Matan’s Shooter 575

Blaugrunn: “I can’t move right now! We’re still a long way off.”

Leeha: “Still? It’s taking so long even though I called your name?”

Blaugrunn: “My goodness. Who else would think of a dragon so lightly than Leeha-ssi? Everyone knows what a good person you are, worthy of becoming part of our clan, but the current situation is not easy for us to step forward.”

Leeha: “I tried explaining the situation to Blaugrunn, but all I got was a response saying it’s impossible.”

However, Leeha had no choice but to accept it. After all, the reason Blaugrunn was so busy running around was for my request.

Leeha: “Sigh…… What a predicament.”

Blaugrunn: “I can make time tomorrow, but if by any chance-“

Leeha: “You’re right. Even if we swiftly complete the quest with Blaugrunn-ssi’s help, it would be a complete mess if your side isn’t ready.”

Blaugrunn: “Exactly.”

Leeha: The reason Blaugrunn was running around was precisely for this quest. What will happen once we obtain the Fire Flower?

Blaugrunn: “Let’s deliver it to Onyx within 24 hours….”

Leeha: We have to give up on Koma.

This is the outcome Leeha wanted to avoid the most. However, what if he didn’t deliver it to Onyx?

Blaugrunn: Leeha would have to endure the persistent pursuit of the chromatic dragons, including the elder and black dragon, Onyx.

The only way Leeha could think of to escape this situation was just one, and it’s because of that solution, Blaugrunn is incredibly distressed.

Leeha: “Oh right, we decided to get two Fire Flowers. Should we just give one of them to Onyx?”

Blaugrunn: “……I’d rather avoid that, as I think Lord would vehemently oppose it.”

Leeha: “Huh? Why?”

Blaugrunn: “I also heard about the Fire Flower for the first time and did some research on it…….”

As Leeha listened to Blaugrunn’s quiet voice, he couldn’t close his mouth.

Blaugrunn: I thought the Fire Flower wouldn’t be an ordinary item, ever since Ifrit, the King of Fire spirits, expressed his desire for it, but it was beyond my imagination.

Leeha: “You’ve got to be kidding me. Is that so?”

Blaugrunn: “Yes, why do you think they released Leeha-ssi, who’s practically a sworn enemy of the chromatic dragons? If you think about the effects of the Fire Flower, and if they are confident that we can actually obtain it… It’s only natural.”

Leeha: “If I can’t get it-“

Blaugrunn: “They’re probably tracking us, if enough time passes without any news, won’t they come to attack? It would be a piece of cake for Onyx.”

Although there was no failure deadline in the quest itself……

Leeha understood. He hadn’t experienced it himself, but he had heard stories about it.

‘There’s a deadline attached to the failure conditions when the timeline is crucial. However, a general quest also likely fails automatically if it’s neglected for more than a year, according to the community.’

Onyx could kill him at any time…

In order to save some face, Onyx made efforts to obtain the Fire Flower.

Leeha: “I won’t be able to hand it over to Onyx.”

Blaugrunn: “If it’s to protect Leeha-ssi, then we might have to… but I wouldn’t recommend it from my perspective. There’s no guarantee Onyx will spare us even if we do hand it over.”

Leeha: “Okay. Got it. It should take about three days at most to obtain the Fire Flower. Please hurry.”

Blaugrunn: “Yes, Leeha-ssi.”

Leeha ended communication with Blaugrunn.

Blaugrunn said that he might hand over the Fire Flower to save him, but after hearing its effects, Leeha lost any intention of doing so.

Leeha: “I would rather just die, are you kidding me? I wouldn’t feed such a thing to a beast. Hmm, either way, I have to figure out how to heat it up.”

Leeha sat deeply in the lord’s chair, deep in thought.

The most rational method would be to buy coal. Leeha didn’t have money right now, but that’s not a hard task.

‘I could ask Ram Hyun to postpone the payment deadline. It’s the money that’s going to come in anyway, so she shouldn’t refuse it.’

After buying 700 tons of coal, either I can transport it by teleporting it into my bag around the clock for three days, or I can move it faster by borrowing Hyun’s power to move the space.

“Coal… Coal……

However, it feels strange and stingy to think of using someone else’s money. Should I be glad that I have this miser(?) mindset?

Leeha’s mind started twisting in another direction.

“The problem is the heating.”

What is heating?

It is to add heat.

To add heat to the already fiercely burning lava by throwing in the sufficiently energy rich kindling.

But what about another method?

‘Yes… Surely…

[Ultrahigh-Temperature Blast Furnace]

Description: “Can you heat all magma circulating beneath the earth? Fortunately, there are a few fuel bats that avoided your hands that are still alive, but their cave isn’t enough. They will become adults in a month, but right now we must heat the magma in three days. So, you have to find the way. A way to heat the magma until it becomes white hot.

If you can solve that, I will give you as many Fire Flowers as you want.” Skink, who is in charge of the earth’s magma, is concerned about only this. Let’s find a way to heat up the [Magma Origin] of the Lava Lizard tribe.

“That word is the keyword.”

Leeha perused and pondered the sentence in the quest window, then he opened his friends’ list. One person’s name caught his eye.

“I haven’t contacted you in a while! Have you been well?”Leeha whispered to him in a cheerful voice.

There was no answer for a moment, but finally his voice was heard after a few more instances of Leeha’s persistent whispers.

???: What now! Why again!

Leeha: Hehe,why, I’m here because I have something good to show you today,

???: Grrrrr,— No! I feel cheated again———-!

Although he wanted to scream just by hearing Leeha’s voice, once he started a conversation with Leeha, there was no way to avoid his snare.

It was a day and a half later that Leeha moved to the “Lonely Volcano.”

“Ssskink,what’s this?”

“It’s a key to heat the ‘Magma Origin.”

“Sssking,a key?”

The Lava Lizards looked at Leeha with their restless eyes. At the spot where Leeha smiled and called it a ‘key’, there was another person standing.

“Is it real…? They’re real lava lizards.”

“How many times have I told you? Don’t you trust me?”

“Yes, I don’t trust you! You know how many times I’ve had to grovel because of Leeha-ssi?”

“Hehe, just trust me for now. Trust starts from belief.”

Listening to Leeha’s nuances, there was a person who shivered. His face turned pale. It was a brief moment, but if you count the number of times he had been fooled by Leeha’s ‘scammer tone’, it was not a small number.

“Grrrr,every time I think of the new continent-“

“Still, there hasn’t been a single time you’ve been at a loss from listening to me, right? You made some achievement just now, didn’t you? ‘Guardian of the Lonely Volcano’s Fire’, S-class.”

“-Cough… it’s true we did.”

“See! As long as this task ends well, I will take care of you. Ok, Pyro?”

The person Leeha brought was Pyro. He was one of the previous new continent explorers and the descendant of a fire sorcery hero.

Pyro glared at Leeha, fuming.

Always feeling deceived, he couldn’t deny it. It’s true that he benefited from listening to Leeha’s words, so he had no more words to say.

“Ssking, are you going to set this person on fire?”

“Huh? No! A fire does not only get stronger when you add fuel.”

“Sssking? Then what are you going to do?”

The Lava Lizard twisted its head at Leeha’s words. Pyro, who was checking the S-class achievement, also came to his senses at Leeha’s voice.

“Just make a fire. Let’s go, to the ‘Magma Origin’.”

Leeha walked confidently.

The Lava Lizards still followed him with puzzled expressions. After checking their expressions, Leeha explained the principle briefly.

“Ordinary fire wouldn’t work. You would have to inject fuel and over-supply oxygen to increase the temperature.”


“But this isn’t ordinary ‘fire’, is it? It’s lava! There might be a way to set the fire by adding fuel, but at this point… well, should we call it a mass of iron?”


“What would it be like to keep firing a welding torch at a piece of iron?”

“Welding, ssking?”

The Lava Lizards were still puzzled.

Only one person, Pyro, who had already heard the explanation from Leeha, knew about this principle.

“The temperature of the iron keeps rising. Gee,I can’t believe I would meet a human being who recognizes me, Pyro, as a welding torch in my lifetime.”

“Alright,so here’s the thing, Pyro!”

Leeha spread his arms in front of the Magma Origin.

Pyro already knew what the big hole in front of Leeha was. Tiny red particles were accumulating around him.

“I need your help.”

“Underst- ood—–”

Chop, chop!

Pyro took a horse riding stance next to Leeha.”Whoooo,” he exhaled heavily, and more and more red light gathered around his physical body.

“Make the adjacent lizards moist…”


Fire sprouted all over Pyro’s body.

His transformation was so noticeable that even the Lava Lizards recoiled in surprise.

‘As expected… he hasn’t only been messing around.’

Although they’d witnessed various skills during the duel with Pitou and Sinara, and throughout their expedition to the New Continent, this was something different.

“Don’t forget to replenish mana—”

“Okay, don’t worry about it. I understand you need oxygen to weld,”

Pyro made yet another welding comparison, turning his head in disagreement, but he smiled.

He always seemed to enjoy teasing people in an odd way.

‘I have to keep pouring mana potions. This tube of mana is linked to Pyro, creating an automatic supply system…

It took an extra day and a half to convince Pyro, largely because of this item.

The ‘Mana Infuser’ that was borrowed from Ranhwa Yeon.

In order to significantly speed up Ram Hwajung’s development, Hwahong wholeheartedly supported her, and so he crafted this item to make hunting monsters more efficient by exhaustively using mana.

Ram Hwajung, who had gained full experience without grouping or having any help from anyone, was already starting to see changes in the rankings.

“Let’s gooooo—!”

Ssssssss I

Like the sound of a kettle boiling, steam rose from Pyro’s body. The color of the fire clinging to his body was gradually changing.

“Oh dear… As expected, this is remarkable.” Leeha muttered under his breath as he stepped back.

Despite Pyro’s achievements in lava-related achievements, he still felt the heat!

The flaming red fire clinging onto Pyro’s body passed through orange and yellow, and was finally losing its color.

It was indeed one of the reasons why Leeha thought of Pyro.

‘The only one who can achieve the required temperature for this quest, other than a dragon, would probably be Pyro.’

The keyword that Leeha focused on was correct.

The color-changing nature of flames depending on temperature was nothing new.

Especially when using the skill ‘Fire Lord’, Pyro was already capable of reaching the temperature level Leeha desired. Would it be any different now?

“Storm of Chlorinated Flames!”


“My goodness!”

“Myong, myong, myong!”

A hot breeze that felt like it could burst blisters on the skin swept over Leeha’s whole body. If Zellapong hadn’t rapidly shielded him, he would undoubtedly have suffered flame damage, such was the destructive power!

Leeha thought of Ram Hwajung watching Pyro’s skill.

The energy emanating from the fiery assault was undoubtedly ‘fire’, but the cascading ‘white fire’ heading towards the magma source looked much like Ram Hwajung’s blizzard.

“Man, that’s even more impressive than I thought… But this isn’t the time to be amazed.”

Leeha hurriedly opened the quest window to check.

The rapid increase in the quest’s completion rate proved that the keywords he’d found were correct.

[Super High-Temperature Furnace]

Description: -A method to bring magma to a white heat-

Content: Objective: Reach target temperature at the Magma Origin Point

‘The white color of the flame implies super high temperature… and suggests that magma can be melted with this.’

With a pleased smile at the steadily increasing completion rate, Leeha ensured the mana feed to Pyro did not cut off.



The unique ki-hap every time mana was injected did cause a bit of concern. His firm riding stance quivered with effort…

‘Isn’t this too real? If he poops in that tiny game access box – Ugh, that’s a nightmare.’

However, he could never mention such thoughts to Pyro.

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