TL: xLordFifth


“Browless with [Rapid Fire]. [Rapid Fire] is done with the feet,” said the NPC, wondering what kind of movement it would show.

“Oh right, we were talking about danger detection earlier.”


Kidd opened his skill window and read again what he had acquired.

The passive skill 〈Danger Detection〉 was different in nature from the skills he had used so far.

‘When I dodged Brown’s attack ten times in a row, I got this skill along with an achievement. But just from this description… Is this really what I think it is?’

While Kidd was pondering, looking again at his skill window and achievements, Browless stood up.

“Let’s go.”

“Where to, sir?”

“If we’re going to see Brown, I’ll need your guidance. It wouldn’t do any good to take you without any preparation. Especially now that you’ve just learned about 〈Danger Detection〉, it won’t be enough.”

Browless’s words quickly eased Kidd’s bewildered expression.

“Does that mean-“

“We’ll leave as soon as the special training is over.”

“Understood, Headmaster!”

Kidd grasped 〈Crimson Geckos〉 firmly.

It lacked impressive range or explosive penetration, but the reason it could compete with [Rapid Fire] was precisely this – the existence of a teacher who could pass on direct knowledge was a tremendous merit.

‘Good. This puts me one step ahead again.’

Even Browless alone might show equal skills to Brown. If he himself could achieve significant growth in that situation?

‘I can catch Matan’s Shooter. If I can block him from using Matan,

it’s possible.’

And he would become the successor to Matan’s Shooter!

Plans rapidly formed in Kidd’s mind.

The only problem was if Luger and Leeha decided to interfere(?). He opened his friends’ window to check their locations.

‘Damn, Luger… Still can’t forgive yourself, huh? Staying in the hunting grounds ever since that day.’

After returning from death, Luger had been pouring everything into leveling and skill development, focused solely on hunting.

What did it mean for someone nicknamed a war fanatic and mercenary to be hunting away from other users?

When he returned again, he would surely show growth, but Kidd was confident. He would be one step ahead.

‘And Leeha, who logged in after a long time – Hmm? [Forest of the World Tree]? There’s such a place in the New Continent…’

Kidd’s smile, which was about to reach his ears, was stopped by Leeha, as usual.

Kidd had thought that Leeha, upon returning to Middle Earth, would first visit [The Blooming Barren Land].

‘So he doesn’t plan to clarify the misunderstanding that he’s Matan’s Shooter. Well, thinking about him is a job in itself. I know predictions are pointless with you.’

Kidd chuckled and followed Browless out.

What Luger or Leeha were doing wasn’t important now.

In the academy’s training field, a low-level musketeer user was practicing.

Kidd glanced at him, fiddling with black powder, for less than a second.

“Where are you looking.”

At that moment, Browless’s hand, which had nothing before, now held a revolver. No, he was pulling the trigger.

Tadaaaa C]——-!

“Ugh, what to do. What should I do.”

At that time, Leeha was wandering around the edge where the spirits reacted, looking restless like a dog that needs to go out.

“Halihali-nim definitely has affinity with all spirits, right?”

“I do! I’ve told you several times already.”

“That’s strange… Then the spirits shouldn’t be reacting like this.”

“That’s why I’ve been thinking – sigh, never mind that. But why are they so hostile towards Blaugrun-ssi?”

“I don’t know either. Maybe it’s because I belong to the Metal clan,” Blaugrun said, sitting on a small rock, swinging his legs leisurely and speaking in a relaxed manner. “Well, am I the only one in a hurry? Ugh, if I can’t get the World Tree’s fruit this time, the essence of the world will vanish.

It will take over six months to retrieve the essence of the world again. And that’s only possible if the Sea God and Drake are as cooperative as they were this time. Who knows what kind of high-difficulty quest they will assign then?

‘I must do it now. There’s no next time in Middle Earth; if you can’t do it when you can, it’s over.’

This means the opportunity to evolve Blaugrun to an Adult class becomes significantly distant!

Knowing this made him even more urgent.

“If you have affinity with spirits, they usually don’t attack, right?”

“Even without affinity, they don’t attack. Spirits are different from monsters. They’re just more indifferent.”

“But why are they attacking now…?”

“If I knew that, I wouldn’t be sitting here, Halihali-nim.”

Hearing Blaugrun’s words, Leeha barely swallowed his frustration.

Even after a long absence, there was something annoyingly familiar about him. Perhaps he was still seeking revenge for being left to struggle alone.

‘It’s strange. Whether I go in, or Blaugrun-ssi goes in, the spirits attack us. Like mages’ automatic guardians or summoned creatures.’

Leeha had tamed Puels and had seen ‘Jjatchang.’

If he ordered Puels to attack all living beings within a certain range, Puels would react just like the spirits now.

This made sense from a system perspective.

But what are spirits?

They are not guardians, summoned creatures, or pets, but sentient beings, which makes it nonsensical.

‘Neither users nor dragons can enter… The reacting spirits are of the Earth and Wind. Speaking of which, do they not fight each other? Maybe spirits don’t take defensive stances against each other? But if they give quests, there must be a way-‘

As Leeha sighed, his eyes caught sight of the ‘vest’ he was wearing.

It was a regular vest in color and material.

But what was its true nature? Leeha’s eyes widened.



“The spirits reacting inside are of the Earth and Wind, right?”

“Yes. But I don’t understand why you’re asking that again-“

“No, listen. When we were getting the essence of the world. Do you remember what the Sea God said?”

“Of course. He said a lot, which part specifically? I can answer everything-“


Seeing Blaugrun’s confident expression, Leeha laughed. He wasn’t asking because he didn’t know.

“Jellypong! Battle mode: Agility!”


Jellypong, surprised by the sudden command, nevertheless didn’t hesitate to react.

What was a part of Leeha’s vest now revealed its form in front of him, transforming into battle mode.

“Hehe, Jellypong?”

[Mong! Mong!]

Jellypong raised one arm in a salute to Leeha. Leeha smiled at Jellypong’s gesture.



“Go, I said. Over there.”


Jellypong looked hesitant – at least that’s how it appeared to Leeha – pointing towards the World Tree.

It seemed to be asking if the command Leeha gave was accurate.

“Ha, Halihali-nim? You don’t mean… to send Jellypong in alone?”

Blaugrun was just as perplexed.

But Leeha was resolute. Though Blaugrun’s question was clearly intended to dissuade him, Leeha didn’t even look his way.

“Hurry up, will you? You have plenty of strength anyway. Don’t worry and go!”

[Mong.. Mong.]

Jellypong eventually started walking towards the World Tree.

Blaugrun, who had been sitting on the rock, suddenly stood up and rushed over to Leeha.

“It’s good to try different approaches, but it would be better if you shared your intentions with me, your partner. After Jellypong wakes the spirit guardians, I’ll be the one to retrieve the item-“

“No. Just wait and see.”

Leeha calmed the excited Blaugrun and watched Jellypong.

Despite being a dragon who acts as if he knows everything, there is a difference between having knowledge and applying it as wisdom in real life.

Leeha thought as he watched Jellypong walk slowly.

‘After Bahamut stole the essence of the world, the Sea God tried to go after him. Whether it was to argue or fight, I don’t know, but he tried. But then, there were ‘beings’ that stopped the Sea God.’

Leeha remembered their names. Sylphid and Noahs.

The King of Wind Spirits and the King of Earth Spirits.

The Sea God was also tied up with ‘Elaim, the King of Water Spirits.’

Only about 3m left for Jellypong to enter the boundary where the spirits react!

Jellypong glanced back at Leeha once more, but Leeha just nodded slightly.

Beside him, Blaugrun looked anxiously back and forth between Leeha and Jellypong.

‘Right. It’s clear. That’s why Sylphid and Noahs stopped the Sea God.’

The growth accelerator required the essence of the world and the fruit of the World Tree.

If we consider that, the Wind and Earth Spirits guarding the World Tree right now are in a kind of symbiotic relationship.

And if we just consider their ‘situation’

[Mew, mongmong!]

Jellypong abruptly drew in its feet.

The vibration started immediately.

“Even if Jellypong is strong, you shouldn’t be provoking a fight like this. Don’t you know it’s not something to be done?”

Rocks rose with the vibration of the ground.

The branches of the World Tree quivered, and the Wind Spirits emerged.

〈Battle Mode: Agility〉

In this state, health might drop slightly, but the attack power is extremely strong.

However, the number of spirits is not something that can be fought.

Blaugrun glanced at Leeha and cautiously began to use magic, but Leeha grabbed his shoulder to stop him.

“Wait. Just watch.”

“But it’s dangerous-“


Leeha focused his eyes on Jellypong. One of Jellypong’s arms had transformed into a sharp blade.

[Mew, mongmoooooo—–


“It’s not dangerous. Jellypong! Don’t attack!”

Leeha yelled at Jellypong.

Jellypong, having its own consciousness but absolute obedience to Leeha’s commands, reverted its arms back to their original state.

Even as the Wind and Earth Spirits rushed at Jellypong, Leeha’s thoughts didn’t stop.

‘It’s clear. It’s right. Considering the situation they were in, Jellypong can’t be attacked! Why?!’

Because the Sea God, Elaim, the King of Water Spirits, was also ‘on the same side’ as the Wind and Earth Spirits.

“…This is unbelievable. That is…”

“Just sometimes, it’s good to trust the words of a senior in life, Blaugrun-ssi.”

“Me, a senior in life?! If we talk about age-“

“That’s dragon life. Human life, human.”

Leeha drew the character 人 in the air with his finger, laughing.

Blaugrun, puffing his cheeks, turned his head, but he had nothing to argue.

The Wind and Earth Spirits were about to pounce on Jellypong when two new life forms appeared in front of it.

“Ah, but what are those?”

“Those are top-grade Earth and Wind Spirits. They may not know much about life due to their short time polymorphed as humans, but in terms of knowledge about Middle Earth- Please, listen to me until the end!”

Blaugrun tried to assert himself, but Leeha was already walking towards Jellypong, forcing Blaugrun to quickly follow.

Leeha’s prediction was accurate.

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