TL: xLordFifth


Ram Hwajung and Faust, as well as Bobae and other top 10 rankers, had all noticed it. The ranking battle, triggered by Chiyou’s death, was proceeding more breathlessly than ever. And, unintentionally caught up in the ranking battle, another person was deeply engrossed, sitting on a rock.

“Could I really go up to the 10th place…? The one fighting Chiyou is probably Byulcho…”


A user, sitting on a fairly large rock and irregularly shaking their legs. In front of her, a group of Saber Tigers were baring their fangs and threatening, but the user did not even look at them.

“A guild that’s grown stronger since the Archer joined… But Chiyou isn’t the right opponent if it’s the Archer. There’s Faust at 9th place, and it would be easier to target Ram Hwajung of Hwahong, a former guild battle opponent. I wonder why they targeted Chiyou, who was ranked 7th.”

“Kyahi—— Kahi——-!”

The user’s ears twitched in response to the roar of the Saber Tigers. Although a characteristic of the Wood Elf race, her sleek legs and a waist that seemed less than 22 inches weren’t merely because she chose the elf race.

“I don’t like being called an opportunist, but… it would be foolish not to move when the opportunity comes. I should ask Byulcho to bring down Chiyou below 11th place.”


“Oh, it’s noisy. Gnoes!” The user, who was swinging her legs, seemed to be bothered by the Saber Tigers.

Pretending not to care, she couldn’t ignore the monsters closing in on her. As she snapped her fingers, the rock she was sitting on began to shake.


“Kya, kyahat?! “Kya–sha—-!”

“Noisy, so I called, and now it’s making even louder noises. Just hold on to me tightly. I’ll deal with those… Seleanna! Silairon!”

Tack-! Tack-!

While the Saber Tigers were confused by the moving giant rock, she snapped her fingers twice in a row.

Shortly after, a woman in a burning skirt and a translucent horse appeared out of nowhere in front of her.


“Clean up.”

That was all she said. She immersed herself in her thoughts again, not wanting to look any further. As the woman in the burning skirt fluttered her hem, a giant fireball formed in the air. The translucent horse pranced lightly and raised its front legs, and a whirlwind enveloped the giant fireball. The fire, like a living creature, kept rising into the sky on the whirlwind, and the translucent horse directed it here and there with its head, indicating ‘movement.’

“Keheng- Kek!”

“Cough, cough, cough!”

“If I’m going to ask a favor, there should be a price… Hmm, what would be good? Who did they say the guild master was?”

The Saber Tigers, pained by their burning fur and skin, terrified by the feeling of not touching the ground, were tossed around in the whirlwind, turning to ash.

The Wood Elf, still sitting on the rock and swinging her legs, had shining eyes. They were pure white, without a hint of black.


Kijung: Hyung, Chiyou’s third death is also complete.

Leeha: Okay, good job.

Leeha swam rapidly, exhaling. Now, less than a day remained to reach the Dragon Palace.

Kijung: But Chiyou is starting to think more? It’s a bit worrying. From the fourth time, I won’t be around. Well, I’ve already told the guild members.

Leeha: Why won’t you be there?

Kijung: Haah… Please, hyung. Look at the calendar. The day after tomorrow is Saturday, right? Hong Kong!

Leeha: Ah, right! The departure date! I knew that. I’ve marked it down too.

The Hong Kong departure date was now just around the corner. In two days’ real-time, which would be ten days in Middle Earth time. Leeha was pondering if he could make the growth stimulant within ten days amidst this. He had now become a user utterly addicted to the world of Middle Earth.

Kijung: Heh, well. But I had forgotten too. I remembered because Bobae asked.

Leeha: Bobae asked? About going to Hong Kong?

Kijung: Yeah. She asked if it was correct that we’re leaving in two days?

Leeha: …Why would she ask that?

Kijung: Huh? I don’t know? Probably because of catching Chiyou.

Perhaps because Kijung spoke so naturally with a huh? Leeha felt a sense of unease. These days, he wasn’t exchanging whispers with Shin Nara much. Was it anxiety because he couldn’t properly know how the country was doing?

Leeha: Hmm… Anyway, okay. Chiyou has to die at least 5 more times, no, what’s 5 times? Anyway, make sure the system is set up so she can be continuously hunted. It becomes troublesome if she goes back alive.

Kijung: I know. If Shinobigumi operates normally… She will make killing you, hyung, and disbanding Byulcho her first goal.

Leeha: Good. Then please work a little harder! I’ll contact you again before departure. Let’s decide when to meet.

Kijung: Hehe, I’ve already planned the course. Oh! The gold prices are good recently, I should sell some for shopping money. Okay, hyung, call me!

Kijung ended the whisper with an excited voice. Byulcho had been doing well so far, but there were concerns about whether they could continue to do well in the future. Kijung didn’t have much to do in the extermination of Chiyou. This was because indiscriminate PK (Player Killing) did not occur within the village. However, the fact that he, the guild master, would be absent for a few days due to his trip to Hong Kong could potentially be a mental and psychological burden for the rest of Byulcho’s members.

‘I need to crush her so that she can never stand up again.’

This was a fact known to both Byulcho and Leeha, having already experienced it with Chiyou.

With just a slight amount of power, information, and capital, she could rise again at any time and become a powerful enemy against them.

‘I have to admit that. There’s no way to completely shatter her mentality.’

Due to the limitations of the game system, and since Chiyou accurately understood the system’s loopholes, it was impossible to completely shatter her into a state of incapacity. Persistently killing her like now was the only other alternative.

“Are you losing strength now that the Dragon Palace is in sight?”

“Who said I’m losing strength?”

“Your tail fin seems weaker? It’s not just a feeling, your speed has really slowed down by about 3 km/h. It’s okay to say if you’re tired.”

“That’s what you say when… No, never mind. No. Let’s go, go.”

Blaugrun’s socialization training was still ongoing.

Leeha grumbled and sped up again. It was then that Blaugrun suddenly stopped.

“Just a moment.”

“What’s wrong?”

No matter how much he looked like a ten-year-old child, he was a dragon. When his face hardened, Leeha also became tense.

Is he going to complain about something?

However, Leeha’s worries were unfounded. Blaugrun wasn’t angry at him.

“It’s a Kraken. Straight ahead. We’ll encounter it if we keep going this way.”

“Ah, Kraken… Hmm, it would be troublesome to face a Kraken. Should we turn around?”

Leeha rummaged through his bag and pulled out an electric shock device. Even if he had become more agile, using the electric shock device on a Kraken was not an easy task. In the ocean, where neither flame throwers nor Black Bass were effective, the Kraken was the monster that Leeha most needed to avoid. That was until now.

“No, we owe a debt to the Kraken. Let’s go.”

“Wha-what, Blaugrun? Let’s go together!”

The barrier around Blaugrun strengthened even more.-Leeha quickly accelerated, chasing after Blaugrun, who was speeding ahead of him.


Blaugrun increased his speed even more, and Leeha was newly amazed by his magic. Even in his state accelerated by the ‘Mermaid Transformation’ skill, making him as fast as a mermaid or merman, he had also received the ‘Mana Charge: Acceleration’ skill.

‘And yet he’s even faster than me.’

Furthermore, Blaugrun wasn’t just using the skill on Leeha. He had also accelerated himself, and while in the water, he was moving around with a barrier that prevented even a single drop of seawater from touching him.

‘In that respect, he’s still just a child, I guess.’

Leeha wondered if it was really necessary for Blaugrun to create a barrier just because he disliked getting wet, especially since Bailephus didn’t use such a thing even when flying above the water surface.

An Ancient-class Gold Dragon like Bailephus wouldn’t have a smaller mana pool or be incapable of mana manipulation compared to now.

‘Is he still unaware of the most efficient mana usage?’ The most appropriate and perfect mana usage does not involve using unnecessary magic. Perhaps that’s why dragons become stronger as they age. In that sense, Leeha found Blaugrun rather adorable.

He was still a Juvenile, not even a teenager yet, only at the level of an upper elementary school student.

‘He’s living in blissful ignorance of the world’s dangers. Enjoy it while it lasts.’

As Leeha chuckled, Blaugrun, who was leading the way, momentarily stopped and looked back at him. Smiling before the battle with the Kraken?

“Are you feeling alright?”

“Hmm, yeah, yeah. I’ll just stay quiet for now. Once you grow up and become an Adult, my way of speaking will change again.”

“What did you say?”

“Nothing, nothing. Hehe, let’s hurry, Blaugrun-ssi.”

“You don’t have to worry too much. Since I’ll be fighting and protecting Ha Leeha , I need to be more alert than usual.”

“Ugh… Hoo… Okay. Got it.”

Leeha followed Blaugrun again, thinking he preferred him as a hatchling. It was then that he noticed a giant squid, clearly standing out in the blue seawater. In front of Leeha and Blaugrun was the Kraken, a monster he had never really fought against.

With its long tentacles stretched out, its maximum length reached about 20 meters. Even compared to those that attacked ships during the New Continent voyage, it was not an easy monster.

“Blaugrun-ssi, do you have a plan?”

“A plan?”

Think of a plan.

“It might be good to do it like when we fought against the Sea God. You could use lightning magic to slow it down, and I approach with the electric shock device. Then you can inject mana into it.”

That was the most logical battle strategy Leeha could think of.

Considering the incredible electric damage that could even knock out a contaminated Sea God, a Kraken, despite its size, would surely be completely electrocuted.

However, even while listening to Leeha, Blaugrun just slightly shook his head.

“…You didn’t think of a plan?”


At his boldly honest answer, Leeha sighed.

‘I guess I have to teach him. He’ll improve if I teach him.’

“Look, um… didn’t you remember when you were a hatchling? Did you see me fighting recklessly like that?”


“Eek- Then I have nothing to say!” Leeha burst out angrily, but then Blaugrun finally smiled. It was a faint smile, but Leeha could tell that Blaugrun was just joking. When Leeha realized this and was flustered,

“Don’t worry, I’ll handle the fight by myself.”

“What do you mean by that-” 

Fshhh- Fshhhhhh

Blaugrun’s hands began to gather turquoise particles.

Even while spreading a tingling current underwater, the electrical energy didn’t disperse. Instead, it shone even more powerfully, as if to turn the blue sea into an emerald color.

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