TL: xLordFifth


From the time he began preparing the ‘Double Edge Shot’ to counter Chiyou, to the moment he actually caught up to her and was ready to assassinate her, Leeha had been moving almost non-stop.

Of course, this was also true when he demonstrated a fantastic snipe of 4,000m to the Brass Golem after receiving the royal palace rewards.

Therefore, it was inevitable that his fatigue had accumulated to a significant extent. To the point that he almost needed to sleep for nearly two days.

“Being sleepy even after sleeping… is this what it means. Ahhhh…”

Leeha, with his hair a mess like a magpie’s nest, rustled as he got up and started moving. He had slept for over 20 hours, but one day was not enough to completely rid him of his fatigue.

“Even after logging out, I was only searching for information related to scopes… Hmm. Anyway, it’s a big problem.”

The scope required for sniping over 4,000m had become essential equipment, and there were no more reference materials left for it. This was because the long-range sniping scope Leeha already possessed was a direct implementation of real-world technology.

“Now, it seems I really have to create a scope using only the technology of Middle Earth. What would come out if I shake Bottleneck-ssi like catching a mouse? Or… do I have to search the New Continent again? Since I know the structure of the scope, if I can find materials or items to enhance those aspects, it seems like it could work out somehow.”

What items to use, and how to apply them?

The basic framework would not be much different from the current scope Leeha was using. However, Leeha could not confidently answer what to test with in detail.

“Thanks to the ‘Joint Fixation’ set skill, the increase in range is great, but… it’s depressing that I can’t see beyond that range.”

Leeha opened two packets of mixed coffee and moved to his computer. Before connecting to Middle Earth, checking for new information every day had become a habit.

“Hmm… there’s almost no talk about Chiyou. Well, the access restriction just got lifted, I suppose.”

In a place like the internet where conversations openly spread, there was unlikely to be frequent mention of the secret information organization led by Chiyou. Most mid-level or lower users wouldn’t even know the existence of the Shinobi Group.

“It’s only been one death, so there’s no change in the rankings… If Chiyou gets eliminated, who will be the new entrant in the top ten?”

Leeha was certain. Byulcho’s grudge was not to be taken lightly. They would invest their time and opportunity cost, ensuring to kill Chiyou at least three times.

That’s only if Chiyou delays her login, but if she carelessly continues to log in, she might die five times, maybe even ten.

“In other words, a ranking drop is a foregone conclusion. Among those who will benefit is the current 11th-ranked user.”

Being in the top 100 of Middle Earth already allows one to make a name, but the power of being in the top 10 is on a different level.

The person who might feel this the most is naturally the one who narrowly missed entering the top 10. Leeha knew who the 11th-ranked user was.

While looking at the official ranking of Middle Earth, Leeha checked the user in 11th place.

The first thing that caught his eye was the nationality!

“Phew, it’s Fibiel. An American.”

To Leeha, the real-world nationality was secondary, as what mattered most to him was what happened inside Middle Earth.

“The nickname is Prea. Alias ‘White Snow Spirit’. Wow, look at that cool nickname. By the way, all the rankers have powerful nicknames. Don’t I have something like that? I should be somewhat famous by now.”

Alexander with the nickname ‘The Great’, Lee Jiwon with the indifferent and chic -in Leeha’s view, undoubtedly deceiving everyone- ‘So easy’, Ram Hwajung the ‘Ice Witch’, Bobae the ‘Bow Beauty’ and so on, all had nicknames that showcased their identity.

“Even Luger has the nickname ‘Warmonger, War Mercenary, Dragon Slayer.’… But seeing ‘Sleeping Kidd,’ I think it’s better not to have one.”

The only thing to comfort (?) Leeha was the Three Musketeers!

Thinking of Kidd’s nickname, Leeha chuckled as he approached the Middle Earth connection device. A light flickered briefly on his smartphone.

“A message? Who could it be?”

Leeha knew better than anyone that he had no one to contact him.

At most, it would be people he could meet anytime in Middle Earth, so there was especially no need for messages or texts.

Leeha checked his smartphone, unable to hide his surprise. It was a contact from Shin Nara.

“Do you have time next weekend… Next week?”

Leeha immediately checked the calendar. Today was already Saturday. Exactly one week from now?

“Damn it… Of all times!”

It’s the departure date for Hong Kong. We should have met earlier! What should I do, Leeha pondered hard as he logged into Middle Earth.

“So, are you saying that Minis has withdrawn their proposal?”

“That’s right. Dame Shin. As I predicted, that woman was scheming Minis’s strategy from behind. His Majesty is also pleased.”

“Hmm, it was Lord Ha Leeha who killed that woman.”

“It’s more important to find out. Execution can be done by anyone, Dame Shin knows that, I believe.”

Lotzak showed a smile. Shin Nara lightly nodded her head with a ‘tsk’.

“Then, how will the territorial division among countries be handled in the New Continent?”

“Of course, we’re not just sitting on our hands. What we’ve proposed is a joint administration city. Using the mana relay towers as a basis, we plan to build a fortress-like city, where administrators from each country will be dispatched for joint management. In other words, 4 lords managing one city.”

“Such… administrative waste-“

“Exactly. Now that Minis’s proposal has been crushed, we need to bring about such administrative waste… to seize the initiative. Opportunities often arise from crises, after all.”

Once the conversation, neither informal nor formal, ended, Lotzak’s lips curled into a half-smile.

Even from their manner of speaking, the relationship between Lotzak and Shin Nara was evident.

The role of a magic battalion commander isn’t just to cast protective magic on the palace and lead the magic battalion in war.

As one of the smartest NPCs, he also plays a role in proposing agendas for major national affairs.

Shin Nara, already aware of the facts, could only reconfirm Lotzak’s intelligence.

‘Indeed, a distasteful NPC. Someone who can execute a plan that inflicts 100 damage on the enemy country without flinching at the 50 damage it causes to his own country.’ Theoretically, there’s nothing wrong with it.

To win, one must not shy away from any means or methods. But still, it was a proposal that was hard to accept emotionally.

“When Ha Leeha-kun – no, Lord Ha Leeha – arrives, please convey this fact. Even after the joint administration city in the New Continent is established… I’m counting on you.”

Lotzak moved down the corridor with a smooth motion, like stepping on clouds.

Having heard everything from Lotzak, Shin Nara still couldn’t bring herself to trust him completely.

‘On the same side, but I have to start by doubting whether what he says is true… Sigh.’

If it’s all true, would this proposal actually benefit Fibiel? Was the king really satisfied? Although a special envoy from Minis came, Shin Nara couldn’t attend this time.

The special envoy from Minis demanded strict confidentiality.

With Chiyou gone, they likely wanted to hide their disadvantaged situation as much as possible.

Therefore, the negotiation was conducted entirely by NPCs including the king, Lotzak, the captain of the guard, and Minis’s special envoy, and Shin Nara, who was waiting outside, could only hear about the results now.

She couldn’t just not talk about it. After all, Middle Earth is a game, and there’s a fundamental rule that ‘at least one player should get a hint.’

‘I should inform Leeha-ssi about this first-‘

Leeha: Nara-ssi!

Nara: Ah! Leeha-ssi! I was just about to contact you!

Leeha: Oh? Really? Ha, did telepathy work?

Nara: Telepathy, how childish.

Whispering childishly, Shin Nara bowed her head even though Leeha couldn’t see her expression, feeling embarrassed nonetheless.

Leeha: Ah, it’s not that. It’s about the message you left. I have to go to Hong Kong that day…

Nara: Oh my? Hong Kong?

Leeha: Yes. With Kijung — Wow, that sounds fun! Why Hong Kong? Disneyland? I heard it’s a good time to visit. Or is it for shopping?

Nara: That, no, it’s like… well, shopping might be a part of it, but– Yes, yes, right. I think I heard it from Bobae. Kijung said he’d be going to Hong Kong soon. So, it’s with you. How many days and nights?

Leeha: Uh, well… actually, it’s at Ram Hwayeon’s invitation.

Shin Nara’s eyes widened momentarily, but soon she exhaled with a ‘hmm,’ not feeling anxious or depressed as she once would have been.

Nara: Hmm, I see. Ram Hwayeon, huh… Okay, have fun

Leeha: Ah, yes.

Nara: Oh, I wanted to contact you about the special envoy from Minis who visited. About what happened…

Shin Nara relayed to Leeha what she heard from Lotzak.

Not just the objective facts, but also her own judgment on Lotzak’s expressions and actions, which would be of great help to Leeha.

Leeha: I see. Well, first, the paleos in the vicinity will need to be cooperative. Managing them will be one of the main tasks for the lords dispatched from each country.

Nara: It seems so. Anyway! I need to head back to headquarters now! We’ll whisper again next time!

Leeha: Ah, okay.

Shin Nara’s voice was bright.

To Leeha, it seemed odd that she wasn’t disappointed, considering how her hopes were dashed. And there was another reason for the slight smile in her voice.

Nara: Bobae!

Bobae: Oh, Nara.

Nara: What are you doing next Saturday? You have a passport, right?

Was it because she had been tormented too much by Petyr, the insane clown of Surprise, that her character seemed to have changed a bit towards startling others? Of course, this was something Leeha could never have imagined in his dreams.

“Hmm, I’m glad Ms. Nara seems so cheerful, but it also makes me anxious.”



“Even Blaugrunn and Jellypong feel that way? Don’t lie. You two – no, you two beings – have been lying more these days.”

Leeha chuckled to himself.

It was amusing how the dragon and the essence of a water spirit seemed to agree with everything he said, nodding and responding.

As the sound of hammering echoed from the end of the street, Leeha reminded himself of his purpose.


“Ah, isn’t it the busy lord? Damn, when are you going to pay for those explosives you took last time?”

“Ugh, a demand for payment as a greeting. And wasn’t that a gift from ‘Chief Engineer’ for my lordship’s inauguration? Like a congratulatory gift for my appointment.”

“Ha, nonsense! Look, I’ve been pushing a lot of minerals lately, so I’m actually quite comfortable, but transactions must be clear! You – no, your lordship promised to pay.”

“Alright, alright. I’ll tell Paytor to pay immediately. Ah, but I came today for something else.”

Bottleneck’s sidekicks, the Beard Brothers, also approached, swallowing dryly.

The other worker dwarves were indifferent to Leeha’s presence, but the three dwarves who had been with him from the beginning were a bit different.

Especially when Leeha started saying things like ‘it’s not that.’

“What kind of… ridiculous request are you going to make this time?”

“Um, no, this time it’s a sensible request. Actually, you’ve made one before.”

“What, what is it?”

Leeha pulled out the Black Bass. With skilled hands, he detached the scope attached to the rail. After blowing off the dust, he handed the scope to Bottleneck with a smile.

“I want to change this… for a better one.”


“You know we need improved materials. You already know the basic structure of a scope. So, what materials are needed, what performance they offer, which parts require what materials, and how much and in what quantity? Please calculate that for me.” If real-world information can no longer be used, this was the only way left.

“…This is going to drive me crazy. I won’t be able to do anything else for a while.”

“But you stay here because it’s more profitable, right? How long will it take to understand the structure and run simulations? Oh! The performance should be about twice that of the current one. And the size must remain the same.”

Using the information within Middle Earth. That too, with the touch of an expert.

“You think it’s easy? The same size but double the performance? If it were that simple-“

“It’s not simple, that’s why I’m entrusting it to you, Bottleneck. I’ll push a lot of rare minerals your way, so please? Okay?”

And for such tasks, easily said as ‘grinding engineer NPCs,’ the most familiar user in Middle Earth would be Leeha.

Bottleneck sighed deeply as if the ground were sinking.

“I’m tied to a devil, tied to a devil…” he muttered a sound that reached Leeha’s ears. It couldn’t be helped. It was meant for him to hear.

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