TL: xLordFifth


With a snort and a puff, the goat leader spewed out its breath. Who wouldn’t be surprised to see a goat acting like that? However, beyond this spectacle, Leeha could infer something from their appearance.

The strength of these creatures clearly surpassed the usual level of monsters. 

“Originally, the setting sent users of this level to explore the new continent. If that’s the case, they must have designed it to be a stage where tremendously powerful entities are active.”

Even the mermaids encountered on the way here displayed immense strength. What about the NPCs of the new continent? If there were monsters, what level would they be? What about the items, achievements, quests, and rewards obtained by hunting these creatures?

“I wonder how my Black Bass will fare. Ah, yes! There might be creatures with exceptional vision among the monsters in the new continent. If they are far superior to the monsters of the old continent… Perhaps I could use them as materials to make a new scope?”

Leeha suddenly thought of the original reason why the new continent expedition came this far— they were looking for Bluebeard and the Demon King’s Fragments.

What if they woke up? 

‘Hmm, that’s a bit tricky. The city’s income has just started to get back on track, and if go back to the old continent and create chaos… No, no.”

Leeha had a practical reason why he wanted to stop Bluebeard. Although he was not able to go to Gaza City right now, he could infer it timing-wise. If there had been no major incidents so far, steward NPC Peytor would have filled the vault well enough. The only thing that could turn all that income into nothing was the Demon King’s Fragments. Regardless of what happens, that must be prevented.

The users moved according to the plans they made just before departure. Their movement was all about caution and vigilance. The fishing was over as of yesterday. In the silence and darkness of the voyage, there was no one showing signs of boredom.

Until the day broke. As soon as the sun rose, a sparse voice was heard.

“… Just endure for one more day. We’re almost there! Yongyong-nim’s hawk found seagulls!”

Fernand’s cheekbones seemed to protrude.



“Isn’t that the Giant Albatross or something? Are they real seagulls?”

“Yes! Real seagulls! We’ve finally arrived!”

Users, who had been tense and contemplative all night, were suddenly overwhelmed with excitement. Leeha, on the mast, also clenched his fists in joy.

‘Very good! It seems we safely passed through the place where those creatures were. Have they all gone back?’

Leeha was concerned that the creature who was able to sense him when he was invisible was waiting for them. Now, it was not a concern anymore. The appearance of the seagulls and the sudden narrowing of the gap are both evidence of a safe passage.

“We’ve arrived now! If we endure for another 24 hours, we’ll finally arrive! All expedition members, please carry out special reconnaissance and vigilance!”

Excitement surged as Fernand’s announcement echoed. According to his call, users explored their surroundings using every skill and item at their disposal.

Don’t appear. Don’t appear.

As if praying, everyone’s intentions unified into one.

Above all, as the ship advanced, the sea, changing from a blue to an emerald color, excited the users.

“No, they are not here. Finally! Finally!”

Indeed, that reconnaissance was the answer. If they had advanced the ship without looking around at that time, they would have been disturbed for sure. Leeha thought that there was not a single useless achievement among the skills and achievements they had gained so far, including the mermaid transformation skill. Thus, noon passed, and it became afternoon. And the journey remained peaceful until evening. The ship didn’t move fast, but everyone knew it was to gain propulsion after the sunset.

“The sun is setting… Let’s prepare for the final spurt. Rodin-nim, Eunchon-nim! Go up to the mast and prepare the searchlights! Depending on the shape of the coast, our docking distance may vary, so there is a high chance we’ll have to use boats at the end. Kraven team, be ready to get off the ship immediately!”

As the water depth decreased, the New Serpent and Blue Marlin ships could no longer proceed. There was a risk of grounding. From the time the sea turned red until the complete sunset, all preparations were already finished. There were no abnormal signals in any reconnaissance tools.

Now, only one thing remained.

“Full speed ahead——!”

“Let’s go, let’s go, go—!”

“Woohahaha, we’ve made it! We’ve arrived! faster, faster!”

With the acceleration skill, the two ships shot forward like arrows. Leeha, who had descended from the mast, extended his upper body as if he would be bounced off the bow and stared ahead. It happened to be a bright night.

“The visibility is bright. Good. Is it so good because it’s the reward for all the hard work? Or is Middle Earth helping to finish it cleanly and perfectly?”

As the moon passed over the head and a little beyond, about four or five hours remained until dawn! According to Chiyo and Rubini’s map and Leeha’s eyes, ‘it’ appeared.

“Is that it? Huh… It’s visible… Land… it’s here.”

“Land! We see land! Woohaha! Land, land! Look, Fernand-ssi!”

The sight of the land gradually rising as if standing beyond the horizon.

Even in the eyes of users, who had absorbed enough light from the bright moon and the ship’s searchlights, it was visible. As the ship progressed, the black on the sea gradually expanded. Finally, from this side to the other end of the horizon, a vast continent was clearly visible.

“Increase the speed! Increase the speed!”

“We’re already at maximum speed! Hey! Kraven’s rookies! Prepare the boats! Illuminate them well with searchlights! If you misjudge the depth, you might hit the ground when you come all the way here!”

Captain Burke also joined the excitement, saying, “Don’t worry, I know what to do since we’re already doing it!” Excited users buzzed around.

“Rubini-nim! Can you convert it into a 3D map? I need to investigate the nearby depths! Elmi-nim! Yongyong-nim, and Jin Gonggong-nim, please move for underwater reconnaissance!”

Fernand also hurriedly moved. His efforts to approach the continent as closely as possible without grounding the two ships paid off. Two more hours passed like that.

“It’s a typical convergent coast structure, most likely a combination of a coastal cliff and a coastal terraced coastline… It seems difficult to dock in this direction—Ah! Sands! Over there— Ha Leeha-ssi! Please check over there, is it a sandy beach?!”

Fernand, who was looking for a suitable docking place, made a fuss again. All searchlights and light magic were focused in the direction his finger pointed. Although it was not much light, it was enough for Leeha’s eyes.

“There is a sandy beach! It’s the coast!”

“Great! Captain Burke! Stop!”

“We’ve already stopped!”

Before Leeha’s words finished, Burke and Hook made the two ships stop. In an instant, the anchors were thrown, and the boats descended to the surface.

“Only those who don’t want to go to the new continent can stay behind! Jump on board!”

Hook was the first to jump onto the boat. There was no one who didn’t want to go. The 5 boats lowered from the New Serpent and Blue Marlin carried a total of 42 members, including 40 members of the new continent expedition, Fibiel’s General Inspector Shin Nara, and Bailephus. They swiftly headed towards the new continent.

In the dark night, the silhouette beyond the sandy beach was not clearly visible.

“Alexander-nim! New continent discovered – Isn’t it that we all step on the land together? No one is going to teleport first, right?”

There was no way the users did not know about the discovery experience.

Some users were shocked at Taoist Baeju’s words.

At the same time, there was a question about whether experience points would be divided by stepping simultaneously. Nevertheless, many users thought that they would be the first to step, even if it was just 1mm faster, amid such thoughts.

“Of course. Everyone steps on the land simultaneously.”

Alexander nodded. If a betrayer emerged within this agreement, they would have to turn the rest into enemies.

“But… what are those silhouettes? When I briefly illuminated them with the searchlight earlier, they looked like trees.”

The docking location had already been confirmed. The majority of the new continent’s coast consisted of towering rocks and rugged cliff-like terrain, with a small sandy beach at the center. The group was heading in that direction.

“I also thought they looked like trees, but… aren’t they too big? Are there trees that big?”

However, they hadn’t confirmed beyond the sandy beach and the coastal terraced terrain from the ship.

As the boat approached the sandy beach, the gradually revealed silhouettes emitted an eerie aura.

“Indeed. If the mountainous terrain continues from this cliff, it might make sense, but in that shape, it’s impossible…” 

What raised questions among the users was the ‘forest’ that started abruptly as soon as the sandy beach ended.

Initially, they thought it was a mountain, but upon closer inspection, it wasn’t. The appearance was as if gigantic trees densely covered the flatland just behind the plain.

‘It might look bigger at night. There are more trees higher than most skyscrapers.’

The numerous trees planted on the plain suddenly rose abruptly from the point where the sandy beach ended, reaching at least over 100 meters. A massive wall made of trees. Like a barrier delineating someone’s territory.


As the sound of gentle waves echoed once more, the five boats finally came to a halt. The boat’s keel sank into the sand, and the sensation reached even the legs of those on board.

“Is everyone ready?”

Users, positioned at the edge of the boat like track and field athletes waiting for the starting gun, were preparing.

“Let’s go!”


And just as promised, everyone leaped simultaneously towards the coast of the new continent.

Whose foot touched the ground first? Fortunately, Middle Earth showed mercy.


[You have discovered the new continent Erika.]

[You have gained discovery experience points.]

[Congratulations, everyone! The new continent Erica has finally been explored.]

[The map on the Middle Earth official website will be updated.]

[Level up.]

[Level up.]

[Level up.]


Achievement notifications, as well as various system notifications, covered the users’ view. Even if they wanted to read it properly, the dazzling white light emitted by users, including Leeha, disturbed their vision.

“Arr———ival is com—–plete!”

“Wahaha! Look at us leveling up! Look at us leveling up!”

“Amazing! We haven’t even completed the quest, and what’s up with the discovery experience points?!”

“Hehe, who cares about that? Anyway, it’s over! We’ve decorated a page in Middle Earth’s history!”

If shedding tears were possible, the seasoned users would have shed tears. Memories of the many challenges they faced to reach this point, the nightmares of entering the Dragon Palace’s territory where they encountered numerous powerful sea monsters, and the hardships and struggles surpassing even overtime in a company or the preparation days before an exam, all flashed through their minds.

After that, the days of chaos where they vied for each other’s items and information, and the political maneuvering they attempted were etched in their memories.

All of that had led to this moment.



Kijung lifted Bobae high into the air, hugging her tightly. The users around, including Hyein and Jinsung, had smiles of joy on their faces.

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