TL: xLordFifth


A shot was fired again.


The running Shinobigumi members fluttered like pieces of paper, turning into a milky color.

‘No special method? I need to kill Chiyou quickly-‘

Although Leeha hit the target with a hasty adjustment and firing, there was no time to smile. The shouts coming from afar made it impossible.

“[Multiple Clones]!”

“[Shadow Expansion]!”

“[Diffuse Reflection]!”

Even if one person died, there were still thirty Shinobigumi members.

As soon as one fell, they immediately used their skills. The figures that were running seemed to multiply by three or more, and it wasn’t an illusion.

Most professions in the Shinobigumi specialized in moving in darkness. They had plenty of skills to inflate their numbers or hide almost invisibly. Moreover, they already knew how Leeha was attacking with what weapon. An intense attack that made defense impossible! But the weakness of a sniper is having to focus on one person! The Shinobigumi, adept in handling information, would have prepared for Leeha’s attacks.

“Damn it, why do they know so much about me?!” He had to shoot Chiyou.

Only she mattered! But how?! As long as the [Dance of Diplomacy] skill continued, hitting her was impossible for Leeha.

‘The only chance is to create an ‘unavoidable crossfire’ with Blaugrunn and fire simultaneously.’

But that required enough time. And now that he’d shown his cards, the chances of Chiyou being fooled again were extremely low. Should he approach for a bayonet charge?

‘Damn! That’s nonsense!’

How could he reach her through a barrage of assassins? Through the approaching Shinobigumi.

‘Fortunately, in this situation, Chiyou won’t run first.’

If she feels overwhelmingly advantageous, there’s no reason for Chiyou to flee. As evidence, she was still standing there, looking at Leeha. Positive thinking even in the current situation! Leeha relaxed his tension and quickly reloaded. Just waiting won’t kill Chiyou. He had to move. Act. Do something.

“[Multi-Warhead Shot]!”

Now, like this!


The shot bullet split into dozens and poured down.

“Ah, No!”


The attack was so sudden that they couldn’t even scream properly. But compared to the figures pulverized by the multi-warhead shot, only three actual ashen corpses were formed. More than twenty were mere clones. Using a high-level skill to catch only three was disappointing for Leeha.

“Ohoho, interesting. With that level of skill, there must be a considerable cooldown… So, is Leeha’s means coming to an end?”

Chiyou laughed.

Deploying thirty elite Shinobigumi members for this operation was a significant investment for her. But killing Leeha would definitely be a profitable deal.

‘If he dies here, he’ll respawn in a small town in Minis. We’ve already occupied the place where he’ll resurrect.’

Just one death was needed. Then it would be possible to perpetually hunt Leeha every time he logs in. Whether Leeha quits the game or not, it’s fine. Then he’ll eventually come to her. The [Contract] will be a great constraint.

‘Finally… Hoho, finally getting a good chess piece.’

Chiyou shivered with joy. The gunshots kept ringing, but they echoed hollowly in the empty space of the Silver Plain.

Swoosh, swoosh, only the clones disappeared.

The Shinobigumi members had almost reached Leeha’s sniping spot, the few bushes of the Silver Plain.

“Good, good. Catch him! Capture Leeha!”

Chiyou was excited like never before. During the expedition to the new continent, she had never shown such a disheveled look. Her face was distorted with joy and ecstasy.

And just as her face was smeared with joy, a massive explosion interrupted Chiyou’s words.


“-What…?” Chiyou couldn’t believe it when an explosion occurred. After the explosion, hundreds of metal ball bullets unleashed overwhelming firepower. Although only three were killed with the multi-warhead shot, more than five were eliminated with a single explosion. Including the vanished clones, it seemed like over thirty figures had evaporated.

“What is that…?”

When Chiyou was in disbelief, Leeha in the woods smiled.

“Hehe, this time it’s not a ‘makeshift’ one. It’s the ‘real’ claymore, filled with the soul of Bottleneck.”

Was such extensive preparation necessary just for sniping? Of course not.

“Be careful! There’s something in the woods – Ah!”


Another explosion occurred, this time with a massive flame reaching the treetops.

Sasuke, who arrived first at the forest but hesitated to enter, stepped back a few steps due to the explosion’s power.

“Ah, should I have mentioned that I didn’t just make claymores?” It was the moment when the true nature of the items Leeha had asked Bottleneck in Gaza City to make was revealed. Easily installable and with several times more destructive power, the ‘real’ booby traps began to shine.

“Let’s have some fun, Shinobigumi friends.”

Leeha stood up with his sniper rifle. The forest in the Silver Plain wasn’t large. He needed to avoid getting caught in his own traps while ensuring they were sufficiently activated.

“Sasukeeee! Leeha is escaping! Chase him!”

“Yes! All Shinobigumi, advance!”

Hearing Chiyou’s loud voice, Sasuke had no choice but to move cautiously, step by step.


Chiyou flinched. She still lightly swayed her body, maintaining the [Dance of Diplomacy] skill. The mapping skill was over. Chiyou had a valid reason for only using the [Dance of Diplomacy].

‘It’s impossible. I didn’t move for even an hour after stopping. Just about 40 minutes?’

How did he get such equipment so quickly? When did he have the time to set up so many traps? And why would he even think of setting traps?

Chiyou chewed on her lip in frustration.


Another explosion and scream echoed outside the forest. Chiyou was monitoring the guild members’ situation in real time. Two more logged out due to the strange noise!

The casualties were increasing rapidly, yet there was no news of capturing Leeha.

What was the Musketeer doing now?!

Chiyou: Sasuke! What are you doing?!

Sasuke: Okasan! Ha Leeha’s movements are more agile than expected

Chiyou: Of course! It is correct to say that his agility stat has already exceeded 2,500! Are you going to catch him simply by his movements?

Sasuke: Sorry! But it’s not just that. He moves like a monkey, jumping through trees. We can’t catch up with him. Something invisible seems to assist his movement…

Chiyou: Climbing trees? A Musket-tier with such a skill-


A roar that seemed to engulf the entire forest in red light interrupted Sasuke’s whisper. That’s when Sasuke’s whispers stopped.

Chiyou was anxious.

What exactly was happening?

In the forest, thirty elite Shinobigumi members and Sasuke could suppress two or three tankers outside the top ten simultaneously. Yet, they were struggling against a single opponent who wasn’t even a tanker.

‘The space is locked. No one can come or go. Does Leeha really think he can kill everyone, including Sasuke? Impossible! He’s a Musketeer. How is this even happening?’

The Holy Grill’s information guild wasn’t the only one investigating Chiyou. Shinobigumi also knew everything there was to know about Leeha. Recently, Leeha’s only movements, if not in Gaza City, were hunting, hunting, hunting. Chiyou carefully opened her bag. The space lock lasted only 15 minutes. About 10 minutes had passed, and if Leeha could kill the rest, including Sasuke, in the remaining 5 minutes?

‘Even the possibility of that happening seems dangerous. What if he really reaches me?’

Riding a bear that spat fireballs and roared while digging through the ground, he might come to kill her. Chiyou’s worries were becoming a reality.

At this moment, Chiyou felt a strong obsession with Leeha. Such a person with these abilities?!

More skilled in trap utilization than a Trapper, better at tactical analysis than an Oracle, with the ultimate advantage of a long-range dealer in extreme attack power and long-distance shooting!

“Well, even so, it’s impossible to kill me.”

Despite a bit of worry, Chiyou wasn’t trembling in fear. Explosions, loud noises, and gunshots continued, and now less than ten Shinobigumi members remained, yet she was confident.

‘As long as I survive this game… I won’t lose.’

Leeha’s goal was ‘Chiyou’s assassination.’ Even if she failed to achieve that goal, Chiyou could still gain. The only disappointment was the opportunity cost of deploying Shinobigumi members elsewhere, but that was something she could easily recover.

A mix of ease, worry, excitement, and curiosity swirled inside her. This was why she played Middle Earth. Confidence and assurance in controlling everything, with the presence and stimulation of an opponent who breaks all those sensations!

“This is why I can’t quit this game. Ahhh…”

She shivered as if embracing a loved one. That’s when she heard a strange noise.



It sounded like hammering, but the resonance was different. A hammering that echoed throughout the Silver Plain?


The second and third noises followed. The intervals shortened, and the sound grew louder. Chiyou was bewildered. What was this now?

Chiyou: Sasuke! Where is Leeha? Is he far? If it looks like we’re failing, at least report it!

She whispered to Sasuke but received no response.


With the fourth sound, she was certain. Something was wrong. Leeha had another hidden trick! She must escape!


The fifth hammering sound came with a shattering noise. A sound loud enough to make one cringe, as if all the windows of a giant building shattered.


Chiyou wrapped her arms around herself, crouching down. The sound, touching a primal fear, indicated something she now understood.

‘There’s still about 2 minutes left?!’

It was the sound of space lock collapsing. The purple barrier shattered like broken glass. Chiyou reached into her bag. She grabbed and tore a teleport scroll in less than a second.


The sound of the paper tearing was futilely split in the air.

“Sigh… That was close. Long time no see, Chiyou?”

“Y-You- Why are you here-“

“Why? You’re asking me that? Really? You don’t know why I’m here?”

The polite male voice and attitude changed in an instant. Chiyou tried to tear another teleport scroll, but it was still unresponsive.

“You can’t try to escape from a Sage. If I knew you were the head of Shinobigumi during the New Continent expedition, I would have sent you right down to the Dragon Palace. You must’ve had a hard time hiding, right?”

His smile was anything but friendly. The man in front of Chiyou was Sage Hyein. For ‘incidents caused by Shinobigumi’, he was a user with much to say.


TL’s Corner:

Revenge is at hand. It’s going to be so satisfying.

TL’s Corner:

Weekly Chapters Released: 2/7 Chapter of the week

Pending Monthly Bonus Chapters: 2/2

Debt counter: 2

If you find any grammar issues, errors, or unintelligible sentences, feel free to leave a comment or join our discord server so I can rectify any mistakes I made.

Finally, with the speed of releases, I am going to be debt free by February!


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