TL: xLordFifth


“Then, I’ll see you again next time, Lord.”

“Yes, yes. Keep up the good work.”

“Of course. Then, I’ll take my leave.”

Blaugrun confidently responded to Bahamut and then used magic. Without any casting, just a snap of his fingers caused a turquoise flash, and he disappeared. At least in terms of using magic, he seemed as proficient as an Adult-level dragon. However, Leeha wasn’t entirely satisfied with this. It was only after Blaugrun had completely disappeared that Leeha approached Bahamut.

“Lord? Um… about that –“

“Youngsters are supposed to act like that, aren’t they?”

“No, no, but Blaugrun isn’t just any youngster, right? He was once an Adult-level dragon!”

“That’s why he’s so smart. Isn’t his boldness adorable?”

“Ah, that’s not what I meant –“

“Wasn’t he like that even as a hatchling? If Blaugrun had acted exactly like his Adult self, he wouldn’t have perched on your head and moved around with you, right?”

“Well, that’s…”

Bahamut, indeed, was the leader of the Metal Dragons. Leeha couldn’t refute his logical and valid point. Even as a hatchling, chirping Kyuu, kyuu,’ and when tired of flapping his wings, Blaugrun would perch on Leeha’s head. Such behavior was typical for babies. And it was natural. A hatchling is, after all, a dragon’s baby.

‘So, now that he’s a Juvenile, he acts like a child.’

But Blaugrun was different from a typical Juvenile. At least in terms of knowledge and culture, he was influenced to some extent by his time as an Adult.

‘Is the result of combining the two a ‘childish adult’?’

That was even worse, wasn’t it?

Either be like a child or fully an adult! Speaking with an adult’s mind but in a child’s voice, behaving culturedly but appearing bold and brash because of his appearance! Leeha shook his head, dispelling these unproductive (?) thoughts. It was okay. After all, this was just a phase.

“So, how do we make the growth accelerator? It seemed like you remembered everything earlier.”

“I did remember.”

“That’s great! So, if we make another, Blaugrun-ssi can move up to Adult-class right away?!”

“That’s right.”

“Perfect! Yes! That’s it!”

Leeha couldn’t help but clench his fist and cheer loudly. Though it was inferred from Bahamut’s demeanor, now it was certain. Once he reaches Adult-class, Blaugrun will shed this awkward demeanor and return to his former self!

It was then that Leeha noticed Bahamut still wearing an enigmatic smile. Leeha felt a shiver down his spine.

“Please… please don’t say that.”

“What have I said now?”

“I know. Please don’t. Please don’t do that.”

As Leeha pretended to sob, Bahamut laughed heartily. Bahamut’s laughter echoed off the lair’s walls, creating a resonance.

“You’re the one, indeed. You understand me better than our own clan.”

It wasn’t because he was from the clan, but because he was from Middle Earth! Leeha wanted to shout this but ended up just sighing. He hadn’t expected it to be easy from the start.

“So, how do we do it?”

“To forcibly accelerate a dragon’s growth, many things are needed. But the most crucial is the essence of the world. The being that gives birth to and encompasses everything. An essence that only the origin can have.”

Leeha felt like he had heard this somewhere before. The origin? Birth and encompassing? Essence?

“…Is it near the Dragon Palace?”

“You’re half right. Did you meet the Sea God? If you ask nicely, he might part with one.”

Leeha’s face brightened instantly.

Bahamut chuckled again at his reaction.

“So, if we get two of these essences and make two growth accelerators, Blaugrun-ssi can instantly become Ancient-level?”

“That depends on the Sea God. First –”


That’s when a hologram window appeared in front of Leeha.

[Radical Growth’s Light and Shadow]

Description: “How much can one control the birth and growth of all things? That was my favorite subject to ponder in my younger days. However, it was also dangerously close to the manifestation of divine power.” Bahamut once created a drug that forced life beyond its limits. The potion made from the essence emitted by the source of life in the deepest seas exceeded even Bahamut’s expectations. But there’s always a reaction to every action. Obtain the information from the Sea God and his Wave Clan, who guard the sea, and bring back the ‘Essence of the World.’

Task: Acquire the ‘Essence of the World’ ingredient item and deliver it to Bahamut.

Reward: ??

  • Do you accept?

“-Go and see.”

The task seemed challenging, but Leeha had no particular concerns. There were no failure conditions or penalties.

Failure simply meant not being able to make more growth accelerators. Without hesitation, Leeha accepted.

He wanted to head to the Dragon Palace immediately, but there were preparations to be made.

Leeha sent a whisper, as requested(?).

Leeha: Uh, Blaugrun-ssi. Can you hear me? There’s a place we need to go together. Should I come to you?

“I didn’t invite you because I disliked you. The lair was too dirty; I couldn’t manage it when I was a hatchling.”

“That makes sense. I mean, when inviting guests, I’d want to clean my house first.”

In fact, Leeha had intended to visit Blaugrun’s lair first.

He was about to use a teleportation skill after the whisper, but Blaugrun’s reply was a refusal… Hearing ‘No, don’t come,’ Leeha almost wanted to argue with Bahamut again. It had been about five minutes since Blaugrun, still in human form, appeared before Leeha. The two were currently by the sea near Kraven. Leeha was about to use a crystal ball without saying anything, but Blaugrun was not letting go and followed him.

“We’re about to move underwater, is that okay?”

“You know from when I was a hatchling; I think you’d know.”

Blaugrun had no issues with underwater breathing even as a hatchling. Of course, Leeha knew that. But since he hadn’t seen Blaugrun’s dragon form since becoming a Juvenile, he reflexively asked. Moreover, there was not a hint of disregard in Blaugrun’s response. Leeha roughly understood this. Blaugrun had always shown polite and respectful behavior.

‘But this courtesy…’

How to describe this unadaptable courtesy? It was too bold and definite,

almost annoying due to its presentation. Was it a lack of social grace?

Leeha recalled Bahamut’s words.

This mix of juvenile cheekiness and adult intellect was disconcerting, yet it seemed to fit Blaugrun’s current stage of growth. Blaugrun was behaving exactly as a Juvenile would, but with the knowledge and understanding of an Adult.

Leeha found himself in an unusual situation where he had to adapt to this new dynamic with Blaugrun. Despite his advanced intellect, Blaugrun’s juvenile traits were dominant, creating a unique challenge for Leeha in understanding and collaborating with him.

Navigating this relationship with a dragon who was both childlike and wise beyond his years would be a crucial part of Leeha’s journey in Middle Earth. As Leeha contemplated this, he prepared himself for the next steps of their adventure, focusing on obtaining the ‘Essence of the World’ and the challenges that lay ahead.

The adult-level knowledge and culture were there, but the behavior and speech were inevitably childlike – a contradiction in existence.

It might have been different when Blaugrun was a hatchling and couldn’t talk, but now the communication just wasn’t there. Leeha had thought that once Blaugrun could talk, they’d become an invincible combo. Yet now, he felt more frustrated than when Blaugrun was a hatchling.

“Uh, cough. Blaugrun-ssi?”


“At times like this, it’s okay to just say, ‘Yes, that’s fine.’”

Leeha made a choice. If Blaugrun lacked social skills, why not teach him? After all, Leeha was an adult, so a bit of proper guidance should do the trick.

“Is that so?”

“Yes, of course. I didn’t ask because I didn’t know. I haven’t seen your dragon form yet, and since you’ve been in human form, I worried, ‘what if…’ so I asked.”

“But I am a dragon. I think you shouldn’t see me as a human. I am different from humans.”


“Um, what I mean is… your response just now, like before, could have been simply, ‘Oh, okay. Understood.’”

“Why? Isn’t it better for mutual communication to express my opinions fully?”

“That… That’s not it! You understand what I’m saying, right? You’re just playing with me now, aren’t you?”

“I’m sorry. But I really don’t understand what you’re trying to say. Our thought processes seem a bit different.”

Zap, zap!

Leeha took a moment to process Blaugrun’s words. There was a point. It was logical.

‘But why does it irritate me so much?’ Yet, why was it so hard to accept?

Was it because Blaugrun looked like a 10-year-old child?!

‘Am I being an old fogey here?! No, no! I’m not that closed-minded!’

Leeha shook his head, looking at Blaugrun. With twinkling eyes and a head tilt, the bowl-cut kid certainly had a likable appearance. At least among users, his emerald hair color, and even his greenish eyes, were unique. His naturally handsome face, combined with the mysterious aura, made it impossible not to feel a certain fondness.

Yet, Leeha felt a disconnect. Not that he didn’t have affection – after all, they had been through a lot together. He certainly cared, but there was a complex mix of emotions that were hard to articulate.

‘Is this what it feels like to talk to a teenage child…? Compared to just a while ago when he was chirping cutely…’

It suddenly felt like Blaugrun had left his side. Of course, Blaugrun wasn’t his child… And he knew that Blaugrun, in his current state, would be much more helpful… He should feel proud and gratified looking at Blaugrun now…

“Sigh… This is hard, really hard.”

Already perplexed by examining the quest given by Bahamut while traveling to Kraven’s port, Leeha could only sigh.

‘Why is the reward for the quest hidden?’

Shouldn’t the growth accelerator be the obvious reward? This detail also added to Leeha’s concerns. The only possibility Leeha could think of was:

‘Even if I barely manage to get it, the growth accelerator won’t be immediately available. The hidden part most likely means…’

A series of follow-up quests with very high difficulty. The quest description already implies that obtaining the ‘Essence of the World’ from the Sea God and the Undine Clan won’t be easy. The next steps might be even more challenging.

“I’m in over my head… Well, it’s never just fun and games.”

“What did you say?”

The one who made things more difficult was right there, pretending not to know!

Leeha felt an urge to give Blaugrun a bit of a hard time.

“I didn’t say anything. Let’s go in. You said you’re confident, so I trust you’ll follow well. [Mermaid Transformation]”

Leeha used the Mermaid Transformation skill and dove into the sea.

Each flick of the tail split the seawater, propelling him forward at an incredible pace.

‘Hah, he couldn’t even swim properly as a hatchling, acting all high and mighty now –’


“Weren’t you in a hurry? I think we can speed up a bit more. If it’s difficult for you to increase the speed, that’s okay too.”

Then he had to watch a ten-year-old kid effortlessly outpace him.

Blaugrun, having created a barrier around himself to prevent his clothes from getting wet, looked down at Leeha.

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