Matan’s Shooter 543

TL: xLordFifth


“It seems that dragon isn’t coming this time? The one like a fly around Bahamut.”

“Um… The color of the bronze dragon is turquoise, but comparing it to a fly is a bit…”

“If we could find out where Bahamut is, Sylphi-nim would praise you. Don’t you know?”

“Me, of course I don’t. How would I know the location of the great villain Bahamut?”

This was precisely a strategy for life.

The business-like smile naturally on Leeha’s face.

Celestine, having heard the answer he wanted, wore a very pleased expression.

“Isn’t there anything fun happening outside?”

“Fun things…

Leeha quickly racked his brain. Surely, fun things involved fighting and brawling!

But talking about the users’ stories, the spirits showed disinterest, making this request particularly challenging for Leeha.

‘I talked about Hwahong last time, and they somewhat listened to the story of Kuzgunak’sh, but still, it’s like hearing about a foreign country – um, something interesting-‘

Suddenly, an interesting story popped into Leeha’s head. It was something that happened just a few days ago, not far from here.

“If there’s nothing, then never mind-“

“There is! There is something!”

Leeha shouted so loudly that Noeanen, who was far away, also turned his head towards him.

To shake off the awkward feeling, Leeha quickly continued.

“It happened recently. In a place called ‘Barren Land of Blooming Flames,’ humans swarmed in droves. There were so many monsters, and just when the users were charging, a dinosaur about 100 meters tall-“

Leeha couldn’t finish his sentence.


With a tremendous sound of a gust, Noeanen moved swiftly towards him.

“-Woah?! Noeanen-nim, what-“

“Is what you’re saying true, right now? ‘Barren Land of Blooming Flames’! Toon is there? Toon has awakened?!”

“That’s impossible! Noeanen! Toon?! Did he just say Toon right now?”

Noeanen’s eyes widened as if they were about to pop out.

Hearing the name Toon, Celestine stood up abruptly from his seat.

Still sitting on a tree branch, Leeha found himself suddenly surrounded by the two towering figures.

“…Yes, Toon… Whether he has awakened or not, I’m not sure, but he was definitely there-“

“He should still be sleeping. It’s impossible that he’s regained his strength already. Celestine! Any movement from Le-“

“The Sylphs haven’t reported anything. I’ve placed them all around here, so it should be certain.”

Noeanen and Celestine rapidly exchanged words. Leeha chimed in where he could, sensing an opportunity in their conversation.

After spending several days here, for the first time, they were showing a ‘Middle Earth-like’ reaction.

Any Middle Earth user would naturally realize that this was a moment not to be missed.

“It was said that he hasn’t fully regained his strength yet.”

“Where did you hear that?”

“From a gold dragon. It must be true because it came from an ancient-class gold dragon who has encountered Toon before.”

“He’s awakened but hasn’t regained his strength yet…

“Someone must have awakened him. Someone other than Le.”

“But if he’s awakened, it won’t be long before he regains his strength.”

Celestine and Noeanen took turns speaking. Their gazes met and simultaneously turned towards Leeha.

“Did you say humans attacked the ‘Barren Land of Blooming Flames’?”

“Yes, yep! That’s right.”

“We can only hope that not all humans died.”


Leeha’s question was met with no answer from Noeanen. But it was a statement that needed no reply. In front of Leeha, a hologram screen appeared.

Leeha instinctively knew. Finally, he had the opportunity to obtain the fruit of the World Tree, grasping a thin lifeline.


“[Nothing Shall Bloom]”

Description: “This forest of the World Tree plays a role in preventing the demonic lands from exchanging magical energy. Due to the widespread roots of the World Tree, the magical energies can only exist individually. However… if Toon awakens, the story changes. The moment Toon’s power blooms in the Barren Land, the minions of the Demon King, including Le, will start exchanging magical energies with each other. Then… even the forest of the World Tree won’t be able to stop it. Not only that, all the World Trees…

will be contaminated with magical energy. This will endanger not only the western Paleo but also the creatures in the east.”

Noeanen and Celestine were dispatched by the kings of the spirits to protect the forest of the World Tree. Their absolute goal is to protect the forest and prevent the demonic sources from exchanging magical energies with each other!

But if Toon fully regains his power, they will no longer be able to stop him. To preserve the last forest of the World Tree in the new continent,

they must prevent anything from blooming in the [Barren Land of Blooming Flames].

Content: Neutralize the dinosaur ‘Toon’ in the [Barren Land of Blooming Flames] (Remaining time: 22 days)

Reward: ?

Failure Condition: Toon regaining all his power before neutralization

If Failed: ?

-Will you accept?

Leeha let out a small groan as he scanned the quest window.

The spirits, who hadn’t given any information about the fruit of the World Tree despite several discussions, had finally revealed their entire purpose.

‘So, that’s it. This forest… It’s here for that purpose! The demonic lands scattered in every direction when I came here…

Already six demonic sources had been cleared by users killing all the monsters. However, there are still many such lands throughout the new continent.

The forest of the World Tree, taking root near the center of the new continent, exists to prevent these lands from exchanging magical energy.

“Neutralization means…

“Preventing him from regaining his power. The best method, of course, is killing.”

“Simply put, our goal is to kill Toon.”

Leeha nodded.

There could be various methods for neutralization.

However, the most certain and fastest method Leeha could take was indeed killing. For a sniper, methods other than sniping are impossible.

“What kind of monster is Toon?”

“Toon is one of Le’s most cherished monsters. Known as a dinosaur. He’s so terrifying that he gets the nickname ‘dragon’ despite not being one. His roar instills fear in the enemy and empowers his allies.”

“It’s not just about boosting morale. When he roars, he saturates the surroundings with dreadful magical energies… Lower-purity spirits can lose their existence with just one roar. Any lesser magic would be extinguished before even getting close.”

Celestine shuddered as she took over from Noeanen.

By the sound of their words, they too had experienced Toon’s power firsthand.

Leeha swallowed nervously, listening to their tense voices.

“Can humans neutralize, no, kill Toon with their power?”

Seeing Noeanen’s urgent expression,

Leeha cautiously opened his mouth.

“If we succeed… What will you give me?”

“Are you seeking a reward for something that’s for the sake of all life on this continent?”

“It’s because I might have to die to ensure the safety of all life on this continent.” Leeha stood firm, even though Noeanen, much taller than a giant, towered over him.

It was Celestine who joined the standoff between Noeanen and Leeha.

Even without the wind, her long hair fluttered in the air, catching Leeha’s eye.

“You might be asking what you want, right? Ever since you first came here, you’ve been interested in the fruit of the World Tree… Then I can give you one.”


“Think about it, Noeanen. I was ordered by Silphid-nim to protect the World Tree. To protect it, I’ll give away a fruit without hesitation.”

“But the World Tree from which the fruit is taken

will surely die.”

“If we don’t? The entire forest dies. I’ll have to take all the fruits of the World Tree and return to the realm of spirits. How long do you think it will take to rebuild a forest like this? Would Noah-nim want that?”


Noeanen crossed his arms.

With every word from Celestine, he was unable to retort.

‘If we take the fruit of the World Tree back to the realm of spirits? What’s different? If they can grow it there, why grow it here?’

Leeha had questions, but this wasn’t the moment to ask.

He kept a firm expression with pursed lips for a moment, then swoosh! The hologram window in front of him changed.

“[Nothing Shall Bloom]”

Content: Neutralize the dinosaur ‘Toon’ in the [Barren Land of Blooming Flames] (Remaining time: 22 days)

Reward: 1 World Tree Fruit

Failure Condition: Failure to neutralize ‘Toon’ before he regains all his power

If Failed: ?

Will you accept?

“Alright. Give me the fruit of the World Tree.”

[You have successfully negotiated.]

Leeha was a bit startled to see that the reward was only one fruit of the World Tree, even after using his bargaining skill.

‘What were they planning to give me when the reward was a question mark? Just some spirit affinity?! These tricksters! If I hadn’t bargained, they would have just let me struggle for nothing!’ He thought about how the spirits tend to exploit humans, as was the case with taking care of the World Tree’s forest.

Anyway, that was in the past.

Now that the World Tree’s fruit appeared as a reward, Leeha had only one choice.

“I’ll be back.”

“Please do. For the sake of the west and east of this land – no, for all life on this continent and beyond! Toon must be killed.”

Leeha activated the modification sphere, hearing Noeanen’s final words.


“Yes, my lord.”

“Any operational issues?”


The place Leeha had come to was Gaza City. Unlike Ram Hwayeon, who meticulously managed and prospered the city by interfering in everything, Leeha maintained a hands-off management style.

‘After all, I’m not the type to look at reports and paperwork… I wouldn’t know what to do with it anyway.’

Despite this relaxed approach, the city was running smoothly, thanks to the income it generated.

Without any special efforts to upgrade city facilities or stimulate the market, people came of their own accord.

It was a popular place for mid to low-level users from Minis-Fibiel to pass through on their way to hunting grounds, and just collecting taxes from the money they spent was enough.

“If anything special comes up, I’ll let you know. Please continue as you have been.”

“Understood. Don’t worry.”

Leeha quickly glanced over the weekly income and expenditure report of Gaza City before leaving the city’s inner fortress.

His visit here wasn’t just to see how much money had been made.

“[Common Quest: When You Touch the Grass, a Snake Will Appear]

Content: Verify the location of the demonic source (6/7)

Failure Condition: Failure to verify the demonic source within 100 days (Remaining time: 22 days)

If Failed: ?

“[Nothing Shall Bloom]”

Content: Neutralize the dinosaur ‘Toon’ in the [Barren Land of Blooming Flames] (Remaining time: 22 days)

‘The deadlines are the same. This means… the remaining time for the quest from the Vatican and the quest from the highest-class spirits of the World Tree’s forest is the same.

And what about the location?

The seventh demonic source is precisely the [Barren Land of Blooming Flames].

Although the processes and objectives of the two quests differ, the ultimate outcome converges.

‘I don’t know what penalty I’d face if I failed the common quest.’

Other users might not have caught on yet, but Leeha could roughly guess.

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