TL: xLordFifth


Although they had no guns, the crude clubs in their hands were more than enough to kill a person. Then, the noise of tatatata that had been heard from a distance grew louder and louder.

Leeha opened his eyes to that sound. The reason he had reluctantly used that method.

The sound gave Leeha a strange sense of certainty.

“Translator, cough, I don’t know if it’s still working…”

“Huh? What’s he saying?”

“That guy, is he smiling?”

Almost lying down, Leeha pointed at the Dutchmen and smiled.

“It’s divine punishment, you bastards.”

Then he pointed his finger at the sky. Leeha finally remembered what ‘that noise’ was from a distance.

It was the sound of a helicopter rotor.

“The sky?!”


The Dutchmen all shielded their eyes. They were blinded by the intense light beaming down on them from the helicopter.

“Ah! What, what is this?!”

“What’s this light!”

The noise of the helicopter grew louder.

The Dutchmen finally realized what it was.

“He- Helic-“



The spotlight from the helicopter precisely illuminated the four Dutchmen.

The rough sound of the engine could be heard from all directions.

The security personnel of the Ram Tong Group must be rushing over, having passed all the roads.

[We announce to the Dutchmen: we have you in our sights. If you value your lives, don’t move.]

A woman’s voice followed through the loudspeaker.

Though slightly trembling, the voice was firm.

[No, move or not, you’re all dead. I’ll make sure you wish you had moved earlier.]

At this moment, she was not Ram Hwayeon of the Ram Long Group.

She was the ‘Fire Sorceress’ Ram Hwayeon from Middle Earth, with a rage like burning fire shooting towards them.

“Ha, ha… Anyway, cough, what a remarkable woman.”

“Oppa, are you okay?”


Vehicles surrounded the building, and the Ram Long Group’s security team came rushing. The burly man with sunglasses, who had threatened Leeha from Hong Kong International Airport, ‘Geum Bo’, was also there.

“Ha, haha, seeing this, cough, is really reassuring.”

With those words, Leeha fainted.


With a faint groan, the man’s arm moved on the hospital bed. That brief moment instantly caused a commotion.

“Oppa. oppa?”

“Leeha! Are you okay? Jachung! Call a doctor!”

“Got it.”

As Jachung ran out of the room, the Ram Hwayeon and Ram Hwajung sisters approached Leeha’s face closely.

“Leeha, are you okay?”

“Oppa. Wake up.”


Leeha also saw their faces, sparkling brightly.

Despite his eyes barely opening due to sleep crust, to him, they looked like angels descended from heaven.

But when you’re in pain, angels or whatever don’t matter.


“What? What did he-?”

Leeha pulled the blanket up and covered his face with it.

As he turned to lie down, his body moved naturally. Ram Hwayeon, who was about to say something to Leeha, saw this and barely held back her words.

“Chiit, thankfully his lower body seems fine.”


Ram Hwayeon smiled lightly at her sister’s comment.

Although Ram Hwayeon wanted to have Leeha undergo a thorough examination again, she knew she couldn’t insist on it. She also wanted to let him rest a bit more, which was another of her desires. Ram Hwayeon understood her sister’s feelings very well.

Thus, for the time being, she could suppress her growing feelings for Leeha, who had been just a kind and beloved older brother figure to her.

“The patient has woken up-“


“Uh, huh?”

“He just fell asleep, please come back later. Dr. Heinrich.”

“Oh! They bring me here in a rush and now tell me to come back later?”

Dr. Heinrich was equally flustered. Jachung and Geum Bo had practically dragged him here, and now they were asking him to come back later? However, even a world-renowned doctor couldn’t openly express his anger.

“Alright, alright. Calm down, Dr. Heinrich. After all, taking care of this patient is going to be your most important task from now on.”

“If the director says so, I have no choice. Understood.”

Ram Hwayeon, Ram Hwajung, and another person in the room, Ram Peng, personally escorted Dr. Heinrich out.

“Thank you, Peng.”

“Cheh, thankful my foot. You know it’s not a situation to be grateful for. Don’t fuss over it.”

Ram Hwayeon’s grateful thanks had a rather intimidating edge to it, and Ram Peng’s mood didn’t improve at all.

“Keik, you’re finally getting the hang of it?”

“…Can’t help it. We all learned that under father. Thanks, sis.”

Ram Peng bowed to Ram Hwayeon. It was a gesture of genuine thanks that siblings rarely exchanged.

Ram Hwayeon nodded silently in response to his thanks.

“That settles the debt.”

“Chim, glad to hear it.”

Ram Peng rubbed the back of his head.

If something had happened to Ram Hwajung, or even if she had been safely returned but they had used the negotiation card ‘chairman’ had forbidden?

Ram Peng was well aware of the harsh punishment he would have received.

All of it was nullified thanks to the efforts of Leeha lying in bed and Ram Hwayeon sitting beside him.

In other words, Ram Peng’s plan to oblige Ram Hwayeon and owe her a favor came to nothing, but he was not displeased. Escaping his father’s harsh punishment was a big enough benefit.

“No. You still owe. Me.”

“Hwa, Hwajung.”

“Peng, you didn’t assign guards to me.”

“That, that’s because! Hey, get your story straight! It’s not that I didn’t assign them, you said you didn’t want them-“

“I’ll tell father.”


Seeing Ram Hwajung’s icy gaze, Ram Peng could no longer speak.

Perhaps the hardest person to negotiate with was right here, Ram Hwalung. As the youngest daughter who grew up lacking nothing, there was no room for trade or negotiation in her vocabulary.

It was a simple choice: either fully comply with Ram Hwajung’s request or let her speak to the ‘chairman’ herself.

“What do you want?”

“Ask when oppa wakes up.”

Ram Peng’s plan to oblige Ram Hwayeon and owe him a favor turned into him actually owing a debt to Hwajung instead. Moreover, how this debt would be resolved depended on Leeha.

Leeha was lying under the blanket, unsure whether to look at him with fond or resentful eyes.

The next day, amidst a hectic schedule of thank-you visits and a check-up by Dr. Heinrich, Leeha received some unusual news.


“Ah, you startled me. Ram Hwayeon, I’m still a patient, you know? After rolling around with Ram Hwajung, I’ve got a cracked rib-”

“Get dressed right now! Hurry up!”

Seeing Ram Hwayeon’s face, Leeha, who had been feigning pain and holding his rib to tease her, was a bit taken aback.

“What, what? What’s going on?”

“Why are you rummaging around for my clothes in the closet and under the bed?”

“The chairman, no,  father has summoned you! You have to be ready by 6:45 PM! Hurry up and get ready! Do you have a suit? Shoes?”

“Why all of a sudden-“

The reason for the rush was that Ram Long, the chairman of the Ram Long Group, had summoned Leeha.

And the designer clothes that Ram Hwayeon had bought for Leeha had all been taken to Korea by Kijung.

It was 2 PM now, and he had only 4 hours and 45 minutes to prepare to meet the head of Hong Kong’s largest chaebol. The time was incredibly tight, not just for getting dressed but also for learning the etiquette of meeting him.


“At least the damage wasn’t as bad as we initially thought.”

Kijung sighed with his arms crossed.

However, ‘less than expected’ didn’t mean the actual damage was insignificant. Already, a significant number of middle and lower-level users had left the guild.

“Thankfully, the attacks stopped after Bobae arrived.”

“Ah, I didn’t do much. It’s Chiyou’s intelligence that’s scary.”

While Taeil praised Bobae, she waved her hand in dismissal.

The other users around them also believed it was thanks to Bobae. Only two had different opinions.

“Kikik, it’s not just because of that. It’s unlikely that Chiyo… would do such a thing.”

“I agree with Biyemi. While Bobae’s skills are tremendous, she can’t cover everything. Even with me around, and then there are Igor and Faust, let alone [Yamato], Bobae could be overwhelmed.”

“So, then? What do Biyemi and Hyein think? Could it be because I logged in, the attack ended-“

“Sorry, Kay. Not to belittle you, but it’s not because of you.”

Hyein shook her head.

Kijung, embarrassed to have spoken up, clicked his tongue.

“It’s not simply because someone logged in, it’s because Chiyo herself had a specific goal and the time came to act on it. You think so too, Hyein?”

Biyemi’s question was met with a nod from Hyein.

It wasn’t just because Bobae or Kijung logged in that the attack on Byeolcho stopped. Chiyo wasn’t such a simple user.

It was something urgent enough to make Chiyo put aside her revenge on Byeolcho.

Hyein tried to read her intentions but found it difficult.

What was happening with the Shinobigumi, Yamato, Igor, and Faust?

Normally, it would be easier to catch the tail of a bigger guild, but Chiyo was always the exception.

“Whew… Anyway, glad you all are okay. Let’s focus on infinite raids for now. We need to quickly recover the level-downs of Biyemi, Jingjing, and Taeil.”

“What about the guild members who left, Kijung?”

“Umm… We were already a small elite group. Maybe we should become even more exclusive.”

“That makes sense. Our focus isn’t on sieges anyway-“

“Yes. The new continent will likely be our main stage. Thankfully, we have a good reputation around Red Wood. There should be plenty of applicants wanting to join Byeolcho. Plus, I have some people in mind.”

Kijung was not without plans.

If it’s not a simple social guild, the considerations for further development were always present.

Especially in Middle Earth, where one expert is worth more than a hundred mediocre, Kijung’s thoughts were shaped by Leeha’s actions.

‘I don’t know how great Chiyou’s [Yamato] is… but if we keep operating like this, we’ll never be able to compete with them.’

Bobae looked worried, but Kijung’s words were met with resolute nods from Taeil, Hyein, Biyemi, Jin Gonggong, and others. They all had similar thoughts but hadn’t proposed them.


TL’s Corner:

If you find any grammar issues, errors, or unintelligible sentences, feel free to leave a comment or join our discord server so I can rectify any mistakes I made.

Cry for help:

I have been let go from my current organization, and I will end working for them by the end of March, I would like to ask for financial assistance for the following month while I look for a new job. I would be grateful for any amount of help. Thank you! You can send your donations here:

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