TL: xLordFifth


Therefore, Kidd waited.

He held onto the logical belief that the place he had reached was where Luger had died. The moment Leeha logged out, Kidd was ready to step in without any hesitation. The barren land that bloomed was desolately vast. In the desolate sky, crows with four wings were circling in large orbits. Kidd, in a relaxed posture, leaned against a rock and rummaged through his bag.

“I’ve been waiting for this day. How shall I entertain you, Matan’s Shooter?”

A mix of slight tension and excitement soaked Kidd, watched by the crows.

“Oh, this, this.”

“The world, it hasn’t even been a day…”

“Ca, careful, Sea God-nim! All royal guards, get ready!”

The Sea God Elaim, Drake, and the captain of the royal guards, Sea Bream, all raised their voices at the same time. Of course, they weren’t the only ones.

Though they couldn’t get closer, it was natural for the mermaids to be captivated by something massive and golden glittering outside the gates of the Dragon Palace.

“What, what is that?!”

“Ha- It seems like something Leeha-nim brought – it’s not a Kraken, not a Serpent, then what exactly…”

“There are lots of things around it too. Maybe the fishmen are attacking again-”

“That’s not it! Leeha came with it, so it couldn’t possibly be…

If Leeha weren’t there, the mermaids would have already prepared for battle. In reality, Sea Bream and the royal guards were standing guard by the Sea God, visibly tense.

And it wasn’t just the mermaids preparing for battle.

“Muhonghong, muhong! Sea water! This is the sea!”

“Kapkap! Guardian deity, be careful!”

“Kap! These creatures look different from us, kap!”

The mermaids were facing opponents, namely, a massive golden carp with whiskers as long as Leeha, and the Carp Paleos, fluttering their tail fins around the golden carp, were just as tense.

“So that’s why… since a while ago… Didn’t I tell you not to get confused for the past 6 hours?”

Leeha sighed. He had spent so much time explaining to prevent such a situation, but it seemed even encounters between unknown civilizations among NPCs could cause chaos.

“That… Haa, more than that… Haa, my mana… Haa.”

“Ah, right! Potion! Potion!”

“That trivial thing – Hoo, humans… Haa, a potion will do.”

Behind Leeha, shaking his head, Blaugrun, maintaining his human form, was stretched out in the water, observing. How did the Carp Paleos and Shoer travel from the lake on the New Continent to this place? It was largely due to Blaugrun. While the Paleos could move in water in human form, it would take too long to travel that way. Moreover, Shoer, being a mystical creature, could only live in water. Therefore, they had to be transported all at once. Of course, the only way to do this was through teleportation.

“Are you… okay?”

“It’s unbelievable that I linked my mana with a mystical creature for the first time, especially with Shoer. And to think, there were thirty-two Paleos. If I were a human mage, the teleport would have failed, and everyone would have died.”

The sheer amount of mana required for the ‘mana recharge’ at the lake for 6 hours was enormous.

Even with such extensive charging, all the mana was used up to the point of depleting the Dragon Heart, barely succeeding in the teleport. Being close to an Adult class but still a Juvenile, it shouldn’t have been this easy. As Blaugrun said, it was possible because he could link Shoer’s mana and that of the Paleos for the teleport, knowing the exact coordinates of the space.

“It was possible because of you. Phew.” This time, even Leeha had to acknowledge Blaugrun’s boasting.

Without the linked mana of the targets and spatial coordinate information, this teleport would have been impossible even for Bailephus. Leeha couldn’t help but smile fondly at Blaugrun, who continued to speak boldly.

“You were amazing, Blaugrun-ssi.”

“It was nothing special, but I’m a bit sleepy…”

Blaugrun, lying on his back in the water as if doing a backstroke, fell asleep right there.

Leeha, using Jellypong, caught Blaugrun drifting in the current and shouted to the Sea God.

“Sea God-nim! What do you think now!? This is the mystical creature ‘Shoer’ and his Paleos from the lake on the New Continent! They can usually be in human form, but like now, they can exist in a hybrid form of human and fish, just like Drake-nim!”

Different from mermaids.

Different from fishmen.

More similar to Drake, who possesses both human lower limbs and a fish tail.

Of course, the scaly appearance and tail fin shape were that of a ‘carp’, so they lacked the sleekness and elegance of Drake, but Leeha’s comparison wasn’t wrong.


“Sea, Sea God-nim. You approached them so quickly-“

“Howard. Sea Bream. You still don’t understand.” Hearing Leeha’s shout, the Sea God slowly moved.

“Guests brought by Leeha. It’s not fitting to be so guarded. Immediately stand down and receive them with honor.”

“Understood. All royal guards—— Attention!”

The Sea God’s massive figure, moving smoothly as if on an escalator, had an overpowering presence.

At his light command, Sea Bream and the royal guards instantly lined up.

“To our honored guests who have visited the Dragon Palace—— Salute!”

The royal guards’ salute was full of discipline.

With a shout, countless celebratory bells burst from their extended weapons.

The Sea God approached Shoer amidst the colorful bells.

The Sea God, being the largest among the mermaids, was barely a match in size to the head of Shoer.

The size of the mystical creature was incomparably massive.

“I am Elaim, the King of Water Spirits, the oldest among the water spirits. Today, I realize that there is still much to learn. It is a pleasure to meet you, dwellers of the widest world, bearers of the greatest possibilities, blessed by water.”

“Muhong, muhong. I am Shoer, the mystical creature of The Lake Where Light Does Not Enter! Your voice is familiar to my ears. Perhaps when I became a mystical creature. I am sure it was then that I heard it in my mind. Muhong!”

“That’s a pleasant thing to hear. A pleasure to meet you, Shoer-nim.”

The Sea God extended his hand. Grasping the Sea God’s elongated fingers were two of the carp’s enormous whiskers.

As the Sea God and Shoer shook hands – Leeha pondered for a while whether to call it a handshake – a fanfare resounded in Leeha’s mind.


[You have completed the quest ‘New Possibilities for Water Spirits.’]

[Achievement: Discovery of a New Evolutionary Branch of Life and Spirits (S-)]

Congratulations! You have discovered one of the other possible evolutionary paths for not only spirits but all living beings in Middle Earth. This meeting between [King of Water Spirits Elaim] and [Mystical Creature Shoer] will teach both parties various methods of evolution and application of life force! A result that will make all scientists and mages of the continent drool, right?

Reward: Intelligence +11, Mind +10, Affinity with all spirits, Key to the Realm of Spirits obtained

You are the first to register the achievement [Discovery of a New Evolutionary Branch of Life and Spirits].

The first three registrants of the achievement will be recorded in the Hall of Fame, and an additional 200% of the existing effect is applied.

Effect: Intelligence +22, Mind +20

[You have obtained the Key to the Realm of Spirits.]

‘An achievement…?! And an item?’

What Leeha thought would simply yield the Essence of the World from the quest resulted in unexpected gains. Leeha watched the whirlpools of bubbles in front of him. Like small whirlpools forming in front of his face, when the currents dissipated, what appeared in Leeha’s vision was a translucent key. However, no other living being seemed to be looking in his direction. Leeha quickly pocketed the key into his bag.


“Yes, Father.”

“Take Leeha to the purification pool. Give him the Essence of the World.”


“Oh, yes. The Essence. Right, the Essence.”

Leeha hastily followed Drake.

Behind them, the Sea God and Shoer’s hearty laughter echoed, along with simultaneous cheers from the mermaids and Carp Paleos.

“Let’s hold a festival! Even without the energy from the purification tank, we have found another path for our water spirits! For today, open up the storage freely!” 


Leeha wanted to understand what the ‘Affinity with Spirits’ reward meant, but the cheers were too loud to concentrate.

“Thank you.”

“Don’t mention it.”

Mostly, Leeha was responding to Drake’s heartfelt thanks, leaving no room for other thoughts.

The entrance to the purification tank, now more guarded and narrow than before, came into view shortly after.


Red light burst forth from the purification tank, pulsating like a heart.

The light slowly converged into one spot. After a moment, what Drake held in his hand was a fist-sized orb.

“This is…”

[You have obtained the Essence of the World.]

“Yes. With this extraction, we won’t be able to welcome new companions for about half a year.”

“I’m, I’m sorry about that.”

“No, it’s okay. As Father said, it might even be a stepping stone for greater progress. Thanks to the ones you brought, Leeha.”

Exchanging awkward goodbyes – not a big deal, no, but thank you – was brief.

Leeha immediately took out his crystal ball.

Eager to go to Bahamut with Blaugrun wrapped around him like a buoy using Jellypong, a sudden thought struck him.

“Excuse me…”

“Hmm? Is there something else you need?”

“No, not exactly. I was wondering if you knew what the Key to the Realm of Spirits is…”

“The Key to the Realm of Spirits?!”

“Is, is that strange?”

Drake’s eyes widened in surprise. His reaction made Leeha even more puzzled.

“Strange? No, not strange. Why does that name come up now? The Key to the Realm of Spirits…”

Drake looked bewildered.

The iron-hearted captain, the ‘Second Storm’ of the Kraven Kingdom, was rarely seen confused.

“It’s literally that. A key that can open the door to the realm of spirits. This purification pool, didn’t it turn highly pure water spirits into fishmen?”

“Yes, that’s right.”

“So, where would the less pure water spirits be?”


“That’s exactly the realm of spirits.”


Leeha felt like he almost understood but was still somewhat confused.

Literally, a world where spirits exist. Not spirits materialized in this reality, but a place where spirits can exist as spirits!

“The Key to the Realm of Spirits. Maybe it’s from our treasure vault? No, Father directly gave you Jellypong, so that’s not it. We only have one ourselves. Only Father can freely travel between the Realm of Spirits and our world. If something happens to Father, only ‘one’ mermaid can go to the Realm of Spirits.”

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