Division?” even Shin couldn’t believe it and had to ask again.

This was the sixth time she had initiated such a meeting since the new continent was opened.

That same person, who had consistently disagreed for the same reason for the past six times, was suddenly agreeing?

However, Lot seemed too calm. He didn’t agree to dispatch the Mage Division.

“I think it is the best time to dispatch the Knight Order, allocate a small fraction of the Seikrid Squad, and dispatch a small Mage Division.”

“To the new continent… The place Lotzak is referring to… you mean, to dispatch to Juma City?”

“That’s right. No matter how I think about it, now seems like the perfect time. Isn’t the highest priority to secure Juma City now? If it’s destroyed, we lose a foothold in the new continent. During that time, tensions will rise here on the Lophe continent, and the possibility of us being swept up into another war will increase. Even when we think about preventing this, it seems better for each country to disperse its power to the Lophe continent and Erika continent.”

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