TL: xLordFifth


“What do you think, Chief Mage?”

“That, um, well…”

Lotzak was flustered. It was inevitable. Even an AI NPC can’t accomplish everything. Given the system’s constraints, there are limits to what even he can do. Moreover, given his personal dislike of Leeha, Lotzak had intentionally set a tight deadline of ‘7 days’ to ensure Leeha’s failure.

“Surely… you weren’t completely unprepared. Without that woman who seemed to be manipulating the Minis envoy from behind, we could buy time and make a counter-proposal to Minis, as you said.”

“Of course, Your Majesty. But until we can verify this report-“

“It is true, Lord Lotzak. I guarantee it in the name of the Sacred Knights.”

“Truly, cough, hm, involved the Sacred Knights? If the involvement of our nationals is exposed-“

“Of course, we did not intervene. However, considering what Lord Ha Leeha has done for our nation, it’s unthinkable that he would lie before Your Majesty. I don’t know what ‘personal feelings’ Lord Lotzak might have, but I suggest not doubting Lord Ha Leeha.”

Leeha:_Nice timing! Nara-ssi, well spoken!

Nara: Do you think dealing with NPCs is easy? When it’s time, I get things done.

Lotzak had no grounds to object. Shin Nara perfectly and justifiably defended Leeha. The King’s nodding head already indicated the conclusion.

“So, what do you say, Lotzak?”

Lotzak bowed his head briefly, as did Shin Nara. To see such a cool and cynical NPC flustered was unexpected. Leeha had to avoid looking at him to keep from laughing.

“I have indeed thought about it, Your Majesty.”

“Then speak.”

“However, I cannot easily disclose matters regarding the land division in the New Continent. Our Mage Division is considering various options, and I will inform you before Minis requests an extension or makes a new proposal.”

Lotzak’s voice regained calm. A cunning fox isn’t easily rattled. Especially with his official position as Chief Mage, questioning his confident assertion was difficult. The King had to maintain the dignity of the Wizard Division’s head.

“Very well. Then… Lord of Gaza City.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

“Once again, I must highly commend your contributions. We are always grateful for your efforts for Fibiel.”

“It’s an overstatement, Your Majesty. I’ve simply done my best for our nation and you.”

“Hm, hm. Nevertheless, a worthy citizen deserves a reward. Access to select an item from the royal treasury, and… despite the tight schedule and difficult conditions, for your flawless completion of the mission-“

[Unknown to our Fibiel]

Reward: Title – Shadow Hitman

Access to the Fibiel Royal Treasury (Choose 1 item)

Fanfares rang in Leeha’s ears. What could this be? The name sounded impressive, but could it be all show?

“Awarding the title of Shadow Hitman, an unofficial special agent of the royal family.”

As the King finished speaking, a hologram window appeared before Leeha.

[Title: Shadow Assassin (S-)]

Unseen and unheard, fulfill the given mission.

My body is your shadow; no trace can be found from attacks borne of shadows.

Effect: Double additional effect on successful attacks from undetected state


Leeha barely held back his thought, ‘Isn’t this a bit much?’ A title specialized in assassination.

The birth of a new special agent, whose existence even the Fibiel Royal Palace denies. Lotzak was trembling.

Only after leaving the King’s audience chamber, Shin Nara asked Leeha.

“Leeha-ssi! What now? Another achievement?”

“No, this time… it’s a title.”

“A title? Eh, that’s a bit… Titles don’t stack, you know! Unless you don’t have any good titles? What rank is it?”

Duplication didn’t matter!

With this title alone, the title of Shadow Assassin, who needs any other title?

“Keek, I’ll keep it a secret!”

“Ah, come on! Tell me! Titles are generally lower than achievements… B+ rank? A- rank?”

“No way, no. I’ll tell you when we meet.”

An S- rank title could have effects equivalent to, or even surpassing, S-rank achievements.

But Leeha was more than satisfied.

Double damage on successful attacks from an undetected state!

‘But isn’t this crazy? Titles like Fearless or other buffs, even the Dark Elf’s Forbidden Rage, were only around 20-30%… This time it’s a multiplier.’

Leeha guessed the ‘undetected state’ condition must be challenging to meet.

Regardless of the assassination target’s strength, the challenge lies in remaining undetected until the final moment of the attack.

‘No, even Petyr, despite his personality, always gets noticed at the moment of attack.’

“If it’s a melee class assassin, it’s practically impossible to meet the undetected condition unless they literally jump out of the shadows. For ranged assassins, the need to close the distance for accuracy or the weapon’s range limit makes it difficult. Given the effect’s improbability, it’s virtually impossible for most professions in Middle Earth. But what about me?”

Leeha realized that for him, it was possible. That was the end of it.

“Even if they want to catch me, they can’t! By the time they hear the gunshot and realize ‘it’s an assassin!’, they’ll already be dead.”

Leeha’s primary sniping range of 1,000 meters almost never led to detection. At that distance, the bullet reaches faster than the sound.

“Why are you laughing to yourself? Must be something really good.”

“No, just… being here with Nara-ssi.”

“What- what- huh?”

“Ah? Huh? What, what did I just say?”

Leeha, who had let his true feelings slip while giggling, saw Shin Nara’s playful movements suddenly freeze. Leeha looked down. So did Shin Nara. She wanted to ask,

‘Were you serious about what you just said?’ But she didn’t. She knew that an embarrassed Leeha would stutter and say, ‘I misspoke!’

Rather than hearing that, she preferred to keep his unguarded words close to her heart.

The joy of besting Lotzak and receiving a powerful title vanished from Leeha’s mind, leaving only blank thoughts.

‘What the heck did I just say? Ah, darn it!’

As they walked in silence to the central palace entrance, Shin Nara finally spoke.

“…When will I see you outside?”

“Ah, outside. Right. Must see you. Yeah. I’ll, um, contact you.”

“Okay, then… see you…”

Shin Nara, without properly saying goodbye, quickly disappeared. Leeha finally breathed a sigh of relief.

“Whew… what was I even doing… Anyway, let’s quickly take care of business. Excuse me, guard?”

“Please speak freely, Lord Ha Leeha.”

“Could you call the Deputy Finance Minister Lerik for me? I have something to discuss regarding the royal treasury.”

“Of course, I’ll inform him immediately.”

Even without Shin Nara, Leeha’s [Dignity] buff ensured that routine matters could be handled without issue. Shortly after the guard left, NPC Deputy Finance Minister Lerik hurried over. The feeling of being treated well was undeniably pleasant.

“The procedure is the same as last time.”

“Yes, I know. One opportunity! Can’t be changed once chosen, right?”


“Ah, by the way… [Summon: Partner]!”


Leeha summoned Blaugrunn, who had been away while he was in the palace. Lerik shielded his eyes from the bright cyan glow emanating in the dim underground.

[Kyuu Kyuu!]

“A… Dragon!”

“Heh, Lerik-nim. May I enter with my friend here?”

As Lord of Gaza City, Medal of Honor recipient, [Dignity] buff holder, and now with a dragon hatchling, Leeha’s request was not something Lerik could refuse.

Leeha and Blaugrunn entered the royal treasury.

Clank, clank, the sound of gold coins being stepped on echoed. Leeha inhaled deeply with a blissful expression.

“Ah, perfect. Treasure is always thrilling.”

[Kyuu Kyuu!]

A fondness for gold and treasures is common among all dragons. Excited, Blaugrunn fluttered around Leeha. Then Leeha remembered something.

“Wait, there’s Blaugrunn’s lair, right? I’ve never been. When will you take me?”


The five items owed by Blaugrunn! While the items Blaugrunn had brought helped greatly in restoring Gaza City, Leeha had made it clear those were separate from the promised reward. Meaning there was still more to “collect.”

“Oh! Can’t pretend you don’t know!”

[Kyuu… Kyuu?]

“But you’re going to act like that? You understand everything when it comes to food or battle!”

[Kyuu, Kyuu…]

Blaugrunn shook its head, feigning ignorance. When acting like this, there’s no way to communicate. Leeha knew this all too well.

“Fine, maybe you’ll understand when you’re Juvenile-class. But even then, if you pretend not to understand and go ‘Kyuu Kyuu’, we’ll see.”

[Kyuu Kyuu!]

Blaugrunn smiled as Leeha gave up, confirming his suspicion that it understood perfectly.

“Alright, let’s search! This time, our goal is one: the Firewisp Wooden Gloves! Blaugrunn, like this. It should look like a set with my shoes. Find me an item like this, a ‘glove’ filled with mana. Okay?”


Blaugrunn had one reason to be there: to find items more accurately and quickly, to ensure nothing was missed. Determined not to respond even if Bailephus or the platinum dragon Bahamut spoke to him, Leeha began rummaging through the treasure mountain.

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