TL: xLordFifth


[Finally found a place to settle. It took quite some time to get here through the redwood forest to meet them, but I believe it’s a safe choice. Since arriving here, the creatures I observed, like goats and cranes, have had no deficiencies. Creatures with no deficiencies are bound to betray at some point.

For the appearance alone, Jorje and the paleos, who used to roam around only because they were in charge of labor, express infinite gratitude towards me. A mystical creature that can’t even be considered a mystical creature. It’s a small cave made with magic in the weakest spot, but it will be a comfortable refuge for them. Especially with the magic of labor enhancement, it might transform into a vast underground city according to their will…

But I have no intention of helping them to that extent. The deal ends here. My tribe also survived with its own strength. The weak are destined to perish. By now, I wonder what my tribe is doing. I need to finish the research quickly. Now that I have settled, all that remains is to immerse myself.]

“Indeed. It was Kaztor who taught them spatial teleportation. A fascinating trade.”

“Heh, he even made the underground space for them. At that time, it was just a narrow cave.”

Speculation and confirmation are different. They had a rough estimate, but the sheer joy and satisfaction when it became perfect were incomparable. When Luger and Leeha had proud expressions, Kidd nodded with a slightly different feeling.

“As expected.”

“What do you mean by ‘as expected’?”

“Sympathy… that’s why.”

“Why are you suddenly talking like that?”

“No, nothing.”

Kaztor teaching Jorje and the gorilla paleos about spatial teleportation, and bringing them here was already known. Kidd, however, was puzzled about the reason behind it.

‘Considering the character setting of Kaztor, there’s no way he would accept a ‘deal’ without hesitation. Choosing them might be due to some empathy for the persecuted and wandering Dark Elf race.’

The ugly Jorje probably led his few Paleos, not even receiving divine treatment, as mentioned in the diary. Encountering them by chance, Kaztor probably proposed a deal, resulting in the current situation. Kidd fully understood this setup.

“Quickly move on to the next one. So why exactly did he come here?”

“Wait a bit.”

At Leeha’s urging, Luger placed a scroll with the nearest date in the middle. Just as speculated, they can completely transform their appearance without using mana. The fact that goats and cranes behaved like that in the forest with red trees wasn’t due to the terrain.

[It was clear that it was a different structure from polymorph or metamorphosis. Their ability remained unchanged both on the surface and underground. Even at a considerable distance from Jorje, they maintained their transformed state.

How? If it’s about receiving the energy of a specific object like a guardian deity or mystical creature and being able to use it autonomously, there should be changes based on the distance… This might be the keyword.

First, I would like to apply it to them.]

“You provided space underground, taught teleportation magic, and learned at most this transformation?”

“No, it’s a somewhat ‘special’ transformation, I’d say.”

“Both polymorph and metamorphosis are transformation-related skills.”

“There seems to be some keyword for not using mana.”

Although Leeha, Kidd, and Luger exchanged glances, it was difficult for them to understand why Kaztor needed transformation at the moment. Above all, it was a slightly surprising clue for Leeha.

‘Mana freeze definitely had an effect on the black cranes… They tried to transform, but couldn’t. But it’s not using mana?’

Then what about Black Bess’s skill, Mana Freeze?

It wasn’t just evaporating mana; it was truly an ability to block all skills at the source.

‘A fitting nickname – Tyrant, Predator.’

Increased confidence in his weapon.

Leeha, unable to completely hide his proud expression, finally revealed the story about another clue.

“What does it mean to apply it?  Did he try to conduct some kind of human experiment?”

“Haha, the attitude of not caring about means and methods for the sake of goals is admirable.”

“Well, feeling empathy – no, the NPC set up like that, having excessive empathy, is doubtful.”

The three organized their thoughts again and picked up the next scroll. The dates had passed considerably.

[It didn’t resonate with them either. Before transformation, after transformation. Although they had a structure quite similar to humans, they were still different.

Is it because there’s something I’m missing? No, that couldn’t be. All the transmitted data exclusive to our compatriots has been thoroughly searched. Rumors like the Wood Elf maidens and the nonsense of humans with missing thumbs were sufficiently verified and re-examined.

Then it’s certain. Humans… only humans. But humans are unreliable… eventually, a decision has to be made. After all, isn’t that why I came here? I was momentarily shaken by seeing a new race. Kaztor, gather your thoughts. In the end, there is only one way.]


“His hatred for Wood Elves or humans is immense. Well, it’s understandable.”

“The meaning of having only one way is not clear, but it seems like a firm decision at this point.”

Now, there were only two scrolls left. Although quite some time had passed compared to the previous ones, there was still a considerable time difference between the two scrolls. Leeha and Luger’s pupils dilated as they quickly skimmed through the scrolls.

“Wha… what is this? This… does this mean what I think it does?”

“No, wait! That’s not important. What’s written below-“

Kidd also wanted to point out their excitement, but he too fell silent while looking at the lengthy scroll he had picked up.

“The origin… was here.” 

The answer that no one could be sure of and was only speculated upon was written here.

[Today is a memorable day. It’s not just because almost 20 years have passed since coming here. It’s not because the somewhat narrow cave has expanded. It’s because I finally succeeded in the experiment. Although there were some unstable times, it was unmistakable. Clearly, for a certain period, I had achieved exactly what I wanted.

Now, everything is over. If that event didn’t happen, I would have decided right away today. However… it didn’t go as planned. At the very last moment, I hesitated. No, perhaps this is the last chance created by my utmost effort.

There seemed to be some signal connecting to the mystical creatures.

The reason why Jorje showed extreme signs of anxiety and jumped might be because of that. There were also three strange auras that I vaguely felt.

Demon King’s Fragment…

You can tell without experiencing it.

If they are gathering demonic energy, concentrating, and moving, there is only one possibility.

They are going to cross the sea.

The reason for this is also clear. It’s a reproduction of the Human-Demon War. They plan to initiate the second Human-Demon War.

If… if their goal is to reproduce the Human-Demon War, what choice do I have?]

“Human-Demon War! The Demon King’s army—It’s not like one day the Demon King’s army suddenly appeared. The remnants of demonic power from the Lope Continent didn’t suddenly erupt! Well, of course, there were probably still monsters around—”

“If that’s the case, then it becomes obvious why they fled to the New Continent at the last moment.”

“The birthplace of those rotten bastards was originally here.”

Why did the Demon King’s army suddenly escape to the New Continent after their defeat in the Second Human-Demon War? Because the origin of demonic power was the Erica New Continent! It was natural for remnants of monsters from the Loth Continent to persist after the First Human-Demon War. However, what about the Second Human-Demon War, which was said to have suddenly started one day? It means that the Demon King’s army crossed the Dawn Sea and landed on the Loth Continent to initiate it.

Whether it was annihilated from the sky or emerged from the ground, it wasn’t a vague question.

Of course, according to the Middle-earth setting, there were speculations about the demonic base being across the Dawn Sea, but there was hardly anyone with such clear information other than the three musketeers.

“Bluebeard shattered the Demon King’s Fragment… but if the origin of demonic power is on this continent…”

Gulp. Kidd, who was listening to Leeha’s speculation, swallowed his saliva. Are only the Demon King’s Fragment and Ghibrid and Pyrot Cocri sleeping here?

“…We must somehow prevent the Third Human-Demon War.”

It was evident that there would be even more powerful monsters as they became stronger.

Luger, too, unfolded the last scroll with a tense expression.

Leeha and Kidd’s gaze focused. The last words written on the scroll were too clear in their eyes, despite how unpleasant they were.

[It’s possible… it’s possible! There’s no guarantee it will go smoothly according to the plan, but it can be done. When everything ends successfully, we can finally go to the world of light.

At that time, there will be no fear of the Godslayer’s sword. It will be entirely possible to handle the aftermath after using demonic power.

If only it’s possible. If only we could get the right materials…! Now is not the time. All the information is already stored in my head. What is needed now is not research but action. I’m leaving.

All research on “Matan’s Shooter” is complete.

I will cross the sea again and find it there.

The only key to reviving our race.]

“Matan’s Shooter!”

“Matan’s Shooter—Research, the research is complete?!”

“It’s complete? No, it’s complete—no, it’s—”

Just the words “Matan’s Shooter” were astonishing enough, let alone what followed! The Three Musketeers were momentarily stunned, and stuttering was a sufficient expression.

“If all research on Matan’s Shooter is complete…”

“Does that mean he unraveled the secret? Damn it, that damn Kaztor guy. Where the hell is he doing all this!”


Luger slammed the desk forcefully.

An NPC who knows all the secrets that exist in the world! Moreover, to end the journal like this after chasing his footsteps so closely. If they find him, they might gain enough power to defeat even Alexander, the second promotion after Alexander!

His sense of injustice was fully understood. Leeha, while calming his surprised heart, revisited the journal once again.

“No, fools. When you think about it, it’s not surprising.”


“You idiots. You must have done the quest too. You already knew, didn’t you? That there’s a player with an incredible headshot skill against monsters located 10km away, and he’s with the Demon King’s army.”

“…Yes. It was clearly recorded.”

“He probably had a vague idea that it was Matan’s Shooter. In that case, it’s not surprising that research on Matan’s Shooter is complete. Of course, assuming that it is Matan’s Shooter when talking about that time…

During the Second Demon King War, when chasing the retreating Demon King’s army, there was a presence that hindered the footsteps of the Human Alliance. The Three Musketeers are well aware of that fact.

In other words, if there was ‘Matan’s Shooter’ at that time?

Considering Kaztor’s research that began 50 years ago, it’s natural to think that it has borne fruit.

Now, looking at the journal, there’s no need to be surprised. However, even if that’s the case, there was still a difficult aspect to accept.

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