TL: xLordFifth


The procedures for the private jet were entirely different from those of a regular airline. Thanks to the help of Ram Long Group personnel already waiting at the airport, Leeha was able to finish everything from check-in to security faster than the average airline passenger.

“Please wait here for a moment, and then board with us.”

“Do you know why Ram Hwayeon-nim has called us?”

“We don’t know the exact purpose of our director.”

A burly man with dark sunglasses spoke firmly.

Those who were not even allowed to utter the name ‘Ram Hwayeon’ were truly the loyal servants of Ram Long. Leeha just nodded, understanding. It took roughly 30 minutes for the plane to pick up Leeha and Kijung-ssi, following the control tower’s command. 


When the aircraft, adorned with the massive logo of the Ram Long Group, started to run down the runway of Incheon Airport, two passengers who had just gotten off the airport limousine bus were hurriedly dragging their luggage.

“That’s why I said! We should have come early and taken the airport railroad! It’s the best way to avoid traffic jams!”

“I, I didn’t expect it to be like this! I had so much to pack, what could I do?”

“And you said we’d go shopping, why did you pack so much luggage?”

“Are you going to buy everything from underwear to socks? You have to pack those things—”

“I’m going to buy everything from underwear to socks, all of it!”

Back and forth, they grumbled while dragging their luggage, but their balance never wavered. Passersby glanced at the two striking figures with their sleek builds, but they couldn’t recognize them. The two women wearing sunglasses hurried towards the check-in counter. In their passports were tickets to Hong Kong.


“Hong Kong!”

“It’s warm! Or, is it hot?!”

“Hmm, it smells different too, doesn’t it?”

The ‘difference’ they felt as soon as they got off the plane. Korea was still at the tail end of winter, but Hong Kong was already warm enough for light clothing.

“It’s all Chinese characters! Amazing!”

“I can’t understand a word people are saying around here!”

“…There’s no way it’s because of the translator.”

“Ahem. That’s one way to put it.” Leeha and Kijung-ssi giggled like teenage girls, prompting intervention from a Ram Long Group security guard.

Leeha suggested to Kijung-ssi, “How about we bet whether that guy will smile or not until we get back to Korea?”

After finishing a conversation through his in-ear, the burly man with sunglasses quietly stood still, and Leeha asked,

“Is Ram Hwayeon-nim not coming to the airport?”

“Exactly. It’s different from last time. I thought Ram Hwajung-nim would come along too.”

Upon hearing Leeha and Kijung-ssi’s remarks, his eyebrows twitched. He glared at Leeha in the wheelchair once, then stared at Kijung-ssi standing beside him. Of course, they couldn’t see his eyes clearly because of the sunglasses, but Leeha and Kijung-ssi felt it. Even without a reply, they could sense how upset he was. The burly man strode ahead without hesitation, and Leeha and Kijung-ssi hurriedly followed him. Leeha, due to the wheelchair, and Kijung-ssi, due to dragging the luggage cart, were slow, but the burly man showed no mercy.

“Hey, aren’t we invited as guests?”

“I don’t know! Hyung, you received the tickets. Didn’t they say anything? He seems like the kind of person who would be associated with words like confinement, detention, not invitation.”

Leeha and Kijung-ssi looked at each other and murmured, but no suitable answer came to mind. Leeha suddenly wondered if he should have whispered something to Ram Hwayeon before logging out, but it was already too late.

“Hurry up, please. The vehicle is waiting.” 


Leeha and Kijung had no choice but to comply with the burly man’s words. The man, whose size seemed a combination of Leeha and Kijung, had a low voice that seemed like it could only be formed in a cave. As soon as they left the building, what they saw was a black van. And the moment the door opened, Leeha finally felt a sense of relief.

“You must have had a hard time coming, Leeha-ssi.”

“Ah, Jachung-ssi – no, Jachung-nim!” It was because Jachung, the assistant of Ram Hwayeon, had come out personally. Having entertained countless global political and business figures, he received Leeha and Kijung skillfully and kindly.

“Is this all your luggage?”

“Yes, yes!”

“Understood. Kimbo, load everything up. Let’s depart immediately.”

“Yes, sir.”

Once the burly man named Kimbo had loaded all the luggage, the van immediately departed. Hoping to see Ram Hwayeon or Ram Hwajung inside the van, they were disappointed as neither of them was there. Kijung was still slightly anxious, but Leeha whispered to him not to worry as long as Jachung was there; it wasn’t something like ‘human trafficking’.

“Thank you for inviting us.”

“You should thank the director. We’re heading there right now.” 

“Ah! The Ram Long Group… uh, are we going to some headquarters or a building like that?”

As they drove along the coastal road and crossed the Cheung Ma Bridge, Jachung finally nodded his head.

“Yes. Our destination is a general hospital affiliated with the headquarters.”

“A general hospital? Is Ram Hwayeon sick or something?”

“No, hyung. Since he said it’s affiliated with the headquarters, she must be working there.”

“Hmm, hmm. So, Ram Hwayeon-ssi is going to guide us personally? Can’t wait to unpack, hehe.” Leeha and Kijung speculated and fantasized, but Jachung didn’t give a clear answer, just looking at Leeha’s lower body with a slight smile and a hardened expression. Leeha and Kijung, who had expected a tumultuous welcome from Ram Hwayeon and Ram Hwajung at the airport, found this reaction a bit unexpected.

However, that was brief, as they soon became immersed in the exotic scenery unfolding outside the window.

‘Leeha-ssi certainly has value, but Peng is also a formidable business strategist. It’s unpredictable how he will be asked to repay today’s debt, Director…’

Unable to speak about the group’s circumstances, Jachung just had to stay silent. The black van passed through the Kowloon Peninsula and entered Hong Kong Island. The political and economic heart of Hong Kong, where the Ram Long Group’s hospital was located.

“Is this a hospital?”

“Our country’s general hospitals can’t even compare…”

This was the first surprise for Leeha and Kijung as they got out of the van. In the heart of Hong Kong, one of the world’s most expensive real estate locations, the vast area being used as a ‘hospital’ indicated immense wealth. Leeha and Kijung were once again impressed by the power of the global group Ram Long. But the surprises were just beginning.

“You can look around as much as you like, so let’s go inside.”

“Yes? Oh, yes.”

Jachung soothed Leeha and Kijung, who were looking up so much their necks could break, uttering ‘wow, wow’. 

Can you look around as much as you like?

Considering how often one visits a hospital, Jachung’s expression seemed a bit strange, but Leeha was in no state to think about that. Kimbo, the burly man, moved ahead of Jachung to clear the way. They received VIP treatment, with everything set up for them, including an elevator, to ensure they didn’t have to wait or experience any inconvenience.

Employees at the hospital, upon seeing Leeha – or more precisely, looking at Jachung – bowed and greeted them After wandering around the hospital, which seemed like a maze for about ten minutes, they heard,



“Ah, Ram Hwayeon, Ram Hwajung-ssi!”

Leeha finally spotted the familiar hairstyles. Although not as vivid as the colors of Middle-earth, the red and blue hues of Ram Hwayeon and Ram Hwajung were clearly visible as they greeted Leeha. Another man stood beside them.

“Ni hao, nice to meet you for the first time. I’m Ram Peng.”

A relatively young man with glasses and a slightly sneaky smile. His slightly slanted, squinted eyes resembled those of a rat, but they seemed more comical than crafty. Leeha hesitantly shook the hand he extended, and then regretted it.

“Hmm, hmm. I see. Yes, yes.”

Because Ram Peng was rubbing his hand as if kneading dough!

It would be embarrassing enough if a woman did this, let alone a man doing such a thing (?).

“What are you doing?!”

“Just checking your pulse for a moment.”

“Pulse? What pulse?”

Leeha was displeased but tried not to show it too much while looking at Ram Peng. He then turned to the patiently waiting Ram sisters.

‘Judging by the same surname – and this attitude – he must be a family member… What’s he doing?’

Why was this man behaving like this? And why were Ram Hwayeon and Ram Hwajung just watching Ram Peng do this to Leeha? Leeha was more worried because the Ram sisters, who would usually greet and rush over excitedly, were just standing still.

“Anyway, we’re going to conduct a thorough examination for the surgery, but I had something else I was curious about.”


Leeha tilted his head in confusion, but Ram Peng did not answer him. Instead, he just gave a meaningful smile to Ram Hwayeon.

“Indeed. Why noona was so absorbed-“


“-Hehe! Okay, okay, I got it. Anyway, Leeha-nim? You can rest today, and we will start the examination tomorrow. That’s all for now.”

“Is the schedule alright?”

“Don’t worry. Not only Doctor Heinrich but also the German staff are all prepared. As noona requested’.”


Ram Peng spoke and Ram Hwayeon responded, but the one whose expression darkened was Jachung. And beside him, Leeha and Kijung, each with a couple of question marks above their heads.

What was that conversation about?

In the midst of this baffling dialogue, Leeha only caught one word. It was a name he could never forget.

“…Ram Hwayeon-ssi, who is Doctor Heinrich?”

“-Heinrich. Yes, that’s him. We scouted him to our hospital about a year ago.”

Kijung still had question marks floating above his head, but Leeha was different. The conversations in Seoul, Doctor Heinrich, Ram Hwayeon’s invitation, the trip to Hong Kong, and the Ram Long Group’s hospital. Could all these be connected to that single reason?!

“Did you invite me here… for surgery on my lower body?”

“Well, I thought it would be better to let you know beforehand rather than watching you struggle to go to Germany.”

“Wait – just wait! This is so sudden – and without any warning -“

“Would you have come if I told you? Even knowing that Doctor Heinrich is not in Germany. Do you have any idea how long it would take for you to come here, arrange a direct consultation, and schedule the surgery?”

Ram Hwayeon’s voice was quite sharp.

Leeha was dumbfounded. He hadn’t asked for any of this, and now she was suddenly getting angry?

Without knowing about the deal between Ram Hwayeon and Ram Peng, Leeha couldn’t think otherwise. Especially since her words made sense, he had nothing to argue.

“It’s a consultation with a world-famous doctor. It’s not just a simple consultation but one that could lead to major surgery. You can’t book that in a day or two.”

“Surgery… That German doctor, you mean -“

Finally grasping the situation, Kijung’s jaw dropped. Ram Hwajung’s silence made sense too, understanding the importance of ‘this matter’. In the sudden quiet atmosphere, Leeha thought about Ram Hwayeon’s kindness and his own situation.

“Ram Hwayeon-ssi.”


“Thank you. Really… thank you so much. Right. Such things can’t just happen with money alone. In that regard, your help will be a huge support.”

“Of course, it’s-“

“But I’m not ready yet.”

“What? What do you mean?”

Despite Ram Hwayeon’s sharp response, Leeha spoke gently. It was natural. Her actions were based entirely on kindness. But Leeha himself wasn’t ready. It wasn’t just a matter of mindset. It was a very realistic problem. Leeha began to speak in a calm and gentle voice.

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