TL: xLordFifth


“If that’s true – what happens when you fire at a target inside a locked room 100km away?”

[Unconditionally, you can hit anything. And if it hits, it kills.]

If these conditions are all true, does it mean that when the sealed room is opened, the target inside will be found dead? It’s an absurd assumption, but Kaztor was speculating that even this might be possible.

Leeha thought that if he became Matan’s Shooter, he could dominate Middle Earth. That’s why he pondered, ‘What happens if you kill God? Would the Ezwen Theocracy perish? Or could he threaten to kill the Demon King’s fragments, Bluebeard, and others, and thereby control them?’

As his thoughts progressed, it caused him a headache, and a question arose. Matan’s Shooter is currently a member of the Demon King’s army?

‘That can’t be! If Matan’s Shooter is stronger than the Demon King’s fragments, why would he join them? No, if he has joined, shouldn’t he be close to leading the Demon King’s army?’

Why? For what reason?




All three of them groaned, but they could not find any answer. They had discovered certain facts about Matan’s Shooter, but all questions couldn’t be resolved without trying it out firsthand. However, Kaztor’s laboratory, where more information could be gathered, likely didn’t exist anymore. So, only two options remained to answer all their questions.

“What will you two do?”

“What else? We simply ask Kaztor himself. Based on the keyword that he ‘stopped by 20 years ago’, we can ask Jorje and other mystical creatures.”

“Right, that makes sense. This lab’s data is, at most recent, 30 years old – it can’t compare to what happened 20 years ago.” Kidd’s response was to seek slightly more updated information. But even as he spoke, Luger snorted in dismissal.

“Looking for Kaztor? Why bother? There’s a simpler way.”

Luger, fiddling with his Cobalt Blue Python, had already decided on his course of action.

Considering his straightforward nature, and remembering where they were and the current situation, the method he found was simple, yet dangerous. Leeha quickly caught on.

“Going to Matan’s Shooter? Joining the Demon King’s army?”

“Heh, [Pierce] Brown… I can’t let some outdated NPC use my nickname. [Piercing] is for me alone.”

Luger seemed to have already decided that Brown, one of the old generation’s Three Musketeers, was Matan’s Shooter. There’s a clear strategy to exploit if Matan’s Shooter has a weakness of only being able to fire seven shots.

“Hmm… As for me -“

If Kid sets out to find Kaztor, and Luger goes after the NPC presumed to be Matan’s Shooter, what about Leeha? Kidd and Luger looked at him expectantly. But the answer they hoped for didn’t come.

“I need to think about it more.”

Unlike ‘Rapid Fire’ or ‘Pierce’, Leeha’s cautious nature could be likened to ‘Accuracy’.

He knew Matan’s Shooter was formidable but felt instinctively that he couldn’t do anything immediately. What should be his priority? When it came to prioritizing tasks, no one could beat Leeha.

“If you’ve gathered everything, let’s get out of here.” Leeha casually slipped the booklet into his bag and left the lab.

“Did you get your friend’s stuff?”

The eldest gorilla paleo was indeed waiting outside. How long had they spent inside, going through and collecting documents?

“Yes. We have gathered all the documents and books Kaztor left behind.”

“Hmm. We don’t know where our friend is, so we’ll have to ask for your help.”

Hearing paleo’s response, Kidd opened his mouth to speak but then closed it. He probably wanted to ask about Kaztor’s whereabouts, but now wasn’t the time.

‘Besides, it doesn’t make sense logically to ask about Kaztor’s location now after they’ve agreed to deliver his belongings. Any unnecessary questions would only decrease our intimacy.’

Intimacy, even at 100%, doesn’t remain forever. Suspicious behavior or causing harm can decrease it at any time. Of course, achievements won’t disappear, but for the Three Musketeers who need even the slightest bit of information, the situation was anything but convenient.

“How long were we inside?”

“Outside, the sun is already high in the sky.”

They had entered before midnight, but now it was not morning but lunchtime. The Three Musketeers were astonished at their concentration. They had been sifting through documents for nearly 12 hours.

“I’ve never even studied that long during exam periods.”

“Figures. I knew you weren’t much of a studier.”

“What are you talking about? That’s not what I meant!”

“No one said anything.”

As Leeha became flustered, Kidd chuckled and pulled his hat down. It was no use getting upset.

“So, we have two and a half days left until it ‘opens’?”

“Considering the time we spent escaping from the Red Wood Forest and other factors, that seems about right.”

This meant they had a little over two days left until Hyun could bring Warp Gate members, allowing regular users to travel to the New Continent. The Three Musketeers couldn’t afford to waste more time. They had achieved the Hall of Fame feat and discovered Kaztor’s lab, but to fully benefit from the ‘privileges’ exclusive to the New Continent expedition members, they needed to do more.

“Eldest brother. Take me outside.”

“Me, me too! Me as well.”

“Just send all three of us out.”

Luger grabbed the eldest gorilla paleo’s arm first. Leeha and Kidd quickly followed suit.

“Are you not going to say goodbye to the guardian deity?”

“We’re not leaving forever; we’ll be back soon. Oh, if we want to come here again, should we contact you from the clearing?”

“Hmm. We always keep a close watch on the affairs of the surface. If our friends, you all, wish it, we will come to meet you anytime.”

The eldest gorilla paleo nodded. Since Leeha didn’t have extra save points in his crystal ball, this was a necessary choice. Perhaps Luger and Kidd didn’t feel the need to save due to their nature. They also didn’t feel regret as they learned another possible method through Leeha’s question.

“Let’s go!”

“Moving out.”


Moments later, the Three Musketeers had left the underground city.

The sun, starkly different from artificial light, was blindingly bright. The Three Musketeers squinted, shielding their eyes from the sun.

“I’ll go report to the guardian deity. Let’s meet again next time.”

“Thanks eldest brother.”

Luger, who had been individually closest to the eldest gorilla paleo, bid farewell, and the giant immediately performed a spatial teleportation. Now, only the three of them were left in the vast clearing. Luger was the first to turn around.

“The alliance ends here. Don’t expect any favors when we meet again.”

“Given that there can only be one Matan’s Shooter, it’s a natural conclusion.”

Despite Luger’s grumbling threats, Kidd could only snicker in response. Quickly replacing the bullets in his Crimson Geckos, Kidd too turned in a different direction from Luger. Trudging along, Leeha clicked his tongue, watching Luger and Kid leave with just a word each.

“Always so unappreciative… Take care! See you next time!”


As Leeha shouted, a teal light flashed. Left alone underground, Blaugrun hurried after Luger, then turned to shout at Kid.

[Kyuu Kyuu! Kyuu Kyuu Kyuu!]

Despite Blaugrun’s cries, Luger and Kidd didn’t look back. The cute and adorable Hatchling. They really wanted it but knew they could never have the ‘Halihali-specific item’. Jealousy mixed with envy was why they tried not to pay much attention to Blaugrun.

“Hehe, you had fun hanging out with those guys too, didn’t you, Blaugrun?”

[Kyuu, Kyuu.]

Regardless of their reaction, Blaugrun liked Luger and Kid. Spinning above Leeha’s head, Blaugrun’s actions made it clear.

Leeha grinned and smiled.

“Alright, our goal is – first, exploration! Gathering various information! And… new ingredients and recipes! Deal?!”

[Kyuu! Kyuu!]


“Great. We need to hurry if we’re feeding Koma too. Let’s go!” 

On a sunny day, with the sun shining brightly over the Red Wood and the clearing of Erika New Continent, the Three Musketeers set their next goals.


Running across the field was a herd of beasts.  With sleek bodies, long, slender legs, and bushy tails, they resembled horses, but their short necks and upturned noses were more like a pig’s face. They seemed to be running towards a goal, all facing one direction – not by sight, but by smell.

Their noses twitched, sniffing the air, quickening their pace, yet there were no visible life forms in the direction they were running towards.


“Kuiiiiiik, Kuiiiiiik!”


Their cries, similar to pigs, began to spread. Running much faster than the horses of the Lope continent, the ‘eyes’ of these creatures finally spotted their target. On a hill in the grassland, a random plate lay. On it was a piece of well-cooked, steaming meat.

The creatures had smelled this single piece of meat from over 1km away and sped up to reach it.

“Kuiiiiiik, Kuiiiiiik!”


It was an unbelievable sight, but they were used to it by now. For Leeha, it was something that he was still not used to.

“Pigs are so sensitive, so noisy – these foals!”



Suddenly, a figure appeared on the hill where the plate was.

The foals screamed and scattered, but Leeha couldn’t let them go.

“This time I’ll capture them, ‘Soul Link’! And Blaugrun, Jellypong!”


A red light glowed in front of Leeha’s eyes. He could feel it even with his eyes closed.

His soulmate was created by now, the emerging Bronze Dragon, and the stretching arms of Jellypong. All the attacks aimed to catch the quick foals, who started to turn around frantically.

The reason for the clear sight was simple. He had tried several times but hadn’t succeeded in a whole day! Capturing the quick and agile foals, faster even than Jellypong’s stretching arms, and dodging Blaugrun’s mana before it could reach them, was nearly impossible.

Leeha had one remaining method, but having wasted it before, he was extremely frustrated.

“Damn, luring Koma with meat was a mistake. Couldn’t even use it once because of the cooldown – Koma, burn them all!”

But now it was possible!

Leeha, determined to make up for the lost 24 hours, commanded fiercely.

Fwoosh, flames seemed to burst from Koma’s body, which was no longer just a large bear.


The bellow of the field boss ‘Fire Bear’, capable of inducing [Fear], resounded powerfully.

Despite the earth-shaking vibrations as the foals ran, Leeha’s eyes caught a clear sight.

Four foals, paralyzed and squealing in place… The plan had finally succeeded.

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