Matan’s Shooter 558

Blaugrunn and Leeha were initially cowed by the heat, but after it changed to a blue hue, they no longer felt the heat.

[Hmm…A nostalgic smell has drawn me out…What is this?]

Blaugrunn and Leeha barely looked up to see a little figure. Even if a child were to speak, it wouldn’t have such a voice.

What they heard was a woman’s voice.

“Thi- thi- thi- thi-“

[ThiThiThiThi? Is that your names?]

It was slightly bigger than Blaugrunn’s current appearance.

Despite her small stature, nearly the size of a bear’s foreleg, she emanated a calm and dignified aura, clearly permeating around her.

Leeha could guess her identity, but because it was too different from his expectation, he could not be certain.

“Ifrit! The Fire Spirit King, Ifrit!”


It was Blaugrunn who confirmed it.

In Ifrit’s hand was a long pipe.

Leeha stared blankly at her. The sight of a 16-year-old girl smoking a pipe the size of a bear was bewildering.

Not to mention, her outfit and hair were all in a shade of blue, which she emitted, making her overall appearance a blue-toned one.

‘If Ram Hwajung’s appearance and Ram Hwayeon’s personality were mixed, wouldn’t it be like her?’

For Leeha, it was not an exaggeration to see Ifrit this way. The bizarre combination of a young girl, a big pipe, fire, and blue color possessed an irresistible charm.

While Leeha was flabbergasted, Blaugrunn, with full compliments, spoke to Ifrit.

“Pleasure to meet the Fire Spirit King. I am Blaugrunn.”

[A bronze dragon? You’re a juvenile. Did you create this? I doubt Elaym, Gnoas, and Sylphid would have allowed this.]

“I did not create this. The person who did is right here.”

[Ah, a human! Right. You are Komdori’s (cute bear’s) soul mate?]

At last, Ifrit looked at Leeha.

Leeha blinked at her sudden sharp stare.

“Ye-yes. Hello, I’m Leeha. Komdori owes you.”

[What? Pfft. Naturally, Salamander always struggles. I wonder how you tamed his appetite, considering he always seeks something to eat in the spirit world.]

“I-I’m truly sorry. Because of his growth…I tried it once…I seem to have inadvertently caused trouble.”

[Sorry? Trouble?]

Ifrit stared blankly at Leeha’s confused expression and then burst into hearty laughter.

Her laughter, contrary to her chic, wise and chilly demeanor as a Fire Spirit King, filled the void refreshingly.

[You’re an interesting one! Yes, yes. I understand why Elaym, Gnoas, and Sylphid allowed you to create such an item.]

“Ah, about that item, there is something I need to tell you. I don’t know why you came out, but that is something we used to enhance ‘Komdori’s’ level and grade…”

With the mention of the growth enhancer, Leeha regained his nerve. The drastic change from his earlier personality didn’t miss Ifrit’s keen sight.

[Hmm, so?]

“Not ‘so’…From what I can see, our Komdori hasn’t changed at all. I wonder if you used it, Ifrit.”

This worry had been bothering Leeha since Ifrit first appeared. The growth enhancer strengthens its target.

The recipient Leeha used was ‘Komdori,’ the fire bear. But why did Ifrit appear? There was no explanation!

[Seems like you don’t fully understand. Our Komdori only maintains his form for a short time, he’s not actually a living being. You should already know he’s dead.]

“Tha- that is…”

Even by using the Soul Link skill, ‘Komdori’s’ level didn’t change anymore.

[Only your level weight is added. According to the skill description, you should know that Komdori physically died in the Middle Earth world. The growth of this damned toy-like being can’t be further stimulated. It’s a great idea. But, this thing, even tens of thousands of essences of the world tree created this damned toy. Who did it? Bahamut did it for one night? I bet Elaym once again made a fuss.]

“The leader of the Dragon Tribe, and the sole Platinum Dragon who safeguards and enforces justice, Lord Bahamut, created this potion.” [“Wow, Bronze, you really have some personality. Oh, yeah. Let’s assume it’s so. Ah! Where was I?”]

Ifrit drew deeply on the filter of her cigar.

A moment later, seeing her puffing smoke, Leeha had to ponder what kind of item she was using, but right now, the matter at hand was more crucial.

“You said the growth promoter was neutralized when used on Koma.”

[“Neutralize… it’s neutralized, but it’s not exactly neutralized.”]


[Our little bear has contracted with the Salamander. In addition, what kind of being are you? You have an affinity with all spirits?! Even though you’re not a spirit mage… it might be because of you that the toy acted a bit strange.]

“Did it act strangely, you say…?”

[Our baby, no, our Salamander… Phew…… Hey! Come out here!]

Suddenly, Ifrit yelled. The little creature standing behind her flinched. From the head of the fire bear, something flared up.

Then a man, or rather, a youth, who was slightly taller than Blaugrunn, jumped over the small figure and ran out.

His long, bleached hair combed back, a long scar on his cheek, the way he chewed something and squinted while inspecting his surroundings.

Although his speech was a bit stuttering, unlike the neat and innocent-looking Blaugrunn, the youth’s exterior was…

‘Is he a delinquent?’

Leeha reminded of a ‘friend’ from his third year of middle school class.

[Didn’t I tell you to let me know in advance if something was going to happen?]

“How would I know to tell you? Who would have known he’d bring such an item?”

[You little… Can’t you talk properly?]

“Ah, leave it be! I’m not a little Salamander anymore.”

As Ifrit approached, she firmly grabbed his head, but the boy quickly, swatted Ifrit’s hand away.

‘Goodness… it’s clearly a fire spirit from the looks of it.’

But to display such an attitude toward the king of fire spirits?!

Leeha wasn’t the only one who noticed, as Ifrit’s previously bizarre and talkative demeanor had completely changed.

[Oh, is that so? You’ve become Ignis, and now you think you’re too good for me? Do you want to know what it feels like for a fire spirit to burn to death? Or should I call Shellea? Want to get a taste of her flames?]

For an instant, blue light flickered from Ifrit’s body.

No matter how rebellious the youth is, he couldn’t do anything in the face of such power. The boy, now called Ignis, spat through gritted teeth in frustration.

‘He’s insane…?’

While Leeha watched anxiously, Ifrit sighed heavily, lowered her head, and met Leeha’s eyes.

[You’ll have to be responsible.]

“Wha, what?”

[It used to be an obedient and cute salamander, but you transformed it into Ignis!]

With a swish!

Suddenly a holographic window materialized in front of Leeha.

[Fire Against Fire]

Explanation: “Due to Bahamut’s strange toy, our contract with Komdori and the Salamander- no, Ignis, is in jeopardy. Komdori cannot contain Ignis in his soul. Once it has evolved, it cannot be reverted back… You need to find a way to confine Ignis’s flame within Komdori to keep the contract intact. Me? Hey, I’m a Elemental King. I’m not supposed to interfere lightly! You’re responsible for your actions! But… since I like Komdori too, I’ll give you a little help. Find the ‘Fire Flower’.”

Soul mates who’ve made a contract with the fire spirit have imprisoned the fire spirit within their souls. However, due to the misuse of the ‘Growth Enhancer,’ the soul mate can no longer accommodate the fire spirit in their soul!

If this continues, not only will the contract with the fire spirit be terminated, the soul mate might stop responding to the soul link. With the help of the king of fire spirits, Ifrit, let us stabilize the soul mate’s condition.

Content: Obtain ‘Fire Flower’ within 30 days and deliver it to Ifrit

Reward: ?

Failure Condition: Upon expiration of the deadline, using the skill [Soul Link]

Consequences upon Failure: Termination of the contract between the soul mate and the fire spirit

50% increased chance that the soul mate will not respond to [Soul Link] skill

There was no question about accepting the quest.

It signaled the start of a forced quest that was triggered under certain conditions. Leeha had no right to refuse.

“This is…

[The contract is already starting to falter. Bring the ‘Fire Flower’. If you bring it to me, I will help increase Komdori’s capacity. Then, that damn kid- no, Ignis won’t be able to pop out and separate from his contractor.]

Ifrit jerked her chin towards Ignis, who was standing at a slant next to Koma.

It was then that Leeha realized something had been off.

‘Remembering… I’ve seen Koma turn into a fire bear, but I’ve never seen a fire spirit jump out near Koma.’

Of course, the reason was soon evident.

The quest request and Ifrit’s words contained the answer. Currently, Koma could not handle the advanced fire spirit, Ignis.

“So, are you saying I shouldn’t summon Koma to the present world until then?”

[Yes. Komdori appearing in the current world involves relying on the power of the fire spirit. But, if you summon her recklessly in a situation like this, her soul could simply disappear. Well, if you want to give up on the soul mate, you can.]

“Why would I? I understand, so where can I find the Fire Flower?”

[I’m not sure. I did tell the Lava Lizards to guard it, but I don’t know where they are… probably somewhere with lava.]

“If the king of fire spirits doesn’t know-“

[Do I have to know everything? As long as you know the Fire Flower exists in the present world, that’s it for me!]

Ifrit raised her voice, took another long drag of her cigarette.

Leeha could not argue with the king of fire spirits anymore. Besides, Middle Earth was not the place to get all the information from Ifrit.

“Okay. Fire Flower… I’ll find it.”

Upon Leeha’s bowed and agreeable reply, Ifrit wore a satisfied look.

She flicked the cigarette upside down, tapped the tobacco dust off, then turned around.

[This land suits my taste quite a bit, so call me here when you find the flower. Ignis! Let’s go!]

“Eh, why? I just got out and enjoying myself alone. I want to stay out a bit more-“

[Quietly follow me, you brat.]

“Oh, oh no, my ears!”

To Leeha, they appeared simply as a small girl dragging a small boy by the ears.

Could they truly be fire spirits?

As if to answer Leeha’s unspoken question,

Whoosh-! Suddenly, a burst of flames flared up, and Ifrit, Ignis, and Koma all disappeared without a trace.

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