TL: xLordFifth


“He could have at least told us one thing before leaving.”

“We might have been a bit too much. Still, it’s Leeha-nim, so he won’t be as angry.”

“We ended up stirring the mood for no reason. Ugh… like missing a big catch, huh?”

Users had tasted a bit of remorse, but no one completely gave up on Leeha. Conversations among users, laughing and chatting, continued. Some even speculated about Rubini and Leeha’s relationship.

“By the way, Rubinie, why did she step up like that?”

“Is she his lover?”

“Hahaha! Lover? Come on, let’s not talk about these things among ourselves. Anyway, we’re all part of the New Continent Expedition, right?”

Laughter and chatter filled the air as users continued to interact. Chiyou, who had been pretending to gaze at the distant sea, finally began to move.

“Hey, Shin Nara-ssi?”


Chiyou greeted her with a bright smile. ‘I’m definitely not your enemy.’ With that innocent smile alone, any naive man could be disarmed.

“What’s going on?”

Shin Nara was no fool. She wasn’t about to open up to Chiyou, who suddenly approached as if they were old friends. Nevertheless, Chiyou started chatting away with a gentle smile, not giving Nara the chance to resist.

“Must there always be something significant for us to talk? I just wanted to express my gratitude for your hard work on the Blue Marlin, day and night.”

“Oh no, I just did what I had to do. There’s no need for thanks.”

“You’re so stiff. If you’re this rigid, won’t all the men run away? No, wait, maybe they already have…?” Sometimes like a tavern madam and other times like a neighborhood gossip.

Chiyou’s ability to subtly change the atmosphere to her liking while talking was truly remarkable. With a casual comment, she managed to get a slight reaction from the usually composed Shin Nara.

“What are you trying to say?”

“Oh, my, get a hold of yourself. It’s nothing. Hoho! I’m sorry for the misunderstanding last time. I thought Leeha-ssi and Shin Nara-ssi were in a romantic relationship. It wasn’t true, though. I must have misunderstood, and it made things awkward between you two. Right?”

“I’m sorry, but I really don’t understand what you’re talking about.”

Maintain an objective attitude. Any distraction could open up sincerity, and that must be avoided.

Chiyou’s seemingly casual remarks were, in essence, an ‘attack’ to open up the closed heart of Shin Nara.

She needed to ignore it. Just dismiss it, say it doesn’t matter, and end the conversation.

“Lovers… Certainly, we’re not lovers yet, but… Chiyou is behaving as if I and Leeha-ssi were once lovers and separated.”

However, Chiyou was bringing up words that touched Shin Nara in an odd direction. She was hinting at something strange. That point hit Shin Nara. Chiyou quickly scanned Nara’s expression and threw a final blow.

“Oh my. You two haven’t broken up or anything, right? With Rubini-ssii—”


When Shin Nara raised her eyebrows, Chiyou widened her eyes and clapped her hands together in surprise.

“Oops! Still, no breakups or anything? With Rubini-ssi—”


Shin Nara’s interruption was perfectly timed. Chiyou, expecting a reaction to the name, even feigned surprise and lightly tapped her own mouth as if she had made a mistake.

“O-Oh, no?! You really didn’t know anything? That’s a surprise! My, my, what a small world. I’m sorry; pretend you didn’t hear anything.”

“I would appreciate it if you didn’t mention the personal lives of other users, not just me.”

“Right. That’s right. It’s better not to. I just… noticed that Leeha-ssi and Rubini-ssi seemed close, holding hands and all… So, I assumed. I’m sorry, Shin Nara-ssi.”

Chiyou bowed with a flustered expression. Shin Nara sighed, observing her reactions.

Each gesture, each word—Shin Nara knew they were mere provocations, but she also knew how absurd and baseless they were. ‘If it were Ram Hwayeon or Ram Hwajung, maybe, but to insinuate something about Rubini whom Leeha-ssi met for the first time on this expedition…’

Then she turned her attention back to New Serpent.

Leeha and Rubini were walking together towards Mast, passing by Kijeong and Bobae. They weren’t holding hands.

“Um, excuse me, Shin Nara-ssi?”


“Why bother avoiding people all the way here?”

“Oh, come on. Let’s stay here. Rubini-nim, please have a seat.”

“Thank you… very much, Leeha-nim.”

“No need to thank me; I’m the one who should be grateful. Ah, when I first came back, everyone was keeping it low-key with Hyein’s issue and all. But now that we’ve got some breathing room, everyone’s going crazy.”

Leeha sighed, glancing around at the scattered users. The idea of fighting with sea monsters or dealing with fishmen seemed more comfortable than handling the current situation.

“Kiskis, maybe it was because of Ram Hwajung’s threat, but anyway, you shouldn’t be flaunting your talents like that. All the users here are starving for information, just like hungry sharks. It’s all because Leeha-ssi is too exceptional.”

“That’s right. It’s a bit overwhelming for Leeha-nim to be so unique.”

“Don’t say that, Biyemi-ssi, and Jin Gonggong, too. Don’t speak like that from the perspective of the one being targeted… Leeha-nim is suffering.”

As Leeha watched Rubini’s distressed expression, along with the laughter of the surrounding users, he couldn’t help but smile. Having flaws and imperfections made them more human and relatable, providing a sense of reassurance to their fellow players.

“Leeha-ssi, I want to know something.”

Surprisingly, someone approached Leeha while watching the scene. Hyein made a gesture as if adjusting glasses and sat down next to Leeha.

“Yes? What do you want to learn all of a sudden, Hyein-ssi?”

“Let’s analyze this coolly. Right now, Leeha-ssi has information that no one else knows. Correct?”

“Well… that’s true.”

“And that information holds significant value, and there are many who desire it. Right?”

“That’s also… true.”

Smirks and giggles erupted from Biyemi and Bobae as they already understood what Hyein was getting at. Hyein, like a teacher explaining to a student, patiently led Leeha to understand.

“When supply is one, and demand is many… in that situation, who could be in the position of a supplier?”

“…The supplier? So, you mean—”

Thunk! Hyein tapped Leeha’s head, and with a grin, continued.

“Leeha-ssi, you are the supplier. Haven’t you realized that with the information you have, you can not only avoid them but also have enough power to control them?”

As Hyein’s words sunk in, Leeha and Kijung exchanged surprised glances, realizing the implications of what was being said.

“Wow… What? Is that true?”

“Yeah, exactly. Why are you always being manipulated like this?”

The scene was so surprising that it caught the attention of the surrounding users.

“Kiskiskis, there’s a limit to being kind. At this point, he’s practically a fool.”

“Oh, Kijung-ssi! That’s what I meant when I asked you to give me advice earlier. What kind of advice can I give in this situation? You… didn’t understand the situation?”

“I might need to reconsider joining the Byulcho Guild. Haha… Biyemi, Bobae, and Jin Gonggong seemed disappointed.”

It’s not that they didn’t want to abuse their power, but they didn’t even have the awareness that they had to abuse their power.

“As expected of Leeha-ssi.”

“What? What do you mean?”

“Oh, well. It means you didn’t understand the situation?”

“Guild membership might need to be reconsidered. Haha… Biyemi, Bobae, and Jinkyung found it amusing.”

The conversation continued, and Rubini, who had been listening, expressed deep emotions, then bowed her head deeply. She couldn’t even make eye contact with Leeha properly.

At that moment, a whisper came to Bobae.

Nara: Bobae.

Bobae: Oh, Nara! Since we have nothing else to do, let’s chat!

Nara: No, it’s okay. Is Leeha there now?

Bobae: Yes, we’re together.

Nara: Who else is there?

Bobae: Again? Hmm…

Bobae informed Nara of the people present, including Kijung, Hyein, Biyemi, Jinkyung, and…

Bobae: Rubini-nim is also here.

Nara: … Rubyne-nim?

Bobae: Uh, yeah. Why?

Nara: Has Leeha, by any chance, u-

The two ships are sailing side by side. On the left is the Blue Marlin, and on the right is the New Serpent.

Since Kijung, Bobae, and others were gathered near the left stern deck of the New Serpent, if Shin Nara came to the right deck stern of the Blue Marlin, she could see them directly.

However, Shin Nara didn’t go. Not only did she not go, but she also felt a vague sense of frustration for some reason.

Even before Chiyou touched her, there was an uneasy feeling in her heart. It was similar to what Biyemi mentioned.

“Is he not coming to see me? What does he think of me?” 

She didn’t think that Leeha did not have feelings for her.

But what about a confrontation? How much did Leeha think about herself?

Her usual personality would have collided directly with Leeha. Serious and clear.

But a single word from Chiyoo was making things complicated in Shin Nara’s mind. It was not just a matter of Leeha and Rubini having a good relationship or having favorable feelings. The worry and concern that had grown in her mind were the real issues.

Chiyou had just thrown a spark in another direction, and it was Shin Nara herself who was trying to kindle the fire and fight against it.

Bobae: Leeha-nim… and what? Do you have any message to deliver?

Nara: No. Nothing. If there’s anything strange on the New Serpent, let me know.

Bobae: Uh, yeah. Got it. Take it easy!

After delivering the message to Bobae, Shin Nara focused on the surrounding situation again. Meanwhile, Bobae, along with Hyein and others, was in the middle of an unusual exercise, trying to figure out what kind of response would be appropriate in a hypothetical scenario.

“Now, let’s practice assuming a situation. The question is, ‘Leeha-nim! How did you achieve the achievement of underwater breathing?’ and the questioner is umm… Bald Panda-nim! So, what would be the appropriate behavior?”

“Uh, well…”

“Hehe, do we really need to worry about this?”

Looking at Leeha with a frown, Biyemi laughed as if he found it amusing, but Leeha was quite serious. Another person next to him, Kijung, was also taking it seriously, which seemed quite strange to the members of the Byulcho Guild.

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