TL: xLordFifth


“Uh? A battle? Where?”

Sapak, sapak.

A user walking towards Chesi Village momentarily stopped and stared into space.

A tiny fairy, barely visible, was frantically moving its mouth.

“In the village? My, that’s bold. Are you saying that a spatial barrier was set up because of the battle? Are they and Chiyou at such odds? To the point of fighting inside the village-“


Suddenly, a massive explosion occurred in Chesi Village.

Watching the flames shooting up into the sky, the user’s eyes widened in astonishment. They were eyes devoid of any black pupils.

“-Amazing…! Right, right, if I go now, there will surely be something for Byulcho to handle. Let’s go!”



She was barefoot. She didn’t seem to be running particularly fast. However, with each step she took, as if pushed by the air, her body shot forward instantly. In no time, she had entered Chesi Village from over 500 meters away.

“Don’t be greedy, maintain the formation, maintain the formation!”

Though Tale shouted, Byulcho was already being overwhelmed.

They were outnumbered, and among the opponents were two top 10 rankers. Users like Hyein and Biyemi certainly had overwhelming skills, but they were still lacking compared to them.

“Kyahaha, space magician! I know a bit of space magic too! The kind that separates the upper and lower body!”

“Cough, [Position Change]!”

Igor, swinging his giant saw blade sword, suddenly changed his position to the roof of a house.


With one powerful swing, he completely destroyed a chimney. If that attack had hit Hyein’s body, he would have really experienced ‘space magic’.

“[Wandering Buffalo’s Headbutt]!”

“[Bone Shield].”


A giant buffalo’s head made of mana covered Jin Gonggong’s head, but it couldn’t penetrate Faust’s bone shield.

Crunch, crunch, Some of it turned into powder, but there was still plenty of thickness left in his bone shield.

“Ah-haha! Dance, explode, get engulfed!”


“Ta, Tale hyung- Aaack!”

While dozens of crows interfered with targeting, and a giant frog by the user’s side spat water bubbles for harassment, a Saber Tiger pounced and tore apart a Byulcho user.

Another unwelcome guest in Chesi, a tamer from the New Continent Expedition, ‘Yongyong’, was also an unpleasant presence for Byulcho.

Members of Byulcho were dying all around. Trapped in a spatial barrier, there was no escape. There was no way out but to be crushed here. Tale gritted his teeth.

The battle that started in the center of Chesi Village was now being pushed to the edge of the village.

And there was a woman leisurely watching all this.

“I clearly said it… ‘I’ll use everything.’ Now be prepared.”

It wasn’t just because of Igor’s leadership, Faust’s summons, ór Yongyong’s tamed pets. The main reason Byulcho was losing in this melee was because of another force of Chiyou.

“Chiyou-nim, it’s a relief you’re safe. But, Igor or Faust are not the issue-“

“Hehe, Sasuke?”


Sasuke quickly replied with a shiver in his expression. There were many unknown forces stirring in Chesi Village, but the joy of having finally turned everything around was far greater.

“Did you think I was only running an ‘Intelligence Guild’?”


And then, his expression had to change in an instant.

“Sure, playing in [Shinobigumi] was the most fun so I left it alone for a while… but you know I love ‘collecting’? Information collection was my favorite.”

“……Then these people are-“

“My collected guild members. All of them are outsiders.”

“Guild… members? Not Shinobigumi but a different guild-“

“Yes. It’s called [Yamato]. Hehe, don’t be upset that I didn’t tell you, Sasuke. Now that it’s come to this- huh?!”

The moment Chiyou smiled and spoke, something burst out of a building in the village square. A figure with green scales, throwing off its robe and quickly rushing towards Chiyou!

In an instant, the figure closed the distance, a black dagger in hand. The dagger went whoosh, piercing the skin. However, the expression on Biyemi, who stabbed with the dagger, was far from good.


“Sa, Sasukit- Ki, kikik, this-!” Biyemi retrieved the dagger and tried to stab Chiyou again, but it was too late.

Chiyou had already created distance. Sasuke, who was stabbed by Biyemi’s dagger, was starting to bubble and melt away from the wound.

“Chiyou-ni- ee-“

“Woong… Thank you, Sasuke-kun. When you log in, I’ll tell you everything about [Yamato], so don’t be too upset. And of course… [Sword Dance].”

Shwook, shwook, shwook-!

Five swords materialized beside Chiyou.

“I’ll avenge you, too.”

Biyemi quickly grasped the situation and started to step back stealthily, but Chiyou was faster.

Chiyou rushed towards Biyemi. Jin Gonggong, watching from a distance, shouted.

“Bi, Biyemi niiiim————!”

“Ki, kikik, damn- to die so vainly-“




Tale and Hyein also shouted, but they were struggling to fend off the onslaught of Igor and Faust.

Jin Gonggong, too, was blocked by Faust and could do nothing.

“It was annoying. Biyemi, no, it was Nguyen, wasn’t it?”


Shiiik, shiiik-!

Biyemi, is currently a venom mage but a former assassin!

Barely twisting his body, Biyemi dodged one heart-piercing sword and struck another. The poison-laden dagger could only defend so much.

Even after barely handling two, three remaining heart-piercing swords were surging toward the Lizardia’s body.

Biyemi glared at Chiyou with wide-open eyes.


It was then that Lizardia’s vision was obscured. Suddenly, a huge stone wall rose right in front of her.

“What, what?! What is this?”

Chiyou frowned.

Was there a rock mage in Byulcho? That thought came to mind, but that wasn’t it.

“Ah, ahaha… I naturally thought Byulcho was winning. Gnoem! I told you to be more careful when making a defensive wall, didn’t I?”

Amidst the spreading screams throughout, a light voice quietly filled Chesi Village.

Chiyou’s head turned. She, who had dealt with information in Shinobigumi, would not fail to recognize the user who had entered Chesi Village.

“……I see. A spirit. [The Sorceress of the White Snow], Prea? Are you also part of Byulcho?”

“No, not exactly. I apologize for the intrusion. Gnoem! Quickly lower the wall!”

Barefooted, the Wood Elf known as the Sorceress of the White Snow, Prea, kicked the large rock beside her, thump, thump, with her foot.

It was somewhat smaller than the giant boulder she once rode on. The rock made a thunderous roar, woohoohoohoo, and soon the stone wall that had divided Biyemi and Chiyou was absorbed back into the ground.

“Daring to interfere with my attack- Huh? Oh, I guess it didn’t interfere after all…”

“Ki, kihit… Damn… witch-“

“Bi, Biyemi niiiiim!”

When Chiyou’s three heart-piercing swords were rushing towards Biyemi, a stone wall had risen at the exact timing, seemingly nullifying Chiyou’s attack. However, only two of the heart-piercing swords were blocked by the wall. One of them had accurately lodged into the Lizardia’s abdomen. Biyemi’s eyes flashed menacingly, but her tail was already turning to ash, starting to crumble.

“Whether related to Byulcho or not- I will have my revenge… kikik.”

“Ugh, buzz off.”


Thwook, thwook, thwook, thwook-!

Four heart-piercing swords were completely lodged into Biyemi’s body. Lizardia’s body quickly turned to ash. Tale and Hyein bit their lips. But that couldn’t reverse death. The battle was nearly lost, and now they had to strategize to save even one more person.

‘Prea is definitely ranked 11th, but why is she here?’

Friend or foe? Was she trying to save Biyemi? What’s her relationship with Chiyou? The ambiguous position of the spirit mage’s arrival confused not only Byulcho but also the users on Chiyou’s side. For a brief moment, everyone was caught in panic. Then, with Faust’s loud explosion, everything shattered.


Emerging amidst the dust was a bear, larger than the ‘little ones’ below! Of course, everyone knew who it was.

“Jin Gonggong-nim! Come back!”


Hyein tried to stop Jin Gonggong, but it was Tale who restrained him. Watching the giant bear charging, Tale was ready.

“Ne, ne?”

“Run away. Take as many as you can with you. Jin Gonggong-ssi and I will handle this.”


“If I die and log out, I’ll contact Kay. We need to preserve our forces first. Run.”

“But- Understood. I’m sorry.” Hyein’s hesitation ended as quickly as it began. It might have seemed too hasty, but Tale smiled.

“Sorry for what? It’s more logical for me to die than you, so you’re just following orders.”

“No, it’s not like that-“

“No. You were always that kind of person, that’s why you were the guild master. Retreat.”

“Thank you.”

Hyein, who had been with Byulcho’s first generation for a long time, knew Tale well.

At this point, it was Hyein, not the sub-guild master, who could lead the guild members.

Hyein immediately retreated.

Watching him hold off Zar’s forces and Faust’s summons, gathering Byulcho’s remaining members, Tale murmured.

“So much for saving face in front of Ha Leeha. I boasted so much… at least I heard the guild name [Yamato].”


“Even with new information and capturing Chiyou again, there’s something to say! Let’s go, Jin Gonggong sir!”

Kukukuk, kukukuk, kukukuk

Running across the torn earth, a giant bear.

Tale approached Chiyou with stealthy steps, surprising her!

Czar’s guild members swung their swords at them.

The giant bear, with part of its back fur torn off, ignored it and kept running.

The non-targeted spells aimed at Tale were more than five, but he dodged them with pure movement.

“Cough, a Highlander with such movement-“

“Kyakyakyak! That brat is not an ordinary Highlander! That flaming sword! I remember!”

And Tale’s intent hit the mark. After all, Igor and Faust were brought by Chiyou. They had to listen to Chiyou’s orders. So, what then?

‘If I attack Chiyou, the tip of the sword will definitely change direction! The center line of the enemy is always important in swordsmanship.’

Igor charged at Tale, while Faust and Yongyong’s ‘pets’ rushed towards Jin Gonggong.

Thanks to their willingness to face death and draw attention, Hyein was able to gather enough of Byulcho’s members.

‘Woong… What’s going on. I thought Byulcho was capturing Chiyou, but it turns out Chiyou is sweeping Byulcho… And those people are definitely Igor and Faust. If they’ve joined hands with Chiyou, then Byulcho has no chance. Plus, there are a few familiar outsiders too!’

And watching all this, the Sorceress of the White Snow, Prea, looked on, not knowing what to do.

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