TL: xLordFifth


“Damn it, damn it. What should I do?” Leeha got up and started pacing around. The joy of being able to move around in the real world, not just in a virtual space, barely registered in his mind anymore.

‘Where did this ridiculous rumor even start? Are people insane? What did I do wrong?’

Was this what they meant by the downsides of fame?

But Leeha shook his head. He wasn’t famous enough to be the target of such rumors!

“Right, someone dug up and posted my old videos, even those that are almost considered ‘classics’ by now…?”

Leeha made a cup of coffee and sat down to think. Then he remembered something Kijung had mentioned.

‘…Who would have started this?’

A spark lit in Leeha’s eyes.

It all seemed too strange. Leeha immediately started browsing YouTube and major international community forums.

He noticed a pattern in the posts that were particularly popular and had high views on these international forums.

Leeha’s eyes burned with anger.

A person’s habits seep into their writing. No matter how well they disguise it, unconscious habits will show in certain aspects.

Although Leeha couldn’t know this fact, his sniper’s observational skills shone even in this situation.

Were there commonalities in the nicknames and IDs of the users who posted on these international forums?

Were there peculiar habits in writing, like where they inserted line breaks, or how many ellipses they used? Despite the different languages of each country’s community, were there repetitive words appearing?

Leeha had been so focused on this task that his smartphone’s battery was nearly drained.

The hotel’s notepad on the table was already missing several pages.

Leeha doubted himself.

He doubted what he had found two, three times over. But it was clear.

Strictly speaking, Leeha hadn’t discovered something definite. It had been left there for him to find, almost like a ‘reward’ for someone who carefully scrutinized and tracked the information.

To Leeha, it seemed as if he could hear the voice of the person who had orchestrated this.

[I said I use everything, didn’t I?]

Information warfare wasn’t limited to inside Middle Earth.


Chiyou, who commanded users of various nationalities and affiliations within Middle Earth, wouldn’t be incapable of such actions outside the game.

It wasn’t evidence to present as proof, but a small sign only Leeha and Chiyou would understand. Staring at it, Leeha clenched his teeth.

“Chiyou? Impossible!”

“Right. Impossible. We can’t be sure it’s Chiyou.”

“What do you mean? You just said it was Chiyou!” Kijung’s eyes widened as he looked at Leeha.

Leeha’s expression was grim. The circumstances pointed to Chiyou, but there was no evidence to definitively claim it was her.

“It’s just a common point.”

“Written by one person?”

“No, but it’s different from that. I actually checked the logs of those people on international communities, and it’s definitely several people, not one.”

“So, if it’s not Chiyou- no… because of that, it’s Chiyou.”

Kijung’s expression gradually changed as he listened to Leeha.

If one person was spreading rumors across multiple communities, it would be unlike Chiyou.

But who was she?

“Right. Instructions on how to write the posts must have already spread. Then, members of the Shinobi Group scattered around the world subtly edited and posted them.”

“…I should be cursing, but I’m shaking with rage first, damn it.”

Kijung shuddered as he listened to Leeha, but Leeha could only agree with his conclusion.

The anger rising to his head was equaled only by the fear being generated.

‘The Shinobi Group, whose activities in Middle Earth have been scaled down… to use them like this again.’

“Is it Chiyou’s power that can even make an item that’s completely lost its ability shine brightly once again?”

“So, what are we going to do now? Just move together? If we record it and go to the source of the Demon with you and our Byeolcho members-“

Kijung’s suggestion was logical.

If there was a rumor that Leeha was sniping users, proving it false would suffice.

The fastest way was for both Byeolcho and Leeha to enter that place together.

If there were unseen attacks there, it would prove that Leeha was not responsible.

“No, we can’t.”

“What? Why?”

“If we go, we’ll all die.”

“…Um, I know it’s dangerous, but to say we’ll all die is a bit-“

“We will. Kijung, I’m serious, don’t go there.”

That place had the Shooter of Matan. During the RUSH guild incident, monsters had sealed off the space.

Hyein might prepare Byeolcho better than RUSH in terms of space, but safety couldn’t be guaranteed.

“Damn. You knew something was off… Leeha, you knew something?”

“Not sure, but roughly.”

Kijung nodded.

Leeha’s response indicated there was another reason. Kijung knew further suggestions would be futile.

“Alright, then. Let me know if you need help. It’s not just your problem. We Byeolcho are also getting a lot of flak. Don’t think you’re alone in this, okay?”

“Heh, thanks.”

Kijung said goodbye to Leeha and headed back to the New Continent.

Leeha, left alone, pondered what he should do next.

“What should I do? Just carry on with my own business.”

Leeha opened his friends list, scratching his head. He had already blocked whispers from anyone not registered.

A few letters had arrived, some containing criticism of Leeha, but he ignored them all.

The community’s tendency to portray him as the ‘axis of evil’?

That’s just a momentary flame of gossip.

‘Eventually, everyone will work to clear the Demon’s base quest…

And if they clear the place where the Shooter of Matan appears, they’ll naturally realize it wasn’t my doing.

‘Besides, according to the story, clearing it doesn’t mean killing the Shooter of Matan, so it’s irrelevant.’

This common quest was held by almost every user traveling to and from the New Continent, and all members of the original expedition to the New Continent had it.

What does this mean?

“Heh, Alexander is still busily moving around.”

It meant Alexander also had to complete the quest.

As long as Bailephus was around, the quest to find the Demon’s base would naturally be cleared, and all misunderstandings would be resolved.

“Right! So, the urgent matter for me now is something else.”

-Why aren’t you coming? Are you busy?

-You should contact me first so I can go to you or summon you, Halihali. What if I suddenly show up and you’re engaged in some other activity? Humans, especially those of Halihali’s age, tend to focus on reproductive behavior. What if I have to witness that-

-What- What are you talking about, all of a sudden!

Leeha tried to play a joke on the invisible Blaugrun, but ended up being teased himself.

-Anyway! Come here quickly! Or should I go to you?

-The rare item organization is almost done but…


Before Blaugrun could finish speaking, a teal light flickered beside Leeha.

“It’s better if I come to you.”

“Umm, why do you keep not calling me a rare item? Is it because you feel bad about giving me gifts?”

“If you think I am such a petty dragon, I am really disappointed.”

Blaugrun glared at Leeha with narrowed eyes.

Leeha thought that Blaugrun seemed particularly irritable today. And there was always a reason behind his moodiness.

“Hey, why so serious? It’s just a joke. About that thing I asked you before I left for Hong Kong, did you find out anything?”

Before going to Hong Kong, Leeha had made a request to Blaugrun!

Was it necessary to log in to find the World Tree?

‘I don’t know how long that would take… I should use everything I can!’

Normally, one would certainly have to do so, but Leeha was different! He was not just partnered with a simple pet, but a being with intelligence surpassing humans.

Of course, Middle Earth’s intelligent life forms were not without their annoyances for Leeha. “That’s exactly why I’m annoyed. You just left me with the task of finding the World Tree, and now it’s been days! Plus, you told me to avoid fights if anyone challenges me! Predicting that humans will pick a fight if I roam around in my dragon form, you told me to flee and investigate, which is way more tiring-“

“Hehe, sorry about that. Here, I brought this knowing you’d be like this-“

Leeha looked at the pouting Blaugrun and rummaged through his bag. Here in the Old Continent, ingredients for cooking were abundant.

“-our Blaugrun’s favorite Guaco Skewers?”

“That’s- If you thought I’d calm down because of that-“

“Plus rare potion seasoning. Good?” “Really, that’s a misconception.”

Blaugrun turned away, crossing his arms, but couldn’t hide the gleam in his eyes.

Leeha quickly set up the grill and prepared the food.


The sound of skewers cooking on the stone grill.

Each time the seasoning was added, the alluring aroma intensified… Even Blaugrun couldn’t resist it.

‘Even if the kid sulks, hehe.’

Watching Blaugrun gobble down the skewers, Leeha smiled with affection.

“Wow, definitely a dynamic taste! As expected, being small – no, compact – makes for sporty movements?”

[If you’re going to talk like that, get off.]

“No, just kidding! Small but fast! That’s our Blaugrun.”

Leeha clung to Blaugrun’s scales and lay flat. Blaugrun snorted in response.

‘If Bailephus is a large sedan, Blaugrun is like a compact coupe.’

Sleeker and faster, but lacking the feeling Bailephus provided.

Of course, Leeha knew better than to say this out loud, as Blaugrun might throw him to the ground, so he kept his mouth shut.

Why did Blaugrun pretend to sulk and complain about the hardship?

Obviously, because he had acquired information about the World Tree. Knowing this, Leeha had coaxed him with all sorts of cooking.

After teleporting somewhere in the New Continent and mounting the transformed dragon, they headed to that location.

“How far have we come now?”

[We’re still far off. The New Continent is incredibly vast… Do you have any idea how exhausting it’s been flying around almost every day?]

“Of course, I know. That’s why I’m so grateful to you, Blaugrun. Hehe… Oh, by the way.”

[What now?]

“Since you’ve seen it from the sky, can you make a map… or something like that?”

Leeha asked with a fluttering heart.

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